15833897? ago

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15406186? ago


15405576? ago

Once you can see, the shills don't matter much as they are easy to identify. There are three types of people: 1) Those who can see; 2) Those who can see once shown; 3) Those who will never see.

15404814? ago

Monster Shiller Horror Theatre #countfloyd

15404605? ago

Great! They'll find out I hate niggers and Jews in real life too.

15404700? ago

They're here to find out who to hang, not to out in public.

15404448? ago

VOAT is built and run by the fat, sloppy neo nazi remnants of 4chan. No site is safe

15404301? ago

What could happen to an old boomer that post Q related content on QVR without hiding his IP? Should boomer worry that deep state will find him and charge him with crimes one day.

15404460? ago

Yea. People mock Q as a mossad psyop. But Q was already on an anonymous board. Why would Q point you to voat? Why would voat source code not show any IP logging as of 12/4/17, shortly after Q popped up, now it does log after Q sent you here. No new source updates since.

Remember that "D" post on qresearch talking about hanging anti-semites? What was QRV full of when everyone was sent here? The board was covered in anti-semitic posts to lure you in.

15404284? ago

Here's the thing. GOOD. Look at who am, boys. Were coming for you. Fucking cowards.

15404300? ago

Here's the thing. GOOD. Look at who am, boys. Were coming for you. Fucking cowards.

Who am boys? Less Engrish, more English, por favor

15404352? ago

Yo soy la chupacabra.

15404236? ago

Hey fucking Einstein... about time you WOKE up. Don't forget the shit for brains requirement for OP's.

15404309? ago

Hey fucking Einstein... about time you WOKE up. Don't forget the shit for brains requirement for OP's.

So eloquent. I hope to regress to your state one day.

15404223? ago

Even if they log your IP, is there a website that doesn’t? Most that have anything to fear would be using VPN.

15404325? ago

I'm more concerned about them lying about it when requested a partial IP reveal for mods. It infers nefarious intent.

15404453? ago

Nefarious intent by the mods?

15404470? ago

By site owners, mods only have a say in the handles, not the code

15404536? ago

Can a sub be run off of a different or separate node than the rest of voat?

15404685? ago

What? They have one authentication system and likely one server.

15404764? ago

Ok, I don’t know what kind of system they have. They did an upgrade about a week or so after QVR was started.

15404201? ago

Then why are you posting this in an anon subverse, moreover, QRV(trying to scare some folks away?)?

15404339? ago

I posted a link to a non-anon board post. The anon-board is just to wake those up thinking they're anonymous.

15404413? ago

Suuure it is. Weak effort, bud.