SaneGoatOySwear ago


Look I understand that in general people submitting pictures of cute cats is hard to consider as "spam" when it comes to v/aww, but can you please consider that using several sockpuppet accounts to bypass posting limits and appear to be several users instead of just one as an issue?

Especially on Christmas day, if all of their submissions to v/aww had been made from one account it would 100% have appeared to be spam, and people would have reacted poorly. However, it had the guise of being several users, and so it was only noticed by a few of us instead of the majority.

gabara ago

@Frostpuppy made ONE POST, @absurdlyobfuscated. ONE POST! OP is fucking nuts.

Its_over_9000 ago

50% upvoted

It's either because of OP's username or alt voting. But when I made a post calling these same accounts out it was heavily downvoted too.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Yeah, honestly, how is me linking to several posts, including Putt himself acknowledging that there is cancer in v/aww, really that worthy of this level of downvoating.

Nothing to see here, folks.

gabara ago

You've already been outed as the same user so big lols for you talking to yourself. ARCHIVED!

SaneGoatOySwear ago

You're going to take an archive of you accusing us of being the same person, then use that as proof that we're the same person? That's... hilarious to be honest. You're a funny guy.

gabara ago

Oh no no. When combined with a different archive, it will be a lot of fun.

middle_path ago

Oh Sane.

How was your Christmas?

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Ever sort out your long term potato storage?

And my Christmas was alright. Nothing fancy.

middle_path ago

No. I've just started eating my potatoes faster. I'm trying out a lot this year, maybe I'll get down with fingerlings or something.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

I always end up with more than I can eat in a timely manner. I mentioned it to you before but they'll last for a very long time if you bury them under about a foot or two of soil.

middle_path ago

I've hears that from a few other sources as well. I simply don't grow all that much. So this year (if I can afford it and have the space) I might grow a ton and try out a few different storage methods.

xenoPsychologist ago

just discover a way to make potato jerky. problem solved.

SeanBox ago

Lol. Fucking sanegoat

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Lol. Fucking v/Soapboxbanhammer user.

SeanBox ago

How much does your butt actually hurt, sanegoat?

gabara ago

@frostpuppy made ONE post today to v/aww. That is what triggered SJW OP.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SaneGoatOySwear ago

Yeah, I'm a complete SJW for pointing out and highlighting the subversion of Voat.

Feel free to argue any of the various points I've made. Or you know, just pretend like you don't have to because I'm an SJW?

gabara ago