SearchVoatBot ago

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SaneGoatOySwear ago

Climhazzard, they're at it again.

videocodec ago

I tried blocking it but it's still in front page for me. Crap belongs on imgur

chirogonemd ago

It's a certain subverse of Voat that rhymes with DopesocksVanslammer, and they are only doing it because it's getting a rise out of people. Let it be and stop acknowledging it and eventually it will stop.

badruns ago

I miss the weird bible verse spam vs this faggotry

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

block it and go to v/all

satisfyinghump ago

I feel some users are trying to get CPP (points) via farming off of cute photos.

licebmi3 ago

I tried to stop it. You can look at how my profile looks like now. It's mostly reddit invading. Whatever

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Aww still has been banned. Bot posts for voat farming. Old goats are slacking and it's hard to keep up with the bots.

Raise your hand if you want to see v/Aww banned from voat entirely.

draaaak ago

My front page has zero v/aww posts, and I don't have it blocked. Maybe you need to sub to some more/other subs?

moviefreak ago

Jews. Why do you even ask? Get used to the hasbara shills trying to convert you into assfucking and money lending.

halinflorida ago

Trying to block someone won't help because the purpose of forum sliding is to keep the average uninformed from reading something they want suppressed. They know informed users will not be foiled but they are a small percentage of the potential readers.

Turd_Coat ago

Yeah voats filling up with cucks. Welcome to new voat.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Just going to leave this here. They're cucking the place up pretty hard.

EmperorStaleek ago

Probably to give people something to look at other than niggers and jews in the news and white people are the greatest thing ever shit that permeates everything else. It doesn't have to be nefarious.

myvoicefromhell ago

Block that faggot and his faggot alternatives.

prairie ago

Click v/aww, block, then click /v/all instead of browsing the front page.

keksupreme ago

ban aww. it's a kike shill nonsense sub

Whitemail ago

It's Christmas. We're getting soft. We'll be back to full niggerfaggot sometime the day after.

Womb_Raider ago

Nice. You (SBBH) use your own bullshit /aww shitposts and then you make the top comment in your bullshit thread to convince people to block Q/Pizzagate related subs... arguably some of the only productive places on this website.

How do people not see you for the JIDF shills you are?

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Glad to see you're still here.

Check out what they're using the sockpuppet accounts for now.

Womb_Raider ago

You are?

SaneGoatOySwear ago

We used to interact in Voat Chat.

Womb_Raider ago

Fake sane? Charming

SaneGoatOySwear ago

I'll be honest, I was half hoping that you would remember when I made this account.

Womb_Raider ago

I’ll be honest, you’ve had two years to reach out and didn’t so I’m skeptical that you’re who you say you are, which hasn’t even been said to begin with

SaneGoatOySwear ago

I can't blame you for assuming I'm SBBH fucking around. Stay vigilant.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Someones gotta get their SCP/CCP nuked by shedding light on what's going on around here.

Womb_Raider ago

You’re likely an SBBH alt having a laugh.

holdenon ago

Points farming. 100 Points allows you to downvoat anonymous posts and upvoat your own content.

GoatDay ago

I have /v/aww blocked but it still fills the front page with doggopupperkitteh bullshit.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

This is a debate about how you want voat to affect the rest of the world. While this is the tragedy of the commons at play, the site is a free speech site and points don't really matter. Basically, if you're a savvy goat, you can either combat these reddit-fags on their claimed sub/turf, or block and move on. Sure the normies might suffer from a lack of genuine info, but on a personal level, it's just a minor bump in the road toward tailoring the content you desire to show up. Definitely the effort to make quality posts which out-pace this stupid garbage is an important factor toward keeping voat at the bubbling surface of what is reallygoing on. You're more likely to combat this spam crap by making actual quality posts than by complaining about the shit, downvoating the shit or blocking the shit.

2fast4u92 ago

Kike board sliders. Report for spam.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Like I said the Jews hedonistic to the Cross that's why they work harder on Christian holy days and take a week off before Christmas

That being said admins should ban /v/aww and its robot army userbase as well as the admins because of blatant vote manipulation and cpp farming across the board

RevDrStrangelove ago

Block it and get on with your life.

I_Always_Lie ago

JIDF. They're losing the war and they know it. They're desperately trying to distract the goyim with puppies and kittens. Fuck off kikes.

stayawayfrommybutt ago

I think it's an infiltration. People are brigading to fuck with us.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Indeed, if you're interested check this out and see how it's manifesting now.

Peacethroughpower ago

Ive been using voat for 3 years now. Reddit since 2010 before that. I have never once used the fabled front page for anything. What is wrong with you people,

Vent ago

Rofl because every single sub on this site is completely dead, besides maybe politics and whatever (and aww ofc). The front page is the only place to go

wt1984yb ago

Kike shills

oligarchsalamander ago

Strategic timing, it's Christmas. Everyone wants to look at cute pictures I guess.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

We got invaded by faggots. Literally women and homosexuals are the only ones who care about that shit. Don't like it? You must hate free speech.

It starts the same way every time. First the kittens and the fag talk, next it'll be nigger love, and then this will be reddit 2.0

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Please take a moment to view this thread, they're at it again, and now they're using those accounts they farmed SCP/CCP with to attack average voaters.

Anaximandel ago

I remember whe reddit was anti celebrity topics. Shit went downhill fast.

CameraCode ago

They're very obviously accounts made by the same person. Ignoring or blocking it is not a good idea, downvoat any content you don't want to see.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

They're now using those accounts to harass average Voaters.

hatecrime ago

If that's how you wanna spend your day then by all means downvoat all those posts. Oh and u only have 10 upvoats and downvoats per day, yes? This freak will never stop flooding that sub.

BumFightChamp ago


psimonster ago

But, Climhazzard, it's Christmas!

Reverse-Flash ago

My opinion is that the posters in v/aww are trying to gum up the front page. It isn't just a point scam, it is something else. They also post to other bullshit subs with spam. So who are these v/aww posters? Which one is making a bunch of alts to further spam the front page?

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Reverse, they're doing it again. Take a look if you have a minute or two to spare.

thisistotallynotme ago

They're all SoapBoxBanHammer/SRS alts.

L3D ago

Spamming the aww stuff to get v/aww removed as default is also one possibility.

@Neskuaxa's theory also sounds plausible

Reverse-Flash ago

If someone is grooming a bunch of alts to use for downvoat purposes, then that would answer the question of why the new accounts are there. But they were doing this for a long time before the new alts showed up. What was the purpose then?

sore_ass_losers ago

A week ago most of New was from v/randomnumbers by @gabara, just posts of long strings of numbers.

NotHereForPizza ago

Fucking thank you.

I mean, I knew people were reading my shit, but I was starting to think you guys were just too stupid to understand what I've been telling you, or they've gotten to you.

Feeling a bit better now. Thanks, boys. Cheers!

Reverse-Flash ago

That's what I'm talking about. What is the purpose of all that useless spam? gabara turned from obnoxious faggot into the Lollipop Kid and started spamming kittens and random numbers. What the fuck is his game?

TeddyJackson ago

What the fuck is his game?

Still thinking a person runs those accounts and not shills.

Anaximandel ago

Watering down the site with useless shit.

CameraCode ago

It's too formulated and secretive to simply be spam to water down the site. It's like stuff that only a schizophrenic or drugged up person could come up with, I don't know if there is any meaning behind it but there is at least some method to the /randomnumbers posts and his comments. And other people seem to get some of the meanings, or at least pretend they do. If it's really deep inside jokes they're the most cryptic I've ever seen. Or perhaps they are just like masons, they get off to seeing other people question their motives.

Gorillion ago

He's likely a pedo trying to obfuscate an anti-pedo information source.

toobaditworks ago

Gabara, LisaScienceQueen, DANKGHIDORAH,Tri-Edge, Tri-Blade, C_Corax, rrdd, plankO

ALTS: DoggoDave, DoggoPupper, FrostyPuppy, CaptainPupper, CatoDoggo, EasterDoggie

gabara ago

I love that you're so afraid of me you didn't ping me. LOL!

NotHereForPizza ago

Well I'm. Glad you guys are finally fucking paying attention.

Reverse-Flash ago

Doggogabara, gabaraPupper, Frostygabara, Captaingabara, Catogabara, gabaraDoggie

TheBuddha ago


I am SBBH.

I straight up blame @gabara.

He's gonna keep doing this so long as you all keep bitching about it. He is a monster. It's what he does.

CameraCode ago

I don't get why they find it so funny when I think people have made it clear that they don't mind /aww posts as long as it's not multiple spammed posts from the same users at the same time every day. Gabara seems like he respects real users at least, I don't know if there is miscommunication between us and them about why the posts have been downvoated or maybe it's just something to do.

Crackrocknigga ago

It's the Jews

LostandFound ago

It's Christmas we need a short break lest we completely wear out the ( ) keys.

uvulectomy ago

You mean you don't have a script that auto-parses known (((tribal))) names and adds them for you? =P

CowWithBeef ago

I enjoyed the goat in a santa hat. Shit I am part of the problem.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

I did too. But I didn't upvoat. I showed mercy by not downvoating instead

Reverse-Flash ago

You need help, son.

Wuttier ago

I don't come here for cute pictures. But if it appeals to the sheep so they'll make an account, or at least come back more, I'm slighlty 'ok' with this. On the other hand, I'd rather have them intruiged in the constant stream of redpills, and keep the ones that swallow them. Undecided on this...

Climhazzard ago

Some posts from v/aww on the front page wouldn't be out of the ordinary, but when the front page is 60% v/aww, something is wrong.

Wuttier ago

It does look like fuckery is afoot.

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

Blocked that along with qtard and pizza subs. Front it now all christmas wishes to us niggerfaggots.

MrShekelstein ago

found the shill

NotHereForPizza ago

You realize they control these subs too, right?...

It's not just cute pictures of animals they're taking from you. Pizzagate and the Q thing have been infected as well. Inversion and divide and conquer are their specialties. That's why they're here.

Remember when we all knew this was a honeypot at the beginning? Yeah, you probably don't...

obvious-throwaway- ago

I didn't, I prefer to downvoat and shitpost the Kikes. I'd like new visitors to the website to see more than copy/pastas from random google searches.

fluhthreeex ago

i just upvote the image screen shots a shit bots auto-post lol it's great! news! who cares if it's true, rigte? lol! it we can have and discussion then lol kikes and niggers for the outcome? great! what else? is talking about? but pointless!! lol! upvote!

edit: joze u loze!

Had ago

Merry niggerfaggot you stupid Christmas.

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

Merry you? A stupid niggerfaggot on Christmas?

I thought you would never ask.

The1stLantern ago

Good goy

ARsandOutdoors ago

Problem with blocking all these subs, is that these are the subs that the normies see, and if we (the actual goat base) keep blocking subs from our view, we will eventually move ourselves into a bubble and out of the mainstream of our own website. TBH, I think downvoating is a better option than sub banning.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

They're at it again.


Upvote this if you want me to downvote v/aww. Need about 15 more

QPeopleAreStupid ago

we will eventually move ourselves into a bubble

You're already in a bubble, you delusional idiot

keksupreme ago

nice try kike

Climhazzard ago

I think ARsandOutdoors has legitimate concern for this issue. I have v/aww blocked and wouldn't have realized the front page was like this if I set login to automatic. The fact that I made a bubble for myself is true.

Would you care to explain why you think he is shilling?

keksupreme ago

the point is that aww should be blocked from the front page by default

Tallest_Skil ago

Permanently banning anyone who believes in Q-LARP is the best option, as is banning anyone posting proven falsehoods.

carlip ago

downvoting is not a great option, once you DV more than you UV you can no longer DV. so trolls and shills are using this to harm established accounts.

kevf4 ago

This is my problem. I was down voting for days and ran out of down votes.

carlip ago

same, long ago before janitors and spam reports were a thing we only had downvotes to fight the shit clogging up /v/all. There wasn't even an active "downvote meanie" (the thing that now rate limits you). So i amassed thousands of downvotes to bullshit content. Then the limit was instated and i've been fucked ever since.

CameraCode ago

That could be a potential problem in the future, but I'm not having any problems finding more content to upvoat than downvoat.

weezkitty ago

Normies don't want to get involved with typical goat discussion anyway. It is actually safer to be a little under the radar

Trash_Panda ago

Problem with blocking all these subs, is that these are the subs that the normies see, and if we (the actual goat base) keep blocking subs from our view, we will eventually move ourselves into a bubble and out of the mainstream of our own website

And your opinion on using Facebook/Twitter/Reddit for the same purpose?

awildbanannaphone ago

This is a wise autist

fluhthreeex ago

i think pinging @atko mercilessly until he gives a fuck would be a better solution than collectively throwing away all of our "oh so easy to come by down-votes" at all the cute pictures people subbed to /aww actually enjoy viewing

edit: @puttitout

edit: does anyone know who @puttitout is IRL? in, seen him in person in a video talking about voat? I've seen a bunch of questionable links associated with the name, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's one and the same person.

Norn ago

Considering how crazy the radical left is, I'd say it's in Putt's best interest, and by extension in our best interest, for him to be as anon as possible.

fluhthreeex ago

Not at all. This is allegedly a well funded website with as many have alleged before at the peak of BTC up to $60-70mn USD. With that kind of money, job security for him, and financial security for his future the question then doesn't become "OK, let's make sure your identity never gets leaked" it becomes a question of "Ok, who the fuck is this person everyone's giving money to? Can we trust him? Is he a civilian or a government agent? ...and is this place some deliberate honeypot or just coincidentally one? ...if it's truly a public company and he's filed it under his name he should have had no problem by now coming on camera and saying hello.. it just raises suspicion that he hasn't, frankly.

Norn ago

TBH, you're the one who's coming off as suspicious.

fluhthreeex ago

No? Ok, fuck off, shady shill.

Norn ago

Looks like I struck a nerve. Not sure if you're sincerely batshit crazy or if you're looking to stir up trouble. But, I don't see you being successful either way, so I guess it doesn't matter.

fluhthreeex ago

Herrp glerrp you obviously are a deerpppitty bleerrrp. My blerrrpitty senses are tingling. Look, I even provided evidence, unlike you. I showed everyone that my blerrpitty senses were tingling about you. 🌬

fluhthreeex ago

I don't give a fuck what a lurker I've never seen comment has to say about me. Get on your main account and talk to me, faggot.

toobaditworks ago

@atko Can you help out here? They are brigading the front page as I've said many many times already...

Rotteuxx ago

@puttitout is actually @peaceseeker, @Atko's spirit animal & coincidentally @cynabuns dungeon slave.

Chiefpacman ago

He's Justin, as the internet says.

He's just not here much. But he's here enough, for a while now.

Trust me, there was a time when his inactivity was a problem. He's done better, we owe him.

fluhthreeex ago

He's Justin, as the internet says.

The internet keeps telling me this, yes, I've just never seen an actual person on video saying "Hi, I'm Justin..." etc. A lot of people seem to be putting a lot of trust and BTC into a site and person that no one seems to be able to actually verify(?)

Chiefpacman ago

It's a fair point, especially when he was dropping the ball last year . why would putting a face to the name do anything?

If it mattered, the African-Swede, Atko, our creator has a picture out there apparently.

I think it's fair we respect his anonymity. He's serious about free speech and voat. He cleans up behind the scenes, he checks in often enough that we haven't had anymore blackouts.

I don't think there's much more we could ask of him other to just be more active as a user? I kind of like his leadership style though..

fluhthreeex ago

Why would someone with 60-70m in BTC care about their anonymity?

When you run a public forum like this and people are connecting via mobile, work, home, or vpn connections, some of those users are putting their true identities at risk. If this isn't truly a person but a crafted persona and this is as many others have said an intelligence honeypot, at the least having a real figure head out in the public arena by now (with the amount of money he has at his disposal) should have been no problem. The fact that he remains anonymous (these are maybe his pictures) only adds to the suspicion.

To dispel any questions: if a group of people gave me $60m and it was sitting irrevocably in my bank account, yes, I would dox myself.

Chiefpacman ago

Oh the 70m btc account.

You're looking at that wrong. I vaguely remember what you're talking about. Link?

Chiefpacman ago

Because having money doesn't inherently make people stop caring about privacy. Besides, what's the relevance? Putts not rich. We could have ads but don't.

Money aside, you make a good point. He has the ability to have some of our information.. I just don't feel comfortable asking him to do more to dox himself than he seemingly already has.

I imagine that if our community were to request that, trust would have to be completely broken down. This point a year ago would have gotten more traction..

Still, fair point.

When you run a public forum like this and people are connecting via mobile, work, home, or vpn connections, some of those users are putting their true identities at risk. If this isn't truly a person but a crafted persona and this is as many others have said an intelligence honeypot, at the least having a real figure head out in the public arena by now

But, I think the money thing is baseless. He doesn't make a dime to my knowledge. If you'd like I could probably ping a couple of guys who would have our incoming outgoing expense reports.. assuming you'd trust the report.

He kind of updates us on money occasionally. Were constantly running out of it. I should really donate again, but I'm waiting for the next report.

fluhthreeex ago

If there is truth to the figure of the $60m that was available at one point and in fact he doesn't take a dime in compensation then that would be beyond strange.

Chiefpacman ago

The 60m was never his, that was a misconception. It's like the entire bank organization we use has that much.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

if this was an intelligence honeypot what's stopping the intel agencies from putting up any random patsy as their front man?

you lack critical thinking skills you stupid fucking nigger, as shown by your willingness to tell the world you have 70 million dollars for no fucking reason

fluhthreeex ago

if this was an intelligence honeypot what's stopping the intel agencies from putting up any random patsy as their front man?

good job 👍 that's a start. now think about having a front-man with visual and verbal ID public. friends, family, etc. it doesn't prevent intelligence agencies from putting up a front-man but it does make it harder for them to do so without running into difficulties.

you lack critical thinking skills you stupid fucking nigger, as shown by your willingness to tell the world you have 70 million dollars for no fucking reason

if you have 70m and would like me to dox myself... just saying. call me any name you like, but i'd still be the one with 70m 😘

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

now think about having a front-man with visual and verbal ID public. friends, family, etc.

mark zuckerberg

fluhthreeex ago

...and because we have a name, a face, and a history, we all know that Zuck is funded by the CIA and works with the Govt selling user data wholesale. What point are you trying to make?

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

the front man is irrelevant. there is evidence of facebook being a cia operation without zuckerberg. where is the evidence of voat being anything except what it's presented as?

fluhthreeex ago

see parent threads for answer

dontdoxxmefaggots ago


SquarebobSpongebutt ago

TBH, I think downvoating is a better option than sub banning.

Why downvoat something just because you don't like it but it fits the sub it is in? Seems very Reddit like

Anaximandel ago

Because an attacker can just create 2000 useless subs and spam voat with them.

fluhthreeex ago

That's what default subs are for, as well as bot and spammer detection systems (though the anti-bot&spammer shit doesn't seem to be working at all here).

bob3333 ago

Because it's vote farming.

Butterbread ago

Because that's, like, his opinion, man

Native ago

Yet the v/aww posts lure normies to the site and think we aren't a bunch of neon nazis. It's clever

6gorillion ago

Native ago

Great find!

middle_path ago

Neon nazis!

Native ago

Nazi's had only dark colors us Neon-Nazi's prefer bright fun fashion

obvious-throwaway- ago

No they don't, they make people think this place is shit. Voat isn't here to compete with faggot Eddit, it's here to inform and push free speech, nobody gives a fuck about pictures than any asshole could see by typing "cute animals" into a search engine.

andrew_jackson ago

Spot on, Bro!

awildbanannaphone ago

Phrasing 😂

RockmanRaiden ago

Yes but it's disingenuous. They're farming upvotes for whatever dasterdly plans they're brewing.

zyklon_b ago

their are no plans its all a big joke

RevDrStrangelove ago

Maybe they're gonna sell their points to Iran in order to fund ISIS.

andrew_jackson ago

I have defeated pizzagate, and SBBH, and if it pleases God I will also defeat QRV. These awww niggers that you speak of? They are as kittens unto me. Downvote and troll. When you finish with that, downvote and troll. In this way we shall smite the evil ones!

Rotteuxx ago

Any amount of SCP is useless, it's a few users spamming /v/aww and that's it.

Climhazzard ago

So a few users (all named similarly and created around the same time) were taking up 60% (15 of 25 when I made this discussion) of the front page to get useless SCP?

Rotteuxx ago

I said it's spamming, didn't say it was aimless.

VicariousJambi ago

Its more likely forum sliding I think.

Omnidempotent ago

Point farming. I just block /v/aww

SaneGoatOySwear ago

It's more than just points, mate. It's a coordinated attempt to undermine Voat.

Look at how they're now using those points.

bob3333 ago

How did you blocka default sub?

bob3333 ago

Which says you can't block a default sub from the front page. Your only choices are to give up the front page, or subscribe to every sub that exists on voat (and keep subscribing to each new one as they are formed).

L3D ago

Have you used this site before? Never heard of v/all ?

bob3333 ago

Yeah, I've never used it. Is /v/all all of the defaults minus your blocks?

L3D ago

v/all shows everything (except the subs you have blocked), s/default shows what a new account which hasn't yet made any subscriptions yet would see and the front page shows the subs you have personally subscribed to. If you are watching only the default subs then you are missing most of Voat.

When you install operating systems or programs, are you one of those sheeple that just accepts the default settings for everything?

Glory_Beckons ago

It's not about points. That makes zero sense. Those points are useless. Quit repeating nonsense.

It's about pushing real content off of the front page, distracting people and disrupting the site.

Blocking it is just sticking your head in the sand.

GasChamber ago

Forum sliding is in fact a known Jew tactic.

NotHereForPizza ago

Weird you say that... They're sliding REAL and presumably important content? Hmm... what content would that be? Were they doing this four months ago, before anything Q came to Voat? No. They weren't.

Now do you remember those pics srayzie dropped of me telling her before QRV was a thing that Q was going to be coming to Voat?

Hopefully now you guys are actually going to pay attention.

Neskuaxa ago

Fwiw I've gotten notified almost every time I want to downvote a post that I'm not allowed to downvote more than I've up voted. Could be v/Aww is a front to farm the upvotes needed in order to downvote other shit. Just based on observation. Could be totally wrong though.

Climhazzard ago

Do upvoats on your submissions (SCP) give you more available downvoats?

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

no, you get submission downvoats based solely on the number of submission upvoats you've given

Climhazzard ago

You should've said, "Yes, but you [only] get submission downvoats based solely on the number of submission upvoats you've given" because you confirmed my suspicion but corrected my false premise that SCP is potential downvoats for submissions and comments. Still, thank you for that useful information.

This means SCP is not totally benign. Downvoating whole submissions could probably be more effective than downvoating single comments.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

well, it's not the SCP that means anything it's the upvoats you give other submissions

Neskuaxa ago

I'm not actually sure. I stopped paying attention to myvoat points once I had enough to submit links/text posted.

ruck_feddit ago

I keep hearing the same thing about points. SCP doesn't get you shit except reddit feel-good flashbacks.

That actual nigger alexanderhamilton faggot will be here shortly to argue.

Omnidempotent ago

No, blocking it stops it from sliding the front page. You should block it, too, and then tell everyone else to do the same.

Glory_Beckons ago

No, when I stick my head in the sand, I can't even see the problem anymore. You should stick your head in the sand, too, and then tell everyone else to stick their heads in the sand as well.

hatecrime ago

I don't want to sort through all that shit anymore. Maybe you do, then good for you. I did my part downvoating for months. But it never ends. And for everyone downvoating there's 10 people upvoating it........... Nah fuck it. I block aww now.

Omnidempotent ago

If everyone blocks it, it won't slide their front pages and there wont be anyone to upvoat it. It will die.

Glory_Beckons ago

You're not very bright, are you?

"Everyone" blocking it is an absurd and impossible scenario. Who is "everyone"? Blocking only works for logged in users. What about users that browse without an account? What about users who have an account but don't always want to log in? What about new users who don't know to block it? Even if every single legitimate user blocked it, they could still upvote each other since they've clearly made a dozen accounts or more to spam like this.

Do you ever stop to think about whether something you're about to say makes any sense whatsoever?

Hitting the block button doesn't make something go away. It just makes it so you won't see it. It can never be a solution to anything. It can only ever serve as an escape from something you aren't able to deal with.

Omnidempotent ago

Why are you so salty? You are completely overreacting. Calm down and maybe we can talk about this like adults.

Glory_Beckons ago

You're displaying a level of stupidity I find agitating, that's all. If you could put a little more effort towards keeping your thoughts in line with reality, perhaps we could have a conversation without my getting so frustrated from feeling like I'm trying to communicate with some kind of lower lifeform.

Omnidempotent ago

Do not blame me for your feelings. That is immature. I only put forward an idea you happen to disagree with. We can discuss that without you blowing a gasket, yes?

VicariousJambi ago

By blocking it I cant see it to downvote it.

sore_ass_losers ago

Pushes more important stuff off the 19 pages of 'New'.

Laserchalk ago

I think they have a term for that called forum sliding or something.

TestForScience ago

I feel like for that term to apply to Voat, it would have to have "niggerfaggot" in there somewhere.

Climhazzard ago

It cannot be blocked without login. And aside from forcing me to login, what about visitors without accounts? What are they going to think of Voat?

bob3333 ago

It can't be blocked even with a login. It's a default sub.

Artofchoke ago

... That we like floofs?

weezkitty ago

Probably more positively tbh

doesntgetsarcasm ago

Probably that we're a bunch of pussies that like looking at animals dressed in Christmas shit!

Scroobius ago

Well what can be done besides individually blocking it?

Climhazzard ago

Limit the number of v/aww posts that make it to the front page, require posts from v/aww to have more points before making it to the front page, etc.

Gorillion ago

Yep, an algorithm tweak in general that stops any single sub dominating the front page/s. Like an upper limit of top posts/threads. And if that just results in multi-posts from subs like Awww1, Awww2, Awww3 etc, then system gaming is confirmed and they can be admin blocked.

crazy_eyes ago

Merry Christmas Climm

someones voat farming