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PeaceSeeker ago

The seven users you named were created either on 2018-11-19 or 2018-11-25, but that is still considerable amount of similarity across so many similarly-named accounts, all of which have indeed been posting almost exclusively to /v/aww. I agree that these accounts are likely affiliated.

If these accounts have been created in order to get past the subverse-specific quotas that are in place to curtail spam, then this could possibly be considered spam restriction evasion, and could perhaps warrant a ban. But most of these accounts have not submitted more than a dozen submissions to /v/aww since creation more than a month ago, so I don't think spam is really a consideration here.

However, each of these accounts has upvoted hundreds of submissions since their account creation dates, with relatively few comments upvoted. The trend for most authentic accounts is to upvote more comments than submissions, assuming the account in question does more than just read titles and upvote. This taken with the almost certain affiliation between the accounts, and I view it as improbable that these accounts would not upvote each others submissions. If this were done within minutes after submission to /v/all/new, an immediate 6 upvotes could do wonders to get these submissions to the front page. Once there, real Voat users would continue upvoting the submissions, thus, indeed, "forum sliding", as far as forum sliding is possible on Voat.

I think at the very least these accounts should be investigated for vote manipulation. Have you made a submission to /v/ReportSpammers so /u/PuttItOut or /u/Cynabuns can look into it? If you have not, let me know and I will make one.

Thanks for the post.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

I'm not the first person to point it out, but every thread I've seen about it ends up heavily downvoated. The only one that managed to survive was on Christmas day when buddy asked what the fuck happened to the front page.

I was online at the time, and it was honestly like at least a third of the frontpage was those seven accounts. I should have taken a fucking screenshot.