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Cynabuns ago

A truly amazing gift, what a blessing. Thank you PuttItOut for all the love, time, and effort I can only imagine you put into this. Yes indeed, this is a Christmas miracle.

Merry Christmas Voat

Merry Christmas to you all

PuttItOut ago

v/aww (after I purge the cancer)

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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NotHereForPizza ago

Say who it was. Say what they did. Say why they did it.

This is the first time I've seen you hint that "the cancer" exists. We need to be sure we're on the same page with this.

15770521? ago

Define cancer please. @absurdlyobfuscated is doing a great job & the downvoat system is doing its thing.

hatecrime ago


15774481? ago

You think posting hamster pics in v/aww is cancer? Sad.

Broc_Lia ago

I think some people think the entire sub is cancer :/

C_Corax ago

Could you elaborate a bit on what you intent to do with /v/aww? To me there seems to have been a lot of anger leveled at the sub that in my mind is disproportionate for one thing, but it also smells an awful lot like a set up to ensure Voat remain strictly political. I say that because there are both a lot of new accounts or reactivated old accounts that have been contributing to /v/aww as of late, but the complaints about the sub largely comes from the same type of accounts as well.

I thinking there could be two motives behind this, excluding the possibility of trolling. Either it's our resident old goats with their autistic leanings that just can't handle nice things, or it's outsiders that have started noticing that Voat is something else that the Nazi pedo lovers they'd like to paint us as and Voat is on track to be the platform where they no longer have any control. In either case I would hate if you catered to either of these sentiments based on a wrong premises. I can't presume you keep up with every little drama that is going on here, but that's my take on the "Aww situation".

@Peaceseeker you've been following this as well. You have another take on it or something to add?

fuckmyreddit ago

I thought you meant the cancer of the voting brigade. I love kitties and puppies, but that's not why I come to Voat. There are tons of other sites where kittens are allowed, like Facebook, Reddit, Pinterest, etc. This is the only website with almost totally free speech. If you're here to forum slide, go home. If you're trying to build your own little fiefdom, what would Jesus say. If you're bored and need a hobby, try knitting. If you think you're doing Gods work because you're riding Voat of evil, you are allowing evil to flourish because real posts that expose evil are not

CalmRules ago

You had something great going with voat, until you moved the servers from Europe to that american shithole.

Time to start telling people to stay away from this site since you have obviously sold out. Thanks for exposing yourself before this site became a big thing, cause the last thing we need is another shit american site.

Shizy ago

Shut up eurotrash!

flyawayhigh ago

United States has the best free speech laws as they pertain to human people, although they are not perfect. It is a crime to talk to so called terrorist groups to tell them to give up terror as per a 6-3 Supreme Court decision in the summer of 2010.

Here's where the problem comes in. That same year, a 5-4 Supreme Court decision decided to undermine human free speech by providing unlimited corporate money speech.

For Voat the result is mixed. On one hand, we can say pretty much whatever we want (but don't tell the PKK to stop fighting Turkey). But the giant companies that feed the internet can block us.

24601_JeanValJean ago

oh heck yeah! Many thanks for keeping Voat alive and well!

Islamiscancer ago

So does that mean you will be finally purging the voat database after all this time? Good on you buddy, i for one welcome it.

ExpertShitposter ago

purge the cancer

When putt gets mad:

Obelisk79 ago

Easiest option, remove it from the defaults list and prevent it from showing up on the front page. No censorship or outright Purge required :)

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

prevent it from showing up on the front page

are you fucking retarded? how is that not censorship

Obelisk79 ago

Not all subs show up on the front page but will show up in /v/all. Make /v/aww function the same way. You can still post there, people who are interested can still find and see the contents. Win-win.

XSS1337 ago

To the guy that downvoated you , can't you tell exactly who did it and ban them / their friends connected through upvoats / farming ?

kneo24 ago

With you working on Voat full time, I'll be really happy to see actions like the purges taking place. I want organic uncensored discussion. A lot of the discussion here isn't organic. The more you work towards that with a 100 percent committment to free speech the better the community will be. It's a never ending battle for sure, but i think that's something you've been wanting time to rackle anyway. Merry Christmas Putt, and to your hidden partner as well.

Reddfugeee ago

So you don't want free speech?

kneo24 ago

Apparently you're incapable of reading. Why don't you head on back, brand new account, and re-read what I wrote.

Reddfugeee ago

I have reread what you wrote. You are anti-free speech. You want the admins to censor the content you dislike.

kneo24 ago

And you're here clearly to troll. Enjoy your downvoats you massive nigger loving kike.

Reddfugeee ago

I support free speech but please purge this "non-organic" speech I don't like! Thanks Lord admin!

kneo24 ago

I guess they're paying you well enough to do subversion at 4am. Or maybe you're hiding all the way in Tel-Aviv. How does the view look outside of your window?

Reddfugeee ago

I get paid commission. It's $0.05 per Nazi tear and I've made about $50 off this thread so far.

4ChinSnacker ago

Two gifts for us? Putt is santa.

graspskills ago

Santa like 1 Gift.

i_scream_trucks ago

You spelled Satan wrong!

Morbo ago

Hijacking this comment thread to ask an important question. Is @Atko still a part of all this? Just asking because I think we all want to know where he fits into the Voat Christmas Miracle.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

I came lat to this thread with the intent of asking this very question.
Also to say congrats to @Puttitout and the crew he plans on hiring..

LlamaMan ago

Be careful, I hate aww too and blocked it but you're an internet free speech tightrope walker.

think- ago

The front page has only been spammed by v/aww stuff because a troll posted gore, so people have been trying to push the gore stuff down the thread by posting more kittie and bunny pics.

Blocking the sub should work just fine when you're unnerved by it.

fuckmyreddit ago

Hey Think, you're working against The Light when you upvote kitties and doggos. It pushes important ideas off the front page. Ignore the fagtard with the gore or downvote it. Pushing kittens to the front page is Shareblue's job.

think- ago

Retard. Do you have to work overtime on Christmas? Fuck off back to your handlers, and leave genuine Voaters alone.

I would wish you Happy Hannukah, but I checked the dates, and it's too late.

Amelia_Earnhardt_Jr ago

The gore thing is bullshit, its just SBBH sliding the forum and everyone knows.

NosebergShekelman ago

SBBH is totally kosher! shalom

gabara ago

If only you were a contributor to Voat, your opinion would hold weight.

Amelia_Earnhardt_Jr ago

Sorry bud, you and your nigger friends have already lost :)

gabara ago

Rent free.

70times7 ago

All things in balance.

Ever played a game that was not balanced properly?

LlamaMan ago

Yes, my favourite games are unbalanced because they are realistic. An example of this are the tanks in battlefield are weak and balanced. The tanks in squad can kill an infinite number of infantry without a coordinated effort.

Guardbuddy ago

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

Cynabuns ago



Very Merry Christmas PuttPutt