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SaneGoatOySwear ago


Didn't you say you were going to do something about the v/aww spam? This poster is one of the several accounts that spammed v/aww on Christmas. They were all created on the same day, and they all post to the same subverse.

Users FrostyPuppy, EasterDoggie, PuppoKitteh, KittehCane, CatoDoggo, CaptainPupper, DoggoPupper

gabara ago

How is this post spam?

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Obviously you're going to defend using multiple accounts to forum slide on Voat.

gabara ago

That's not an answer, shill.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

My answer is that this specific post in and of itself is not spam, however, that the account is tied to several other accounts that were all made on the same day, all posting the same content, to the same subverse, in an attempt to make their posts appear to be from several users instead of just one, that anything they post is questionable at best and ultimately spam either way simply because of how they're using several accounts to obfuscate their true activity.

You're getting purged, mate. You can kick and scream about it all you want. Voat doesn't support faggots spamming using several fake accounts. The fact that you're even trying to remotely defend this is honestly surprising.

gabara ago

My answer is that this specific post in and of itself is not spam

Stopped reading there. You got nothing.