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Is the new partner someone who has been a long established member of the site?

PuttItOut ago

Yes. I can honestly say yes to this.

tabularassa ago

But what's in it for the 'angel'? As you must know, nothing is free. Whatever amount they put in, they will want more in return in the long run. It's just business.

Hopefully they will not use their power to change the essence of voat. Otherwise this could be the beginning of the end.

SaltyAF ago

I know it might seem like a bad question, but is the person Jewish? It's not about antisemitism, but there are some things you just don't do.

It smacks of takeover and control.

andrew_jackson ago

Weird. No denial.

SaltyAF ago

Q told us, eventually it will be chans only...

Hopevoats ago

How long did we expect to trust a site with a goat mascot and an inverted pyramid logo? I'm only surprised that it took this long!

insanitea ago

Well yikes. Makes sense. I take it the goat meant to allude to the forum being 'sacrificed'?

SaltyAF ago

no confirmation either...I'm just putting this out there.... @PuttitOut if you gave leverage over this nifty little forum to a Jew, you are just not paying attention.

Hey he might be one of the good ones! I don't care. There's too much at stake. When it sounds too good to be true--IT IS.

Hand_of_Node ago

Probably the best part of the news. And Merry Christmas, Putt!

Caliope ago
