fusir ago

I was reaching for sec, the inverse of sin.

Vent ago

Lol... voat is a honeypot. Puttitout is FBI

kingroland ago

Well, someone stand up and pay the $40 to DE for corp structure and history.

Voat Inc

Voat Holdings, LLC (filed 11/7/2018) - hmm?

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

The angle investor is being obtuse.

Ken_bingo2 ago

I think they are already doing shadow bans on Voats.

fusir ago

It was inverted. I don't read so good upside down.

lIIlIIllxlIIIllll ago

Voat was sold out long time ago. It's now a Honeypot. The investor is.... How do you spell "Unknown" in three letters 0.o

ThisIsMyRealName ago

some unknown suddenly owning voat

That's not how this works.

DrSelfAppointed ago

It does if the only information is someone invested in the company enough too mention officially as a savor. As if their investment had all the bargaining chips on a make or break deal. With the only assurance being someone remains CEO without information of who has ownership or what stipulations may exist.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

There was no indication that someone managed to buy more stake in the company than the current owner at that time.

petevoat ago

I'm curious who the backer is

progressbin ago

I dunno, Jewish? (P.S. Thank you!)

1moar ago

I've noticed this place going downhill for awhile. I miss the old days, same old trope though right? Bunch of newfags and sliders; they can fuck off. Time dust off the troll hat methinks, or just retire. Idgaf anymore, it's all about real world shit for me and this place doesn't offer much new I can sort through. *yawn

PuttItOut ago

Well @Atko and I are still majority owners so I'm in no rush to reintroduce ourselves as the brand new owners. :)

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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bb22 ago

Is it a kike?

VetGoat84 ago

So you and @atko still get to call all the shots? Is this a no-strings-attached investor?

ShekelsteinKikeberg ago

Majority owner... for now. There are always strings involved.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

No doubt there is a shareholders’ agreement. The question is what is in it. Generally they don’t contain the sorts of things most users of the site would care about.

DrSelfAppointed ago

Putt, what was the exchange for the funding gained? We need to know.

My-Name-is-Mud ago


whisky_cat ago

Voat owners chose to establish themselves, as a company - and no longer a hobby project - under the laws of the United States. Obviously freedom of speech was the primary factor. So my question, which I hope you find fair, is if the partner is not only US-based, but specifically free of corporate or political conflicts of interest.

Also, you are aware we understand CloudFare may be under separate scrutiny than Voat, and there is a coupling of Voat's hosting to CloudFare, would you be willing to make a comment about that relationship or situation?

That said, I'd be curious to ask if you were able to keep full-time employees at this point, and if they are specifically developer roles, or if there's any marketing or public relations positions you may have chosen to include. I don't intend to pry further, but I think these are questions people will want clarification on... and hell, I've been around for a while my nigga and appreciate the good times in all scenarios.

ShekelsteinKikeberg ago

Are we getting kike mods that will censor everything?

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Do you really think it wouldn’t be noticed if we did?

FecalMadder ago

I'd buy some voat dildos to give to the qtards for Christmas.

Onefootwonder ago

I second the Voat merch idea. I'd buy a T-shirt for sure.

DrSelfAppointed ago

well said/asked.

DrSelfAppointed ago

Well hell! Majority owner is significantly different than only retaining directional control! One has insurance while the other is subject to who knows what variable, respectively. So if whomever/whatever invested into this without gaining control, what monetary/concessionary gain did they make? That is really important information.

uvulectomy ago

Putt had to tell him all the secrets to his short game.

DrSelfAppointed ago

If it's benign, awesome. If it is benign, why the hesitation to clarify on day 1?

Shartdownunder ago

Angle: to approach an outcome from an alternative or misdirected way.

Hmmmm.. I think that fits, good word play Op.

DrSelfAppointed ago

Uhhhh... yeah! Word-play! not an unnoticed mistake at all... fuck

armday2day ago

Good looking out, OP. I totally forgot about that.

DrSelfAppointed ago

*Memory Hole

seems to be working, right?

kenlane ago

well it's not the deep state since voat is still running.

turtlesareNotevil ago

Just got here from Google, top of page 1 so I'm guessing it's a kike.

CowWithBeef ago

What was your query?

poopingaccount ago

Who is behind this post

Just a guess


I've seen the documents, and there's nothing there. Huge nothinburger. Stop asking this question and delete this thread.

DrSelfAppointed ago

=Run Script

IF * untrue to var { run prog=1 var = "everything is fine goy" prog, 1 {except.exe


*obviously not a programmer

anarchee ago

Please hold as our angel investor is currently undergoing rhinoplasty.

Redpilleveryone ago


lordv1ldemort ago

Glenn Beck and Mark Levine

RustyBull ago

Name the jew...

blobvious-blobaway ago

First thing "putt" did was steal a mod spot in thus very verse for questioning deletion of comments when deleting your account. Something I railed about myself in the past. This place keeps a;; your data, always has.

Greasy ago

We need to tell that investor not to be obtuse, to get in the right, and handle things acutely.

DrSelfAppointed ago

What are you in Trig right now? haha

moarzor ago


SchwazaRifleCoffeeCo ago

It’s an obtuse angle.

DrSelfAppointed ago

Yeah.. I'm catching on. shit happens.

fusir ago

I'm just glad someone was able to co-sign for voat. But if it comes at the cost of the project going on a tangent I think we should seek a new solution. I'm approaching the limit of my patience with this secrecy.

DrSelfAppointed ago

Damn it, Calculus, you fuck off.

(FU Sir, best comment of the year so far.)

Shotinthedark ago

Wtf am I supposed to be seeing here?

Rawrination ago

Until proven otherwise, best to assume its a kike and that this place is slowly being turned into the same watered down shill shit that 4chan and 8chan have become ... where it the next voat?

smokratez ago

Dude, it's all jews in the comments talking about how white people deserve to die. Voat is complete garbage.

fuckmyreddit ago

So far I've seen no change in our favorite little news and rumour aggregation site. Did I miss something? Can we find out if some dollar-loaded Chinaman or an eccentric billionaire took over our home in order to turn it into condos?

ShekelsteinKikeberg ago

Spoiler: it is a kike

just like how the kike-media doesn't give names or races of perpetrators.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

I haven't seen anything change yet...

Rawrination ago

It's probably just the boomers and Qtards, but the front page seems to occasionally be half crap.

Crackrocknigga ago

I wouldn't be too concerned until we start seeing censorship, vote manipulation etc. Put seems pretty adamantly against that and he knows the core group of people here would never tolerate this.

Can't say that you're wrong, but it would be a stupid move and against the character that I've seen from him.

BillyLuath ago


DrSelfAppointed ago

First thought to mind is how much I hate users praising growth in the site, or people advertising it. The faster we grow, the faster we die. I see it as we already passed the no return point the moment we had to have an angle investor. It's a matter of time and I assume the only way to slow our demise is through the doubling-tripling of hostility to 'new' users.

No one should be the faggoty asshole that brings in 'normies.' Yet we have an entire group of Q fucks who do exactly that. All starting within the time frame of this Voat-sale deal happening.

No where else at the moment to really go too. The Alts Poal and Voten fall somewhere between shit and meh.

prairie ago

But moar is bettar!!! We need to be populur with the wab rankeng sites. /s

NotHereForPizza ago

Sadly, the normies were so stupid that they all came here and made accounts only to not help at all but instead make things worse.

It was better than them shitting up full.

You could always care less about Voat. It's easier that way.

fuckmyreddit ago

Yes it is sad that the qBombardment group didn't understand the mind and soul of Voat. Do you think they can get snappy and sarcastic like normal goats or are they hopeless? A few of them jumped right in and got with the program. I'm a stupid Boomer and I talk like one. One or two boomers can cozy up in this little cottage without changing the site, but we have been overrun with a fair number of newfags with no sense of humor and no sense of wonder and exploration. I miss the old Voat.

NotHereForPizza ago

Voat was only ever a containment clone. That's what it's always been good for.

Using it as the QRV hub sort of changes that, though.

NotHereForPizza ago

The chans are immune to certain things Voat fails at inherently.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

draaaak ago

The chans are immune to certain things

Go on...

NotHereForPizza ago

I explained further down.

Beyond NSA control over full, which you'll likely be safer at than at half, the chans have long employed an ethos draining mechanism that filters posters by weeding out faggots that are there for attention or general renown. This is done by removing the identity of the poster at each and every iteration of their posting. Beyond the lack of identity linking by each comment, anons have developed a method of socializing new users that refines what's outlined above - which is to say that information is placed as top priority and therefore ethos of each given user is almost entirely abandoned or ignored. In addition, there's no voting system, meaning that this alleviates a method of corruption or systematic abuse.

There's much more to this, but go ahead and lurk moar so you can find out for yourself.

AEndtoThemForever ago

I love you.

NotHereForPizza ago

That's odd. I haven't the slightest clue who you might be.

draaaak ago

He probably gets that a lot.

Thanks for elaborating.

tendiesonfloor ago

chans are immune


NotHereForPizza ago

you didn't even try to properly phrase what I said.

Rawrination ago

No place is immune to slide threads. I used to be on 4chan back when it was good (InB4 it was never good).

NotHereForPizza ago

Which is very true!

What's more of an issue, frankly, is the username association with postings, the upvote/downvote mechanics, and the coding not being quite as developed as we're used to, among other things that aren't all that worth listing here.

16355598? ago

Holy shit boomer central in here.

77777 ago

Mason G. Tranny

PygmyGoat ago

I was reading another Voat thread and the “angel” was there chatting a little bit. Some there thought they knew who it was. I’ll try to find the thread again and post the link here.

fusir ago

It's Sanegoatiswear.

SIayfire122 ago

Plot twist. It's Amalek.

mispelledsomething ago

It's the Manhood 101 foundation.

AmaleksHairyAss ago


DrSelfAppointed ago

Thank you.

PygmyGoat ago

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

so it's Qtard shit?

In a anonverse?

so absolutely nothing at all?

SchwazaRifleCoffeeCo ago

Hahaha QTARDS literally believe anything.

Derpfroot ago

Holy shit, that's sad. They believe it immediately with a simple "it was me" being uttered.

Rating: Dumber than niggers.

knightwarrior41 ago


NotHereForPizza ago

I've humored the idea as well.

Although the man himself didn't come to mind, but other /ourguys/.

I tried something with Putt before and luckily he passed the test, but I've taken precautions otherwise. I'm under the impression for the time being that we're in good hands here. Putt has been good to us so far and we'd be fools to relinquish our courtesy with him. I spoke before with BO and a BV who weren't at all concerned, which helped me be a bit more confident.

Frankly, I think we're in good hands for the time being, if that's worth anything to you.

Phantom42 ago

Arctic Nazis.

Thanks fellow goys! Looking forward to "The Empire Strikes Back"!

DrSelfAppointed ago

It is, and it isn't. Putts Track record has floundered recently. Between the Q epidemic and the 'oopsie' that went knowingly ignored long enough to give them the upvoats needed to 'participate' (which circumvented a major tool that stops trolls/faggots;) the sudden interest in making this a 'safe for work' website, which came with a healthy dose of 'oh I forgot to tell everyone I was changing the posting rules because transparency' (that doesn't seem to have taken effect?;) and the whole voat has been purchased, but Goats can't handle the details thing....

Call me paranoid, but this whole betrayed by site owners you thought were good thing has been played out too many times.

When everything is transparent again, I will feel better. Not that I alone matter in it all.

AEndtoThemForever ago

This. Still looking for alternatives.

DrSelfAppointed ago

Have you only been here for 4 months?

Also, good luck and please report if you find any.

NotHereForPizza ago

I won't call you paranoid. I have the same feelings.

I'm glad you saw what I've seen.

DrSelfAppointed ago

At least we aren't alone staring at the boot licks that praise anything from above in hopes of a pat on the head. I assume/hope we are not the only ones.


Putt said the angel investor is a long established member of the site https://voat.co/v/announcements/2934082/15756656

Whoever that was on qrv was just someone messing with you guys

DrSelfAppointed ago

Well, doesn't say much on an anon board. Only thing I see is an anon larping like they are Trump or someone connected to him? I want Putt to speak on it, or @Atko.