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WTF_Voat ago

Someone bought Voat over a month ago. Why do none of you seem to care?

On Christmas day (you know, the day of the year when it would be the least likely for anyone to see the post), PuttItOut announced that someone had bought Voat, but the new owner is being kept secret.

Someone unknown literally OWNS everything on this site now. They own all the data related to you, data about every post you've ever made (possibly even ones you edited or deleted), data about everything you've voted on, all your private messages, everything.

PuttItOut is that person's employee now, he's not in control any more. And they won't tell us who it is.

Everyone is looking at all these grand conspiracies and missing the one that's happening to you. Why the fuck does nobody care about this?

shillbuster1 ago

Servers in Switzerland? My guess is US intelligence.

WhiteWolfSS ago

Hmm interesting. Ok let me test something.



There are only two genders.

Transgenderism is a mental illness.

I'm not banned yet?

I'm good.

The more they start throwing people in jail for saying "bad words" or speaking the truth, the faster the day of reckoning will come for them.

uvulectomy ago


Member for 1 hour. Nice try, Rabbi.

CameraCode ago

Ironically this post attacking voat from a several hour old account does more to improve my faith in voat that anything else. Maybe it's reverse psychology, but as long as my comments about the Talmud aren't censored I don't care.

DiscontentedMajority ago

We have been privately funded by an anonymous source for over a year before that announcement. So far our benefactor has shown every sign of wanting to keep voat just like it is.

They have repeatedly said they want to stay anon, most likely just to avoid being harrassed by jews and SJWs.

TheSeer ago

You can be an investor without being THE owner. Depends on the size of the stake. Could be debt, could be equity. And Voat needs backing. I wouldn't really blame the person for staying anonymous either. What we have to watch out for is changes in policy. I.E. censorship.

0fsgivin ago

Dude if I bought voat. I would not necessarily want everyone to know either.

Do you know putts name?

It changes nothing. Give no info that could doxx you. And use a VPN.

Skeeterdo ago

Everyone knows puttitouts name. It's well known. I just forgot it.