lopan ago

awwww look, the faggot @fhagyu gave up, guess the paychecks ran out


MadWorld ago

Noticed that op deleted his account with another one of those (((angel))) narratives. For the sake of record, here is op's submission stat:

     65 Conspiracy
     11 whatever
     10 fatpeoplehate
      8 SoapboxBanhammer
      4 RidersoftheReich
      4 AskVoat
      2 TIL
      2 NameTheJew
      1 TheDonald
      1 MRW
      1 GreatAwakening
      1 funny

Submission domains:

     56 v/Conspiracy
     16 imgoat.com
      8 v/whatever
      4 v/AskVoat
      2 v/RidersoftheReich
      2 media.giphy.com
      1 zoa.capwiz.com
      1 zippy.gfycat.com
      1 youtube.com
      1 womanscape.com
      1 v/TIL
      1 v/TheDonald
      1 v/SoapboxBanhammer
      1 vimeo.com
      1 v/GreatAwakening
      1 tinyurl.com
      1 spencergate.files.wordpress.com
      1 proxy.duckduckgo.com
      1 pbs.twimg.com
      1 magaimg.net
      1 invidio.us
      1 i.giphy.com
      1 hooktube.com
      1 congress.gov
      1 charitywatch.org
      1 canarymission.org
      1 911truth.org

MatrixCutter ago

I think its not just voat but any open forum will sooner or later be infiltrated by paid shills, so we have to use our own reasoning to decide what is a shill post or shill comment, targeting the whole platform is not right. Even if you create a new site like reddit or voat, it will be taken over by paid trolls and shills.

hamman365 ago

bye felicia

beece ago

This place is like Reddit? Bullfuckingshit. Show up with some facts, not just opinions will ya?

Tallest_Skil ago

You realize that only Q-LARPers believe that Trump is good, right? Everyone else sees right through him.

wwwwww ago

10k$/m but yeah long predicted.

Far2Long2 ago

Tracking us, are they? So what? We outnumber the DS a million to one. When the SHTF, where will you be - hiding behind the sofa? Get your boots on, get out there, and fight. Do your bit, OP. Show your face and make them show theirs.

Surveillance state? So let's surveille them. If it were not for smartphones, we'd have no pics of Gilets Jaunes.

When the honeypot has a million members, then a billion, we'll see who's stronger. The strength of the pyramid is at the base, not the cap.

theoldones ago

this website started from the right wing.

this wasnt a new change.

heygeorge ago

this website started from the right wing.

Yeah, nah bro

16733491? ago

Later faggot