Dismember ago

In the past they disabled some of those active subs because of spammers even if some of the users were legit.

Denied - Vote limit exceeded based on CCP. Available votes per 24 hours: 10 (Vote Throttle 4.0)

This ^^ basically killed the spamming here though.

Dismember ago

More likely the sub will be disabled. Cynabuns has been doing this manually so maybe now it will be automated.

KVD ago

Are you trying to tell me something about that blue fishing pole over in the corner? Are you planning to steal my blue fishing pole?

NightMode_is4niggers ago

Night Mode is for Niggers. I don't use night mode. Does this mean I will lose it? Is this the place to request features? I'm new here.

OakIsland ago

Like a penis!

johnhenry1 ago

i lost many things! But still happy because time flies, not things.

johnhenry1 ago

Games: A lot of board games for kids. My dad tells stories of board games like Gettysburgh, which literally included an elaborate map of Gettysburgh. Monopoly came out in the 1940s. After doing some research, it may be interesting to learn that the game actually was invented decades earlier as The Landlord’s Game. It was designed to be educational.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/Conspiracy submission by @fhaqyu.

Posted automatically (#23187) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

moviefreak ago

So true. But sometimes you need to grow in other directions, so you don't shadow the sun for each other.

Dismember ago

Ok, I'll start now.

DIYjewelry ago

So much things take care in case of tired.

BaldMiscreant ago

I know you can't really advertise any opinions beyond milquetoast platitudes, as you're the only user that people know the identity of, but it's still nice to see you involved. It shows the rest of us you are actually paying attention.

RampancyLambentRaven ago

Putt if you need money ask. Did your mom die? Are you closing subverses Putt?

samuraichococat ago

@PuttItOut tweettweet putt?

Walk1 ago

You need to keep on top of things or they end falling apart and this is when you have an irreconcilable situation where one cannot control oneself at all and this is when the structures of the mind completely fall out of line and lose all sense of reality.

Commie_Meta ago

So you forgot to feed your dog for three weeks. It happens to the best of us.

JesusRules ago

J. Geils Band - Musta Got Lost Live w/ Intro:


Reddit-is-kill ago


zyklon_b ago


wokeasfook ago

Am I missing something here? Hidden message? Why is this a sticky?

RampancyLambentRaven ago

It means he might start closing subverses or his mother died or he's asking for financial help and money.

wokeasfook ago

thanks. Makes sense. The closing subverses part.

Thereunto ago

Sometimes even with tender care and absolute, vigilant love and heart there is untimely loss and separation.

knightwarrior41 ago

this is very true

StudSupreme ago

My nude 14 y.o. daughter doesn't agree.

goatboy ago

How do we release old subs or reactivate them?

Vvswiftvv17 ago

True. I lost a few good recipes and meal plans when my inactive voat subverse got erased during one of the early voat upgrades.

PuttItOut ago

Is it disabled? We can bring disabled subs back.

BaldMiscreant ago

All his recipes are disabled, they consist of crayon stubs and pork

antiliberalsociety ago

You just scared the shit out of hundreds of users and thousands of their alts

Nadeshda ago

Truth indeed! Sometimes though the school of hard knocks is the only way people learn; this is a sad reality. We do need to count our blessings every day! Sending you good energy with prayers too...

heygeorge ago

So... The new investor fired Puttsy?

Nadeshda ago

I am not sure... ah hmmm... I think primarily it has to do with subverses...but I could be wrong...

Bombur ago


Digg ago

I digg it.

NosebergShekelman ago

What about my sleeper accounts I was going to use to take over Voat and turn it into a Yiddish cooking recipe website?

scrimmmy ago

You ok, you weird fucker? What have you squandered now?

PuttItOut ago

Hey, I'm odd not weird.

scrimmmy ago

Had me worried you were gonna pull a NY abortion on yourself. Dont get all philosophical on me, its creepy.

middle_path ago

Goathole ago

I need to clean my guns and put fresh ammo into them

EpiPendemic ago

If a woman tell you she wants to get married and you don't listen she will leave you.

Vindicator ago

Yes it definitely was.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

We do now, with votes.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

im pumped

i have been planning this coup for many months

Nadeshda ago

Hmmm, I have seen your maneuvers, I’ll be watching you...

clamhurt_legbeard ago

as you should

i might even recruit you lol

Nadeshda ago

You couldn’t afford me... ;)

clamhurt_legbeard ago


the way i decide on gun posts

i wanna talk about this thing

wait i should talk about this one first so people understand better

and it keeps building

Nadeshda ago

I like the way your mind works and the history involved is what makes it so noteworthy.

Truly, in only a few posts I have learned so much!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

i try to do both history and technical details so you learn how it all happened and how it works and why its important

next one is deffo important for basically all modern handguns period

Nadeshda ago

Cool, I like the little hint you gave there... looking forward to it...:)

clamhurt_legbeard ago

i hope nobody figures out how to access my pix ahead of time

or where i store the text before posting


Nadeshda ago

I won’t look ;)

FakeNewzIsFake ago

The Quaggot's are gonna have like 20 threads up, all different hypothesis's with 100% agreeing posts.

sunajAeon ago

This is IT? For fucks sake:(

LampshadeMaker ago

Either tavistock bought it or owned it from the beginning.

PuttsMum ago

Every night I say this to your father.

TheCompanionCube ago

I thought your username would be PuttItIn

PuttItOut ago

Mom! Stop telling everyone or I'll ban you.

knightwarrior41 ago

what is this all about.did something happened?

Dfens ago

It's about time!

99887766 ago


Chap ago

The levels of pedo posing here this year has accelerated. You gonna do anything other than take a bow?

bdmthrfkr ago

If you don't use it you lose it

Unlike virginity.

Anarchy99 ago

But do you still have your foreskin? In the Bible it was a sign you were conquered

Conspirologist ago

Did you know that without sex, male penis decreases in size?

NosebergShekelman ago

Oh god no!! Looks like I may rape my wife tonight. I'll blindside her when she comes out of the shower. She's quite large so its a dangerous situation.

fhaqyu ago

@puttitout where is the answer to our mysterious (((Investor)))

getting tired of you denying the answers you promised us. let me guess, when israeli legislation passes that makes it illegal to speak out against jews, you will reveal them.

thelma ago

After looking at all the posts..I think Putt is talking about his coal stove.

xenoPsychologist ago

you heard it here first, folks. the time cube is real.

Inaminit ago

I had it, lost it, got it back and now I can't get rid of it.

NosebergShekelman ago

I use it, I abuse it, I spank it when it's been baaaad

venk ago


HateCumbuckets ago

Oh this is going to be good. Loving the speculation.

thelma ago

@puttitout should get a cat.

No one cares when a cat dies.

keksupreme ago

if you don't use it, the jews will steal it...

PigSpotter ago

I need 10 points to post a interesting question! Help a goat out niggers!

King_Leopold_II ago


antiplebbitor ago

When did @atko bail and give things to @PutTitOut?

telleveryoneyouknow ago

i've lost two family members to drugs and alcohol. i've always offered my assistance and unlimited resources if they agreed to change. they didn't though (sadly) but i knew that if i enabled them, i would be just as guilty. :(

so i decided to allow them to choose their path and over a long period of time they both saw their demise. it's a terrible tragedy. but separation and loss is a part of the consequence of free will. if we all are in a position to decide our path, then we must honor those who decide (even if it's a bad path)

if someone or something you love is gone now, and if it is out of your control, allow it to happen. if you believe you truly neglected something, i'm sorry for your loss. :(

flapjack_charlie ago

Dont know what you just lost, Putt, but sorry from all of us. FWIW, we love your cantankerous ass.

Crikes ago

Life is navigating loss. Anyone who tells you otherwise is selling something (or too young to have perspective).

I remember my early 30s when I realized that my youth was tangibly over. I remember wondering why it is that we don't do a better job of warning 20-28 year olds that they're on their last stretch of their hormones taking responsibility for their health.

Anyone who tells you "the wall" only applies to women wasn't a male athlete.

I used to wonder if it was resentment for and envy of youth.. but then wondered if it's possible to reach people who are adults, and just have no frame of reference.

Now I see so much sabotage.. It's plain to see that women used to know, and share, that they had little time. They needed to not squander their youth, and their ability to make a family with a high quality man, if they thought they ever wanted kids.

Share your hard earned wisdom with your younger family members. The whole world would have them wake up, and have it be too late.

We have one life to live. We should do whatever we can to cultivate skills, strength, and flexibility, in our young family members, and get them launched asap.

This perpetual adolescence is part of the disease. They should be apprentices asap, and always be taught independence, and work ethic.

Keep your kids out of government schools. Insulate them from deadbeats. Get them moving asap!

Times a wastin!

Lakswjnsiz ago

How about mitigating loss pehaps?

PuttItOut ago

Life is navigating loss.

What a true statement.

While I agree with everything you said, I have to acknowledge that lessons are really only learned by one's self. It's often impossible to warn or teach others thoroughly about life lessons until they experience them directly (and often in regret that it wasn't earlier).

Hand_of_Node ago

[–] PuttItOut "It's often impossible to warn or teach others thoroughly about life lessons until they experience them directly (and often in regret that it wasn't earlier)." https://voat.co/v/Voat/3030391/16719679 [ +77 ] [S] 5 points (+5|-0) 4.4 hours ago

Do you have an AVE color preference?

PuttItOut ago

My true preference for AVE is to port it to the upcoming packages feature.

ParsedOutput ago

No sleeper accounts?

derram ago

I mean, sure.

You are really intent on catering to the majority while screwing over the minority.

Not really a good thing for people who grow tired of the general userbase and wish to retreat to niche subs.

syntaxaxe ago

Yay. The person who runs this website is giving us cryptic messages, with no clearly discernable info. This, at a time when many are in doubt over the future of Voat, given the continuing lack of transparency around Voat's new "angel" investor.

Very responsible, @PuttItOut

obvious-throwaway- ago

Like Freedom of Speech, if we don't exercise our ability to speak freely without consequence, then we will lose it. - Kike Nigger Faggot

hillaryisabitch ago

Dormant accounts about to get gassed.

deadalus ago

They are going to kill us if we don't remain alert and ready.

WakkoWarner ago

Does this mean that you are going to remove the up vote button?

BentAxel ago

Did you neglect your Odyssey putter? Gotta clean those tools dude.

ARsandOutdoors ago

Putt bought a Scotty with the bitcoin money we gave him 2 years ago. I know it

HenryCabotLodge ago

You want my wife? I can overnight her to you. FedX runs Cargo all night.

Lucretius ago

On the other hand, Familiarity Breeds Contempt.

PuttItOut ago

It is a balance

MatGlow ago

Mostly agree. Amen.

SteaksUSA ago

@PuttItOut got divorced

dudelol ago

Remember that God makes a man rich and makes man poor.

Chempergrill ago

Fire up the the girlfriend farms.

think- ago


99887766 ago

sguevar ago

Is this regarding inactive subverses?

i_scream_trucks ago

"i havent touched it in 4 years and its smaller than i remember it :("

CRKT_M16Z ago

Ya know, people usually post this kind of stuff only after something bad has happened.

I hope all is well with you, @PuttItOut

zombielordzero ago

a few accounts i used to post in anon subs are gone, guess i was past whatever the magic number of months was he used to lock accounts down.

PuttItOut ago

Everything is OK. This is not meant to be personal (although it applies to personal stuff as well).

CRKT_M16Z ago

Okay, Just checking. Some of us here do care about others, even those random internet strangers we don't know personally.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Does this extend to dormant user accounts as well?

Crackrocknigga ago

I've got some Bitcoin to burn, where can I find Putts address?

crazy_eyes ago

I haven't got to use my motorcycle since the fucking snow arrived, am I going to lose it?

crazy_eyes ago

I haven't got to use my motorcycle since the snow arrived, am I going to lose it?

16715605? ago

Is it too late to work on subverse requests? Only sub I'd hate to see go is https://voat.co/v/sanjosesharks :(

NotPolice ago

Putt's captors are testing their comment-bot. Look at all those comments in this thread. Aside from the obviously torture-obtained information about his Great Dane, all his comments share a certain...something, wouldn't you say? Don't worry Putt, when we figure out who the 'investors' are, the first thing on the to-do list is storming their HQ and freeing you.

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

This is a stupid post, even for you. That's saying something.

It's not like you're ever going to let people take over dead subs.

We've known for a long time now that you actively seek to minimize growth of voat, or even reverse it.

Hfjeidijrneiisifj ago

My name is putt putt putt, I am a Jewish slut slut slut and take nigger cock in my butt butt butt.

The English translation of all your faggot posts sellout.

DillHoleBagHands ago

Monday morning philosophy, call me entruiged.

holofan4life ago

That's my hope too. The sub itself should not be deleted because the sleeper mod is squatting it. But the sleeper accounts need to go.

inthemickoftime ago

Is this about Jesus?

WatchListMe ago

Who is the voat investor?????

weezkitty ago

A jew

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I put two hemorrhoid suppositories up my ass over the course of yesterday and when i shit this morning it sounded like "bwrrrappp bwrappppp brapppppppp braawwwppppp" It gave me PTSD flashbacks from the war and i started to cry.

Is this what rape is like?

CRKT_M16Z ago

Oh. You ate the local food too, I see.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Im still a little butt hurt about it

CRKT_M16Z ago

Ha! Ugh, I just remember pissing out of my ass for about 4 weeks.

WeekendBaker ago

What fuck. I lolled.

a_fucking_dude ago

The phrase is actually, "Use it or lose it."

Adminstrater ago


Multiplayer Diablo II characters expire if they are inactive for too long. Expired characters cannot be recovered.
Characters played for two hours or more will expire after 90 days of inactivity.

90 days exactly... :'(

Javik2186 ago

Yes, but I still have to check your bits.

GoyimNose ago

Real sad nigga hours, any voat whores wanna be his new gf

WesternCarnival ago

So you're saying when I hit the Random link, I won't go to subs that haven't had a post in 3 years?

16733185? ago

Or a loli sub that I've had banned for years

antiplebbitor ago

RIP all my old ‘verses.

(And half the verses still up)

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Also, id make the subverse private in an instant if @puttitout added a no downvoats feature for private subs

Adminstrater ago

What am I forgetting? I completely forgot to remember to remember it.

bourbonexpert ago

What the fuck is this supposed to mean?

holofan4life ago

Deep Thoughts with PuttItOut

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Cool 3 to 1 uv dv ratio. Comments: This user has upvoted 7642 and downvoted 2197 comments.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Defending trannies is bannable . My sub my rules. Make your own tranny busting subverse that sucks.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

You ready for our dick contest yet? We'll see who's a tranny.

Vampyregod ago

You have to add "in bed" to the end of your fortune cookie...

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Its my subverse i do what i want. Do you go into trad wives and post about how being a liberated slut is a good thing?

Do you go to v/funny and talk about doing your taxes in detail?

Do you go to videogames and talk about a novel you just read?

Use your brain. Transvestigation is about outing hidden trannies. If youre not there to do that then GET BANNED.

theoldguy ago

Do you go to v/funny and talk about doing your taxes in detail?

Do you go to videogames and talk about a novel you just read?

You're constantly posting about trannies in threads that have nothing to do with them, you little tranny hypocrite.

later_b ago

indeed they do.

tangent, but:

Do you go to v/funny and talk about doing your taxes in detail?

good trolling idea

talmoridor-x ago


Rotteuxx ago

Makes me wish I had more time for my big /v/welding posts like I used to, I miss doing 100% shop work.

Which reminds me, we're still waiting on your first welding project post :)

PuttItOut ago

You missed my Q & A post I think :(

Rotteuxx ago

Damn, just saw that :(

I'll get back to you on that after dinner tonight. Lots of options & different systems out there that are severely over priced, some very simple homemade solutions too.

P.s. : that's not a welding project post :p

PuttItOut ago

that's not a welding project post :p

Correct, but it is my first post to v/welding. :)

digitalentity1497 ago

Hi Putt, hope all is good. Hang in there bud.

Thrus2 ago

Are you saying that mods that haven't posted/commented/modded in many moths in the sub they are a mod of are going to lose it? because if they are doing noting in the sub not even commenting they deserve to be kicked from it.

TheTrigger ago

Pretty much. I wonder what's going to happen to people who registered their own usernames to avoid trolling/experiment with features like CSS, as myself and quite a few others have done. If it can just stay disabled, without anyone taking over, unless there are legitimate reasons— like if a new anime or video game comes out called "TheTrigger," and they want to make a sub dedicated to it. I'd be okay with that.

Thrus2 ago

The correct solution would be leave it with no mod and disabled unless someone petitions for ownership of it. but really I was thinking something like a month or 3 before they get kicked out. And just posting something or commenting would avoid an auto trigger on that. of course I expect that some would abuse that and just comment once or post once to stay and do nothing else. In cases like what you are talking about that would be fine, in cases like /v/news or /v/gaming those are the ones mainly getting to me. I don't want to say it only has to be mod activity as then they would do something just to be active not because it needs to be done.

Maybe make it be an adjustable timer based on number of people subscribed under 100 3 months under, 1000 2 months, under 5000 1 month, system sub 2 weeks. Even if work is kicking your ass or you are on a long vacation it isn't hard to open voat on your phone and leave a comment on something once every 2 weeks, if you can't manage that you shouldn't be moding a system sub anyhow.

Conspirologist ago

Did you broke up with your girlfriend, or are you talking about freedom of speech?

ImPhilippe ago

Why are you fucking with everyone? Just for the lulz?

revfelix ago

You ok, Putt?

Zammyanci ago

AGREE! Keep the message/s ALIVE!

That's what I get out of it 🤔

heygeorge ago

Puttsy gonna deactivate inactive accounts, too? Or you are foreshadowing subverse transfers. Probably that.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Love it:)

ratsmack ago

Once you lose it, you will know what it is you neglected... better pay attention.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

So hows about no downvoats option for private subverses?

heygeorge ago

@PuttItOut is going to begin a transvestigation on you. He’s explaining how you lost your genitalia.

KVD ago

Are you OK?


False. Still have my penis.

Anarchy99 ago

But you don't have your foreskin. Sex with a circumcised man is sexual abuse. I can't imagine why any woman would want to sleep with a circumcised man.

IAmYourDad ago

Jerking it counts right?

fuckfuckfuck1 ago

Week 5, no fap. HH brother.

tom47 ago

not relevent to intent of post! #IMHO

jiews ago

Did you stick it right way, tho?

GassyMcGasface ago

Does it still work though?

Rhondaher ago


GritD2 ago

He said neglect, not abuse

ginx2666 ago

Dicks are like women - you have to beat beat from time to time, else they stop working.

shawnfromnh69 ago

So that's what happened.

Lynch_Tree ago

Just like niggers. cracks whip

stealthninjataliban ago

The size of it shrinks from neglect

Dildo-Shwaggins ago

I bet you still use it, just nobody else does.

PraiseIPU ago

nope, I learned to pee out my butt.

jollux ago

consider a diet change

PuttItOut ago

Ok, this was a great reply. Credit where credit is due.

CalmRules ago

@puttitout you damn hypocrite! If credit is due then tell us who your “angel” that now partly owns voat is already! Your silence about this is simply confirming what everyone already believe, that you sold out to the filthy Chinese communists, just like reddit did. Keep on neglecting your users on voat and i can promise you that the European userbase will migrate elsewhere.

Fuckyounigger ago

you remind me of someone... someone i havent seen a long long time... dare i ask sanegoat?

keksupreme ago

ok so where is the evidence.

also we all know you are just another stupid whiny jew posting this shit.

"muh russia, muh commies"

you meant jew not european right? yeah that's what i thought

Improbablyanasshole ago

Calm down.

bareknuckles ago

How about starting by telling us who you are - name, address, phone number etc. Your silence will confirm that you are a filthy EU antifa or share blue troll.

Maybe the investor put up some money to keep this site up and free speech and knows if his/her name is revealed they will be doxxed, harassed and businesses destroyed.

Euro-weenie...how dare you threaten a US citizen and company with a boycott.

everlastingphelps ago

Rule 3. Fuck off.

NiklausTheNaked ago

You act as though he owes this to you. You can easily stop using the site. He could have just bought told us anything.

capnflummox ago

Well... to be fair... without 'us', there wouldn't be any content for him that would make the site worth selling.

It's a circle, dude. Not a line.

NiklausTheNaked ago

The thing we get in return is a bastion of free speech. Feel that tug on your cock? That's five fingers of freedom.

Tallest_Skil ago

It's already illegal for most of Europe to even be here. Why would that matter to them?

think- ago

It's already illegal for most of Europe to even be here


Tallest_Skil ago

European Union Framework Decision for Combating Racism and Xenophobia (2007)

Each Member State shall take the measures necessary to ensure that the following intentional conduct is punishable:

(a) publicly inciting to violence or hatred directed against a group of persons or a member of such a group defined by reference to race, colour, religion, descent or national or ethnic origin;

(b) the commission of an act referred to in point (a) by public dissemination or distribution of tracts, pictures or other material;

(c) publicly condoning, denying or grossly trivialising crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes as defined in Articles 6, 7 and 8 of the Statute of the International Criminal Court, directed against a group of persons or a member of such a group defined by reference to race, colour, religion, descent or national or ethnic origin when the conduct is carried out in a manner likely to incite to violence or hatred against such a group or a member of such a group;

Huh, now what does that word mean?

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary

Condone: To forgive, support, or overlook another person's wrong or illegal action, so that it appears the action is acceptable to the person or entity condoning it.

Unless they are EXPRESSLY speaking out against everything we know to be true (and therefore spamming the website), they are violating the law by being here.

think- ago


Are you trying to scare British and Euro users away from Voat? Nobody in Europe committs an offence when on Voat.

Try harder next time.

@Vindicator @Crensch @kevdude @MadWorld @PeaceSeeker

Tallest_Skil ago


You were literally just proven wrong.

Are you trying to scare British and Euro users away from Voat?

No, you stupid fucking retard. I'm stating the law.

Nobody in Europe committs an offence when on Voat.

You were literally just proven wrong.

think- ago

Otherwise yeah, this remains law, and people will be arrested for it

Nobody has ever been arrested in Europe for being on Voat, that's BULLSHIT.

And now please excuse me, I have better things to do than talking to a shill. Bye.

@Vindicator @Crensch @kevdude @MadWorld @PeaceSeeker

Tallest_Skil ago

nobody has ever

Okay? And you think that matters to what was said?


Kill yourself. Tell a German Voat user to type, “The holocaust did not happen.” See what follows. If you’re so right, “nothing” will happen. Why are you afraid of this?

praivo ago

The holocaust did not happen.

Here, it's not in my post history. I'm in one of the countries where denying the holocaust is banned and so close to Germany that I literally could walk there in about 2.5 hours if I wanted to. Will I be arrested soon? Nope. Browsing Voat won't do it either. I'd have to publicly express my sympathy towards Nazis and/or similar groups (which I can't since there's no sympathy from me).

think- ago

You should really add an 'edit' when you edit your comments. /s Apart from that, repeating:

And for being here.

doesn't make it true.

Tallest_Skil ago

I thought I got it in in time. Ah, well.

doesn't make it true.

You were literally just proven wrong.

think- ago

I'm stating the law.

LOL. Thank you for the laugh. :-)

You didn't even get that what you quoted is only a 'Framework Decision', not a law. rolls eyes

It's up to the EU member states to implement that into national law. Do you know anything about EU lawmaking and European laws? Obviously not.

And there is no member state that has a law that would make accessing Voat a punishable offence.

Didn't they tell you at MediaMatters? /s

As I said - try harder next time. Have a nice afternoon! :-)

@Vindicator @Crensch @kevdude @MadWorld @PeaceSeeker

Tallest_Skil ago

rolls eyes

Go back to Tumblr, you stupid fucking bitch.

praivo ago

First, that's not what you quoted in the previous post. Second, as you can see, the laws are different in every country. Third, just by being here I'm literally not violating ANYTHING unless I specifically browse subs that condone that shit AND actively participate in them, which I don't.

Tallest_Skil ago

First, that's not what you quoted in the previous post.

... And.

Third, just by being here I'm literally not violating ANYTHING unless I specifically browse subs that condone that shit

All subs condone it. The holocaust didn't happen. If you reply to me again without "refuting" the statement, you are in violation of your nation's laws.

Tallest_Skil ago


praivo ago

Here's my reply to you. I'm taking the second sentence as your own opinion, so I do not have to refute it. I don't like you and disagree with your opinion, therefore I'm well within the law.

markrod420 ago

have you been sensored yet?

CalmRules ago

Better question, has the data collected on me on how often i access this site been used to justify me being placed on a special type of list yet? Id rather not have to choose between censorship and being targeted by (((them))).

think- ago

They collect your data when accessing any website.

antiplebbitor ago

You’re already on the (((list))), bud.

When civil war hits, we must expect to be the first ones fucked with.

Rhodesians never die!

Blacksmith21 ago

Selous Scouts never die. They just disappear into their beards.

Hand_of_Node ago

Be a man among men. We fight to win.

Blacksmith21 ago

Fuck yeah man. Armpits with eyeballs.

God's speed to your homeland - America.

markrod420 ago

is that a joke? what kind of idiot are you to believe you arent already on those lists. did you completely neglect to read any of the snowden released documents? they know EVERYTHING YOU DO ON THE INTERNET. tor be dammed, everything else be dammed. you have no privacy. they already know everything they need to know about you. the fact that you think otherwise only proves what they, again, already know. you are no meaningful threat to them.

CalmRules ago

And what kind of idiot are you to believe that they are not continously building your profile?! As if they suddenly just stop once the learning process once there is enough data.

One thing i can promise you, i know more about these types of things than you will ever know.. unless you are like me that is.

markrod420 ago

thats just it. you seem to be under the impression the ownership of voat has any bearing at all on if they know what you are doing on voat. it doesnt. they already know and will continue to know regardless of who owns voat or if those owners are sharing data deliberately or not.

capnflummox ago

The only privacy we have is the one we make for ourselves. Perhaps you have none. Great for you.

Stop projecting.

Hand_of_Node ago

Your reply is proof that you've at least forfeited some or all of your electronic privacy. You may or may not have your personal spaces swept regularly for the latest surveillance devices, but that's a different topic.

markrod420 ago

if you use social media they know you do. if they dont know then you go through AMAZING lengths to ensure as much. such as only ever using public computers and never carrying a cell phone and driving pre computer era cars and no laptop. and when you consider the likely capabilities they could use if they really WANTED to know where you are, then you would need to conceal your face even when using public computers, lest they use facial recognition and the images from cell phone and surveilance cameras to identify you and connect you to your activity. you have no privacy.

Hand_of_Node ago

All my covert work was before the internet, and at this point I don't care about non-commercial surveillance all that much.

markrod420 ago

well the guy i was originally arguing with seems to be under the impression voats ownership has some impact on the level of surveilance he is under. it doesnt.

anamazonslittle ago

Well, bye then.

Not your sandbox, not your toys. You're not in any position to demand, nor are you entitled to anything

capnflummox ago

Once again we point out that the site would have no content without the users. So, yes, we have "earned" 'anything'. Not entitled to it. Earned it.

CalmRules ago

You do realize that playing smug has absolutely no effect in this case right?! If this “secret” backer is collecting our data maliciously, then you can keep you “sandbox and toys”. I’d rather be homeless than live with cancer.

Norseman ago

Are you this retarded in real life too, or is just online?

capnflummox ago

I think it's just in your company.

Gorillion ago

Speculation i that it's James Woods. He's one of these guys who supposedly scored big with Bitcoin which is why he doesn't care about incinerating his career in current year Hollywood. But he needs it to remain secret, because if he associates too closely with Voat then it becomes a hard target of the msm.

The other spec is that it's the NSA, because each "alphabet agency" has their own social media platform they keep operational with black funds. And Q is somewhat based out of here too (primary platform being 8ch). CIA funds Twitter and Reddit if I remember it right. Perhaps all of Google too (whose umbrella parent company is called "Alphabet" btw - they like their little jokes).

The overview is that we're in the middle of an inter-agency civil war as well as the more obvious cultural war with the internet/new media as the primary battle ground for propaganda. Probably why trump hasn't re-instituted the Smith-Mundt act, because he needs the edge he's getting from being such an effective player of public opinion via new media.

I think China only comes in peripherally. They have their shill squads, but they're like everything out of China. A cheap, low quality knock off and easy to spot as such. At most, other players use them as proxy armies I suspect. Nobody trusts them and I suspect what ever way all this washes out, the Chinks are getting erased because they have too many imperialistic ambitions in a world that's already been carved up by better and smarter factions. At best the jews would use them as a huge human organ and fetus blood farm with some puppet Farmer Xiangs in charge.

keksupreme ago

i'm pretty sure that you are just a whiny jew shill mad that voat isn't getting censored enough

Trumpocrat2020 ago

I think woods made his money off Amazon.

capnflummox ago


Trumpocrat2020 ago

Could be, I might be confusing him with Scott Adams.

capnflummox ago

It could be both. I only know that last year he (Woods) tweeted openly his love for Apple based on his fortune from early investments.

CalmRules ago

Finally a good answer. Problem is that unless it is the first option.. the whole idea of being on a “censorless” website loses its entire appeal. What? Im only allowed to freely express myself as long as the mother of all intelligence agencies are able to collect their data on me? Is no better than reddit.

oneinchterror ago


Atomized_Individual ago

Yea, ((( Chinese )))

LampshadeMaker ago

They're the new kike proxy.

Zevediah ago

That escalated quickly.

CalmRules ago

Quickly? Ive seen so many posts on here questioning the same thing without ever getting a concrete answer. Ive noticed many regular users already backing off their usual posting, and it wouldn’t surprise me if the ones remaining are either in on it or too stupid to realize what is happening here.

Zevediah ago

Well, they were talking about the condition of u/TH0UGHTP0LICE's penis...

Blaxsploitation ago

Only site on the web where even the owner is a schizoposter. This place is great. Ill take the words to heart Putt.

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago

This is what smart people talking amongst themselves looks like to the average.

truthwoke33 ago

If you don't use admin you lose it, if you don't vote you lose points, if you don't participate you lose privileges.

I'm assuming one or more of these is true. I'm okay with that, I personally really dislike parking information.

wonderful_ ago

Removing dead subs and users is the right thing to do. Take them to their grave.

TheTrigger ago

Sure, but this should only be done very infrequently, IMO. A lot of dead subs weren't necessarily spam-ridden; and a lot of them housed plenty of useful links to resources and other material, which will no longer be accessible. Or user accounts which were insanely active before, and decided to stop logging in permanently.

How would that be handled? All of their old content disappears with the account. What if you delete the account and keep the comments— and someone re-registers the same account name? Do they inherit all of the old posts? Are said posts and comments absorbed by a "system" account? These are all questions that would need to be answered, first.

wonderful_ ago

Hmm now that you put it that way. How about instead of deleting we lock the verses and users so they are visible but can’t be used again? If someone tries registering the username or subverse again they can’t because the names still exist.

truthwoke33 ago

Keep the information and posts, but relinquish ownership.

Right now, we are living under internet fuedalism. Where some guy 10,000 miles away owns the land because his great great great great grandpa killed a guy and said he did 500 years ago.

TheTrigger ago

Fair enough, that would be acceptable. It would also obfuscate a few details, and disturb... uh... "forensic analysis" of certain accounts worthy of note. But you're right, a compromise has to be made eventually. Really interested to see how the whole Votes and Packages thing plays out, in practice. It might inherently become a solution to this problem, in the future.

Boyakasha ago

I had assumed this was about dead/abandoned subs.

blumen4alles ago

I assumed it was about users that had not logged in for a certain amount of time.

zombielordzero ago

seems to be both. some subs have been disabled, others that have last post within 12 months seem to still be up. a few accounts i used to post in anon subs are disabled, so he did both.

PuttItOut ago

What I like about universal principles is that they apply to everything.

Attac ago

Glad our admin is not only not a faggot but also a philosopher.

PuttItOut ago

Two for one!

invisiblephrend ago

how does one apply to take over verses with mods that are awol? i'd love to take over for /v/watchpeopledie. several mods are confirmed sjw's over on reddit, but unfortunately the creator told me over pm that he no longer has ownership of the place. the last thing we need are cancerous mods migrating over here when reddit inevitably eats itself.

Astupidname69 ago


Tb0n3 ago

Does that imply old accounts will be deleted?

Ziekk ago

Bumping my account!

SIayfire122 ago

My best guess is it's something to do with this.

Fullmetal ago

I'm not sure how I feel about that, considering my history, but meh. I can't really object. It's site maintenance.

Tb0n3 ago

I was interpreting putt's post as a wider reaching rule because of the context. I knew the impetus. That much was obvious.

AR47 ago

Well that is what “universal” is defined as by your context.

zyklon_b ago

If you ain't gonna use it you gonna lose it...

Doglegwarrior ago

So liberal mens will to defend white america is already dead? Even if they have a white son they will let white american culture die with out a fight?

LoginOrRegister ago

Will the QTard analyze this very crypto message for us ?

knightwarrior41 ago

Will the QTard analyze this very crypto message for us ?

they are waiting on Q to tell them what it means lolz

ginx2666 ago

Yes, it reads "Trust Israel, kill for Israel, die for Israel".

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Putts use of a comma in stead of a colon / semi colon clearly represents that @puttitout has colon cancer and may lose his colon. No way putt would "accidentally" make a run on sentence like this.

drstrangegov ago

sounds plausible. did q predict?

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Of course. Q post 1337 predicted this.

PuttItOut ago

English shouldn't compile if it's semantically incorrect.

sbt2160p ago

What I if told you that we have error correction built right into our brains? Read that previous sentence again.

PuttItOut ago

Then my error correction is a truck without breaks heading down hill.

shawnfromnh69 ago

Sure it compiles, look at the shit that liberal politician say. Their brains are compile posts.

Omnidempotent ago

I bet you were an XHTML man back in the day

PuttItOut ago

Well-formed is the only way ;)

a100167 ago

I prefer to be anti-semantic

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

We like to call it counter-semantic here at voat.

ilikeskittles ago

I agree with this completely.

Weasel_Soup ago

He didn't use his wife or gf enough.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

His angel investor didnt come through fast enough and his tranny hooker he had on retention bailed.

Boyakasha ago


xenoPsychologist ago

wiggle one, wiggle awl.

BlueDrache ago

Fozzie Bear?

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

Israel did 9/11

rape_train ago

Where's the lie?

MyDrunkAccount ago

In the limitation of his statement.

C_Corax ago

You ok dude?

jollux ago

his benis is falling off

WeekendBaker ago

Someone fundraiser another golf trip stat. Putt is fueled by Putting greens.

If no one else does I’ll try but I suck at fundraising.

heretolearn ago

trust the putt

ruck_feddit ago

Did your dog die, Putt? Sorry man.

PuttItOut ago

I'm still not over my Great Dane passing. It's been years and I still sometimes forget he's gone. :(

Dogs take a piece of your heart with them.

getshanked ago

Sorry to hear that, Putt. Me and the wife adopted our gorgeous Dane 18 months ago. She was already 5 when we got her, so we’ve only got a few years with her. The don’t call them the heartbreak breed for nothing :(

PuttItOut ago

I've never heard that before, the heartbreak bread. The two other people I've known that had Danes pass were also heart broken also.

Love that Dane everyday! They're such goofy people.

Hand_of_Node ago

Piece of My Heart

When did I enter my sixties? I hear this album playing and my best friends and I are sitting on a bed in our smock tops and bell bottoms...long hair, parted in the middle...smelling of Flex Shampoo and Coty Wild Musk Oil. My boyfriend drove a '69 Nova SS. Weed was $15 a lid :) It and Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill were a recipe for a Saturday night. We were good kids too....we studied hard, we went to college...we just had such dreams of a better world and wanted a freedom from the confines of the 1950s when our parents were young adults. Wow, I can't believe it was that long ago.. My grandmother was 60, heck, my mother was just in her late 30s then....I couldn't imagine 60.

It was me with the 1970 & 1/2 Z-28 (B&B, bored out '40 over', and etc), but same difference.

Richard_Guzenya ago

The loyalty and love you get from a dog is always paid for in the end. Hasn't ever stopped me from going back time and time again.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Why did you get a breed, then, that is known to have so many health issues and die young? Dog breeds are the result from tons of INBREEDING. like the jews.

think- ago

Why did you get a breed, then, that is known to have so many health issues and die young?

Wow. Emotionally challenged much?!

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

To willingly seek after breeds known to be riddled with health problems is only promoting more suffering. Nobody gets a great dane from a shelter.

think- ago

It's just heartless to post a reply like this to someone who loved his dog, and still mourns his loss.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

The truth is the truth. Feefees dont bother me

kneo24 ago

That's a lie. You deleted this comment because it exposed your subverse to being run by trannies, and you banned me for it. It was entirely a "feelings" decision on your part.

think- ago

Well, good luck with that attitude.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Good luck with what?

think- ago

With downplaying legit emotions as 'feefees', and not being able to or willing to adequately respond to someone who mourns.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Who gets to decide what an adequate response is?

hans_wormhat ago

God does. We know a tree by its fruit.

think- ago

The people who turn away from you in real life, because you lack emotional intelligence.

theoldguy ago

He's admitted he has no friends.

kneo24 ago

It's hard to have friends when you believe everyone is a tranny.

think- ago

I'm not surprised...

NotPolice ago

Working breeds and the majority of breeds that aren't 'popular' are generally very healthy. A good breeder is first and foremost concerned with the health of offspring. Very rarely will you get the puppy mill types trying to churn out inbred dags on the breeds that don't have crowds slavering for them, so just stay away from the breed of dog the Jones next door bought.

You're still right about choosing to get a breed that is known to have health problems though.

ruck_feddit ago

I know. Rotty, here. She was a soldier.

LostandFound ago

For sure man, my labs collar still sits on the mantelpiece 6-7 years on. Think I am going to get a dog again this year tho, there is something about that blend of loyalty and disaster that's missing from my life.

PuttItOut ago

So, Great Danes... they are a mess... Anyways, Jericho (that was his name) decorated my entire house (walls and sometimes ceilings) by violently flinging stringy saliva everywhere when he shook his head. They would eventually collect dust and dry then I could see them and clean them off.

There is one wall in my house I haven't cleaned and never will. v/aww

LostandFound ago

Fucking lol I can understand that mostly! I have some shit broken in the house from my dog if anyone ever attempts to fix it, they will shorten their life expectancy dramatically.

Godspeed Jerico

Drunkenst ago

you’ll meet again, can’t be a heaven without dogs

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Modern dog breeds are an abomination created through tons of inbreeding. Why do you think they would be in heaven?

Drunkenst ago

Mine is, GSD - epitome of canine evolution

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Jesus talked a lot about the kingdom of heaven and i dont recall Him ever mentioning companion animals.

Drunkenst ago

“My Father’s House has many rooms”..., I suggest that there are things about which we’re uninformed. He told us what we needed to know. He didn’t tell us all, and at least one thing was hidden even to Our Savior.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago


Drunkenst ago

Pharisee then? You guys are transparent. Go bulldoze another hut.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

"Evolutuon" aka... making daughters sleep with their father for generatiom after generation. Sick perversions. How many dogs had to come out completely tarded before they got the german shepard?

Drunkenst ago

By their fruits shall you know them. You, I don’t need to know anymore about.

PuttItOut ago

I hope you're right. Please be right.

Drunkenst ago

No worries mate. Thanks for everything.

zyklon_b ago


Boycott_Israel ago

They had a LOT of domestic help.

zyklon_b ago


Wowbagger ago

Underrated comment.

zyklon_b ago

Should be the number 1 comment

ForgotMyName ago

This is why you have to feed and water your gimp on a daily basis.

Renatus ago

True. Generic statement or is there further context?

PuttItOut ago

This guy gets it (I think).

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Since we are on this subject: Is there a way to delete these subs from my subscriptions? I created a bunch of subs as experiments and content ideas, and they just went nowhere.

Now i am stuck with a bunch of dead subs and my subscription menu is as ugly as a reddit mod.

QualityShitposter ago

Closed a bunch of sleeper subverses?

zombielordzero ago

easier just to trim down the ones you have to the few if any that caught on. i did this 6 months ago, and its much less effort to keep 2 subs active than 8, especially when only 1 of those 8 has a user base.

go1dfish ago

Curious why do this. Are they computationally expensive to maintain?

This weekend I started moving the model of notabug over to one that updates listings when writes come in, sorts the individually affected item and then writes the listing. It's much quicker to have a list of sorted ids, and then update the position or insert an item in that list based on a binary search. I think this approach could work even better with Voat's simpler listing structure.

In my experiments so far, updates are taking < 50ms to compute this way for 1000 item listings.

FuckshitMcDickTits ago

Vote farming, and it takes up DB/cache space I would assume.

DeliciousOnions ago

Probably not expensive to maintain, as it's just a directory on a database. But more likely it's that a dead sub with a popular name could be reawakened if the mods get booted and the whole thing restarted.

Or it could be some cryptic secret message thing.

oyy_veyy_goyy ago

Is everything ok Putt?

Asashio ago

This a reference to the moderator sleeper thing, or am I missing something?

fuckingmockies ago


70times7 ago

Time takes us all Putt.

PuttItOut ago

Time is a force that can't be negotiated with, just have to use it as wisely as possible.

Shotinthedark ago

Time is a construct of man, not an entity of the universe.

oneinchterror ago


sphinx1 ago

Time is an illusion.

knightwarrior41 ago

no,time is factual and real.people,animals ,trees and even rocks get old.that's a fact,if it were an illusion then you would be able to escape it but you cant

Federal_Delta ago
