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Crikes ago

Life is navigating loss. Anyone who tells you otherwise is selling something (or too young to have perspective).

I remember my early 30s when I realized that my youth was tangibly over. I remember wondering why it is that we don't do a better job of warning 20-28 year olds that they're on their last stretch of their hormones taking responsibility for their health.

Anyone who tells you "the wall" only applies to women wasn't a male athlete.

I used to wonder if it was resentment for and envy of youth.. but then wondered if it's possible to reach people who are adults, and just have no frame of reference.

Now I see so much sabotage.. It's plain to see that women used to know, and share, that they had little time. They needed to not squander their youth, and their ability to make a family with a high quality man, if they thought they ever wanted kids.

Share your hard earned wisdom with your younger family members. The whole world would have them wake up, and have it be too late.

We have one life to live. We should do whatever we can to cultivate skills, strength, and flexibility, in our young family members, and get them launched asap.

This perpetual adolescence is part of the disease. They should be apprentices asap, and always be taught independence, and work ethic.

Keep your kids out of government schools. Insulate them from deadbeats. Get them moving asap!

Times a wastin!

PuttItOut ago

Life is navigating loss.

What a true statement.

While I agree with everything you said, I have to acknowledge that lessons are really only learned by one's self. It's often impossible to warn or teach others thoroughly about life lessons until they experience them directly (and often in regret that it wasn't earlier).

Hand_of_Node ago

[–] PuttItOut "It's often impossible to warn or teach others thoroughly about life lessons until they experience them directly (and often in regret that it wasn't earlier)." [ +77 ] [S] 5 points (+5|-0) 4.4 hours ago

Do you have an AVE color preference?

PuttItOut ago

My true preference for AVE is to port it to the upcoming packages feature.