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SIayfire122 ago

@PuttItOut. Voat should have a script that automatically removes inactive mods after x-months, or at least flags them for review.

Germ22 ago

A feature like this is coming soon. The community will be able to call for referendums and vote out inactive mods.

MadWorld ago

People who are interested with modding inactive subverses should prepare themselves to meet all requirements necessary, in order to submit transfer requests. Others may want to also meet a different set of requirements, in order to get their votes certified. It is a fair fight with everything on the table.

How to inform others, without waking up sleeper mods?

AinzOown ago

The fuck? No. If you want more active mods go to reddit faggot.

Asashio ago

I think he means inactive as in not actually logging into or participating in Voat.

Not as in not deleting shit.

ExpertShitposter ago

This. Any user that has never commented, and has not even logged in for 6 months....delete.

Splooge ago

A feature like this would also help to save resources. I dunno how much of a drain account-squatting is, but I'd imagine if bots (both human and automated) were making massive amounts of accounts and letting them sit to "mature" (kek), all the little bits would add up quickly.

6cd6beb ago

Each account is most likely stored in a database, which is going to use roughly the same amount of storage space as text, which is a trivial amount.

Creating 1Gb worth of accounts would more likely be recognized as "creating a shitload of accounts" far sooner than "filling up storage space"

Splooge ago

Well fuck me, it sure sounds like you know your stuff. Good deal.

6cd6beb ago


To be clear, Auto-axing accounts that are clearly dead would speed things up. Not by a lot, but it's a good idea all the same.

Elcycs ago

Could they be moved to a different "probably dead account" table for any benefit? Just for efficiency if you didn't want to actually delete them all together...

Splooge ago

I'm no expert, but I think "every little bit helps" applies to most everything in life.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Not really, as it takes resources to delete and re-sort the information.