friendshipistragic ago

v/TheAnimeReich watches with amusement

Rotteuxx ago

TIL I learned anime boobs can dodge bullets !

friendshipistragic ago

It is true

Armpit_and_Ass ago


Rotteuxx ago

So you consider pedophilia to be a free speech issue ?

The only reason lolicon is still legally tolerated is because of a kiked US supreme court decision invalidating a provision under the Child Pornography Prevention Act of 1996 as overbroad.

According to an AVVO lawyer :

it is unclear if this provision of the PROTECT act would survive appellate review, or if PROTECT sufficiently limited the ban so as to correct the problems with the previous act.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Fuck your censorship

Rotteuxx ago

Alright pedo !

theoldones ago


Sue google, you can find even better ones there.

Schreiber ago

Nothing good can come from LGBTQIAAPs.

99887766 ago

What all is this about?

Rotteuxx ago

Pedophiles from reddit

La_Chalupacabra ago

Quick question: does blocking accounts that post that shit keep it from showing up in the /all/ feed?
I'd rather not block legit subs like /gaming/ on account of a couple bad actors.

Rotteuxx ago

What do you mean by legit subs with bad actors ? The subject here is pedophilia...

But no, blocking accounts simply keeps you from getting notifications from them.

La_Chalupacabra ago

What do you mean by legit sub with bad actors ?

Aged's loli posts in /gaming/ appear in my /all/new feed.
I was hoping to filter that shit by poster, not subverse.

But no, blocking accounts simply keeps you from getting notifications from them.


Rotteuxx ago

Then only a sub ban could fix that.

La_Chalupacabra ago

Thank you.

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CrudOMatic ago

Nope. Lolifags - go to phuks with your furry brothers.

Walk1 ago

Its time to get the show on the road and do it as soon as is possible.

draaaak ago

As a rule, I trust exactly zero zombie accounts to be legit goats, and I deal with them accordingly.

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theoldones ago

@Aged is probably involved with this. my proof posts on v/gaming are getting hit by suspicious accounts lately

ExpertShitposter ago

such is the nature of the leftist

Ember2528 ago

Yes I am the Owner. The sleeper account is an old account I made forever ago for no particular reason and left because I wasn't active on messageboard at all at the time which could be confirmed by looking at my Reddit account under the same name. The other two are some Discord friends I asked because I knew there would be a shit ton of spam on them

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Rotteuxx ago

Ember2528 17 points · 3 days ago · edited 3 days ago

I have wanted to move to Voat for a long time. But I haven't because, well, it's Voat. It would be great if enough of us could go rush the site to replace the existing userbase, it's a small site after all, but convincing a large amount of internet users to mass migrate is logistically a nightmare

Care to comment on this, faggot ?

Rotteuxx ago

Friends from Discord huh... this doesn't bode well for you guys. Many shit disturbing shills organize on Discord and Goats have a special dislike for it.

So on top on of enjoying pedophilic drawings, you moded fresh accounts from Discord users with a sleeper account because you enjoy being a reddit cuck except when your piece of cake is being threatened.

That's pretty fucking pathetic, you don't stand for shit except you personal degenerate interests.

Gas yourself.

Rotteuxx ago

Top 10 criminal shill right here !

Kudos !

Mumbleberry ago

Using the same handle on multiple platforms is stupid.

Mumbleberry ago

Fuck off, pedo.

Bfwilley ago

Always look at the submissions, comments account history. The shills, trolls, trogs,PNG and {NPC's account]( are easy to spot, call them out when you see them.

MadWorld ago

Hmmm... Maybe she sold her kidneys to keep up with her tranny lifestyle? Or maybe she used that money to pay for gender transition?

Hey @PuttsMum, was that money well spent?

PuttsMum ago

This is just a parody account while I try again and again to remember my Mick password :)

MadWorld ago

Does your password follow certain phrase, keyboard pattern, or something familiar to you?

:-) It was someone's birthday...

PuttsMum ago

It's got letters from the alphabet and maybe numbers in it, that's as far as my familiarisation goes :)

MadWorld ago

If it resembles a randomly generated string, good luck; you are gonna need it :-)

MadWorld ago

To apply your binary gender analogy, @PuttsMum is in a tri-state gender; it has neither pussy nor dick.

MadWorld ago

It may have to do with @PuttsMum being an Asian. This has put too much stress on Putt. And Putt's top priority is to always get straight A++. That is the only reason for which he could not join shitposting threads.

Hey @PuttsMum, care to explain yourself?

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MadWorld ago

It would be SO much fun if Putt joins this thread XD.

Tb0n3 ago

Is it illegal? If yes then report it. If not, then fuck off. Brigading is what helped ruin reddit, and you just want to do the same damn thing here. What are you, SRS?

Rotteuxx ago

So reporting sleeper accounts creating subs and modding fresh accounts is brigading now ?

Considering how the rEddit loli pedos posted about wanting to take over Voat with subversive tactics like vote farming, I fail to see your point.

What are you, /v/realProtectVoat ?

Tb0n3 ago

I'm more generally responding to the actions of the crowd on this one. I really don't see what the issue is when this is just some shit tiny sub.

Tb0n3 ago


Rotteuxx ago

Do you enjoy looking at drawings of prepubescent girls in erotic poses and wish to see more content like that ?

It's illegal in many countries but not the U.S. which is the only reason it's tolerated here, thanks to American (((judges)))

Tb0n3 ago

Not illegal? Then why are your panties in a bunch, nigger? D'joo forget where you are?

Rotteuxx ago

So what is your stance on lolicon porn ? Is it content you would personally like to see thriving ?

Tb0n3 ago

What I think does not matter. Most people would want most content posted on voat to be banned. I don't think it should be if it's not illegal.

Rotteuxx ago

I've always defended freedom of speech even for shills who annoy me, just like I've always said freedom of expression come with backlash you can't run away from but I never said I wanted legal content to be banned.

The reasons for it being legal are very questionable, besides a liberal kike judge who would rule that pornographic drawings of prepubescent girls has something to do with freedom of expression when most other developed countries banned that shit as CP.

Besides all that, the point of this posts is about redditors going forward with their plans of coming on Voat and creating vote farms, modded by brand new users.

What you think does matter, you've been around for a long while and I assume you should be able to form strong & well informed opinions.

So what do you ghink of lolicons ?

Tb0n3 ago

Lolicon is a strange subject. You would think that those who use it for sexual gratification would use it to further their move towards molesting kids. The truth is a bit more murky than that. There have been studies that show, along with proper conditions (not being told it's all fine), that usage of lolicon can help treat those who have those desires to keep them and those around them safe. If they don't have an outlet, or any possibility of even talking about it they run the risk of doing something terrible.

There are definitely reasons for it to be allowed besides purely free speech.

As far as shit posting about taking over voat, I really can't believe it was said seriously.

sguevar ago

This reminds me of the TeDx talk defending pedophiles...

If you consider that this subs are not a risk for Voat's legitimacy and that just because this content borders with illegal content by a thread, then you are more than welcome to ignore it.

However this is quite suspicious to me that sleeper accounts mode the newcomers, that come from a place where they enjoyed censoring people, just not when applied to them.

You are right it is not illegal, but the intentions of this people and the nature of the content are suspicious to say the least. Promoting content like this, that promotes pedophilia and hebephilia is dangerous.

Rotteuxx ago

There have been studies that show, along with proper conditions (not being told it's all fine), that usage of lolicon can help treat those who have those desires to keep them and those around them safe.

It's not referred to as a (((soft science))) for no reason... and I'm saying this a the son of a career psychologist who worked in rural areas where pedophilia was rampant.

Outlets don't work, they simply hold off the inevitable and when it does happen, it's often a release of pent up desires that lead to severe tragedy.

You can't cure or treat pedophilia. If you wish for a safe & secure society you can either intern them or kill them. Nothing else will protect children from pedophiles.

Tb0n3 ago

And how do you find them? They look just like everybody else.

Rotteuxx ago

Besides them being the suspect in an agression or rape, the same way we do now. By people being vigilant and reporting ill behavior.

What the fuck is the goal of that fucking question?

Tb0n3 ago

The point is that you don't catch flies with vinegar. That's the hard part of it. There will always be more, so you have a few options.

  1. Kill/punish all you know of, but then that'll just make any you don't know that much harder to find. They'll surely molest kids, but maybe they'll kill them so they don't get caught.

  2. Catch them with honey by accepting them, then punishing them. Same result as #1.

  3. Treat them like human beings. Don't punish them for being a pedophile if they haven't acted on it. Allow them to come out and treat them in whatever manner is effective to reduce risk for offense.

As I see it, number 3 is the only effective solution. It doesn't require it to be normalized as the people they're attracted to cannot consent unlike those who are gay.

Rotteuxx ago

You can't treat pedophilia, stop drinking the kike koolaid that says so. Attempting this leads to violent agressions.

The vast majority of offenders are related to their victims, not just some random Joe off the streets. Those random agressions are actually a lot less frequent than most people think (Excluding modern day Europe with its fast changing demographics).

A shocking reoccurrence in families is a few members saying they had their doubts about Uncle Bob but never spoke up about it until it was too late.

Families are the first line of defense, permanent internment or death the only solution to safeguard kids.

Castration is somewhat effective, only the truly sadistic will still have temptations but that jumps the boundary from simple pedophilia to violent sexual predation.

Artofchoke ago

Every single user in this thread is an alt of mine.

Im the only person on Voat.

Rotteuxx ago

Not true at all, you're just a figment of my imagination. A persona built on a kink I entertain but am too cucked to realize !

Artofchoke ago

Settle down. You exist only in my mind. I AM UTTERLY ALONE HERE.

Rotteuxx ago

Maybe we should pop an Ativan or 2

Artofchoke ago

We have the best ideas. ♡

Rotteuxx ago

Our mind is truly ONE.

Shotinthedark ago

Odd. I saw a guy on reddit bitching that you can't look at loli on reddit. Probably the same person.

16696982? ago

The Empress character only has a crush on Gordon Ramsey.

draaaak ago

Weird choice for a crush.

16729064? ago

He's smart, driven, and big on tough love. What's not to love?

draaaak ago

Well, when you put it like that..

Rotteuxx ago

Mmmm, roasted coon !

Better not tell @artofchoke...

16696796? ago

Occasionally you slip up and call people 'faggots' on this account.

Rotteuxx ago

They teach CommieVolution !

Much simpler, no need for scientific mumbo jumbo or factual sources.

Rotteuxx ago

That's why I leave you be when you're busy running that account, I don't want to be responsible for any slip ups.

Although I thought you had enough practice being nice with your old alt @i-am-me... too bad you had to kill it to create @forget-me-not so @zyklon_b would leave you the fuck alone.

forget-me-not ago

I dindu nuffin!!!

Rotteuxx ago

Whatever Triggs !

How ya doing sweety ?

forget-me-not ago

Meh! I barely have time for myself yet alone have a proper discussion and hangout time with you guys ): I miss y'all! How are you?

Rotteuxx ago

Doing good, surviving winter without feeling too bluesy :)

Glad to know you're keeping busy, idle hands are the devil's workshop !

A good kind of bust hopefully (:

zyklon_b ago

Rotteuxx ago

...Binary is just a base to evolve upon, you couldn't spell LGBTQXYZ without binary !

-Some college kid fucknut.

Rotteuxx ago

I love when you talk dirty binary !

It was fun while it lasted, R.I.P. Honeypot.

Rotteuxx ago

Well fuck... why don't you just come out and say it publicly ? is @Puttitout's playpen, we're all bots he created out of his moms basement so he could sucker some angel investor out of his monies in order to pay for his sex change.

@savethechildren is the only non NPC account around and figured it out long ago.

gabara ago

you all wish you were me

anamazonslittle ago

So, once this blows over, what's keeping them from setting the sub to private and moving people over? Just eternal vigilance?

Rotteuxx ago

Good question, not sure at what frequency Putt monitors the content of private subs.

anamazonslittle ago

Anyone can monitor private subs, they just don't accrue ccp or appear on /v/all (if I'm reading Putt's last sticky correctly). But I didn't see a result of his informal poll about allowing mods to limit access to subs with read only/no access like he's implementing for his dogfooding subs.

gabara ago

Fucking pangaea

Rotteuxx ago

That's like blaming Abraham for the creation of Israel.

It's all because of Laurussia & Protogondwana, not Pangaea.

TheBuddha ago

You're SBBH. My guess is they're all your alts.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

So that's how the fuck you're growing so much shit. All your fucking alts. Brb, gotta make some alts.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

All 1990 of them

TheBuddha ago


Rotteuxx ago

No, @katharzso controls about 30% of those alts, @heygeorge around 60% & the other 10% is directly controlled by myself.

Now, whether or not Kat & George are my alts is an entirely different question which will never be answered.

TheBuddha ago

You're all @gabara alts. I'm sure of it!

Rotteuxx ago

Oh come on now !

@Trigglypuff has made it abundantly clear over the past year that @Gabara is a shared account manned by the OG SBBH Cabal members... from before the SGIS subversion.

TheBuddha ago

Which is exactly what she'd say if she were a gabara alt.

Even @nadeshda is a gabara alt.

Nadeshda ago

Well if he is skilled, good looking and has a wonderful imagination and a good disposition then the likelyhood is great if not at the very least probable!

TheBuddha ago

@gabara is good at pretending!

He truly is a monster!

Nadeshda ago

@gabara is a very interesting account amongst us.

TheBuddha ago

Which is exactly what @gabara would say!

Rotteuxx ago


@Nadeshda is my laaaaaaarping account, I use it to portray the ideal women I'd cuck myself for. Damn expensive account to run though, getting the corner store lady to record every friday so I can post to /v/guitar is fucking expensive.

TheBuddha ago

That's exactly what @gabara would say!

Rotteuxx ago

But @expershitposter would never say that and he's 50% @Gabara... hmm, it's almost as if @Empress was behind the other 50%.

TheBuddha ago

See? Once again, that's what @gabara would say.

@totes_magotes will even confirm it!

totes_magotes ago

100% confirmed. #MeDeuce

TheBuddha ago

See? I told you @rotteuxx!

Rotteuxx ago

Your own alts don't count !

TheBuddha ago

Nice try, at reversing it! Not gonna work, @gabara alt!

Rotteuxx ago

Shill harder Putt !

TheBuddha ago

That's a low blow. I'd never accuse someone of being @puttitout.

Rotteuxx ago

Only because you're also @Atko !

TheBuddha ago

I've had people seriously accuse me of being @atko, multiple times.

Rotteuxx ago

I member coming across those comments. I'm sure they didn't bother you all that much @Spez.

TheBuddha ago

At least nobody has accused me of being @seanbox.

SeanBox ago

You got that going for you...

Rotteuxx ago

I'm sure it's a great relief to you, Chairman Pao !

16696449? ago

Shhhhh don't tell!

amendthediscourse ago

What is the current process for sub/mod/member deletion? Is it a Putt call? Or is there a vote? I for one never want to see pedo shit on this site. And considering the general ire is raises towards the site as a whole that could threaten our existence, especially considering the rapid growth (and therefore attention) likely to occur over the next few years, can we not with a vote ban than material outright? Now I know that’s a slippery slope, but I was thinking suffrage could mirror the American concept, viz. landowners only, e.g. sub mods with minimum standing??

Rotteuxx ago

What is the current process for sub/mod/member deletion?

I don't recall @puttitout ever deleting a mod account, simply demoding & purging voat manipulating alts. Ie : @Sanegoatiswear

can we not with a vote ban than material outright?

No, this is the slippery slope shills want to push us onto. Once you create a precedent for censoring legal content based on a subjective opinion (what is decent/acceptable), the shit show of full on censorship then has a wide open door to kill Voat.

Now I know that’s a slippery slope, but I was thinking suffrage could mirror the American concept, viz. landowners only, e.g. sub mods with minimum standing??

Extremely subjective and open to manipulation through alt accounts.

Principles aren't negotiable. If they are then they're simply ideals, not principles.

Voat is based on unbridled free speech around anything legal.

Make loli illegal in the U.S. and then it won't be an issue.

amendthediscourse ago

I appreciate the response, and I respect that the principle of free speech must be protected. However, we should have an emergency plan in place to counter being deplatformed to the nth degree.

Rotteuxx ago

Well the angel investor is a big part of that plan. Besides that we can only stay vigilant and report anything illegal.


sorry my lack of message board terminology, but what the fuck is loli? is this a new term? from your conversation in here it seems its a child porn thing? this is fucked upshit.

Rotteuxx ago

Loli is kiddy manga porn or whatever the proper term is.

Legal in the U.S. under the first amendment because (((lawyers))) thus legal on Voat. The degenerates jerking off to this shit will argue it's not porn because it's not supposed to be about "naked in the act" drawings bla bla bla.

So basically a slippery slope that leads to actual CP, it's been an ongoing debate on Voat for some time as to whether or not it should be permitted.

Decency says fuck those degenerates but founding principles say "if it's not illegal & protected under the first amendment, it's o.k."

It comes down to a question of precedent, if it's banned then it opens the door to selective censorship under decency or morality based rules.


I don't know why this would matter. Voat is not banning people who post loli cartoons so whether they submit to the same subs that @Aged uses or they make their own subs for fresh reddit refugees doesn't make a difference.

WhiteRonin ago

I just got a few different sleeper accounts to protect Dr_No / gnashingmyteeth to awake.

It’s funny how alts will come and call Putt for help.

I don’t know if they are tranny or Lolli fags yet.

Rotteuxx ago

It's rather cold here today... how about firing up the ovens & cuddling while they roast ?

ExpertShitposter ago

I don't often downvote, but when i do....i make sure its a 2D faggot.

Rotteuxx ago

I find myself downvoating a lot less than a year ago... where the fuck are @freshmeat & @9-11 nowadays ?

ExpertShitposter ago

Freshfag moved on to a different site according to dial indicator Seems to have returned only now with the pedo squad, after a month long hiatus. And interestingly, 7-11 too has mostly fucked off. Coincidence.

Mumbleberry ago


ExpertShitposter ago

Apparently its some super secret RWDS website that is mega kewl. Its probably small and boring. My only question is how do the not ban him considering that 90% of all his posts are nigger music.

draaaak ago

They're both probably still here using different accounts. In my experience, these types of faggots never really leave. They're not here for the lulz, they have an agenda.

Rotteuxx ago





Wowbagger ago

Flush the assholes out. Free speech can't apply to anything resembling kiddy porn. Lolis pervs are just weapons of the enemy.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Free speech means free speech. You not liking it doesn't mean it should be censored.

Wowbagger ago

You realize they have a perfectly good place to do their rotten shit and they're just coming here to shit test and try to fuck us over, right? This isn't someone making an unpopular political claim, these are people who get off on cartoons of children in sexualized contexts. I'll do what I can to make such people uncomfortable, thanks.

Shotinthedark ago

I agree. We might have a lot of contraversial subs on voat ,but shit shouldn't have a home here!

Rotteuxx ago


Free speech applies to all for anything legal on here.

But the loli community does have a shit ton of sexual degenerates amongst its members and we should keep a close eye on them. I wouldn't be surprised if illegal content followed with them.

yellowthread ago

He's right though, kiddy porn is what they use to shut down sites and detain people indefinitely.

You don't really believe all the people leaking government secrets coincidentally get caught with kiddy porn after seeing the government has tools to put things onto peoples computers, do you?

Letting them thrive here leads to the end of the site. Only leftist sites are allowed to have illegal stuff anywhere.

Rotteuxx ago

See my take on this here :

yellowthread ago

Wasn't cartoon child porn also ruled as porn in the US somewhat recently, or was it Canada? That's what "loli" is, right?

Or is "loli" cartoons of clothed children? I know it's anime pedo shit so I just don't click on it.

5940218 ago

"Loli" is from "Lolita" which is used to mean an underaged girl with sexual connotations.

Rotteuxx ago

Illegal in Canada (Our legal system isn't uber-jewed yet), legal in the U.S.

Shitty link :

For what it's worth (many questions on the subject) :

Schreiber ago

lulz, canada is more uber-jewed than the US.

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Rotteuxx ago

Oh look, a degenerate pedo !

theoldones ago

another one for the burn pile.

Hand_of_Node ago

Both free speech and consequences can apply.

Rotteuxx ago

Exactly, say what you will but don't go running away from the backlash.

JJNova ago


"Get rid of the ink, the paper, and the computer monitors. They can be used to make books I don't like! Er, oops, I mean, PEOPLE CAN DRAW THINGS I DON'T LIKE! Look how dangerous this art is! It's basically pedophilia! After all, there is no victim, no human being, and the images literally look like a cartoon, but it's the IDEA that it might promote something I don't like."

Yeah, sounds like a legitimate and well thought out argument.

Wowbagger ago

Sure, victimless crime. It's something I "dislike" and "dangerous art". You ignore the fact that it's banned in some countries, that there's a high correlation between loli viewers and child sexual predators, that objectively, it portrays things that should not be. Lolis pervs are into sexualized children but it's okay because they'll only ever think about drawings. That's a load of shit. I'll do my best to discourage that behavior, thanks. Free speech as our forefathers envisioned it was for political and religious speech anyway and there's nothing political about lolis, it's just degenerate sexuality. When Voat gets shut down because of it will you still be defending them? Probably not because you'll be busy with your pants down around your ankles.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Calling a tranny a man is illegal in some countries.

Don't base your morality on shit laws.

When voat shuts down because of it...

So your'e fine with racism, homophobia, gore, pictures of miscarriages etc, but drawings of kids is where you draw the line? Fuck off back to reddit where they will censor the shit you don't like

Wowbagger ago

Pedophilia is morally wrong, period. Justify it all you like. Sling objections at me about other injustices, perceived or otherwise all you like, it's wrong and lolicon is part of that. Furthermore, people into that shit are commonly manipulated and used to take down opposition websites. You think this is a coincidence? Come on, man. I don't necessarily blame "da joos" but it's clearly that international wealth is involved in strangling the West for its own purposes. If you're so in love with free speech you should appreciate the importance of making sure sites like Voat aren't purposefully abused and destroyed.

Schreiber ago

There's many things that are morally wrong but the law loves those morally wrong things.

Faggots for example.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Racism is morally wrong, period.

It's not injustice, it's hypocrisy. If they where to take it down there are plenty of other things you like, such as calling people kikes, that they can use to take this site down.

No, cunts like you calling for censorship is what will destroy voat

Wowbagger ago

Cry all you like, you can't hide your hobby behind other things wrong with the world.

JJNova ago

You are quick to make assumptions at those who point out how your line of thinking leads to other issues.

Sounds suspiciously like another group of people I know.

Wowbagger ago

Lol, atheist Jews? Hippies? SJWs? Socialists? Ghetto blacks? All of those sorts of people have at one point or another have presupposed shit about me based on my skin and sex. I don't get butt hurt and censure them for it. I get better. WASPs are great at that.

srgmpdns ago

Strangely, they are both NSFW: No

Ember2528 ago

Yes? Lolitary is meant to be similar to lolitary on Reddit just not with the goal of getting everything loli related banned. Rapphtalia isn't a loli subverse. Throughout the majority of Shield Hero Raphtalia just isn't a loli

draaaak ago

Enjoy the downvoats pedofag.

Mumbleberry ago

Eat shit, pedo

SIayfire122 ago

@PuttItOut. Voat should have a script that automatically removes inactive mods after x-months, or at least flags them for review.

Germ22 ago

A feature like this is coming soon. The community will be able to call for referendums and vote out inactive mods.

MadWorld ago

People who are interested with modding inactive subverses should prepare themselves to meet all requirements necessary, in order to submit transfer requests. Others may want to also meet a different set of requirements, in order to get their votes certified. It is a fair fight with everything on the table.

How to inform others, without waking up sleeper mods?

AinzOown ago

The fuck? No. If you want more active mods go to reddit faggot.

Asashio ago

I think he means inactive as in not actually logging into or participating in Voat.

Not as in not deleting shit.

ExpertShitposter ago

This. Any user that has never commented, and has not even logged in for 6 months....delete.

Splooge ago

A feature like this would also help to save resources. I dunno how much of a drain account-squatting is, but I'd imagine if bots (both human and automated) were making massive amounts of accounts and letting them sit to "mature" (kek), all the little bits would add up quickly.

6cd6beb ago

Each account is most likely stored in a database, which is going to use roughly the same amount of storage space as text, which is a trivial amount.

Creating 1Gb worth of accounts would more likely be recognized as "creating a shitload of accounts" far sooner than "filling up storage space"

Splooge ago

Well fuck me, it sure sounds like you know your stuff. Good deal.

6cd6beb ago


To be clear, Auto-axing accounts that are clearly dead would speed things up. Not by a lot, but it's a good idea all the same.

Elcycs ago

Could they be moved to a different "probably dead account" table for any benefit? Just for efficiency if you didn't want to actually delete them all together...

Splooge ago

I'm no expert, but I think "every little bit helps" applies to most everything in life.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Not really, as it takes resources to delete and re-sort the information.

Mumbleberry ago

You see this one?

VapidGopher ago

You guys are truly the autists we need but we don’t deserve. Awesome job.

Broc_Lia ago

Looks like they deleted everything.

Mumbleberry ago

Only one post there, from a goat calling them out. Sub is 2 days old. Nothing in the modlogs

Broc_Lia ago

Nothing in the modlogs

Good point.

L3D ago

If the submitter removes their own submissions, naturally modlog wouldn't show anything about that.

Broc_Lia ago


Rotteuxx ago

I'll update my post and add him below the others

hikoo ago

Sleeper my ass, it's the only reason I lurk voat. I tried to find non-loli subs that were interesting enough to visit daily but all I saw was racist shit and 4chan retardation on the active subs so I dealt with reddit's crap a bit longer. I'm active now, I'm not here to take over (not like I know how), I'm ignoring your bs like I wish others would do for mine nor am I telling reddit users to come here, I'm happy everyone thinks voat is a right wing hellhole so they'll leave it alone.

I don't know what the fuck errArachnica or BloodOfEurope are for and I don't care that I was banned from a subverse I didn't know existed until today.

If you want me out then I'm out, go ahead and delete the loli subverses. I don't need more bullshit (especially not from you fucks) on top of the crap reddit gave me.

Mumbleberry ago

No posts for 2.5 years, yet not a sleeper. Sure thing bud

hikoo ago

What the fuck was I supposed to do here? I'm not a right winger, I don't act like I learned english from 4chan, there were no subverses for any anime/game series I'm interested in and I don't want to be a mod. The most interesting discussion I saw today that I could participate in was about teeth/bone flakes in beef! So I lurked and rarely commented. I came back to stay in my corner, my only reason to use reddit is to follow the KiA news. Even though i don't want the pressure of being a mod I was considering making a subverse for a certain 60s anime but why bother, I like loli so I'm worse than history's top 10 murderers, I need to die right?

cthulhu69 ago

yes, you should off yourself before your perversion leads you to touch a real child.

hikoo ago

Nah, I'll happily not do both of those things.

Rotteuxx ago

Let's wait a few days and build a list

AnonymousJester12345 ago

Ooooh, is this the hall of fame? Count me in.

Mumbleberry ago

@Rotteuxx , the pedo thinks this is funny.

celestial-skylord ago

I always wondered why the "random nsfw subverse" button at the bottom of frontpage has like 50% chance of going to a loli subverse despite there being a fuck ton of nsfw subverses (most of which never get chosen as the random one).

L3D ago

Random buttons give more weight to active subs.

Puritans of Voat drove out proper porn submitters (downvotes, "porn is a Jewish trick" and all that nonsense), but didn't do anything to loli likers. So loli porn is pretty much the only porn left on the site.

celestial-skylord ago

Now that's pretty ironic.

L3D ago

Perhaps ironic, perhaps all according to their plan.

theoldones ago



L3D ago


theoldones ago

fucking flextape memes, damnit

Anti-Stupid ago

I clicked it 10 times to test your claim and not once did I get sent to loli subverse.

L3D ago

10 clicks on NSFW rulette, 4 times hit a loli sub, including todcon, don't recommend checking that out. One borderline loli sub too, guro which had some loli stuff in it too, if you don't know what guro is, I don't recommend checking that sub out either...

Landed v/rant, and v/QRV both twice, even though they shouldn't even be marked NSFW.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

I get QRV or jews way too often from it

Landrictree ago

I always get rule34 feet...Ugh

Rotteuxx ago

If you have them blocked, are they taken out of the shuffle ?

srgmpdns ago

No, unfortunately.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

There is literally fuck all on those subs

Rotteuxx ago

No shit Sherlock, they're freshly created.

Rotteuxx ago

Found through this faggity anon post, OP of which is too scared of pedos to report publicly.

friendshipistragic ago

These people give anime fans a bad name. Anime is your greatest ally bakka!

Rotteuxx ago

Anime is an enjoyable art form, it just never attracted me as I don't really have an interest in it.

It's too bad that some morons will associate regular anime and manga to this degenerate crap.

friendshipistragic ago

Don’t get me wrong. I’m a garbage anime lover. I am absolutely shit. But I’m not a fucking pussy like these wilting flowers