Pissant ago

It's just cringe worthy knowing that you guys coordinate these posts in Discord then come here and play out these conversations as if they're organic. Anyone who disagrees with you is Sane or his alt. Anyone who points out your abuse of the website is just a shill. I mean in all honesty hats off to you guys, Voat is completely and utterly buying what you're selling.

Pissant ago

Honest question for anyone reading this comment; would you have heard about any of this whatsoever if it wasn't for SBBH posting about it?

BleedRedAndYellow ago

I agree. Stop breaking your own rules you rebel you!

lostoldaccount ago

It's all so fake, they all have numbered usernames

captainstrange ago

There is such a thing as good discrimination.

Like when you kill people who cause problems.

No group can survive that doesn't enforce some sort of standard on it's members, a 'border' to prevent implosion.

See this article on entryism for a broader picture.

In that regards I hold free speech as a principle, and don't subscribe to the zealotry of ideals. I'm a pragmatist. Ban the fucking degenerates.

Rotteuxx ago

The thing is, we're not dealing with a pedo community trying to join ours.

What we're experiencing is an organized & planned attack on Voat mascarading as pedos in order to trigger goats into self censorship for wrong think. 2nd lvl if it fails is to actually post CP if legal text & drawings don't work.

captainstrange ago

The thing is, we're not dealing with a pedo community trying to join ours.

Immaterial, the 'pedo-supporters' will be used as a propaganda piece outside the site.

What we're experiencing is an organized & planned attack on Voat masquerading as pedos in order to trigger goats into self censorship for wrong think.

That could be--but it looks like one of those "post provocative shit and then point it out to people outside the site to ostracize the userbase and create a pretext for censoring the whole site."

Read the article I posted if you haven't already.

2nd lvl if it fails is to actually post CP if legal text & drawings don't work.

I have no doubt that is the plan, and speaks to who the actual target of the propaganda is--not voaters, but external and neutral parties, be it ordinary people or authorities.

Sueshia101 ago

Simple.."as long as it's legal". Pedophilia is not legal. Child porn is not legal. Many crap things are not legal and can't be here...no problem, no issues. If pedophiles and child porn lovers need to express themselves they shouldn't be able to hide here. Go start your own board. Any other illegal crap...Go start your own board don't hide here.

Rotteuxx ago

No, Voats principles are based on the first & this attack is meant to destroy us from the core.

Don't fall for their appeal to emition, you're letting them stick an arm up your ass to manipulate you.

CP is disgusting but not illegal to talk about. Illegal to post graphic images or instigate it, but not to discuss it.

They're playing us to divide us.

fucksbbh ago

@PuttItOut how long are you going to enable them? You already hamstrung anyone who doesn't want to get brigaded into the group by putting 10ccp post limit. Watch them shut your site down putt. Watch the vermin tear it apart.

Rotteuxx ago

You project so hard it's hilarious is a very sad way

fucksbbh ago

Anyone who calls you vermin out is mighty yet gentle or sane or amalek right? Meanehile you guys purged gabara history so you can share it and larp as jew hating trump supporters so you can post cp and make voat look like shit. Fuck all of you cancerous libshits.

GetWithThePogrom ago

Free Speech is being turned into (((Free Speech))), where degeneracy and immorality is protected, but traditional values and morality are (((Hate Speech.)))

We can have plenty of Free Speech without permitting depictions of child rape or ideas designed to destroy the country, culture, and society.

kammmmak ago

Many idiots like myself think that these type subs can be used as an excuse to become targeted for having illegal content is all. So are just concerned thus think to 'censor' it. Also along the same lines with users making violent over the top comments to make voat look bad. I see we can block a sub but that does not remove it, just put under the rug.

ExpertShitposter ago

His name triggered me. I'm already loading my dual AC20 for when he comes around.

fucksbbh ago

Again listen to sbbh goys. They have alwats had voats beat interest at heart. They for SURE are not the ones creating this false drama. gabara shared account didn't spend days post child porn or anything.

fucksbbh ago

Yeah goys listen to the sbbh member. They are above board and should not be questioned. Ever. Shared accounts gabara and hecho are working hard for voat.

Rotteuxx ago

Hey niggerfaggot, you mind producing my SBBH history to back up your shilling ?

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

apparently you're a pedophile if you defend free speech

https://voat.co/v/AskVoat/2227871/10986649 https://voat.co/v/AskVoat/2227871/10986699

bunch of faggots downvoting everyone and calling them a pedo if you're not calling for offensive material being banned

Rotteuxx ago

Actually they have at least 10 alts to fuck with, probably more.

Look at my post in /v/pinah, all downvoats came in back to back within a few minutes of each other after being positive for at leadt 2 hours

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

what a bunch of faggots

thescribeofthecreed0 ago

I'm done. I'm not even going to talk about it anymore i'm just going to remain neutral until real CP starts being posted and everything gets fucked up to hell but it's clear certain users are FBI and trying to hurt Voat.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

This is not a hard one - if it is illegal, remove it - if it is legal, leave it alone.

This is not to say I agree with the restrictions of speech rights in the area of illegal content - rather that illegal content is posted by enemies in order to have enforcement authorities shut down the sight. True advocates of speech rights are well aware of these issues, and as such will not be posting illegal content. Ergo, the deliberate posting of illegal content has nothing to do with advocating for greater freedom, and everything to do with deliberately attacking the community. As such, such posts, and posters, need to be sanctioned.

Rotteuxx ago

Well said

antiliberalsociety ago

I fucking loved slimgur. Makes me want revenge on the commies, but then I just remember and also remind them that Trump is still WINNING as THEIR president.

BleedRedAndYellow ago

Moy non triggered response: I can see liberals' POV on things now. I mean, I get freedom of speech hoorah and all. But just because you can, does that mean you SHOULD?

This pedophile shit is vile man, vile. You are bad examples of Americans. You think that just because you have been given the right to do something, means you have an OBLIGATION to exercise those rights constantly.

If I wrote a book and it was a biographical type novel of me creeping on my baby niece. And I was saying some really dark and fucked up stuff. A cop reads it. You will all say MUH FREEDOMS OF SPEECHS, but he sees a potential future predator. That is not a freedom of speech issue, that is a conspiracy charge.

He takes the book away, gets a judge to issue a search warrant, he goes into your home, searches the home for CP related material and your computers for this material.

You think you brehs know the law and constitution. It's called probable cause. MUHRIGHTS.

Telling people to not report a federal crime and a felony is aiding and abetting and obstructing justice. You love to hate on niggers so much, but niggers have a no snitching policy. Hmm.

Some common sense regulation makes sense. Say nigger or cracker or whatever all you want, but this pro-pedophile shit will kill Voat. Be better than this guys come on. We need 98% freedom of speech. 1% is you can't make an outburst during a court proceeding and the other is you cannot basically support a known crime.

Wait, I can't scream and interrupt a court proceeding. That's a violation of our rights, remember guys. All or nothing. There can't be some moderation. Got to take it to the extremes all the god damned time. Either all speech or no speech at all, ridiculous.

Voaters love to talk about conspiracies and what not, everything is one grand and massive conspiracy against this site.

In short, Voat and 4chan is ironically, a case study. It is a gleaming example of what 100% free speech does. Freedom of speech regarding political opinions is one thing. But this??!! Fucking bat shit insanity.

You all seem to know the declaration of indepdnence and the new gun laws coming across XYZ's desk in the next year.. but you seem to forget some common manners.

Insulting someone's appearance isn't illegal, it's your right to speech etc. But it's just not polite. That is called self regulation. Wait, aren't we just censoring ourselves now?!?! Smh.

There are limitations and exceptions to every rule. Freedom of speech.

Well, burning the US flag is freedom of expression, not standing for the flag is freedom of expression, it's freedom of speech to call for the deaths of all Europeans in America, it's called freedom of speech to call a parent of a recent school shooting and mock the death of his or her's son. But how many would be behind this?



I now see why SOME regulations on guns makes sense.

Voat is turning me more blue and liberal by the day it would seem (hopefully not).

I mean, no one should go to prison for saying nigger or something but perhaps a $100 fine or something similar if its said, say, within 200 ft of a black church or if it's said to people in a bid to start a fight/drama (disturbing the peace) It makes sense. That's a regulation.

Like with guns, the second you say that maybe. Maybe regulations could be good. DEY TAKIN R GUNS. DEY TAKN AR FREEDUM SPEECH.

Fucking Voat is going to be the death of itself.


✓✡ ✓

Rotteuxx ago

Nice shilling faggot

HateCumbuckets ago

As long as they don't post actual cp or anything illegal. They should be free to say what they want. As has been said before, I might not like or agree with someone, but they have the freedom to say what they like.

massiveprivilege ago

Friendly reminder that this is how censorship started on leddit. First they banned jailbait subs then after that it became easier to just ban "racist" subs then fatpeoplehate subs... How easy is today to ban posts, users, subs for a crime of hurt feefes, opposite political opinions... entire threads with [deleted] comments.

This is how leftist subvert and take over(or delete) entire sites no matter how big or small.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

It could be a good thing the pro pedo movement came here. We just need a few to enter into the pedo communities just enough to promote those threads. Push them as the frontline of pedo acceptance. Then watch and record everything like the fucking NSA.

They will make mistakes and expose themselves. Probably not the ones the are currently here. They are pros and won't slip unless they snafu. Others my not be so cautious after being called a pedo jew.

BleedRedAndYellow ago

You always hear the right rant about the left trying to normalize pedophilia and incest.

What's happening here? You guys see pedophilia as kewl bro free spuuch.

Y'know. If someone told me that he isn't fucking his sister or cousin, but that anyone who does has a right to do what they want as long as no harm comes of it. I might call them a leftist.

You would call this person a freedom of expression advocate.

That person would fit in here.

If someone said he doesn't like little kids, but pedophiles should be able to congregate in public IRL spaces and discuss how they like to fuck little kids, how awesome it is and to have a jerk off sesh in public... I'd call them mentally ill.

You'd call them a freedom fighter sticking it to the gov eh?

See.. why should jerking off in public be illegal? That's expressing oneself. Freedom of expression.

If we let these legitimate freedoms we have become excuses for vile, indecent and immodest behavior. More and more people will see regulation and eventually, a revocation of these rights and freedoms as necessary due to shit like this.

When the Founding Fathers said we have the right to bear arms, they didn't know that kids would be getting murdered in schools, elderly people slaughtered in churches and in nursing homes. They may of had a stroke if they would have seen what America has become.

When they said we have a freedom of speech, they didn't intend for this to be a loophole for sick fucked up individuals to spread their propaganda and nasty fantasies all over the web.

There is a line between crazy and sanity.. Voat is walking that line right about now.

I thought the right was in love with God and so forth. Religious etc.

Would God or His law approve of fucking kids or talking about screwing little kids? If your only judgement is based around law, you all become this. Empty and corrupt.

I thought the right was all about those Bibles. Better start bringing those bitches out now because Jesus said to be like the kids, to not be childish but not childlike. Unlike Muhammad, Jesus looked at kids with gentle eyes (that's weird as shit to say in this context but still). If Jesus seen this shit,

He'd cause a thunderstorm or a billion.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

go back to reddit faggot

BleedRedAndYellow ago

Go back to 4chan.

Is that all anyone can say to my comments? Just insult me and hope for the best? Fucking 10 year old kiddies here I swear.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

eat shit and die, bitch

Rotteuxx ago

The shear underlying idiocy of your previous comment doesn't warrant much of a thought out reply.

Shitty ain't it when your trolling sucks so bad people ignore it ?!

BleedRedAndYellow ago

stay true to the first

Nuts like you give free speech advocates a bad name. The sub's acronym is a pro-pedophiliac thing as it were. It's pro-pedophile. Come on man. Since you love to throw around insults. Try this.

Kid diddling protector.

Defender of the sex offenders

The Pedophile Prince. etc.

Free speech or censorship - Voat or Reddit - choose a side and stick with it.

Maybe life isn't all black and white, all or nothing after all. Are you gay or straight? Straight? Have you ever whacked off to porn? So you cucked yourself basically, getting off on other women getting fucked. So you're a cuck.

Come on OP.

Either you're a cuck or you're not.

If not, then you never watched porn. Which is a lie as you admitted it.

Here's a good one.

Do you believe in Jesus Christ? You do? Ever said god damn? Do you think Jesus would call people nigger and faggots? Which is it OP. Either you're a Christian or an Atheist. There is no IDK.

Voat is going to CREATE more SJWs and lefties you fucking moron. You bash snowflakes while creating them in the same breath. sighs Reddit is too left and Voat is too right. Both are morons, both have nutty wacky people like the OP. FUCK. Can we just have a "everything in moderation" again?

Rotteuxx ago

You're shilling way to hard son, no need to write 2 gas lighting replies to the same post

playitagainsam ago

Then make your own site, with blackjack and hookers.

Ah, screw it. Forget the whole thing.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

You can't divide what never was singular.

The specific strength of voat is the brutal diversity* that exists and is permitted by the use of all speech is free.

Posting CP is not free speech though, and is obviously against the law so removing it is a-ok with me.
Anyone is able to talk about being pro-pedo, but I'm also allowed to talk in rebuttal.
As is anyone who agrees or disagrees.
The best part of this is anyone ousting themselves as pro-pedo simply makes it easier to find them

*Real diversity makes many uncomfortable because it means allowing the existence of things you don't like.

BleedRedAndYellow ago

*Real diversity makes many uncomfortable because it means allowing the existence of things you don't like.

free speech

I hope your mother is raped tonight and burns in Hell bitch.

That's free speech.

I hope someone murders your sister.


Joys of free speech. It's ugly. Deal with it.

This is how stupid you people sound now.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

Nothing in what you typed refutes my point, and the only person "sounding stupid" is you for thinking simplistic insults would affect me.

You seem to be under the misapprehension that I care about what you type in a comment box.

And incidentally you're actually making my point for me.

Crazyjoe33 ago


Rotteuxx ago

I was referencing the pro free speech vs pro censorship divide being instigated, not implying that goats have a hive mind.

But my point was that no CP has been posted, it just gas lighting & people are falling for it.

ExpertShitposter ago

Mechwarrior 4 lyfe.

Usereman ago

Just like I said, if there are no pedophile MATERIAL (videos, pictures, audio, ...) and only texts, then leave it be on free speech.

Fuck the idiots that want censorship, don't be a reddit communist, remember why VOAT.CO exists on the first place. Even mentally sick and fucked people in the head have the right of free speech here on VOAT.CO, even if it makes you furious, that's the point, that's why free speech exists, it's to protect everyone's opinion, even the most extremes ones.

However, free speech =/= Unmoderated share of material, that's where the nuance is and the two subvoats seem to have no pedo material in them so leave them alone, ignore them if you want, only weaks call for censorship.

Rotteuxx ago

Yep, but we also gotta keep the young'uns aware of all this for prosperity !

Pissant ago

Why are you talking to yourself?

Rotteuxx ago

Ah shit, I forgot the golden rule, I shouldn't talk with my alt @Trigglypuff

LuciusAM ago

I agree, while I hate to see people actually advocating on behalf of pedos as long as there is no actual child porn or evidence of child abuse then they should be free to state their opinion. If they are trolling us then they will get bored and if they are actually pedos then eventually they will slip up and compromise their security and then they can have the shit doxxed out of them.

Pissant ago

Would you have even heard about this if it wasn't for SBBH posting it and creating drama about it?

Honest question.

LuciusAM ago

Probably not, but not knowing about it wouldn't change my opinion of it. As long as they are not breaking the law or discussing abusing actual children then it falls into the category of free speech as far as I am concerned. I don't like how most people use their free speech, but I love that they are able to use it.

prairie ago

The advocation being public allows the arguments to be responded to and their flaws shown (and hopefully for some advocates to change their minds).

Usereman ago

"I don't agree with your opinion but I'll fight for you to say it anyway".

Yeah, even for sick fuck of pedophiles. What hypocrisy of ours to create Voat.co for free speech, because we were censored for "wrong though" and then doing the exact same censorship when you have power on voat?

A little introspection voaters, don't let emotions guide your decisions, don't be like those reddit idiots.

Rotteuxx ago

I'm sure @Puttitout would not bat an eye at getting real creeps busted.

Welcome_fags ago

wrong. see what he did to /v/pedos campaign.

Welcome_fags ago

I don't give a shit if you call me a shill. Its a kike tactic to use freedom of speech to allow pedophilia fester.

There is a fucking difference on saying "Gas the kikes" and posting sexually exploited children. The latter have nothing to do with freedom of speech.

Usereman ago

You are not a shill, but you are a hypocrite and have cognitive-dissonance about freedom of speech. You are welcome.

Welcome_fags ago

since you are replying to me through my profile's "Comments"-section, you might wanna read all the comments i've made regarding the subject, if you havent already.

Might clear a thing or two up for you, as to why im not giving you guys an inch.

Usereman ago

I have read them and I hold my stance.

I pretty much (*EDIT: have the same opinion about) pedophiles as much as you but if you start to add "exceptions" to free speech, it's not free speech, just as simple as that.

You have to right to think that total free speech is bad and that there must have some censorship for most extreme cases...That's an opinion but if you hold this position, you can not pretend to support genuine free speech because it would be a lie. I can understand your viewpoint, but voat.co 's philosophy lies in his total free speech, because we have all been censored for so many years across in the web and we understand the importance of total free speech. If voat.co 's starts censoring, it would a betrayal of our own existence and we would not have the legitimize to call ourselves a free speech zone.

Total free speech is a system, and this system is being tested right now. If we fail to hold total free speech here on voat, that would mean that we are not worthy of free speech, that we are not mature and smart enough to support free speech...Or just that maybe that free speech is not a so much great system after all? But here, we have the conviction that free speech must be total and we have the conviction that it makes us stronger so we have to stick we it and if we are right, we'll grow stronger and we will become stronger.

greycloud ago

there is no total free speech anywhere except maybe somalia.

Rotteuxx ago

Point to the CP you keep mentioning please. This is not our first exchange where you mention it yet there is none.

There's a difference between actual CP images & a discussion post designed to trigger niggerfaggots by talking about pedophilia.

You seem to know their tactics yet walk right into it by taking stance #1 - censorship of free speech.

Rise above the kikes game

Welcome_fags ago

I ain't gonna go look for it. Its not infringement of free speech to shutdown pedo subverses. You aren't gonna change my mind on this matter.

Rotteuxx ago

It is if no actual CP is in there, why is it so hard for you to see the difference ?

Welcome_fags ago

Because simply put: I do not believe pedophiles to have any rights or protections. I honestly believe they should be quartered in the public square. They have lost any and all protections afforded to humanity by civilization because they corrupt and destroy the most innocent and fragile members of our society.

They should not go to jail, they should be killed if found guilty. Places where they advocate themselves to be pedophiles and tries to propagandize their perversion should not be allowed anywhere.

They aren't human any longer.

BleedRedAndYellow ago

believe they should be quartered in the public square

Y'know. I'm a moderate. But in life, you have to make tough calls. Would I rather have a Communist leader or a Nazi leader. Would I rather have a pedo sympathizer leader or someone calling for dark age tactics to make a resurrgence.

I would pick the latter.

You good sir, win comment of the year. Even though that's pretty barbaric. It's more sane than what these undercover pedophiles are into.

Welcome_fags ago

People usually taunt their "oh we should get rid of the kikes, gas chambers now!" but when it actually comes down to it, they advocate for the normalization of pedophilia but allowing them to have a place to discuss it. Fucking disgusting, these guys have a screwed moral-compass and must be purged along side the pedophiles.

Apparently I'm the only god damn fascist here that believes tradition and values overshadows their "boohoo free speech"-fallacy. I say fuck no.

Disgusting to even hear them rationalize pedophilia under the banner of free speech.

BleedRedAndYellow ago

The left are the ones who want to make pedophilia a mental health issue and a non-criminal one. That is exactly what so many of Voat are proposing. They call ME and others like me who don't engage in the 10 year old group think echo chamber hive mind that is Voat, shills. Whilst they themselves are promoting the same kind of stuff total leftists are..

It makes you wonder doesn't it?

Am not fascist, am not Communist, am not a Nazi (i'm sorry, muh white nationalism or national socialism, right wingers tend to be MORE Politically Correct than the lefties now) but i'm sure neither of those ideologies is behind pedophilia.

What ideology normalizes pedophilia? Oh yea, ISLAM.

But this was supposed to be a right leaning website. Give me a break. 95% of Voaters are simply angsty edgy hormonal 10 year olds who follow the crowd and express their hate/rage on here.

Voat is like 4chan on fucking steroids because it actually gives what would be laughed out on Reddit, a time and a place here. Even fucking pedophilia.

Anyone who supports or defends monsters such as chomos need to be hogtied and hit on the bareback with a bull whip.

They say nigger, kike. But I never hear this IRL. From the looks of it, hearing people throw these words around like they're going out of style online makes me believe that IRL we'd see the same thing. But we don't.

This is why White Nationalism is stupid, this is why it will never have a future. Because the adherents tend to be fucking pussy sissyboys.

Welcome_fags ago

I'm fascist and I decry these degenerate assholes who have the audacity to compromise with the cultural marxist ideals. I will not respect any compromise with the enemy of civilization nor the civilization destroyers that is the degenerate pedophiles.

Freedom of speech shouldn't cover pedophilia-normalization any more than allowing muslims discussing plans of bringing down western civilization. No fucking compromises. I ain't a fucking turn-coat unlike these assholes.

I don't give a shit what kind of opinion you have on any ideology, that is a discussion for another day.

Rotteuxx ago

I understand your stance as I'm sure you've come to understand mine.

Too bad others are simply dowvoating you instead of having an actual discussion on the subject.

kneo24 ago

There's no discussion to be had. What's the point? If there's no CP, then let them post whatever degenerate shit they want. The moment they break the law, ban hammer time. That faggot deserves the downvoats.

Welcome_fags ago

I understand what you are trying to do, but i'm very fanatical-anti-pedo.

I don't see removing all pedos from voat as censorship on the same level as killing them isn't a human rights violation.

In the end, your opinion and my opinion is completely fucking irrelevant. This site is not a democracy and Puttitout will do whatever he thinks is best.

BleedRedAndYellow ago

Puttitout will do whatever he thinks is best

not a democracy

Reddit frequently calls this site Fascist and Dictatorial.

Interesting that they seem to be correct on this issue isn't it?

Welcome_fags ago

A website isn't fascist and dictatorial man.. It just have an administrator that owns the site. Its like your house-guests doesnt get to vote how you paint your living room.

Rotteuxx ago

Wo there lady !

You're saying that SBBH, our very own voatfarm that made us invincible, is actually out to protect Pedos while the military branch, ROTR, is working to undermine Voat itself by SRSing the shit out of the site ?

Ain't it nice that only his team of alts calls us SRS while employing SRS tactics to SRS the shit out if Voat ? What an SRS bunch of fags.

But seriously, I hope Putt us done resting from the port soon. We need new shilling superpowers to help fight this, can't wait for oyr promised super ghost mod powers ge promised us.

Nah but rly seriously, it's a bitch of a tactic to fight, but we ain't sissies & SRS will go fuck themselves in the end.

WhiteRonin ago

A month or so ago, SBBH got infiltrated bit I got gabara to purge the system. Somebody is actively blaming SBBH. The old guard are not pedo defenders. Indefinitely don't like the shit.

Current attacks are new and a new style.

fucksbbh ago

Okay proffesor_M

WhiteRonin ago

Says the 8 minute old account.

fucksbbh ago

Says sbbh cancer.

WhiteRonin ago

Newspeak! Keep trying shill.

Rotteuxx ago

SGIS has been after SBBH from day one, that's where most of us started getting on his case.

Call him what you like, amalek, myg, sanegoat, whatever. Many people in that group with different writing styles. I just think they decided to go with a more heavy handed tactic.

WhiteRonin ago

Didn't know the back history. Thanks.

Any idea why? Is it because we like to post retarded things like Hitler and Nazi crap?

Rotteuxx ago

Free speech, they hate it and want to destroy it... nothing more really.

WhiteRonin ago

I believe it!

4775795f4d616e ago

When has SRS done this before?

Dalai_Llama ago

It would be pretty hard to believe that this kind of bullshit ISN'T an intentional troll attack. It happens on every site that leftists hate. Didn't they do this to slimgur before they changed the domain name?

Rotteuxx ago

They were actually posting real CP on the original Slimgur iirc

But this attack does reek of a familiar stench of reheated tactics we've seen before. The underlying element is to entice goats into voluntarily asking for censorship in order to destroy Voats integrity.

greycloud ago

agreed, i don't know of anyone that advocates pedos more than i do on voat. i checked those channels. some of the posts were sad parrots of my arguments and were clearly posted by someone with a disdain towards the subject. they aren't real pedo advocates.

Rotteuxx ago

So any opinion on what their endgame might be ?

greycloud ago

my first thought would be to create a reason to attack pedo subs or voat as a whole. ever hear of the term "agent saboteur"? its kind of like jews and black students that draw swastikas on campuses and then call for aid.

Rotteuxx ago

So how many pedo subs are we talking about ? I thought only /v/loli was the big thorne ?

greycloud ago

i was talking about the 2 mentioned in the original post

dias17se ago

So should we just ignore ?

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm not so sure. I'd argue the real reason they're doing this is so voat can be defamed due to their allowance of child porn and such. That page literally says, "how do we get them to legalize child porn?" If one were to go to that subverse right now and take a screencap, they could easily pull some NYT/CNN shit and make a bunch of people look at us the wrong way.

In reality, I don't see why it couldn't be both. But, just remember that this is something easily expected from the likes of communism.

0110001111 ago

Yup, i remember those days. I think they tried similar shit on Voat which is why Jailbait was taken down. The left may not be able to beat Voat in terms of content, but they will use every underhanded and illegal tactic they know to shut something down

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I think jailbait was taken down because of actual illegal content, though. Whether that was because the actual users did so or leftists planted it, I don't know, but I am willing to believe it really was the former. I mean I'm pretty sure reddit had illegal content before they shutdown their jailbait sub.

ExpertShitposter ago

Yep. Long time ago i figured @smokratez should be banned for what he is doing to voat, but i was wrong. Besides, he died in the car crash as he was running away from police after he shot up the church in Texas. So that problem solved it self. Fucking militant atheist.

Rotteuxx ago

But... where was he in 1990 ?

ExpertShitposter ago

Probably in a Mossad training camp, murdering on the weekends as an after effect of MK Ultra he was undergoing.

Rotteuxx ago

Well at least he's not mutilating his genitals yet, late stage MKCancer can be a bitch