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Thisismyvoatusername ago

Voat allows people to post content unless it is illegal. If you think the content on the sub is illegal then report it.

VoatIsForTimmy ago

I was banned from the sub when I posted three comments requesting @puttitout to remove the sub for promoting illegal activity. The sub needs to be deleted to prevent Voat from becoming a knuckle dragging pedo site. I'm all for free speech, except for pushing child porn. The shills have a new tactic. Don't let them win.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

"i'm all for free speech, except when it's stuff that offends me"

go fuck yourself back to reddit you fucking nigger

if it's illegal it will be deleted, if not then it's free to stay

you're a fucking nigger loving faggot bitch

AinzOown ago

It's very clearly promoting pedophilia which is fucking illegal and just wrong. Fuck off.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

hate me all you want, pedophilia isn't illegal

raping children, filming child rape, distributing said film/photos of child rape, and possession of said film/photos is illegal

there is nothing illegal about drawing pictures

i can't believe how many fucking retards are advocating censorship on voat because they got offended

fucking faggots

Rotteuxx ago

At least I'm not the only one seeing this, my reply to OP :