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Thisismyvoatusername ago

Voat allows people to post content unless it is illegal. If you think the content on the sub is illegal then report it.

VoatIsForTimmy ago

I was banned from the sub when I posted three comments requesting @puttitout to remove the sub for promoting illegal activity. The sub needs to be deleted to prevent Voat from becoming a knuckle dragging pedo site. I'm all for free speech, except for pushing child porn. The shills have a new tactic. Don't let them win.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

"i'm all for free speech, except when it's stuff that offends me"

go fuck yourself back to reddit you fucking nigger

if it's illegal it will be deleted, if not then it's free to stay

you're a fucking nigger loving faggot bitch

wakkablam ago

if it's illegal it will be deleted, if not then it's free to stay

What the fuck does that even mean?

Do you realize that only admins and moderators can delete things from this site? FBI can't just snipe content out when they get tipped about it. When you say that it will get deleted if it is illegal, then it means that the only way it can be deleted is if it is reported to the admins of the site, and as arbitrators, they decide if it is illegal or not, then act on it.

it will be deleted

By an admin, of course.

Rotteuxx ago

What ? You think we want camcerous mods to take over & tell us what content is ok & not someone who'll base his decisions on legality ?

Welcome_fags ago

How is pedophilia free speech you stupid degenerate fag?

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Pedophilia by itself is neither speech nor action, it is a mental condition. Speech related to pedophilia is speech and so is subject to the same rules of legality or illegality as any other speech. There are only a few instances in which speech itself crosses the line into criminal illegality and those are usually cases where the speech is closely connected to the furtherance of illegal acts.

If they engage in pedophilia, they commit crimes. If they post child pornography, they commit crimes. If they talk about the joys of pedophilia, they may be gross ass fucks who deserve eternal torment, but they haven't committed a crime.

The price of free speech is having to let these fuckers talk if they want. If it really bothers you, then go downvoat them.

Welcome_fags ago

Pedophilia is a mental condition

LOL you should write for salon. I'm apparently the only fascist on this site because i believe tradition and values goes above your freedom of speech.

You can just downvote them

LMAO, what punishment that is.

I will not advocate nor allow for the normalization of pedophilia unlike the rest of ya people.

barraccuda ago

(((Free speech)))

Welcome_fags ago

Exactly, they wanna push this narrative so hard. Fucking degenerates, gas them all.

barraccuda ago

Its a heavy handed attack on the principle of free speech. If you were to be a free speech absolutist you would have to say that it was allowed and that it may rise and fall on its merits. The reason these people use this technique is so they can smear all free speech with the same brush. Its a tired old tactic which is why its so transperent.

Welcome_fags ago

i don't get how you can equate pedophilia to free speech... i don't understand how stomping pedophiles is an attack on free speech.

makes no sense to me. those who defend it is equally as guilty for the degeneracy as those who rape children. (inb4 you say something along the lines; "if pedophiles have their urges satisfied with CP they won't attack children." Straight to the gas chamber together with the kikes)

barraccuda ago

I harmonise with your sentiment strongly. My only leeway is ensuring there is an availability of psychological aid for those who start having fantasies and need to deal with it. Just like faggotry peados are often victims dealing with their own sexual wounds. Professional help can save some of them, many are a lost cause.

Edit: oh and the equation of free speech and pedofillia isnt the point, the point is how the argument unfolds for the audience.

Welcome_fags ago

I don't believe in reformation of pedophiles.

barraccuda ago

Me neither but i concede to leave them the opportunity

VoatIsForTimmy ago

You're a pedo, it seems, and a childish one at that.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

except i'm not, you're just a faggot who wants censorship when he gets offended

VoatIsForTimmy ago

I'm not offended by anything that's ever been on Voat. I see this as a technique to discredit Voat by slamming it with pro-pedo posts. It's a bad idea to keep it around.

yergi ago

That's EXACTLY the same line reddit used who they first banned /r/niggers.

Slippery slope.

VoatIsForTimmy ago

I wasn't aware of that. Thanks. My opinion hasn't changed, but I respect other logical comments on the issue.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

we all know you're pro-censorship for offensive materials, now fuck off back to reddit, faggot

AinzOown ago

It's very clearly promoting pedophilia which is fucking illegal and just wrong. Fuck off.

yergi ago

Find a post where they are conspiring to do something illegal. Then it's illegal. Simply talking about something that is illegal is not, itself, illegal.

It's gross, and it's sick shit. But, it's not illegal and, unfortunately, needs to be protected.

AinzOown ago

Do I have any desire to defend pedos? Nope. Fuckem.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

hate me all you want, pedophilia isn't illegal

raping children, filming child rape, distributing said film/photos of child rape, and possession of said film/photos is illegal

there is nothing illegal about drawing pictures

i can't believe how many fucking retards are advocating censorship on voat because they got offended

fucking faggots

Rotteuxx ago

At least I'm not the only one seeing this, my reply to OP :