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goatboy ago

Its just trolling.

gentlemanadventurer ago

Then it should be deleted with no worries about "Free speech" and what not. Just a Troll account - boom - deleted. no worries.

Rotteuxx ago

So open the door to selective censorship ? Why feed the trolls ?

Don't fall into the trap being set by these shills, It's a tactic they've tried before with a different flavor.

No need to larp about the content getting me in trouble for clicking on it, I won't take your word for it.

Nothing in those posts is illegal, nothing. I can say that with assurance because instead of being a virtue signaling niggerfaggot pushing for blind censorship of offensive material, I actually clicked every fucking post in there to form an informed opinion on what was being posted.

The few image posts are cartoons & don't bear the status of CP in legal terms. This has been adressed before on Voat & US Legal system.

Now stop promoting censorship or I'll have to think you're behind this & a big larping faggot.

gentlemanadventurer ago

You seem used to this abhorrent behavior of dealing with people that like to fuck children, I am not. I may have reacted poorly in your cynical eyes, but I did what I thought was best for the over health of the site. It's still a privately owned site and they can pull whatever material they wish and they do not need your approval.

I was attempting to shed a light on what seemed to me a dark corner nothing more. It seems the majority of voat doesn't mind if pedophiles use the site to promote their behavior, got it, loud and clear, chief. If you don't like anything I've said, or anything I've posted just chalk it up to my expression of "free speech" and leave me be.

Don't try and censor me, just walk away just ignore what I have to say on this specific topic. Unless your advice is only applicable for me?

Rotteuxx ago

Don't try and censor me, just walk away just ignore what I have to say on this specific topic. Unless your advice is only applicable for me?

What the fuck are you fallaciously talking about ?

gentlemanadventurer ago

I was being sardonic. You may be having a single conversation with one person, I've had to deal with multiple voat "scholars" on this subject. By the time I got to your contribution I was a bit irritated with your opinions. It's my conclusion that from now on I will report these subs quietly to the authorities, and to the media, or social media and frankly I hate all of these institutions. Some one might get a knock on the door, maybe nothing will happen, I might be labeled a nutter by the authorities or this community but I can not simply do nothing

Rotteuxx ago

If it's illegal, go right ahead, get those pedos busted.

If it's just talk & gas lighting, hopefully you don't get emotionally manipulated into getting painted as a nutter.

gentlemanadventurer ago

Fair enough.