maxoverdrive ago

Look at the anti-free-speech niggers coming out of the woodwork here. I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic, and you fucking kike scum who spit on the First are a part of that "domestic" bit. Either you support free speech or you don't; there is no 'inbetween' and there are no exceptions.

I took a look at those SRS subs which are supposedly pedo. There is no CP on any of them - not a bit; just fucking evil redditors pushing an evil reddit agenda, as always. So you argue with them or downvoat them and move on - you do NOT ban them, because that just makes you one of the enemy, and is probably a big part of their end-game anyway.

Any which way, only a kike or a worthless nigger would shit on the First. You got a problem with that, I've plenty of rope and bullets to go around, you fucking liberal swine....

elitch2 ago

Fuck it. Change the rules. Free speech for everyone except people who post child porn.

Usereman ago

Free speech =/= Free distribution of Material.

The man seem to only have posted text based opinion so it's within the free speech but if he posts pedophile material,then it has to be moderated of course, since it's highly illegal.

elitch2 ago

These cunts are directly linking to child porn. It shows up on the thumbnail.

MrWicked ago

  1. If you think the FBI isn't already monitoring this site you are retarded.
  2. Was anything illegal actually put on the site? All I have seen is pedo sympathizers trying to normalise their fucked up view. I might have missed something though.
  3. They are doing this to rustle your jimmies and you allowed your jimmies to be rustled instead of downvoating and moving on.
  4. Some idiots even take it a step further and call for censorship. Please ban the people posting stuff I don't like. Those people are hypocrites and a disgrace.

Ywis ago

Well is the site protecting illegal content?

Urebeat ago

Why are so many people biting this obvious bait? They're clearly just shilling, so many divided opinions here. Voat will not get taken down, I have full faith in @Puttitout to be transparent when he needs our support, like he's done in the past. Until then just call them a nigger faggot and move on.

A_M_Swallow ago

Lying to the FBI is probably a crime since lying to cause the FBI to start an investigation almost certainly involves "Making a false statement' banned by 18 U.S.C. § 1001. Inciting it may also be a crime - the inciters want the law broken within a couple of days, possibly immediately. The prosecutor may decide that the reports are Perjury. Hence @plankO may be committing subornation of perjury.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Lying requires intent. Being mistaken is not lying. No, everyone should not run off to waste the FBI's time reporting non-crimes like plankO and others are advocating. But if they truly believe they are reporting crimes, they are not going to be charged with, much less convicted of, making false statements.

10988222? ago

Politicians get away with it but I haven't lied. Where have I lied? I maid a post that said report illegal activity to the fbi and that pissed the aspartame soaked brain of @dietcokehead1 off. Maybe it was my refusal to censor myself at his request?

Usereman ago

Do you even realize that you need professional help immediately ?

10993796? ago

Yeah, the FBI's help in arresting pedos

SonOfSnowden ago

Yeah, that's not going to happen.

BackAsswards ago

Why the fuck would you want to allow Pedro's to post that shit on here anyway? Probably the most hypothetical thing I've seen here. Let's call for prison for or death for every other fucking thing on here but not this. The fuck is wrong with you people.

It has nothing to do with free speech. Only reason I can even begin to think you would defend them and think it's ok is if you are a piece of shit pedo yourself and want it here. Literally no other reason.

If Voat gets shut down for allowing that shit well then so be it. Hope they take all you fucking pervs to prison so when the next version of Voat starts up you won't be here to fuck it up for the rest of us.

You want to be a pedo or protect them I hope to god you end up in prison sucking black dicks until they decide to end your pathetic existence.

TheBuddha ago

It is possible to defend their rights to speak while condemning them if they act on their urges. I stand up for your rights, and I'd imagine quite a few people think you're deplorable.

BackAsswards ago

If this is a free speech free for all then why can't I post someone's personal information? Like I keep hearing you can't just pick and choose, it's all or nothing.

Pretty hypocritical if you ask me.

greycloud ago

mainly to stop a war. they are afraid that people like me will get involved in a doxxing war and start killing people. i have been doxxed and they didn't like the results.

BackAsswards ago

I understand the need for it and even agree with it to a point. I was just making a point since the only response I get is muh free speech!

Some people deserve a good ol doxxing if you ask me. Too many people feel safe behind their keyboards while trying to ruin our country.

TheBuddha ago

I think you should be able to, but I don't make the rules. Even the 1st A. has some limitations.

BackAsswards ago

How about this then from the User agreement?

Protect Kids: You agree not to post any child pornography or sexually suggestive content involving minors.

TheBuddha ago

So far, I've seen no posts that violate that. I looked. It's just shit to piss you off. It's not CP or even suggestive - from the few images I clicked.

You're letting other people control your emotions.

BackAsswards ago

Nope it's shit I've seen myself. How can you possibly come to the conclusion that it is all bullshit because you clicked a few links?

Sure looks like you are letting other people control your ability to think for yourself. Otherwise you would have clicked every link and looked beyond a few subs. Instead you are allowing others to determine your opinion while claiming I am.

TheBuddha ago

No, I concluded that my experiences didn't include anything against the rules. That's pretty much the definition of self determination.

Feel free to rant, however. It's probably futile and you're stressing your way into an early grave. But, you can do that.

BackAsswards ago

Well if you don't want to inform yourself properly then your a lost cause. You are just here to argue and nothing more.

If you want to draw conclusions off of just your personal experience and unwilling to actually put effort into your thoughts then how about shutting the fuck up until you have an informed opinion.

Having a strong opinion about an issue the I find troubling won't put me into an early grave. Unfortunately for you though being willfully ignorant actually could result in an early grave.

Just because something is probably futile doesn't mean you should not attempt it. Have some conviction and stand up for your beliefs if you even have your own.

TheBuddha ago

So, where are the links to this material specifically? Find one image that violates the law or the site rules and link it.

BackAsswards ago

I don't browse around for CP. Not a chance in hell I post a link to it. How about you either gather information for yourself or don't go around arguing with people based on your self determination.

I'm done arguing just to argue. If you are willing to argue this hard based on your assumptions you are not worth my time.

TheBuddha ago

So you got nothing. I figured.

BleedRedAndYellow ago

Isn't it against the TOS to witch-hunt here?

voatHatesTheFirst ago

Post that as a question in /v/protectvoat

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Not to my knowledge, unless it is listed in sub-specific rules. Have you not read the User Agreement?

Rotteuxx ago

I honestly took a break during summer from our in-house soap operas, haven't kept track of sgis styled alts but I've noticed a lot of larping today/tonight.

Other threads on the subject I bothered replying in :

RapeKathyGrifinAgain ago

Damnit, are you telling me lay off the pedo jokes? I thought we can say whatever the fuck we want here.

TheBuddha ago

Q: What did the pedo say when he was first released from jail?

A: "I feel like a kid again!"

0011011000111001 ago

He probably is the FBI. I knew someone in the FBI and he wpukd pretend to be an underage girl to catch the perps.

eagleshigh ago

Dateline NBC? Chris Hansen type stuff?

Antiracist10 ago

Here's a challenge for ya, dingus.

How can evolution not have steps when edits to a genome are evolutionary steps?

@sarmegahhikkitha @bojangles

Bojangles ago

Dingus -- late 19th century: via Afrikaans from Dutch ding ‘thing.’

eagleshigh ago

What's the end goal? They aren't steps as much as random (and some directed by the physiology of the organism) mutations which stick due to giving organisms a greater chance to survive in a given environment.

Antiracist10 ago

Firstly, it doesn't matter if there is an end goal. There can be no end goal with there still being steps. A lack of an end goal is compatible with there being steps.

Secondly, you contradict yourself immediately. First you say the mutations are random, then you say they are due to an environment (non-random).

@bojangles @sarmegahhikkitha

Look at this noob biologizing.


eagleshigh ago

Mutations can be random (due to genetic recombination) and also directed (the physiological system takes cues from the environment and has a kind of 'directed' mutation). Belief in one does not contradict the other.

Step: life beings. Step: mutations (both random and directed) begin. That's pretty much the closest you have to 'steps' in evolution.

@bojangles @SarMegahhikkitha @crensch

Antiracist10 ago

So going from quadrupedal to bipedal is not a step?

@bojangles @sarmegahhikkitha

Fuck idiot @crensch

eagleshigh ago

It's only a 'step' if the environment calls for bipedalism. If it doesn't and a creature is bipedal, then it will revert back to quadrupedalism.

@crensch @bojangles @SarMegahhikkitha

Antiracist10 ago

Not that your answer made any sense, but way to concede the existence of steps.

@bojangles @sarmegahhikkitha

Fuck idiot @crensch

eagleshigh ago

My answer did make sense. In regards to the process of life and how things occur such as bipedalism, there are 'steps'. In regards to racial human evolution there are none.

@crensch @bojangles @SarMegahhikkitha

Antiracist10 ago

In regards to the process of life and how things occur such as bipedalism, there are 'steps'. In regards to racial human evolution there are none.

Dawg, this is the first time you have mentioned racial human evolution in this comment chain.

I would like to recap this debate for the amusement of everyone, especially stupid bitch cheerleader @Crensch who upvoted your fagawful comment.

Eagleshigh: I intended to show that evolution does not have steps.

Antiracist: I intend to show that evolution does have steps.

Antiracist: Genomic change is an evolutionary step. Critical hit.

Eagleshigh: Evolution doesn't have goals. Non sequitur.

Antiracist: The step from quadrupedalism to bipedalism is a step. Critical hit.

Eagleshigh: The step from quadrupedalism to bipedalism is a step. Arguing contrary to primary thesis.

Eagleshigh: The step from RNA to DNA is a step. Arguing contrary to primary thesis.

Eagleshigh: There are no steps in regard to racial human evolution. Non sequitur. Changing the goalposts.


@bojangles @sarmegahhikkitha

Antiracist10 ago

In regards to the process of life and how things occur such as bipedalism, there are 'steps'. In regards to racial human evolution there are none.

Dawg, this is the first time you have mentioned racial human evolution in this comment chain.

I would like to recap this debate for the amusement of everyone, especially stupid bitch cheerleader @Crensch who upvoted your fagawful comment.

Eagleshigh: I intended to show that evolution does not have steps.

Antiracist: I intend to show that evolution does have steps.

Antiracist: Genomic change is an evolutionary step. Critical hit.

Eagleshigh: Evolution doesn't have goals. Non sequitur.

Antiracist: The step from quadrupedalism to bipedalism is a step. Critical hit.

Eagleshigh: The step from quadrupedalism to bipedalism is a step. Arguing contrary to primary thesis.

Eagleshigh: The step from RNA to DNA is a step. Arguing contrary to primary thesis.

Eagleshigh: There are no steps in regard to racial human evolution. Non sequitur. Changing the goalposts.


@bojangles @sarmegahhikkitha

weezkitty ago

Fuck You @plankO

I hate pedos but the FBI is not our friends. They do more harm than good. Do NOT get the feds involved.

10988188? ago

Than contact your local police about illegal activity on the internet.

XSS1337 ago

How about IP trace and we call your place of work ?

Maybe some phone calls to local clubs / hang some posters.... Let society take care of you....

BlowjaySimpson ago

Let's ID this fuck.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Sure, not a bad thing to do. But you should learn to distinguish between illegal activity on the internet and legal discussions on the internet. You seem to be a bit confused as to the dividing line.

gazillions ago

Putting up with @plankO is the equivalent of allowing a resident the smash out all the windows of your house. Pedo isn't really a free speech issue is it? It's vandalism

10988212? ago

Hey! I'm not supporting pedos I'm saying report illegal activity. I've reported @hecho in the past and I just reported the owners of these new subs. Pedophilia is illegal and immoral.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Pedophilia is immoral. Pedophilic acts (e.g., sexual touching with a minor, production and distribution of child pornography) are illegal. The FBI has no jurisdiction over the first issue. They are a law enforcement agency, not the morality police. And to my knowledge, there are no current examples of the second issue.

You are simply wasting the FBI's time reporting shit like the creation of those subs. Wait until you actually have evidence of criminal acts.

BlowjaySimpson ago

That's why we need to ID them IRL and contact employers.

Welcome_fags ago

Troll faction or not, pedophiles should be fucking stomped on this website. I don't get why you degenerate niggers defend them so much.

Its not censorship.. its not "circumventing free speech"

Usereman ago

Free speech fucking faggot. Because WE have principles and WE believe in free speech and because WE have the moral high ground, that's why WE protect free speech of even the most fucked up and sick person. You fucking think like reddit communists where "Why protect racists and xenophobic right to free speech, we must censor them", no FUCK that fucking snowflake, free speech is not selective, is completely and either you agree on that and agree with voat philosophy or you are an idiot that doesn't understand what makes voat what it is (but your still allowed to state your pro-censorship opinion here on voat, that's the prupose, but we won't listen to you and we'll ignore the fuck out your subversion attempts)

XSS1337 ago

I'm going to rape your children and then snuff them.

Usereman ago

sure, I've no kids anyway.

BlowjaySimpson ago

That's a good thing, you kid fucker.

Not even libtard hippos want you. I genuinely think you should consider killing yourself. Nothing of value would be lost. You will amount to nothing, your family views you as a disappointment, and your mother deeply regrets not terminating her pregnancy after she was raped by a sandnigger. You have no social skills, you lack basic hygiene, and your depression is never going to go away. Be an hero for us all. You fucking degenerate faggot. You know what to do, give in to those suicidal feelings. You can even make it painless and instant for yourself.

Usereman ago

I hope you aren't projecting too much because I would really feel sorry for you.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Nope, feel sorry for yourself.

We know who you are now.

Usereman ago

And what am I exactly? Because I don't even realize myself.

XSS1337 ago

Then I would say lets remove your balls but then again no one would touch you anyway

Just kill yourself , We don't want your organs.

Usereman ago

We'll, if I'm a concerned troll kike, why do you still give me importance instead of ignoring me ?

For me, it's equal but you are the one wasting your time.

Welcome_fags ago

shut the fuck up. Pedophiles aren't protected by the 1st amendment.

ShinyVoater ago

Then neither is climate change denial, questioning the Holocaust, advocating immigration restriction or fighting gun control. Freedom of speech is a binary value: either everybody's protected or no one is.

Usereman ago

You fucking snowflake are no better than reddit faggots that have no principle, you are a disgrace.

Welcome_fags ago

And you are a degeneracy enabler.

Usereman ago

Maybe I am, but that's free speech. You call for "conservative"/"Puritan" censorship, you have the right to think that's it's better than total free speech, but then, you have to understand that isn't for you. Here, it is free speech, and not only free speech "only with what I agree". If you want that, go to antoher website, because here, even if 95% of this website is very right-wing, the remaining has the right and the guaranty that they can write what they want. We aim to not be an echo-chamber because everyone can post their opinions here. In practice, it is because almost everyone is right wing here because those are the people that tend to be heavily censored across the web but we are open to new people and new opinions, the only ideology of this website is free speech and it's all. Then, the community's global ideology is another story but the community's ideology do not surpass the "constitution" of which is free speech.

What you want is doing the censorship that's happening right now in the web but in reverse roles and I say Fuck that.

Welcome_fags ago

We are open to new people and new opinions

Including fucking pedophiles. Great job fella. I award you one seat in the gas chamber.

Usereman ago

Yes, including fucking pedophiles, that's the fucking point you snowflake. The whole point of is fucking this, it's to allow the right of speech of all people, even those you FUCKING HATE WITH ALL YOUR HEART.

You are just like reddit fags that actually believe they are in total free speech while censoring right wingers that they consider as "human waste". That's true cognitive-dissonance and you are showing the same fucking thing than them, you do not see the paradox you are trying to push.

We can't hate reddit for their censorship and doing the same fucking EXACT thing in reverse. YOU want to be a mirror of them, I say FUCK that, we won't become like the enemy of liberty and free speech, we will become our own system and it will be total free speech. We'll only censor pedophile MATERIAL (pictures,videos,audio) and if we see that some people are trying to organize some pedo ring here on, we won't censor them but we will report them to the authorities because what they are doing are potentially illegal but we can't judge this here on voat, only competent authorities can.

boekanier ago

Right, pedos are evil (one of the worst kind) , it has nothing to do with 'free speech'.

altident ago

Right, people against Islam are evil (one of the worst kind) , it has nothing to do with 'free speech'.

I hope this makes you understand why free speech has to be unilateral. If you can ban someone or throw them in prison for simply saying something you disagree with, then the same can be done to you by someone who happens to disagree with you.

Rotteuxx ago

Free speech can not be selective, either you're for it or pro-censorship.

This is the gas lighting we're witnessing right now. No CP has been found, only 2 new subs with offensive content (offensive to mentally healthy individuals) talking about pedophilia in a positive light. I've looked at every post in these 2 subs and nothing illegal is present as of this time. On Voat everything goes as long as it's legal, it's clearly stated for anyone to read before creating an account. No bitching about offensive speech here, which is all that's been presented. Downvoat & move on, if there is something illegal under US laws, click the report button. Don't be a larping daggot doing the shills work for them.

These shills are trying to appeal to emotions in order to get the community to shit on free speech in the name of decency... does that ring a bell ?

(((SGIS))) tacticts at work, Voat has been under attack with similar tactics from the beginning, don't get suckered into it.

Usereman ago

Voaters are fucking hypocritical, they act just like reddit fags calling for censorship.

I'm so disappointed with the community right now, they betray the foundation of Voat itself. If the man has not uploaded Pedophile Material but only text based opinions, he has the right, that's free speech, TRUE free speech. Voaters want to ban him and his comments because they disagree with him, they are just a mirror of reddit, they are idiots, they don't even see the paradox and the cognitive-dissonance, they truely believe by censoring the pedophile, the freedom of speech still remains intact and total, just like how redditors ban "hateful racists and nazis" and truly believe that there are true free speech on thei subreddit. I realize that a lot of voaters are just redditors, with the same mentality and the same impulse with censorship, they say that extremes tend to link themselves and I see the exemple here. I really hope that those idiots are a minority here and really hope that stays local to his principles. Voaters don't realize that if we censor the pedophile's opinion, it will already betray the whole foundations of but it will also be a BIG slippery slope toward censorship and with the time, if we allow this censorship to happen, we'll just be a Right-Wing Reddit soundproof bubble just like how reddit is a Left-Wing soundproof bubble website.

digitalentity1497 ago

Faggot alert.

Proxima ago

What? None of us are really calling for censorship

BlowjaySimpson ago

They aren't human. We should Terry everything we can to get them to have a psychotic break and feel the only option is to kill themselves.

lucabrasi ago

Voaters are fucking hypocritical, they act just like reddit fags calling for censorship.

Member for 2 Months

Usereman ago

ad hominem :)

XSS1337 ago

Fuck off kike. You are a shill and deserve to watch your loved ones hang.

Rotteuxx ago

Great comment, thx for the reply faggot !

Usereman ago

You are welcome Meine Nigger !

Welcome_fags ago

Pedophilia is not to be protected by free speech, the same way that murdering people isn't protected by the 1st.

I'm not gonna look into any of the pedo subverses here, but do note; CP is also when children are being sexually exploited, they do not need to be naked for it to be illegal.

Best of luck.

Usereman ago

It is. Sharing pedophile MATERIAL (pcitures,videos,audio,...) is not legal though.

XSS1337 ago

I will downvoat you everywhere you go you fucking kike.

Welcome_fags ago

That is where we fundamentally disagree.

Is it legal to talk about committing crimes in general here? Pretty sure its not.

ShinyVoater ago

SCOTUS has ruled there needs to be an actual imminent threat of violence or it doesn't count. That counts whether you're yammering about killing your neighbor's dog or raping every single kid in the preschool down the lane.

Usereman ago

If there are people trying to seriously organize a crime, don't censor them but report them to the authorities, leave it up to them, that's not the role of to censor them.

XSS1337 ago

Fuck off klke. You advocate for letting the site be taken down vs banning pedos and protecting the group at large and their freedom of speech..


crazy_eyes ago

Well said

Rotteuxx ago

Thx, so much larping & virtue signaling tonight by goats who would shit on Voats principles to remove offensive legal content... looks like I'm back on regularly just in time to piss off (((SGIS))) in their latest campaign to divide the userbase.

shadow332 ago

Who cares. Don't give trolls attention.

ChippyTubes ago

also re-post in protect voat sub thread

Rotteuxx ago

A few posts along these lines tonight :

Interesting timing with the amount of information circulating on Voat this weekend.

AnarchicAlpaca ago

Actually shut it down!

bourbonexpert ago

lol k . reddit is far worse.

thescribeofthecreed0 ago

Do something.

thescribeofthecreed0 ago

Then fucking ban @plankO now.

Usereman ago

Trying to limit free speech of one person we disagree with...Does it remain you of a certain websites ?

Those upvoating this are fucking HYPOCRITES, they want free speech but only with what they agree with. Those who support it are really mirrors of reddit faggots, you are a disgrace.

If plankO hasn't shared any Material (video,pictures,audio) and only text based opinions, he's granted protection of freedom of opinion, by Voat's philosophy which align itself with the US constitution.

NiggerJusticeWarrior ago

Go back to SRS you fucking goon piece of shit.

XSS1337 ago



eagleshigh ago

We know who the Jews here are. They're too obvious.

XSS1337 ago

They are trying to subvert our community and pervert our freedoms..... that is straight Jew....

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I don't think you understand what plankO said, nor do you seem to understand the humor in therefore calling for him to be banned.

Schreiber ago

I concur. Ban him immediately.

BleedRedAndYellow ago

I thought it was about free speech.

Share CP

Free speech

Ask users to report CP to the FBI


danielktdoran ago

Share CP means you should get a bullet to the head

BleedRedAndYellow ago

No no no, free speech. As long as we don't catch em red handed. It's all just relative free speech man. /s And this site was supposed to be right leaning Reddit

100LinksToGunter ago

There are some things in this world that are not even debatable. There is 0 defense against being a pedo so there is no conversation that can be had.

Any give and you end up with pedo's runnin about all over the place thinking it's just an opinion that shagging a ten year old is bad.

The only debate to be had is the best way to annihilate them from the earth.

danielktdoran ago


This isn't a free speech issue.

You want to say that you like to rape children, fine. Be comfortable in the knowledge that I and many others are going to report your sick ass to the relevant authorities.

If you want to share pictures and actual child pornography you should be reported to the police and banned.

Too all the sick pedos reading this: you will have no safe haven while I am alive. No understanding ear, no sympathy, if it was legal for me to kill you I would.

10986870? ago

Wow, I didn't realize voat had become a pedo paradise

thescribeofthecreed0 ago

Fuck off and die you dirty rotten FBI pedophile mother fucking fuck face asshole.

10986923? ago

dude, you need a beer

Conejo_loco ago

Fuck the pedo FBI and CIA running children to Saudi Arabia, your "era" is OVER. Fuck the schlomos supporting and financing "open borders" your REAL holocaust is COMING... but most of all FUCK THE CUCKS the Americans dumb enough to fall for handouts and be brainwashed by the schlomos... plankO how pathetic. Throw your own people under the bus for a pat on the head by "Harvey"

10988315? ago

"My people" aren't pedo voat users, are yours?

Proxima ago

Plank0 is this really how you spend your time? You must be the biggest fat loser on the fucking planet. Eat yourself to death you piece of fucking trash

BlowjaySimpson ago

Kill yourself you degenerate cuck. You contribute nothing of value to this world, and we are all worse off with you in it. I pity your parents.

jerry ago

You need a lobotomy. I’ve been here over 2 yr and avoid all the pedo shit, never had to rat on shit I didn’t care about or look at or have a damn thing to do with. But you a rat tho get the fuck out fed bitch

BackAsswards ago

So you think it's better to let children be abused than to be labeled a rat? I can tell you that being a rat would be a step up for you.

jerry ago

You are a dumbass if you think getting voat banned would stop cp from being made. Do you think the cp posted here is content made specifically for voat, and that if those content creators were banned that all cp would stop being made? I reaffirm my statement you need a lobotomy too rat faggot

BlowjaySimpson ago

You need a bullet in your degenerate fucking head.

jerry ago

YESS! I like it! Let’s get it

AnarchicAlpaca ago


RageAgainstTheAmish ago

You need to stop spreading lies

we dont take kindly to that pedo shit around here

NeedleStack ago

The FBI probably won't act on anyone's report but thanks for the heads up.

10986917? ago

No need to archive, I'm not deleting anything :)

NeedleStack ago

Woah. I'm surprised by the number of downvoats you got but come on, you've been here long enough to know that's how users respond.

10993871? ago

I'm disappointed in the cult of personality more than anything

Chimaira92 ago

You never answered my question either

11007694? ago

@dietcokehead1 really created a shit show, I haven't read or replied to ever comment but I'll respond to yours

Chimaira92 ago

Just so you know. I thought you may have been bought out by someone like shadilay who has been muddying the waters of the pizzagate investigation.

I dont think that about you anymore.

XSS1337 ago

We kill people that look to destroy our society. Jews. Blacks. Asians. Saltines. Mexicans ..... they all die the same.

You are a now on many hit lists and your family will not be spared. We the People cannot commit crimes.... for we define what crime is..... and killing you .... is a public service

elitch2 ago

Nobody likes you. If I saw you in public doing this same shit, I would beat the fuck out of you.

10993828? ago

If you saw me alerting the authorities to child abuse you would beat the fuck out of me. Do you hear yourself?

elitch2 ago

I'm dropping out of this kike-sponsored event. My impression was that you were posting the smut. My apologies if I was in error.

In my opinion, posting this shit (((cp))) is the only thing that should get you removed from Voat.

10998576? ago

Agreed, I can see how you could make that error with @dietcokehead1 sounding the alarm. All I can figure is he must like cp or something. My position is illegal activity like creating pedo subs should be reported to the authorities.

10986756? ago

for the record, Are you saying v/preteens is completely legal? Or that you honestly don't think @putitout knows about it? The sub is over 2 years old

Fambida ago

I really don't care to click that, but if they're clothed, it's legal in the US. US CP laws aren't nearly as strict as some places.

AnmanIndustries ago

With historical classic such as the ones below, I could believe it:

How do two women fuck with no penis


Nickname your genitals


The origin of condoms


Ass taking it rough


LPT: Put some tennis balls in your pants

10986779? ago

Ha! Golden

AnmanIndustries ago

Yeah, if you have syphilis.

10986850? ago

I make no apologies for my drunken postings, if you can't laugh at this being posted in v/ass than you need to start over

AnmanIndustries ago

Ahh yess, ass jokes involving two asses have sex. Sounds better to me that way. Sure.

10988196? ago

In an x rated sub called v/ass. It's a joke, remember those?

AnmanIndustries ago

I dont want into a brothel and make dead hookers jokes.

11008544? ago

What are you drinking this morning?

AnmanIndustries ago


Soda water with extra salt.

11008618? ago

why do you put salt in soda water?

AnmanIndustries ago

To get extra salt.

11009339? ago

Have you ever tried ice mountain lemon water? They're surprisingly good.

AnmanIndustries ago

What do you want from me? I only drink water, water with bubbles and on a rare occasion home made alcohol or lemonade.

11058255? ago

Nothing really, I was just asking a question. I thought you may have tried ice mountain lemon water. It's ingredients are water bubbles and lemon

AnmanIndustries ago

Its ok, I have my own lemons.

11069985? ago

Well alright, I'm off to do other things. Good day

M4rt1n ago

The flaw in your reasoning is that the FBI takes down pedos.

We all know the FBI protects pedos. It's almost like that is their job.

BackAsswards ago

You mean protect them like some people on here want to do?

M4rt1n ago

Doesn't matter what the innefectual agencies think. We rape the rapists and it works out for us.

You are behind. Well behind.

BackAsswards ago

Catch me up then. What have you done to prevent these perverts from continuing to abuse children?

I've been here multiple times every day for awhile now and haven't heard of shit happening that matters. Being as i personally am part of "us" I can tell you it does not work for all of us.

M4rt1n ago

One fun thing was we set them against one another by leaking info about deal brokering between them.

Not sure how an anonymous person on the Internet thinks they are going to convince us to bleed our secrets.

Here is a question, do you think the intelligence agencies 'let' Trump win or was their hand forced by extensive blackmail?

If you think you know the correct answer to #1 - ponder #2 - if Clinton had won would Weinstein ever have been thrown under the bus like this?

Doesn't matter if you are one of the hundreds of good people in whatever bullshit corrupt agency you think you represent. You are swimming in poison and many of your co-workers protect child rapists. That is reality.

DietCokehead1 ago

As MOP pointed out, the government would probably decide that voat is a far-right or alt-right website and ban it on those grounds

M4rt1n ago

Your contention is there is a Government?


Just a bunch of self interested agencies constantly undermining one another. Nothing at all like a Government.

10986730? ago

Cool, I'm popular all of a sudden