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10986911? ago

Thanks for this. @DietCokehead1 is committing some logical fallacies atm. It's nice to see someone grounded in philosophy

Chimaira92 ago

Are you trolling bro? If you were so worried about pedophilia you would have spoken up when you first created your account. That's about how long ago Reddit banned it's Jailbait subs and they migrated here.

Odd that you are now trying to tie pedo shit to voat when it's one of the last places left allowing the discussion and civilian investigation of pizzagate.

11007787? ago

I did speak up, back then it was @hecho and his gang. Atko made a statement about needed to remove posts and the community moved on. I've been here longer than this account, I guess you'll have to take my word on that. I've actually made a post about reporting pedos to the fbi before too. the response was positive then which is why I'm surprised at all the negatively now. I wonder why he (dietcoke) couldn't just downvoat and move on. I'll joke around about historic butt plugs and upvoat porn but I like my tomatoes ripe ;) I helped search through podestas emails and contributed what I could but stopped when things turned to pizza. Adam Curry from the No Agenda show made a good point about the lack of victims with pizzagate. I'm not censoring anyone, in fact dietcoke ordered me to delete a post. Have discussions please. My position regarding CP remains the same, if I see something illegal I say something. I haven't sought CP on voat and have offending subs blocked. I'm not a cop or super hero. If I see CP in v/all I forward the links to the fbi along with my real contact info which puts me ay risk of being accused and charged with having cp on my computer.

Chimaira92 ago

Ok fair enough, I apologise for assuming otherwise, I don't have the time to sift through 2 years worth of comments. I'll take your word for it.

Completely agree with you too.