voatHatesTheFirst ago

Thanks for the reminder. PV and the rest of the pedos need to go away and die a painful pedo death.

eagleshigh ago

Lol. JIDF detected. @crensch

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Any want to take a wager this user is a jew? And a side bet their a pedo as well.

10988128? ago

Nope and nope, I think it says report illegal activity somewhere in the voat tos. Guess it makes me a D bag for telling people how to do that eh?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I see one of his subs has been removed or disabled. That seems to imply that one of you saying "his stuff never gets removed" is incorrect. If there's any more of his content still up that you believe violates federal law, reply with a link.

BleedRedAndYellow ago

For the geniuses in the comments. Telling him or others NOT to is A: aiding and abetting and B: obstructing justice.

I would recommend you report it to the admins brah, not the FBI. But still. Child pornography is a crime, it's a federal offense and a felony. I won't say reporting it to the FBI is a bad idea.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I'll leave aside my thoughts on which side of the argument I believe has more merit (reporting to FB vs reporting to Putt), but you are wrong. Suggesting someone should not report something may be bad advice, but it is neither aiding and abetting a crime nor obstruction of justice.

BleedRedAndYellow ago

Are you a lawyer? Look, I believe it is indeed a crime.

jerry ago


freedumbz ago

At least give @Puttitout a chance to kill this stuff before going to the feds. FFS

voatHatesTheFirst ago

Three years is a pretty fair chance.

God fuck yourself with a morning star while sitting in a bonfire pedo scum.

freedumbz ago

Nice projection there chaim. Did you come up with that before or after having your daily bloody baby cock? You do realize subs like that pop up like mushrooms after the rain right? Putt kills one, and another one might come up after that. Dealing with pedos is not as simple as flipping a switch to ban them because they might... evade the ban?

Fuck yourself with a cactus. This is a blatant attack on voat.

voatHatesTheFirst ago

Go kill yourself pedo.

Look in the sidebar of this 3 year old pedo sub.

Go kill yourself, before someone else does much worse to you.

freedumbz ago

/v/whatever is not a pedo sub. Go drink a gallon of bleach and think about what you are saying.

voatHatesTheFirst ago

Forgot link, fixed. Now go back to your pedo sub and die.

DietCokehead1 ago

Delete this. Voat will get banned. Let the mods and admins take care of it.

10986689? ago

Don't tell me what to do, I've already contacted the fbi over @hecho s degeneracy, there probably using voat as a honey pot at this point

jerry ago

Then get the fuck out rat faggot

eagleshigh ago

Rats need exterminators.

lexsird ago

You're a retard late to the party on the honeypot thing. If it wasn't since people migrated from Reddit, then there is epic fail going on in cyber command.

HST ago

Your title is literally telling people what to do nigger

voatHatesTheFirst ago

Asking people, to do the right thing. No surprise a pedo like your self can't tell the difference between a request and a demand.

HST ago

The only difference is how polite you are about it. I was simply pointing out the hypocrisy. Not a pedo lol

voatHatesTheFirst ago

I was simply pointing out the hypocrisy.

No, you weren't. There is no hypocrisy because you are dead wrong. His post is not telling people what to do. It is asking people to do something. The right thing. You were the only one telling someone what to do when you told him to delete the post.

You should learn what words mean before trying to sound smart using them.

HST ago

Lol a) I didnt tell him to delete the post

And b) he didnt even argue with me so obviously it was his intent to tell people what to do

10986856? ago

Yes but I said please

National_Anthem ago

now the pedos are attacking you. This is actually a bigger deal than is obvious. Kikes who run Voat are gearing up to fight for their right to post pedophilia under US 1st amendment laws.

3 front page posts today with pedo sympathizers everywhere.

HST ago

If it's illegal in the US, or sexualizing minors (as stated in the TOS) puttitout should remove it. But it should be reported to him, not to the FBI (unless he's obviously ignoring reports of sexualized minors). If you have evidence of this please post it. If kikes ran voat then /v/jailbait never would've been banned.

National_Anthem ago

loopholes. Putt knows it.

HST ago

If you could type out full sentences explaining your point that'd be great.

National_Anthem ago

Putt is abusing loopholes in temporary law regarding the internet to enable pedophilia

HST ago

Temporary law? Are you just making shit up now?

Nothing new being posted is different than what was being posted before, as far as I'm aware. Loli, disgusting as it is, is legal in the US.

This is all fake outrage that's coming from nowhere and I have a feeling you know this.

National_Anthem ago


HST ago

You feel pretty confident in yourself dont you? This isn't even close to the first time this has been tried. It didn't work before, what makes it different now?

National_Anthem ago

yes, and it's different now because you pedophiles have pushed your boundries.

HST ago

I'm a pedo because...?

And how are they pushing boundaries? What's different now in regards to what they're posting?

National_Anthem ago

I'm talking at the federal level. Just keep this conversation in mind early next year when sites like this get pulled for hosting pedophilia.

HST ago

A) voat doesn't host anything besides links

B) there's a huge difference between pedophile networks that are literally abusing children and a website that allows people to post links to drawings of children (which are legal, and if that changes, then the subs will be banned just like jailbait was)

National_Anthem ago

im not tlaking about drawing you faggot. Enjoying fapping to children while you can you sick mother fucker

HST ago

Okay but as far as I'm aware drawings are all that are posted.. I'm not actually looking at these posts though, but the daily "AGED IS POSTING CHILDREN BEING RAPED" posts all link to /v/loli.

Enjoy wasting your time repeating something that has been tried numerous times before. It's really funny actually

National_Anthem ago

Im not tlaking about drawings.

Enjoy wasting your time repeating something that has been tried numerous times before. It's really funny actually

That confidence you pedos have is going to be hilarious when your avenues to engage in your perversion are cut, limited, and heavily monitored and prosecuted. 2 years ago it sounds like wishful thinking, but now we got Trump and people who are actively working on this issue, which is why the pedos on voat have been shitposting at astronomical levels lately.

You support pedophilia, ill keep that in mind.

HST ago

I absolutely do not support pedophilia. I wouldn't complain at all if the laws were changed tomorrow and voat banned those subverses.

MichelleObamasPenis ago

Don't. You'll get all of voat.co taken down. The government would love to shut down this "far-right" website. Report pedo subs to @PuttItOut

voatHatesTheFirst ago

Putt is well aware of the pedo scum, has been for years. He is almost certainly one of them, and/or something worse.

Reporting to an outside authority is the only thing to do at this point.

Why do you support pedo's? You and all the PV pedo scum?

BleedRedAndYellow ago

far-right" website

Like stormfront?

Dr_Shekel_Nigger ago

is Michael's bigger than Barrack's? Who pegs who?

National_Anthem ago

Putt won't remove pedophilia.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I don't go looking for that, but also haven't seen any. The way I'm reading your claim, there are people posting it all the time, and it "doesn't get removed."

Have a link to illegal content currently available on voat?

National_Anthem ago

The laws are blurry and are currently changing, so keep up your confidence pedo see how long it lasts

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Wait, are you supposed to be my "confidence pedo"? That doesn't make sense, even if I wanted one. Are you 'challenged'?

National_Anthem ago

Depicting children in sexual manners is illegal but it's being forced through loopholes and people arent being prosecuted like they should be, that is changing in the US right now.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Then change the laws.

National_Anthem ago

woking on it faggot

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Well, work harder, my nigger-faggot. Also, /b/ was never good. (though it had its moments)

BleedRedAndYellow ago

Putt won't remove pedophilia.

Makes you wonder why doesn't it

National_Anthem ago

I already know why but there is an active group who makes sure that information is downvoted into oblivion.

10986669? ago

The government does swing a hammer when it comes to these things. I've reported @hecho and his subs more than once so the fbi is already aware of pedo shit on voat


And you are looking through pedo subs... why?

10993771? ago

Only when I see them in v/all and then it's a quick block.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Just looked at @hecho and don't immediately see any illegal content. There's some morally questionable content on his first page, but nothing "illegal".

The subverse you were looking for has been disabled and is no longer accessible

One of his subs yields this. Kind of looks like removal... Looked at a couple others and don't see any illegal content. If it's there, it's not immediately obvious.