sguevar ago

I have to agree with you here.

Though it pains me to accept it as long as it is within the legal boundaries we can't really do much more than denounce the depraved minds but that remains a "qualitative" action.

boredTech ago

There are also laws to protect children from obscene or harmful material on the Internet. For one, federal law prohibits the use of misleading domain names, words, or digital images on the Internet with intent to deceive a minor into viewing harmful or obscene material (See 18 U.S.C. §§ 2252B, 2252C). It is illegal for an individual to knowingly use interactive computer services to display obscenity in a manner that makes it available to a minor less than 18 years of age (See 47 U.S.C. § 223(d) –Communications Decency Act of 1996, as amended by the PROTECT Act of 2003). It is also illegal to knowingly make a commercial communication via the Internet that includes obscenity and is available to any minor less than 17 years of age (See 47 U.S.C. § 231 –Child Online Protection Act of 1998).

Eualos ago

Nothing if they don't break any laws

theoldones ago

the laws are another kettle of fish. they're getting as close to the legal border as they can

thantik ago

While getting close to that border, they're reporting it to cloudflare, and probably the domain registrar en-masse. The place has funding now, so that's the next move. That's always their MO. Post child porn, REEEE that site has child porn, poof...gone.

theoldones ago

it's been done to one of our image hosts before.

imgur staff got told it existed, hit with CP and shut down hours later

larryhuston ago

Syber_Cunt isn't posting anything underage, just bad porn from questionable sources (pay per click likely) That other one IS a pedophile

theoldones ago

questionable porn unfortunately sounds close enough to toss in the pile as well :p

larryhuston ago

Good enough.

bourbonexpert ago

Meh. Free speech, they post, I let them know about how dangerous niggers are. At worst they will just be like FPH , keep to themselves and when they try Reddit faggotry they get the goat bite.

theoldones ago

let them post actual child pornography? HOW ABOUT NO!

this group has been caught doing that shit.

bourbonexpert ago

Yeah I figured that was coming. I didn’t address that at all. I’m sure the fbi watches this site hourly. If someone is dumb enough to post CP on a semi social site they just secretly like blac cock.

They would be reported or intercepted in hours. Goats wouldn’t have that shit.

PuttItOut ago

I'd very much like to purge it personally, but Voat's commitment to Freedom of Speech supercedes my personal opinions.

I saw some posts today that were very real looking and that was concerning to me.

If there was a vote, I'd personally choose to ban it all.

But we do have content removal in place for a quick response. Fastest way is to ping me if you see illegal content.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Saving this comment and screencapping. Youre a disgusting tranny pedo supporter.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago


ex-redd ago

I agree with you on everything except violating the maxim on free speech by banning any legal speech: it's a slippery-slope and we all know where those lead; there must be another way.

won't it die down again in a short period?

--I'm sick of it being front-and-center: maybe a default block of the subs on all accounts or something

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

People who think legality is the maxim of morality are DIRTY JEWS @puttitout come judgement day you will have to face this shitty "muh value free speech" argument for allowing pedophilia on your website.

You clearly dont value free speech based on your websites censorship of "unpopular" comments based on downvoats, and restricting unpopular commenters to 10 comments every 24 hrs. You care more about letting pedos get off on underage pornography.

ex-redd ago

this is a free speech site. You're being tricked by cartoon spam. go ban shit on reddit, otherwise ignore it or voat it down.

And that rule you are more familiar with than I about being unpopular: that, I mus assume, would be to keep disruptive spammers [like you, given you expertise?] at bay, not a means to silence opinion-- this place is a target to left wing cry babbies who spam as their main weapon.

no one, but no one, calls me a jew

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Not being tricked by anything. I understand my morals. YOURE A PEDO / PEDO SUPPORTER. YOU WILL BE JUDGED.

ex-redd ago

what will be your next ban in the name of morality? images of mohamad?

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Have i ever spoken out against images of mohamed? Mohammed lovers wouldnt have an issue with loli

ex-redd ago

I'm just saying that one "moral ban" sets precedence for another; since morality is [debatably] subjective a muslim could say the same thing about images of their prophet. Legality is the line in the sand.

Do I agree with loli?: fuck no. Do I want to see it gone?: certainly Do i want it to be the first opinion-based ban clamping down on free speech: it's just not worth it, for some weirdos jacking to shit they drew

draw a damn kid, draw mohamed, draw me getting reemed by a horse for all I care- as long as I can block it, go draw weird shit and show it to weird people.

it's not right, and it needs to be swept under the rug, but banning legal expression is not the job of voat

totes_magotes ago

Perhaps you'd like to consider that pedophilia is not only degenerate but also illegal. And if voat is caught protecting conversations supporting pedophilia, there might be a legal case to shut voat down not to mention the damage the publicity will do.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

I support and am grateful for your adherence to the principle of free speech.

boredTech ago

Go down to the US section of it. This could actually be a big problem for you depending upon which state you are in.

theoldones ago






all these states took action to varying degrees

Rotteuxx ago

It is unclear. The federal PROTECT act bans ban depictions in cartoons, paintings, sculpture and other art forms that lead the viewer to believe that minors are engaged in sexual situations. At least one individual has been successfully prosecuted under PROTECT by the federal government in 2010 for possession of printed cartoons of a sexual nature depicting children. However, in light of a prior US Supreme Court decision invalidating a similar provision under the Child Pornography Prevention Act of 1996 as overbroad, it is unclear if this provision of the PROTECT act would survive appellate review, or if PROTECT sufficiently limited the ban so as to correct the problems with the previous act. It is likely not worth the risk given that even a good outcome would follow an arrest, possible incarceration awaiting trial, significant attorneys fees, serious reputational harm, and the possible loss of employment. I note that this inquiry raises troubling concerns about the viewer who enjoys such material and the danger that, without proper intervention, this person may progress to clearly illegal real child pornography or worse.

Source :

Rotteuxx ago

I'm with you on this one, this is where having principles gets hard.

Legal under some jewed first amendment jurisprudence, although totally illegal in many other developed countries for very sane reasons.

Unfortunately bringing it up to vote would also open that door which must never opened imo... that slope would get so fucking slippery in no time.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago


Rotteuxx ago

I see you understand 1/2 the dilemma here, now how do you decide which principle to step on while still claiming to be a man or principles ?

It's legally protected by the 1st because of a retarded supreme court, so should Voat say fuck free speech ?

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Free speech is not the holy grail of morality and righteousness

Rotteuxx ago

What's the founding principle of Voat ?

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

satanic goats, as above so below triangles, and supporting pedophiles

Rotteuxx ago

0/10 trolling skills.

theoldones ago

the post from @Rotteuxx is keeping up a better count of known names then i am. thank you for having some sort of plan ready, that calms the situation down a lot

Rotteuxx ago

theoldones ago

not yet, but i have now.

very interesting.