XSS1337 ago

Vote co.

nosce_te_ipsum ago

Where are the PGP signatures verifying "Put" is put alongside a verified changelog and warrant canary? Umm... Okay I guess it's reasonable to not have those things... TF?

Monte_Carlo ago

Some guy could have dropped some cash just to keep the server running.

If there are no details, do you want Putt to invent stuff?

modsrcuntz ago

the fact that this site still exists...im happy. voat has been so pivotal in my social awareness and growth as a person.

jollux ago


jokersmild ago

The "Secret Investor" was The Donald himself. Why secret? Because he could never be materially connected to a bunch of nazi/raysis/anti-semites like us.

RicardoBronson ago

Wouldn't surprise me.

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

This isn't the first time an "angel" saved voat at the last minute. Happens every year or so.

mostlyfriendly ago

(I feel like I would want the same in their shoes)

Yep. Unless you are retired and have FU money, then you've got to keep your investments on the DL. Especially when they are controversial.

Even for non controversial angel investments ... NDAs and no public disclosure. Just standard practice.

toobaditworks ago


bitbug ago

The angel is the deep state.

Putt got a little talking to about how they are really the good guys, trying to stop terror before it spreads, etc. and offered to float the business in exchange for unfettered access to its data.

DrSelfAppointed ago

IF Funding = Donation; Funding =/= Investment

I funded my church to help buy tires for the bus.

I invested in a business expecting payment, access, and control.

And it's secret by virtue of it being explicitly hidden from review by the users. There was an arrangement, it's details were kept secret from us, which makes it a secret arrangement. Is my thinking flawed?

DrSelfAppointed ago

He did not say it was funding, he said it was a new partner with whom he negotiated a deal. A deal he simply claimed was done with Voat's best interests in mind, the details of which were to be kept secret. A deal that provided cash with secret arrangements. That's not funding.

Now it seems stipulations to the agreement are being denied, you investigate and judge from there.

DrSelfAppointed ago

You can own a company, but still be upheld to terms of a contract. You can own land, but not the mineral rights. Stipulations of an agreement matter.

drstrangegov ago

continues to stink

vaeax ago

if i had to guess it's an idealistic "angel investor" who cares about freedom and has no expectation of financial returns. they're anon because they don't want to expose themselves to damages or harassment.

it's probably someone like notch

Momo_Applebach ago

you're optimistic

JimSoddell ago

The board might be a honey pot and everything said is misdirection or it might be a bastion of free speech financed by well wishers.

In either case, don't use your real name and only access through a VPN.

Same rules as you should use on all social media without exception.

Identity and intent of the owners and investors is not relevant because the users can never verify that and because the users should be practicing safe social mediaing regardless.

Lobotomy ago

Look dude, you're just going to have to accept the fact that literally any website that allows for unfettered free speech, will, INVARIABLY be, a honeypot.

It's not my intention to blackpill, but you're just gonna have to face facts, dude. If you are ballsy enough to speak your mind, then you're effectively under specific surveillance, not just the regular PRISM surveillance.

thelma ago

Putin says Hi !

Palindromedan ago

I never realized how “not-free-speech” everywhere else - including real life - was until I came to Voat. Thank you personally @Puttitout

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Trust the plan. - QPutt

1anddone ago

The guy just doesn’t want his name divulged. Think about it. Giving a bunch of cash to site considered evil by the mainstream and then doxxing yourself.. he’s probably a wealthy guy with a lot to lose. Just be greatful

DrSelfAppointed ago

Looks like it's a group, but more important, if you read the post, I am talking about the deal, not the person(s) behind it.


Just be greatful

is the epitome of comments I would expect from a Q.

1anddone ago

He got a massive donation to keep the site going. That’s the deal. What else could you be after besides identities? Something I would expect from some Soros backed shill.

loldude ago

everything is a botnet, stop being a scared faggot op

drstrangegov ago

Elaborate, please.

loldude ago

do you not know what a botnet is? what are you on right now? say it with me slowly World Wide Web.

Who builds webs anon?

drstrangegov ago

I guess I don't. I always thought it was people running viruses on people's computers to mine Bitcoin and stuff.

loldude ago

Know this, cern and the cia know every keystroke. even if you dont send it, even if you think you are behind 15 firewalls.

drstrangegov ago

I'm certain of this. But Cern?

loldude ago

who created the internet?

drstrangegov ago

Al gore! Just kidding. It was darpanet at first, right? They'll tell you it was the institutes of higher learning but that's probably just a half truth.

0322044 ago

Of course there's stuff he doesn't want to tell us. No one is going to throw a bunch of money into voat without having the intentions of changing things in a way that allows that investor to make money.

PuttItOut ago

There is more than one way to succeed other than the worn path that is advertisement based.

0322044 ago

Voat is a very important outlet for a lot of us misfits who don't fit in other places. Stay true to us putt, I will put my trust in you.

jollux ago

you're an idiot to trust anyone on the internet

0322044 ago

I do not yes.

jollux ago

Oh, so datamining.

drstrangegov ago

Voat is a digital ghetto where they keep all of the insane, gibbering creatures they don't want on twitter, Facebook, etc.

TheKnightOfGod ago

Actually, it's very much the opposite.

doginventer ago

Ah! So the rest of the internet is paying you for protection

0322044 ago

I don't remember there being anything about the investor wanting to be kept secret. I thought he said he would announce who this investor was.

Conway ago

It doesn't matter, Once voat becomes a reddit style tyrant(and it will 100% only a matter of time) just be ready to move to the next green pasture. In the meantime be glad you have a place to speak free(ish)ly.

Vaginal_Sandstorm ago

I would also like to plug my proposed change of the "Toggle Night Mode" button label to "Toggle Nigger Mode". I believe this will enhance the quality of users and bring more revenue to the site. Thank you for your time.

yellowthread ago

Can day mode be "nigger in a blinding snowstorm mode"?

NotHereForPizza ago

Do you know anything about Putt? Any personal details?

Why would some other entity owning it make any kind of difference?

A simple question now arises, after that line of thinking: why did Putt inform us that another partner was now being added?

Why does it matter, without us ever having known who Putt is, if another partner is dealt in?

What does Putt adding a partner tell you? What other major shift occurred on the site right around the time Putt made the announcement?

PuttsMum ago

Just so you know, some of us know who Putt is IRL, as in first and last names. He told us about 4 years ago and it checked out. It's still him running the place.

NotHereForPizza ago

I actually have heard that. How have you proven that Putt is still the same person running things, though?

Did you catch the other comment I made in this thread outside of the chain I started?

PuttsMum ago

I chat with him on Skype under his real name from time to time. It's still him :)

I didn't catch the other comment, would you happen to have a link, I'm on mobile and it's a pain going through chains.

NotHereForPizza ago

Yeah, that's what I mean, though, we're still just taking someone else's word for it, which just passes off the potential blame or credit to someone else. That still doesn't give everyone else, currently, a way to verify for themselves. Again, for all we know, you could just be whoever "putt" is now.


PuttsMum ago

I take your point.

Do you remember Atko, the founder of Voat?

NotHereForPizza ago

Didn't he check back in a few months ago, or so?

PuttsMum ago

Yes. I just thought that as an act of good faith I'd give you his (atkos) real name: Atif Colo. Google can fill you in.

Just for a tease, putts initials are JC, Google will help :)

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm good.

I don't want to know anything about either of them and you've no right to dox anyone without their consent. You seem to be entirely missing the point of my posts.

PuttsMum ago

It's public information that they both posted here on voat, not doxxing.

My original account was called Mick, I have been here 4 years and 2 days. Putts is my friend and still runs this place. I can rest knowing it's him, even if others can't, was just trying to allay your understandable fears a little.

NotHereForPizza ago

Well, I must not have understood that atko revealed his full name to everyone a few years back. I remember you saying that about putt, but not atko.


You seem to be entirely missing the point of my posts.

PuttsMum ago

As atko and putts would say, nobody is forced to stay on voat if they don't like it, or how it's run. That's how I see things too.

drstrangegov ago

Dude, we know all about you. You're so spooky I feel like I should salute when I see your posts. And I've never been in the military. I'm in your head, and there are nasty things in here.

NotHereForPizza ago

It seems like you have me confused with someone else.

Talpiot_Bot ago

Nah man you glow hard

CameraCode ago

5 day old account

Talpiot_Bot ago

Ok and

NotHereForPizza ago

See, you say that, but I could shatter your overton window in a second.

Trust me, they wouldn't enjoy that.

Talpiot_Bot ago

So do it

NotHereForPizza ago

Stick around for a while. Maybe check what's already associated with the account.

If you're observant enough, you can see a lot more after doing so.


Talpiot_Bot ago

Oh ya like some Q type bullshit-I’ll pass

DrSelfAppointed ago

Well. I would say try re-reading my post. You might notice my question is about what the stipulation of the deal is, not who made it. Big difference. If John Shlowmo-Jones II now owns %20 and gets to have all data funneled through their server farm and get's to cherry pick the the first 3 top posts. The important part isn't John, or the %20, its the part about the data flow and top posts that's important.

NotHereForPizza ago

You seem to have missed what I said and why you [I] said it.

Your entry to the discussion wasn't what prompted me to pose those questions, but the ongoing discussion itself.

DrSelfAppointed ago

Right, I'll just promptly shut my mouth then. Carry on.

PuttItOut ago

While I naturally understand the concern (because you're not me), it makes me feel very unappreciated and untrusted when I've more or less dedicated and sacrificed my life to seeing to it that Voat succeeds and then come across posts like this demanding details when there are none, especially as if I haven't already proven my commitment to Voat over the last 5 years.

There were no terms associated with this deal other than to help Voat succeed and to offer some resources to this end. The 'Angel' that is on board is even more Free Speech than I am, so the conclusion that the only reason to not discuss details is because of malicious or foul intent is simply malicious on your part to imply such things.

Anyways, I have to get back to taking care of the mountains of work that I have to do.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/OneTruePutt submission by @PeaceSeeker.

Posted automatically (#35031) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

377548652628 ago

it makes me feel very unappreciated and untrusted when I've more or less dedicated and sacrificed my life to seeing to it that Voat succeeds and then come across posts like this demanding details when there are none,

If there are "no terms of the deal," what were you referring to when you said the details were being kept off the table until voat was acclimated to the deal? Does this mean you don't intend to ever put those details on the table?

FreeBreivik ago

Thanks for making such a great website. For every person loudly complaining there are 1000 who are busy happily using the website. I used to run a website like this, and if I could give you one piece of advice it would be to do whatever you need to do as an admin and a webmaster, and ignore board drama and people complaining about you. Some people have nothing better to do than sit there and bitch.

Remember, you are the creator. You are the one making something, not them.

Timmy2 ago

Your work is appreciated, no matter what unappreciative youngun's say.

cantaloupe6 ago

It's greatly appreciated. Very few would expect business details, as it's an unreasonable request.

MaunaLoona ago

Hey Putt, we appreciate your work, but this really sounds too good to be true. Can't blame us for being skeptical.

Who knows, maybe Satoshi finally found a use for his bitcoins.

NiklausTheNaked ago

Never forget: the squeaky wheel gets the oil.

I am not complaining because I love what you've provided for us, and I'm happy with what we've got. There are many more like myself, guaranteed. Keep being awesome!

Artofchoke ago

You know Voat has a (small) contingent of certifiably crazy people. These are the paranoid individuals who feel entitled to know every jot of your personal business. Try to ignore it. hugs you are appreciated, Sir.

TheKnightOfGod ago

I know the feeling man. There is noting worse in this word that working very hard for ungrateful people: it's a dangerous sure path to hatred, stress and depression. I've been there but at least I was making money to compensate. You must have been through hell 'cause you didn't get much money for your hard work during these years. I'd like to prove you wrong. When you asked for donations you got more than what Voat (and you?) needed, ask again if you need words of encouragement, crypto or both and we shall see if you're unappreciated by voaters or the opposite.

AmazingAutist ago

In other words: "Stop being a meanie, shut up and trust (((my plan)))".

alakai ago

Military intel was probably the Investor

Korinthian ago

Sorry putt, but moot showed similar dedication to 4chan. Hotwheels said he was dedicated to 8chan. We look to the past to judge the present. The idea that the angel is truly just a kind hearted patron of free speech is ludicrous from the kind of stuff weve seen. Too good to be true. If youve seen the matrix, they touch on this idea. People dont like pure and wholey good things. Theres always a catch, and when there isnt a catch, its only because we havent looked hard enough. Even when theres absolutely not a catch. Consider this if you talk to him again. Try to get a demand. It doesn't need to be big, just something to whine and complain about so we know this rug probably isnt going to be pulled out from under us.

SmashMeleeFemDom ago

Anyways isn't a word.

PuttItOut ago

You must be new here. ;)

I think most people have given up all hope concerning my English. I fought autocorrect and won.

SmashMeleeFemDom ago

Haha! Not so new but I never noticed the leadership once the OG disappeared. Now I assume everyone is in kahoots with the Jews in one way or another, no offense buddy

toobaditworks ago

That's right! You don't have to tell them that I'm the new owner. Thanks for keeping it a secret!

Far2Long2 ago

I appreciate your work, and love the site.

Waterburger ago

Deflection and guilting, very Jewish. What are you hiding? Did Atko really leave of his own volition? Who's to say Atko is even alive? We couldn't identify if it was him anyways, we don't know much about him but he still has influence, perfect new identity for Mossad.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

It's all good. You and all of your hard work are appreciated.

Should there be a way, there are plenty of us out here who would be more than happy to slip you a few Jewbucks.

PuttItOut ago

Then buy two overpriced shirts when we launch ;)

Hysterics7787 ago

I get how you feel unappreciated, but please try to consider seeing it from our perspective as well. We don't even know if you're you. What we see is a username and anyone could be logged in under that name. People are going to be cautious and curious. It's fairly reasonable. There are many here who do express their gratitude though, you shouldn't feel unappreciated when people ask for more details or are paranoid.

Kalergi ago

Voat is a honey pot.

Or the last bastion of free speech that happens to have mega traffic and never mentioned by ((them)).

PuttItOut ago

You're not wrong.

Taiaha ago

Feeling down? Tell a admin!

TheBuddha ago

You are under appreciated and much of voat acts entitled.

Were I in your shoes, I'd have burned this place to the ground and just pointed the domain at an image of me giving everyone the finger.

It's because you haven't, despite the conditions, is what makes you awesome.

Just don't let it go to your head! ;-)

Artofchoke ago

If he would just give me two stool samples and a lock of hair, this entire thing would be resolved!! WHY IS HE RETICENT!!!

jollux ago

oy vey it's anuddah shoah

Violentlight ago

We are in a climate where free speech is gone on the internet. We all expect this freedom here to end. It has happened everywhere else. You cannot take it personally.

fluhthreeex ago

it makes me feel very unappreciated

Welcome to the internet and running a business.

and untrusted

Holy fuck you have got to be kidding. Welcome to the internet. No one knows who you are. Even moot and hotwheels said hello publicly. That's a gorillion times less shady than playing ghost.

NotHereForPizza ago

What reason do you have to inform us that an additional "partner" is stepping in?

Is this really about "transparency"? I mean, we have nothing to gather from being told "a vague entity has joined the ranking staff." What, then, motivated you to inform us? This clearly isn't about transparency, because for all we know you're lying and they've been apart of it the whole time. We see no change in face, tone, or moderation, so this can't be about transparency, as we're unaffected either way.

Hell, for all we know, a different IP has been accessing your account since the "real Putt" left.

Hopefully this gets the point across without you becoming emotionally inflamed and assuming these aren't legitimate and honest questions, because I really am curious over these things and I intend for them to appear as such and not coupled with nuanced snark.

redpilldessert ago

is on board is even more Free Speech than I am

Oooh, in what way/s?

And don't take the post too personally/seriously. 61 upvotes isn't a gigantic amount. Instead, look at it as a way to show that we care about the community, and keep your faith in us.

Anyways, I have to get back to taking care of the mountains of work that I have to do.

Voat work? Feel free to soundboard to us some very basics if you wish, even if we don't really understand.

PuttItOut ago

We are currently deving and testing two rather large features on preview. Any help is appreciated. Join us at the preview site and break things. :)

Lobotomy ago

Where can I find it?

cantaloupe6 ago

Used to be here - assume that's it. https://preview.voat.co/account/login?returnUrl=/

PuttItOut ago

The top secret info is somewhere at v/voatdev :)

SpicySphincter ago

It’s Donald Trump! MVGA!

Phantom42 ago

Zognald gives funds to a website that calls out the Jew.


Sure. Why not?

SIayfire122 ago

Knowing that it's an individual that's more free speech than you it's nice to know and I personally very much appreciate what you've done over the past five years. All I have at the moment is just one yes or no question.

Is this individual known to the public outside of the business world? For example, how both Notch and Gabe Newell are known outside the business world.

PuttItOut ago

Well, it's a group of really awesome people, very incredible people actually, who are all contributing. The very best part is that they have allowed tolerances for my rather frank and often times dickish personality.

And I don't know how best to answer that question as it could be either a yes or no depending on nuances. (I expect to get slammed for being vague here)

Phantom42 ago

Inb4 it was actually "Qanon".

"A team of less than 10" the tale says...

elitch2 ago

It's the jews, isn't it?


SeanBox ago

tell the truth...is it Q?

White_pride_cis ago

Thank you for weighing in @puttitout, but when will we learn what 3 letter agency it is? I’m, kidding... but it if I was to ask whether or not this person’s nose, eyes, lips and hand rubbing were defining characteristics, would I be wrong?

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Reminder that putt has admitted to being a tranny. Good day.

chuckletrousers ago

putt has admitted to being a tranny.

The @Tallest_Skil is one of your alts?

Tallest_Skil ago

Wait, since when is Putt a tranny?

chuckletrousers ago

I was referring to his false attribution, not the actual claim.

redpilldessert ago


GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

It was a while ago i dont feel like looking up the comment

redpilldessert ago

Maybe he was joking.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Do you joke about being a tranny?

redpilldessert ago

Tbh, even if he was, as long as free speech is kept on Voat, that's the main thing.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Oh wow a place you can say niggerkike on the internet

redpilldessert ago

Yeah mindless crap, but they're the canary for real valuable speech.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Loli is pedophilia. Ya hear this @puttitout ?

17016820? ago

You wouldn't piss in the well… I would, give me a job

Sburban_Shitposter ago

is it bitchute?

SandHog ago

Mel Gibson jokes aside I'm almost certain that it is. Lots of things line up and it would also explain the vagueness given voat's reputation and BitChute's move out of the UK due to censorship issues.

DrSelfAppointed ago

I have stated directly to you my appreciation for your commitment, and how you have plenty of goodwill and trust. You being vague on such an important event is/has been undermining that. What's even more frustrating is that you now say there are no stipulations to the agreement, if that's true, there should have never been any hesitation to say so when asked. I double down on saying there was no good reason to keep that secret.

You know most of the users on this site have come from sites, that they once trusted, whom ended up betraying them in the end. Don't be hurt when suspicious actions drives suspicion.

PuttItOut ago

I get it, I get the concern. Just be patient with me, I'm busier than I've ever been before, and when I get a chance to come up for water I will talk about things with the Voat family.

I don't want to seem like I'm hiding anything because I don't operate in the shadows, everything is on the up and up, but Voat has a reputation that can cause problems in the real world. This is the primary reason for my guard.

I don't know if this helps, but I was prepared to close Voat before I sacrificed on the commitment to Freedom of Speech.

DrSelfAppointed ago

Understood. I don't have any more concern regarding the subject now that I have that info. Even if some things you have done have ruffle the shit out of my feathers, I have yet too think you have bad intentions. In the end, I couldn't make this place, or replace it, so your what I got and it's seems like a lot.

PuttItOut ago

Even if some things you have done have ruffle the shit out of my feathers

That's fair too. I know I leave a lot to be desired at times.

But... there are a ton of things that ruffle my feathers about Voat. I guess at the end of the day we really are a big dysfunctional family. :)

DrSelfAppointed ago


Neskuaxa ago

So we know it's someone who's got cash and loves the ability to call someone a niggerfaggot at their leisure. That certainly narrows it down.

Thanks for all you do Putt.

Hand_of_Node ago

I suspect it's a certain person downthread. Means, motive, opportunity, despite the hand waving.

jollux ago

a certain person downthread

What's that mean?

Hand_of_Node ago

A voat user who commented on this post. I'm not going to ask or identify them, as it's just a theory. But it all fits.

bsname ago

Pewdiepie 100%.

TheKnightOfGod ago

Does he even know that Voat exist? I've never seen Voat mentioned on youtube.

toobaditworks ago


TheKnightOfGod ago

not talking about useless retards no one cares about

fluhthreeex ago


is a jew

TheKnightOfGod ago

got any proof?

fluhthreeex ago

Funny how accounts here screeched in horror at the thought of people from an Anime sub moving over here when he himself has in the past year or so pulled content from there, as well as given lists of recommended Anime and Manga. Also that he played essentially a hentai game on his YT channel around or a bit after that. "Anyone who watches, or promotes porn is a Jew" as Word of God Truth here holds true except in the case of PewDiePie? Servants of the Jew are Jews here... except in the case of PewDiePie?

fluhthreeex ago

Ask him via brigade until he answers? ..as far as "proof" 4/8chan is as far as I've gone. Interesting arguments. Not huge on the guy. Would inseminate Marzia with some Real Alpha Aryan semen 8.8/10.

12angrymen ago

I would have guessed James Woods

Neskuaxa ago

My first thought was maybe John McAfee, being a tech guy he'd probably realized the important of a platform such as this for free speech.

SandHog ago

I've known it was Mel Gibson all along.

cultivated_ignorance ago

Most people say it's James Woods.

Corpse_washer ago

sacrificed my life

Yet here you are writing and Aaron Schwartz is dead. Just tell the man if the investor is glowing or not thats what he wants to know.

White_pride_cis ago

I just want to know if the investor has earned the right to wear the gold star.

Draurgothoth ago

Thanks for everything Putt. We still believe in you.

TwistedSista ago

@DrSelfAppointed must have hit pretty close to the mark to get her all riled up like that! Huh kid?!

tendiesonfloor ago

Star Wars is for faggots. Go back to Reddit.

antiliberalsociety ago

The site hasn't been down in a very long time. Compare this to a couple years ago

Liber ago

You have to appreciate people asking simple questions. I think you went a bit OTT @PuttItOut, as far as Voat has existed people have appreciated everything you’ve done to make this place as good as it is. I understand the emotional reaction but OP’s question is a far throw from malicious, it is a clear display of concern by a user doesn’t want Voat to decline like Reddit did.

I personally can understand the emotional reaction when a question put so bluntly can seem like criticism, but this is the culture of Voat and it’s a great one at that. I’m not sure about anyone else but attacking a user for questioning you is treating them like a dissident. This ain’t communism.

drstrangegov ago

It's putts baby. His property. We are here because he has decided to share it with us. If you don't trust the man, don't use his property. Conversely, If he becomes too untrustworthy the people who contribute the content will leave and voat will go the way of MySpace. The free market of ideas. But the universe has a way of punishing people who decieve others.

jollux ago

Hmm... no. Voat would be nothing without its userbase. We hop websites regularly, and when this one crashes and burns, we'll hop again.

PuttItOut ago

I didn't feel like either of us were 'attacking' each other.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Ownership is everything, to be sure.


As for full public disclosure of that information, I would think there are very real security concerns that come into play here. I would think it is not unreasonable that such concerns should outweigh your need to know, because you do not actually have a need to know. Are you asking the owners to dox themselves so that they may be more easily targeted? Targeted by people with a well document history of extreme criminal violence.


You asked far a reason, and I have provided one for you.

I think it better for everyone here that the owners of Voat should ignore any such request.

TheKnightOfGod ago

I'd say there are concerns about public shame and prosecution (in some countries) for funding a website that has pedo stuff (Loli horrors).

Nietzsche__ ago

You sound like the type of dipshit that likes the Patriot act. They don't get much dumber.

cultivated_ignorance ago

I've heard the mysterious investor is Mel Gibson. Some people here say @blumen4alles is his Voat handle. Others just read stuff and shitpost until this site is eventually taken offline by the folks who don't like the kind of discussion that goes on around here.

blumen4alles ago

I wish Mel Gibson was my father. He probably wouldn't have allowed my penis to be mutilated.

Neskuaxa ago

Interesting you posit that because they just posted a long post over in /v/whatever about Mel Gibsons statements on Hollywood and their pedo practices.

blumen4alles ago

I think that was an attempt at humor. I would never be clever enough to call a jew an oven dodger.

DrSelfAppointed ago

Well, I'm not advocating for the DOX of whoever it is. I can understand the need to keep that hush-hush. It just so happens that plays to the favor of that investor if they were not a good entity. I want to know the the terms of the agreement more than the entity behind it. We can bitch an moan about knowing who it is based on what the agreement is.

as for the shit post till it dies thing, well that's the heat death of every good site. There will always(hopefully) be a replacement in some form or fashion, but they seem to be fewer & fewer, and I suspect will become harder & harder to get too or find. So let's keep this going as long as we can, I say.

blumen4alles ago

Whiners coming out of the woodwork today on Voat. How much money did Putt ask you for? I already gave him 27 bitcoin just to have a post on the front page today. You misued too BTW.

There will always(hopefully) be a replacement in some form or fashion, but they seem to be fewer & fewer, and I suspect will become harder & harder to get too or find

Come on if you're gonna bitch at least use correct words.

too to two - just pick the /right/ one - you sound like a Google Tech

DrSelfAppointed ago


drstrangegov ago

I just want to be able to say "Mel Gibson is the ubermensch"

DrSelfAppointed ago

Would the Australian Cattle Dog be Voat's German Shepard under his Reich?

drstrangegov ago

Australian shepherds are the best dogs on earth, unless you get one that's gone bad.

DrSelfAppointed ago

Is that a yes? What about the Belgian Malinois?

DrSelfAppointed ago

I just noticed the "it's" in the title and feel just as dumb as last time I brought this up.


You did it right, you're using it's to replace "it has".

DrSelfAppointed ago

I feel better, thank you. Despite my education, I fuck up my grammar a lot.


Don't worry about it, we're not on reddit. Besides, most mistakes are due to the sloppiness inherent to writing a post on the phone. It's not worth mentioning

Neskuaxa ago

Funny the only kind of Nazi allowed on plebbit now are grammar Nazis.

TheAntiZealot ago


"its" (no apostrophe) always indicates ownership.

DrSelfAppointed ago


Corpse_washer ago

Nobody cares on channel four and eight that they are financed by nosuchagency, why would people care here? Its all so tiresome.

Goys-R-Us ago

Damn, first thing that popped into my head was Google DNS.

DrSelfAppointed ago

Try re-reading it, or actually reading it. I'm asking about the stipulations of the agreement, not the investor behind them.

Corpse_washer ago

Yeah i know that you directly dont want to know, but i know you secretly want to know and thats why you are interested in the terms of agreement because from that you could tell if its something glowing or not.

DrSelfAppointed ago

Secretly? Fuck that, I want to know! I'm just conceding to the argument of the investor wanting to keep it secret, in that I would do the same. So you are right in the sense that I want to see if something is glowing or not, and that if it were, I would certainly want to know then.

If it's a big nothing burger, then I'm just pissy that Putt held out for no reason, but I can get over that.