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PuttitoutIsGone ago

Tl;dr....Jews bought Voat....censorship on its way.

RIP Voat. It was fun.

shillbuster1 ago

Obvious Jew Shill is obvious. ^^^^

PuttitoutIsGone ago


telleveryoneyouknow ago

@puttitout DONT sign shit until your “partner” goes on fucking live camera and says the words nigger kike faggot 3 times fast and spins around.

roger69 ago

Thanks for leaking our initiation ritual.

Voopin__Voopin ago

Holy shit I might have to do that myself.

Just for funsies.

PuttItOut ago

Where were you six months ago when I needed this idea? Huh???

TheAntiZealot ago

Lmao, I want to do that.

fluhthreeex ago

same goes for the both of them...

lord_nougat ago

Oh, well if it's both of them, they also have to do a song and dance number.

PuttItOut ago

This comment won't age well.

Promise me you won't delete it, ok?

SexMachine ago

Is your foreskin still intact, Putt? I can't trust a man who is missing part of his dick.

TeddyJackson ago

You have never come forward as who you are IRL, and you never will. Ever. Want a a reminder on that one?

When asked how the site managed ZERO interruptions during the massive Q migration you said "back end improvements". I asked you that question and that is how you answered. Some how you never mentioned these improvements until you were asked and never explained anything about them, just that they coincided with the massive Q invasion.

I call bullshit on all of it.

Thissandwich ago

Tl;dr....Jews bought Voat....censorship on its way.

RIP Voat. It was fun.


There we go. This will stay as a reminder if he does delete it.

White_pride_cis ago

I am saving this comment and setting a reminder. It will say “check to see if the Kikes own Voat” 6 months from now

gabara ago

ExpertShitposter ago


gabara ago

It's free real estate

PuttitoutIsGone ago


Blkbox ago

Then is it David Duke? ;-)

Voopin__Voopin ago

That would be fucking awesome.