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kneo24 ago

How is it lying to show screenshots that easily disprove your assertion that your comments were downvoted for weeks straight?

Octocopter ago

Second time being blocked doubt it will be the last something drives you to keep digging a bigger hole for yourself.

Then let your own words speak instead of crying that they get used to show your true nature. If you want people to believe you despite all the times you argue in bad faith and outright lie (like kneo24 just exposed you as lying) you wont rely on poor deflection attempts.

People who take the time to read your own words see that you are a pedo, I dont have to do anything but show them what you say. Anyone who reads our discussion knows that you can't defend your position without exposing yourself as either dishonest or morally abhorrent.

Octocopter ago

Its your own statements why are you afraid of people seeing them? How is it dishonest to you to have people look at what YOU posted?

You support Dortex in his spamming of TOO but people exposing you for being a pedo and being able to conveniently remind them words that came from your own mouth as well as how many of your "brigade buddies" got banned is wrong?

You can push the narrative that your side "did nothing wrong" but only one side has the accounts banned for malicious activity and one being investigated for abusing the systems for spam.

Osmanthus ago

There is only one solution to the problem of manipulation. Only you see the votes on your comments, and you only see your votes on other people's comments.

The idea that what people are allowed to see is set by a random bunch of idiots, crazy people, children, and cheaters is ludicrous.

Yes, people will have to be their own censors. This is how you go from being a snowflake to a fully self actualized adult.

Octocopter ago

"I wont keep engaging with those that win in arguments using logical and moral examples, so I am going to run away while feigning having maintained a position of superiority."

kneo24 ago

I already did, you just shifted the goal posts. You do realize looking at your comment history is easy and it easily disproves your assertion, right? Even with your shifted goal posts, it's easy to find that you're full of shit, as usual. Remember, your claim is that he's been doing it for weeks, so.... comments made 8 days ago fit in that time span.

Go ahead and rub those greedy hands together to figure out how to shift the goal posts again.

Octocopter ago

You shut him up real good.

Take a look at this if you want to expose h8grenade as being the pedo he is, h8grenade in his own words thinks there is nothing wrong with the posting of fetish material involving the beating and rape of a real little girl being posted to a porn sub.

friendshipistragic ago

Sane is gone but his demonic ghost reeees on

Pooh_on_a_Jew ago

I'm tempted to downvote, but I don't wanna get banned

Pooh_on_a_Jew ago

"Vote manipulation" is the new "Russian bot". See somebody you don't like? Just flag em as vote manipulators. They let you know this is bullshit? Just label them a destroyer.

Who is The Angel? It's Q. Or Soros, or Hillary, or Trumpstein. You really expect some mysterious benefactor with a mystical name is on your side? Pffffttt.

Funny how all these Putt controversies come directly after a time when Voat was placed under alot of scrutiny

83855 ago

SallyWuffs did that exact thing to @PatriotLady1.

Pooh_on_a_Jew ago


NotHereForPizza ago

You could have stopped this.

cjtendon ago

So here is my understanding of the problem. Putt is apparently a reddit veteran and knows all about vote manipulation on reddit. Some of us do not have reddit accounts and have no clue about the customs and courtesies of reddit.

Vote manipulation was defined at reddit. Apparently Putt assumes that everyone understands reddit's rules. When we join here, there is no mention of obeying reddit's rules, and there is no definition of what the rules are. However, when the algorithm flags us, we are accused of breaking rules that were never explained or written down.

Putt runs this site, and whoever runs the site has to set some kind of rules. Banning folks who break clearly posted rules is entirely reasonable IMHO. Banning folks for failing to obey rules that were never explained is not reasonable IMHO.

NosebergShekelman ago

I was benned six gorillion times. It was anudda shoah!! Shaloms™✡️

thebearfromstartrack ago

Axes for the vote manipulators! GOOD JOB!

MAGATrump2020777 ago

If It Aint Broke, Don't Fix It

GimmeTheUsual ago

For LOLs you could put anyone bannable into a special sub-verse called the "Chum Bucket".

Let them duke it out in there, or scream into their own void. No posting or voting privs anywhere else. Or just strip voting privs and just let them post only on v/ChumBucket.

Why not, right?

hildberht ago

Listen the vote system does not work. Maybe just make it a qualification requirement to post and then scrap it.

Seems like a waste of time for nothing.

ExpertShitposter ago

Me and lots of people are wondering about @Laurentius_the_pyro in particular. Could you make sure that's not an error? Or perhaps clarify what kind of manipulation he did? The one thing that you could probably agree with from that post by Theo is that bans could be more clear. The only thing the log says is Target: 70times7, Type: -1 It would be nice if there was an expandable history log that would show really what happened. It could be 100% automated in the future.

Broc_Lia ago

I was talking specifically about subverse bans. None of the subs are big enough to need anything more than modmail for appeals.

Vindicator ago

Alongside v/pizzagate, we have v/pizzagatemods specifically for people to submit appeal requests and other concerns about the moderation of the subverse. It's led to ban reversals in the past, as well as changes in moderation and also the ruleset. Works pretty well, as it allows an account banned from the main sub to have a public discussion about what happened.

83855 ago

fuck you and fuck voating off to 8ch

Zoldam ago

Who the fuck cares about votes? Could probably delete them and the majority wouldn't care.

speedisavirus ago

You are a faggot

squataclops ago

I have no dog in this fight just seems like the vote manipulation stuff needs to be looked at. Seen a lot of people complaining how they were unfairly banned because their votes didn't stick and when they tried to vote again they got banned. Either that or let's be more clear on what constitutes vote manipulation. Mr pim pretty much sums of the rest for me.

themagarhino ago

People need to know what Grace means.

speedisavirus ago

We have a thing with voat being down because the voat code is really bad. Just like why you can't handle vote histories.

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not_saying_a_thing ago

My only issue with any of this (and this is likely parroted in the thread here) is that I will sometimes downvoat every comment a poster makes in a thread, especially if they're being a jackass. What I won't do is go to their page, pull each of their comments on unrelated threads and downvoat all of those, too.

I would be comfortable with my activity logs around this being published.

shawnfromnh69 ago

I've been reading this thread. I think the better though it would give more work for the MODs would be "you wouldn't get so much whining" would be to run the same thing but instead of banning it would print a list. Then the MOD's would use the list and go over the users and see if the list was correct, correct then ban, incorrect then take them off the list. Sure it's old fashioned but there are less headaches later on. The regular users are content and the problem ones are gone. Unless that list was like couple thousand people then maybe take the list and use it to refine the program. So each list is smaller. Heck if you did this enough times no one would get banned for false data. Tweaking easier than rewriting.

GnomeWorks ago

@PuttItOut I would still appreciate you getting back to me about my ban.

Most anyone who's looked at @WhiteMatter's comment history don't see anything that looks like it's been "manipulated," so I have no idea what is going on there.

Dsonophorus ago

randomly selected people, get sent a notification to vote on issue. Random is key. If it isn't random, it can be gamed.

As long as the shills are less than half of people, they jury will be valid.

Waterburger ago

PuttItOut is a Mossad planted Jew.

Amelia_Earnhardt_Jr ago

Shit Reddit Says aka Soapboxbanhammer is the entity trying to ruin voat and internet free speech.

Pubiclouse ago

@PuttItOut check out Poal they're celebrating.

Fateswebb ago

Just make their account only able to message mods? I can assure you the thing is false detecting.

NiklausTheNaked ago


In 4chan-ish speak (or whatever)

It's called greentext, newfag. Just kidding, you're the oldest fag here. Love ya, Putt.

AnarchicAlpaca ago

Got examples?

Reddit-is-kill ago

I think this is the right approach. To be clear, I know there are other cancers that will pop up, like spam posts, but we can live with those cancers. Imposing bans and censoring users seems counter to the culture and idealisms here on voat.

jkasdfhk7732 ago

I can't allow manipulation, in any way

lmao.... look at you fucking liar, you banned the on person that was protecting against it

jkasdfhk7732 ago

Someone told me Voat loves stickies.

@kevdude love stickies, you are kevnigger

thelma ago

My cat tells me how to vote. Is this the vote manipulation Putt is talking about ?

Really, no one has ever explained what an upvote get a Goat.

Really, if anyone wants votes all they have to do is go to v/niggers and say "I hate niggers!"

kneo24 ago

One look at your comment history shows that is quite simply untrue.

It could be that you get into arguments with a lot of different people and they use the downvote button on you, or people who see the drama you engage in and find your arguments lacking merit. If your stuff was truly being -1 bombed, every comment you've made would have at least -1 to it.

Even on page 2 of your comment history, finding items with no downvotes on it is easy.

It is incredibly easy to find the outright lies in your statements. You don't even make it hard.

Now, instead of rubbing your hands together like a greedy merchant and going "oy vey I'm being attacked!" without telling us why, have a little self reflection and make an honest post on the matter.

Octocopter ago

You are trying to talk to two of the people focused on advancing a pro-pedo narrative they wont seek to have an honest discussion with you even if your points are correct logically or morally.

They are so emotionally invested in this because a large number of their brigade buddies got banned and people on the anti-pedo side did not. It is clear they were engaged in malicious activity, even lying about being downvoat brigaded here.

Ina_Pickle ago

when then ban goes down, allow the banned account access only to an appeal page. If the appeal is denied then send final message and lock access to the appeal page so that avenue of communication can not be abused.

RM-Goetbbels ago

allow the banned account access only to an appeal page

Make the appeal page PUBLIC(optional to the banned account) and post proof and a CLEARLY defined violation.

Reddit power mods for years hid their fuckery in mod logs.

A rotating group 5 of users(not mods) sit in judgement.

Anarchy99 ago

I always imagined there are these IDF guys who are running 10-20 accounts a piece. They just cut and paste replies and they don't really engage. They just put you down and downvote you. Just because they don't like your political view. Even on YouTube where I used to get banned 15 years ago oh, I ramped up my rhetoric and started providing documentation and resources for what I was saying. I would info bomb the thread with these links so if I got banned at least people got information. I also changed my way of talkin on YouTube and became incredibly rude and vulgar to assholes and cut them down by the knees. Now almost no one agrees with the Jews on YouTube. Almost all the comments are against them. Nobody is getting banned but what YouTube is doing now is removing all the videos I used as evidence for example on 9/11. All I am using is news footage video.

go1dfish ago

Vote manipulation is inevitable, you’ll never totally eliminate it. It’s not even well defined, and if it was it would still be difficult to enforce properly.

If your goal is stopping vote manipulation you should limit the impact of bans to be on the users ability to vote.

oftotc ago

This is the second time you rushed thru something and kinda torqued it a little too hard. Now that usually results in a write up from your first line supervisor. But maybe we can file this one with just a "verbal" warning because you've been so highly productive lately ;-)

Artofchoke ago

Really respect your willingness to try, thank you. He's not easy.

Wooden_door ago

Have you never heard the phrase "measure twice, cut once"?

FireSauce ago


Unben me you fuckin nigger

AlphaAndTheOmega ago

All I see are a bunch of screeching shills getting butt blasted that they're caught vote manipulating. The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

Majorfatboy ago

You guys have better ideas anyways, so how should we do this? What should the process be?

Again, whatever the process is, it shouldn't be automated. We're human beings. Yes, even the wehraboo geeks I come here to rip on, They count too. You want to ban users for, well, whatever criteria You can come up with? Fine, but being a script kiddy and making an automated process do it is fucking gay. Sit You ass down at Your computer, appoint some additional mods/admins/jannys/goat herders, and have actual humans research each case. Have a human being actually read a report, look into the accused user's history, check IP addresses, Etc, then make a call.

Honestly, the way You handled the QRVfags is a good example; A load of complaints came in about a certain sub, You investigated, saw some possible faggotry, and then You did the best first step: You contacted that user and talked to them politely. "Sup bro. Getting a bunch of complaints about X, here's My thoughts on that, what do You think/Can You fuck off with that shit before I smack Your ass?

This is how it's done.

Automate this shit, and You're going to hear screeching like nothing before. Have humans do it, and You'll get some screeching, just a lot less.

Also: Knock it off with the gay fucking cryptic, holier than thou poem posting, You sound like a fairy boy. You see Your post here? That's good. Just fucking say what's on Your mind, I can respect that.

Dsonophorus ago

It should be automated, but it should include human peers in jury.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

I want to whine about something herd but clearly the cancer has metastasized. Watching this past few days unfold it is clear That VOAT has a cancer and that cancer revolves around a fucking comic character named Q

VOAT is cool and unique but has a qancer

SearchVoatBot ago

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drstrangegov ago

I offer my services as an investigator. I've always stuck my nose into dark corners of voat.

0100100-100110 ago

Sounds like somebody could weaponize the ban process to get people banned who they dont like.

Not sure how the computer code shit works, but maybe a strike system.

1)"FIRST STRIKE" Punishment: Automatic Ban, Appeal Process: Given automatically upon request/ with generic warning inboxed (reduce's admin cost of somebody manually reading appeal shit)

2)"SECOND STIKE" Punishment: Automatic Ban, Appeal Process: Given automatically upon request 3-5 day ban. (just incase some guy some how got fucked by the system once, he is only fucked for 3-5 days. This may also encourage a user to reach out for help to get his shit unfucked, gives admin time to figure out how this goat got fucked and where the system needs improvment at the admins convenience)

3)"THIRD STRIKE" COMPLETE BAN Appeal Process: Must message admin to get unbanned (somebody has to read this shit) But if the system works right 99.99% of these bans would be legit.

0100100-100110 ago

They should also have to write during the "Appeal Process" a reason why they got banned, or what they think may have happened. That way when ever admin does have to review a 2nd or 3rd strike they may have a little info on previous situations.

captainstrange ago

They should also have to write during the "Appeal Process" a reason why they got banned

Gay ass reddit-tier faggotry.

0100100-100110 ago

It cuts down on administration cost, so you dont have an individual manually reviewing each ban. Appeals would be instant, almost as soon as you send the request (or delayed depending on how the code is written). I don't know how reddit works, never been over there but the only moderater needed for this would be for third strike appeals.

MustyMackerel ago

tom9152 ago

My votes disappear. Could 'no tracking' be why? Banned if vote again?

PuttitoutIsGone ago

"MANIPULATION!" Will be Voat's "RAPE!"

sdfgsdf232 ago

@kevdude has access to putts account, puttitout did not write this.

kjlashas893890 ago

@kevdude has access to putts account, puttitout did not write this...

LazyJello9 ago

Putt just hurry up and purge the servers and let voat users start from scratch again. Add an min account activity value, say no ctivity in 30 days the account gets blacklisted. Still no activity after another 30 days the account gets deleted.

Avoid power users and all that crap by just rando wiping the server from time to time. No announcement, just do god's job and flood the planet and purge the filth.

captainstrange ago

Add an min account activity value, say no ctivity in 30 days the account gets blacklisted. Still no activity after another 30 days the account gets deleted.

Good idea.

Basically what I see is the shills reserve accounts on all new commentary/media sites and then let them age for future use.

LazyJello9 ago

I've been here for over 3 years now, nearly daily - not always posting but at least reading. And the amount of old accounts that are clearly being used by new fags is astounding. But hey, what do I know. I'm only a 30 day old account.

virge ago

Pruning is a really good idea @PuttItOut

CatsControlTheEU ago

@PuttItOut has made it clear for YEARS that he can see our votes.

Literally what I said in this whole thread.

I don't care if he is looking at votes for an administrative purpose.

I don't care that he has the ability to do so. He has admitted by himself, that the reason he looked at those posts was out of curiosity.

That's when I care.

Imagine, when you doctor comes to you and tells you that he's been looking at the photos he took of your hemorrhoids.

Doctor: "Mr. KevDude, I've been looking at the photos of your hemorrhoids..."

Kevdude: "Well doctor, tell me the news, is there something wrong with them?"

Doctor: " just wanted to look at them out of curiosity"

Hand_of_Node ago

Doctor: " just wanted to look at them out of curiosity" "... to see if there's any connection to this other thing."

It doesn't seem that unwarranted to look for those kinds of connections.

virge ago

Look. Someone will always be able to see the back-end of a digital service. That's just how it works. You have to accept that you live with this reality for absolutely everything you use.

With that said, it's if you trust the service provider or not. Trust is the entire agreement. If you don't trust your bank, you choose to stop using it. Same goes here.

In four years I've never seen personal information leaked. I can't go off more than that, unless you'd like to illustrate some evidence to show me why I should change my mind.

349023095sdfl ago

@kevdude has access to putts account, puttitout did not write this...

Alcoholics_R_Us ago


TheBuddha ago

Gasoline, match, and a picture of your middle finger, putt.

It's the only way to be sure!

kneo24 ago

And a parade too, right?

TheBuddha ago

Tomorrow, I drive in a parade!

kneo24 ago

Nice. Is it in your honor?

TheBuddha ago

No. It's for the dead. I'm still living. I get a parade on Vet's Day.

I got the missus a giant luxury truck, so that will be given some decorations and then I'll fill the back with bags of candy (a social club has already put them together for me) and have the hoodlums ride in back so they can throw candy at the crowds.

Hand_of_Node ago

Uh, oh. Shill for Big Dentistry right here.

TheBuddha ago

Amusingly, I don't actually eat much candy. I kinda like my teeth.

Goys-R-Us ago

Member those commies that kept clapping for twenty minutes after a speech for fear that the first one to stop would be executed? Apropos of nothing really.


this post was made by @kevdude, he has access to puttitout account

when was the last time putt made 3 GLOBAL stickies

@kevdude is a power mod who deletes comments & submissions, claims its something he has never done under the wrong.

@kevdude uses /v/protectvoat to downvoat users and brigade subverses. he continuously lies about me because he is paid to do it.

and fucking lies 95% of the time, you can see he as in almost bot like attack c&p the same message to me over and over

He even ask for quote in his words "my services" to brigade a verse. he works along side of @crensch who is also a paid shill.



and generally happens within seconds of my postings.... will PIA protect me from that puttitout, fucking sellout

kevdud bots

and he never has a real argument, I guarantee is a paid shill, much like crensch at this point

and dial was never a main... more lies you spineless cunt botter

[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 1.5 hours ago

If you get downvoted you get restricted.sdfgasdf

RM-Goetbbels ago

I created the account so that one day I could flush the other. But yeah, let's just go with your version, that I had evil intentions because you know, we have to rally behind Putt no matter how shit he pulls.

Are you Putt's Pet? Do you swaddle his balls for him? That's right, "you're a Builder!". YOU DO SO GOOD! Good kevdude, good.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

Voat was a fluke. You're clearly a bad programmer, and you should feel bad.

jk ily

CatsControlTheEU ago

Whether it was ONE person who saw it, or every human who has ever lived it is still a break of anonymity.

Maybe you're okay with having 1 person watch you take a shit as long as they don't record and post it, but I'm not, and many other people are not.

My apologies Dear Lord KevDude for having the sheer audacity to state that something bothers me. I shall retreat to my hovel and harvest your crops henceforth.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Artofchoke ago

Used to have a contentious relationship with him too. Talk to him. Try to reach a place where you agree to tolerate each other?

Dortex ago

Already been tried. He "apologizes" then goes bwck to doing the same shit once he thinks I've forgotten about him and his begging for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then having a mental breakdown for over a day when he got called out for it.

Artofchoke ago

I see the thread, and the context. I was on the side of banning Aged, so I get where he's coming from. If Aged is protected, and what Aged does is protected, why does everyone refuse to replicate his actions?

Having said that, he is definitely a guy with issues, and very, very hard to get along with if you disagree on any fundamental issues. Maybe the best thing to do is block him and forget he exists. :/

We're goats, not sheep. This bites us in the ass on occasions....a lot of occasions.

Octocopter ago

If you want better context on the issue take a peak in Dortex's comment history, its pretty easy to see how he is going at theoldones for the exact same stuff he is crying about. This thread exposes Dortex as being on this site to push his pro-pedo narrative and convince people to help him brigade. Which is funny since even in this thread he admits to doing worse than the group of his brigade buddies that got banned.

A bunch of users in my circle were banned for doing less than I did

Dortex ago

If Aged is protected, and what Aged does is protected, why does everyone refuse to replicate his actions?

He's not asking for loli. He's asking for child porn. You read the post. You saw this yourself.

Maybe the best thing to do is block him and forget he exists. :/

My computer caught fire months ago because this shithole country doesn't know how to engineer watertight windows. I have literally nothing better to do.

sdfgsdf232 ago

youre old school art... I remember when you first joined. @kevdude has access to putts account.... Kevdude wrote these 3 stickies and stickied them. Ask yourself, when the ANY TIME Atko or puttout drafted and posted at 8am CST... plus its puttstyle at all


take care buddy

Dortex ago

Maybe they send each other messages about these.

RM-Goetbbels ago

488 ccp after almost 2 years on the site? I'm sure this is your only account. Mad because Putt banned some of your socks?

You have to use your unused account when Putt bans your real account because Putt made Voat Invite-Only to banned accounts can't come back.

But YOU KNOW THIS because we just talked about it which makes me wonder HOW MANY KEVDUDES ARE THERE.

I actually PMd @PuttItOut about your account. That Coors guy was begging for upvotes during the last migration. Certain things have been handled by the users for a very long time. Discouraging vote farming is one of them. I hope you get your account back dude.

kevdude 3 points (+4|-1) 23 hours ago

Now you've pissed me off. This is exactly what YOU GUYS DO. You rally and squash any decent at all cost. dismiss his concerns, he's nobody, he's a troll, he dissents against the plan

CatsControlTheEU ago

Obviously he has the power to do that.

But that doesn't mean that he should. Its his fucking site, if he wanted to he could just ban anyone who disagrees with him, but he's not a piece of shit so he doesn't do that.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

I want to protest the banning

of @fuark_auf by @argosciv, led by @theoldones. Banning for a perfectly legal and non-abusive post, no matter who made it or how much the poster or content is hated sets a horrible precedent. If we don't protect the most hated speech Voat will fall to trolls using divide and conquer tactics.

theoldones ago


AmaleksHairyAss ago

...and neither of those things are illegal or abusive.

theoldones ago

it gets illegal if interest is clearly expressed, and he was calling her "cute", on the same day he commented on another post with "i want to have babies with her".

if he's not a pedo, why was his account gone after only 32 minutes?

AmaleksHairyAss ago

You're stretching beyond reason and his account was deleted because that mod is a giant faggot who let his feelings override the need to be a decent mod.

theoldones ago

k, how about that time he tried posting CP depicting a child being raped to a porn sub?

AmaleksHairyAss ago

If that actually happened he should have banned for that. The fact that he wasn't banned at that time makes me suspect it didn't happen. But you can't make up for failing to ban someone in the past by banning them for something else in the present. It's like a judge deciding you committed a murder 10 years ago and therefore giving you 10 years in prison for a parking ticket.

theoldones ago

It is video clip from a full movie showing a fetish simulated rape of a little girl, he shared this to a porn sub and deleted it when it got pointed out he would be banned for that content.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

A clip from a movie showing simulated rape? What I hear you saying is it wasn't actually CP.

theoldones ago

a clip showing the rape of child, posted as pornography

open and shut case of CP. doesnt matter where the first file came from. context sets it so.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

open and shut case of CP. doesnt matter where the first file came from. context sets it so.

I disagree. If it's pornographic it's CP. A published movie is not going to have actual CP in it. Taking a short clip out of it is sketchy but IMO it doesn't quite cross the line.

theoldones ago

the scene was isolated and posted on its own as pornograhy

even under remix law, that sets it as porn

its CP

Rotteuxx ago

@puttitout has already made it clear he doesn't oppose selective censorship of users by honoring @srayzie as a builder when she's an emotionally driven cancer mod who attacks users and exposes PMs publicly in desperate ad hominem attacks.

Him honoring her was a clear condonation of that mentality and way of acting.

srayzie ago

You can’t even show respect to the owner of this website that allows you free speech. I don’t expect you to agree with a Q-Tard. People like you are TOXIC and all about division.

Rotteuxx ago

People like you are TOXIC and all about division.

Says the bitch responsible for the last few days of shit hitting the fan

You cognitive dissonance is impressive.

srayzie ago

Somebody is butt hurt. Grow some balls dude.

Dortex ago

Weird. I got three all at once. 🤔🤔🤔

CatsControlTheEU ago

Oh he broke anonymity? Interesting? Can you link me to where he listed all the people who voted on that submission?

He saw the names. He doesn't have to post it for it to be a breaking of anonymity. The viewing of those votes were not directly relevant to any administrative investigation. Before you say that my 'comparisons are not relevant because this is Voat not X' this is an example of how privacy laws typically work.

Even someone's personal doctor, is not allowed to look at their patients records unless it is directly relevant to something that's going on.

When people vote in things such as elections be it state or local at least in the United States, the people who see the actual vote (e.g candidate X or candidate Y) are separate from the people that input the names into the list of people who voted to determine whether or not someone voted twice.

Hand_of_Node ago

Even someone's personal doctor, is not allowed to look at their patients records unless it is directly relevant to something that's going on.

Would you want your doctor to lack a complete overview of your health history?

virge ago

I disagree here.

Realistically all technology is transparent to the admins, especially the ones who wrote the code. Putt advocates Free Speech and demonstrably takes pride in making functions that even he can't unmask, joking pointing fun at how he can't de-code the anon posts because he coded them too well at one point.

If I pay some guy to pickup my trash, I expect him to pick it up and dispose of it without looking at it. If someone picks up my trash for free and is providing me a service then I loose any equitable interest in the trash once it's off my hands. As long as the trash guy who takes it for free never tells anyone else what's in my trash, if he goes through it and to what ends are none of my business and simply an unspoken part of the arrangement.

Voat stands for Free Speech. Privacy is at the sole discretion of the admin. The fact that he's never demonstrated he will break that unspoken part of the arrangement, then we have an equitable relationship.

So whats your beef with it? Do you believe he's broken some arrangement with you or others? If not, how do you justify why it matters to the operation of this community?

Locked_Account ago

I suggest that when you ban users, their is an auto-generated post to v/banned (take it over- one post in 1.6 years) with their username in the post title. Users could appeal by being able to still post, in at least in that one thread, in v/banned, have that post with their banning show as link on their profile page.

Hopefully you're more entertained than stressed by all this, it is organic process.
Had a kid at McDonald's give me about $30,000 worth of psyche advice with my egg McMufffins last week, "Take it easy, man."

SandHog ago

That sounds like a good idea for an appeals process for people who get banned and only have one account. I think those people are probably a very tiny minority of 'manipulators' though.


Thanks boss

heygeorge ago

The admin shouldn’t really be diving into what subverses do unless they are owned by the admin or their size makes them an integral part of the site.

Pls fix stickies

Yes. We need more clarity on what vote manipulation actually is. But probably should kill farms without mercy no matter. People get worked up about unimportant things sometimes. I’ve already seen much butthrt about the warning messages. How important really is your Voat account name? If I’m not mistaken, manipulators are still able to log in to their accounts, correct? Just not post or comment or PM. Maybe that’s not true. I assume in that case they also lose the ability to wipe their histories? To borrow a popular term, that seems problematic.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer comment by @RM-Goetbbels.

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SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/Voat comment by @RM-Goetbbels.

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RM-Goetbbels ago

How important really is your Voat account name?

Okay. Delete your account. I've done it when someone asked me the exact same thing. I'll show you right after you do it, on my word.

Put your money where your mouth is. DO IT. I'll wait.

(I don't disagree with your statement, I just don't think you'll do it. But again, I HAVE when challenged.)

heygeorge ago

You’ll show me what?

RM-Goetbbels ago

That I agree with you, points don't matter and that I have deleted an account when someone said I wasn't being honest.

Just like you just did. Well, I didn't make such a big prologue about it but all the same..........

I like you and I agree totally with your sentiment right up until where you say intanetz poyntz don' matter. You see, I know they don't matter to me because I've deleted an account out of the blue when asked. Because I have integrity.

You can't say something like that and not follow through.

heygeorge ago

Did. Kill yourself @gabara am I doing this right

RM-Goetbbels ago

No you didn't, you're still commenting.


heygeorge ago

Shit, you’re right, brb deleting faceva k

gabara ago

Tallest_kill/10! Bravo!

Hand_of_Node ago

How important really is your Voat account name?

An attack on my account name is an attack on me.

heygeorge ago

Sounds pretty gay if you ask me. @zyklon_b is this gay?

zyklon_b ago

@hand_of_node are u fucking retarded? ALL this is virtual and just escapism. chill the fuck out and not be taken shit serious .. ALL YALL gotta remembsr this is voat n especially muh old frands . take a chill and watch the (((plan))) deztroy itself cause of dat kuntz ego.

Hand_of_Node ago

Sometimes I wonder. lol Then I remember that clip where the guy walks over to look in his mirror, and sees he IS a retard.

european ago

I wonder about @joe_mccarthy he seemed to be something of a builder , having maintained occidentalenclave for a long time.

ConquistadorCoronado ago

Is he still banned?

heygeorge ago

I think the same of Joe. I’ve heard of people claiming multiple users and various other things for years now. That being said, I interacted with him many times and there was never a change in tone that I detected.

Of course, if he was manipulating votes, I suppose that’s enough.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Trying to infer his ban, I thought it might have been that @Kattie was an alt and was used to upvote Joe. I used to try to upvote him mostly because I thought he added good content, was reasonable to talk to and had a bunch of people who would downvote him just to be assholes because jews or some shit. I'm a little bummed about his ban.

heygeorge ago

Likewise, I UV’d Joe all the time. And I also made the same inference.

carlip ago

why did i get a vote manipulation warning?

Hand_of_Node ago

Because you're "100% guilty", according to Putt. I have no idea why I got one either. Hence, I'm probably still "in violation" of some secret rule.

Zammyanci ago

Thanks @PuttItOut !

Nonetheless, you've made a difference!

Thank You Superman!

We wouldn't have this community without you.

(Ignore the shill's, most are just spoiled bratts!)

Perfection Is ~ "A Work In Progress"

Hold the line Patriot ;)


Womb_Raider ago

If people are manipulating this place, they'll spam the appeals process until you're too tired to mess with it. Of this I'm convinced based on what I've seen from your friends

CatsControlTheEU ago

So again. He states:

So I looked up the downvotes on this submission out of curiosity.

As I mentioned, with the exception of administrative purposes, no ones anonymity should be broken for the sake of some curiosity.

Why is he looking at the names of people who downvoted that post? All of them could have been people who had been on the ban list, or none of them could. The bans are not even remotely relevant to my concern. Who votes on what, be it up or down, should be anonymous, to anyone and everyone unless it's something that is involved in breaking of site rules.

NotHereForPizza ago

Dude, kev's a power user. You can't talk to him like that. He'll ping his friends to all come and downvote you. I mean, he won't brigade you, but he'll ping all of his friends so they come and downvote you. But, that's not brigading.

weezkitty ago

This sounds just like Steve Huffman on Reddit editing people's comments. With great power comes great responsibility.

virge ago

Except he didn't edit peoples comments. So yeah, nothing at all alike.

Mumbleberry ago

A clear definition of exactly you consider manipulation would be nice. For example if while reading a thread where user a and user b are arguing, is it manipulation to upvote user a's well written and logical comments while downvoting user b's "no u" type comments?


I really don't see how this is an issue. We know what voter FRAUD is in real life and that's the standard we should use here. Each person gets one organic vote to use. If they are doing that then that's fine, even if they are downvoting for content it'll be offset by someone else upvoting. If some one person is using more than one vote it is fraudulent. They get the rope.

Mumbleberry ago

Still needs to be spelled out so there isn't any doubt.



NeedleStack ago

A definition would be more than just nice, it should be published in bold in the FAQs/rules.

Mumbleberry ago

Agreed, hi needle!

NeedleStack ago

Hi baby. Enjoying the long weekend I hope. :)

kkasdfa88934 ago

virge is the real puttitouts alt


stay strong

jkasdfhk7732 ago

Mumbleberry ago

Other than the crapton of yard work that needs doing, yes.

european ago

It might be a bit tricky but my guess would be don't vote on the same thing more than once. Multiple accounts are ok just be careful about voting.

VandalayIndustries ago


OP details a labor of love.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

My $.02 pasted from an earlier comment I made:


You are using alt accounts to upvote each-other for any reason
You are in a team of people who all vote together on particular posts or posts by particular users, in the same direction
You are deliberately downvoting or upvoting every post a particular user makes regardless of location, quality, or content
You think you or someone else is being brigaded and you respond by using alt accounts to "correct the record"
You are using multiple alt accounts to vote on the same posts or comments for any reason
You are using multiple alt accounts to play SBBH games with vote totals
You are using multiple alt accounts to downvote pedos
You are using multiple alt accounts to downvote Jews
You are using multiple alt accounts to downvote and hide shills
You are using multiple alt accounts to upvote posts you think were downvoted unfairly, whatever reason or people who downvoted them

You ARE engaging in vote manipulation and you need to stop.

If people who manipulate votes also manipulate yours you could be flagged unfairly since there's not much of a way to distinguish between someone who is upvoted because of his 100 alts and someone who is innocent and happened to be upvoted by 100 alts

RM-Goetbbels ago

On Bans...

In 4chan-ish speak

Be Putt

Have a plan

Turn Voat to Invite-Only so no new accounts can be made

Post The Builder Part 1 and rally allies with shiny gifts, then mock the untermensch with their impending doom that they don't know about yet

Set the bans in motion

Go into the comments and declare how good you are and how bad they are while they are being banned behind the scenes

Get questioned about the validity of a couple of the bans.

No dissent is allowed. Putt has spoken.

Banned users are unpersoned, they can't bother me now.

:Holiday Weekend. I'll just take off because they'll cool down in a couple of days and this will be easier to "explain".

Shizy ago

They already get a warning.

BigFatDaddy ago

Ha, called it. Figured your algorithm thingy (old school sparky, never learned to code) was just set a little too strict. Anyway, most of the people you shitcanned deserved it. Thanks for clarifying. Hopefully folks can calm the hell down now.

EpiPendemic ago

hey I remember Unidan from reddit form like 8 years ago I left that place after ferguson riots live coverage suppression. THis job doesn't pay the Putt you are crazy but I am happy at that. ty for all you do

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Wow. I hadn't though about Unidan in a long time.

Hand_of_Node ago

What was that, raven vs crow or something?

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Yes, exactly.

PuttIsAtranny ago

Youre a tranny

alalzia ago

I hope you understand that the +/-1 reason given in the ban list is not enough and have many of us worry . Since you have the ability to track who votes for who why those votes are not public ? it may also help to find who downvotes all submissions in all/new every morning at 11AM CET .

The way administration works lacks transparency , i understand that you cannot release the script so you must find a way to expose the wrong doers beyond any reasonable doubt . You are asking us to trust you , well sure just remember where we all came from and how must our trust was appreciated in other mediums . As my people say : after be burnt by the soup enough times you will start blow air over yogurt .

Goys-R-Us ago

My people say, "Fool me once, can't get fooled again."

ScreaminMime ago

Well, I'm still here so everything is groovy.

BigFatDaddy ago

Hey! I've seen you before!

Timmy2 ago

Friday stickies for v/guitar are great. Please keep that up. It's the best sub.

TheBuddha ago

I agree!

Hand_of_Node ago

Wait, I could swear I saw your account on the ban list? Was that a fake 'TheBuddah'?

TheBuddha ago

No. I am on the list as a target. I'm on the second page, as I recall. I don't even know who the offender is, frankly. I don't think I ever spoke to them?

I also don't much care if people DV me. I've got more SCP and CCP than I can ever possibly spend. They'd be years trying to take it and I make more pretty rapidly.

Broc_Lia ago

For the moment I think modmail is fine for subverse bans. If we get to reddit sizes we might need a more formal system.

Heck, afaik even reddit uses modmail for that.

Mittermeyer ago

Counterpoint. If someone gets banned, how can they even appeal when they can't make a new account due to Voat being invite only? The only people who were able to appeal were those ironically with more than 1 account, and some rare cases where someone used a family members Voat account

Broc_Lia ago

It's still possible to mail moderators if you're banned from their sub.

Mittermeyer ago

Not if you are sitewide banned like what Putt was talking about with the vote manipulation bans.

Broc_Lia ago

Right, which is why I was specifically discussing subverse bans.

For the moment I think modmail is fine for subverse bans.

Mittermeyer ago

I apologize I missed that point. I agree that it is fine for subverses bans.

Shotinthedark ago

Tie up the offenders. Throw them in the river. If they float they are a witch and should be banned If they sink then they are ok and ban lifted.


People were asking for a clear definition of what qualifies as vote manipulation because they didn't even know what they might have done that could have been interpreted that way. Imagine getting pulled over for driving 35 on a road without speed limit signs

I think some clarification about that would go a long way. It's unnerving thinking you were following the rules and then getting a ban or a warning that doesn't tell you what you were doing wrong.

Hand_of_Node ago

Your account has been flagged for vote manipulation. You risk being banned if you continue. This is just a friendly warning. P.S. We know they most likely deserved it!

I have no idea what I did wrong, or if there was some secret rule I wasn't aware of. After creating this new account, I parked my first account on preview and there's been no interaction. I'm presumably still "manipulating votes", since I have no idea what my offense was.

european ago

Don't upvote thw same thing twice.

Ina_Pickle ago

My home has 3 Voat users and only 1 IP address. How the heck am I supposed to know hoe my husband and teen are voting on their accounts?

Octocopter ago

I believe Putt has stated that IP is not used in tracking brigading, it is pattern recognition stuff, so at least you should be fine on the IP part. As for the rest good point.

Planetoftheclown ago

"Pattern recognition stuff", you mean like fairy tales and unicorn magic? I really don't have a horse in this game other than to know that a lot of people were banned in a very Redditesque fashion.

Octocopter ago

Like most sane people I am in the boat of "can we get answers" or "what constitutes manipulation and how can you tell". From what I have noticed from some interactions the most vitriolic about the situation are those that feel threatened about their manipulation. However to be fair there are people who love this site and are mildly lashing out because they don't want it degrading.

nigger_plz ago

You know that's a very good question.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Sure, but a lot of people got warnings who only have one account and don't knowingly engage in brigading (and don't understand how their normal voting behavior could be called manipulation). So it is a legitimate question to ask what behavior resulted in the warning. I've been think about my behavior and am really not sure what I may have done. The only thing I can think of is that it is possible I went to someone's profile and then ended up following them to a thread and downvoting? I don't really remember doing that and it isn't part of how I normally use Voat, but I suppose I may do that occasionally without really thinking how I ended up in a thread.

Bojangles ago

Quit being a faggot and lift the posting limits on @antiracist

acheron2012 ago

Sucks to be you.

No. Seriously. It has to really suck to keep clean diapers on 30,000 screaming toddlers.

Thanks for all your work! I’m pretty sure I couldn’t/wouldn’t do it.

KVD ago

You have been banned from Voat.

parallel0 ago

remove my ban from 2 months ago

CatsControlTheEU ago

Look, I am someone who is willing to assume the best out of people and that of course includes you @PuttItOut. When others believed you were immediately turning to the 'dark side' with each step I did not.

It wasn't the investor stuff that worried me.

It wasn't the builder/destroy stuff that worried me.

It wasn't the ban wave of people who were vote manipulating that worried me.

It was an edit.

Specifically, the edit on this post:

Even more specifically, it was this comment that you made.

So I looked up the downvotes on this submission out of curiosity. Most all are destroyers. Many of which will be banned shortly for previous vote manipulation. Interesting isn't it that those that abuse Voat also hate seeing this thread.

As far as I recall I voted that post up, but that edit just pisses me off. With the exception of looking at what was upvoted/downvoted and by who for the purpose of finding vote manipulators or other administrative reasons. You breached the anonymity that is voting. People should not be afraid to downvote something you or anyone else submits. Even if you had purely good intentions, even if it was just as a mild curiosity and nothing that you actually used, that was not something you should be doing.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @PeaceSeeker.

Posted automatically (#42697) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Womb_Raider ago

He's calling out SBBH without calling them out.

NotHereForPizza ago

So many of them are very clearly in denial.

Putt sold out. He sold out his website, his time, and his code to these guys.

ThinkAboutIt1488 ago

People cheating at their fake internet pts is as good a reason as any to ban them. They can make a new account.

european ago

Fake internet points result in visibility. It's not so much the accumulation that means anything but what gets seen at any one time.

Dortex ago

No they can't. Voat is invite only.

ThinkAboutIt1488 ago

They made it invite only?

Dortex ago

Yes. It's invite only. This is a recent change too. So the users get banned can't pm anyone, or make a new account to appeal their case anywhere. It was a veritable un-personing.

MrPim ago

I can't allow manipulation, in any way. If the votes aren't true, I can't put my name on it.

And personally my problem is that I was accused of vote manipulation when in my opinion that just is not true. I do not use alts, I do not engage in organized brigades, I do not Voat from a users comment page. My voating is done as a single user in the forums and I don't use alt accts to increase my numbers. If I have a hard on for a particular user and I DV the shit out of them that isn't vote manipulation. If I DV every single thing Aged posts that isn't manipulation, I just hate pedos. I also UV almost everything from @Empress and a lot from TWs, am I manipulating that? If so, what are the thresholds for this activity?

The accusation of Voat manipulation is taken seriously here and people automatically jump to AltFarmer and I am not that. My activity logs are welcome to be published.

83855 ago


Croat_Goat ago

Same here, and you're exactly right. If people are downvoating porn on the front page, for example, we're not part of some organized "brigade". I don't care if that means I'm constantly downvoating the same guy. Same thing goes for upvoating noseberg for being hilarious. To a computer, the voat immune system would mean we're all guilty of vote manipulation. Now, since I can't make a new account right now, I've got to hijack my old man's account to try to reverse what happened suddenly after 4 years here. u/ruck_feddit.

BushChuck ago

I think this cunt is lying about the alts. Every time I get into it with him, I start getting huge downvotes (-5 or more).

It's very consistent with @MrPim

Dortex ago

He does seem to be associated with some "anti-pedo" group. Maybe they're doing that?

Hand_of_Node ago

I sometimes take sides while reading an argument thread, and downvote an obtuse moron without mercy.

Inconceivable2 ago

I look for posts and submissions that in my opinion were wrongly downvoated, give them an upvoat.

Hand_of_Node ago

That too.

BushChuck ago

I think we all do.

I down vote every aged post I see.

MrPim ago

You're welcome to your opinion and you have reason to think so. For what it's worth after our little flame war I ended up not being able to DV any of your stuff because I enjoyed your comments. I usually get bored and end any vindictive DVing. Yours I just quit because I couldn't bring myself to DV you.

You may not believe any of that but it's all true. The only DVs you received from me were that afternoon.

BushChuck ago

WEll, shit. That's down-right human of you.

It does often look like you are running bots, though. We got into it a couple times on my old account, to the same effect.

MrPim ago

I can understand why you and others might think so. But I really don't.

Ive been waiting on you to comment to me. I expected it given that was very recent. My behavior was beyond terrible. It made me take some days away from Voat and I'll go away again later today probably.

BushChuck ago

Fair dinkum.

Womb_Raider ago

Maybe don't upvote based on user, but based on merit of submission? There's an idear.

NotHereForPizza ago


Womb_Raider ago

Pretty hard to believe Pim got 70 organic upvotes from where I stand. And I say something more sensible and get 14? Weird place, this website

NotHereForPizza ago

That number increases exponentially. It's just the bandwagon theory playing out.

Womb_Raider ago

Perhaps it's that simple. I don't know.

NotHereForPizza ago

each iteration in the chain has a lower probability

Gorillion ago

You start recognizing voaters and their submissions just by natural degrees.
So you notice when they're being dishonest or hypocritical.

A lot of people who end up on Voat have fairly sensitive pattern recognition software running in their heads and due to past experiences don't wait for slippery slope suspicions to bare themselves out when they notice the early signs of malignant forces attempting to pervert reasonably forthright discourse.

Attribution of "Merit" still requires context, and some users have a larger sense of context given their time here. So an "innocent" post to you will send up red flags to someone who knows User X's usual shtick. That's actually a fully democratic mechanism at work there - you wouldn't vote for politician who suddenly speaks your language after seeing him say the exact opposite to someone else in another environment. Because you understand he's trying to manipulate you and is dishonest, inconsistent and untrustworthy.

People can change, sure. Give them space and opportunity to do that if you see change happening. I don't think many people have a "DV everything this guy posts" list that they use every day. They'll get hot for a while then cool off. Then get hot again if the target user keeps pissing them off. Natural cycles. Again, think of it like watching politicians in action. It forces that politician to either stick to his guns and gather supporters over time, or change his message or rhetoric enough (make better and less dishonest arguments) to not get DV'd so much. Or just move to a different electoral district (ie: Fuck off to Reddit or a Tranny Discord).

Womb_Raider ago

or change his message or rhetoric enough (make better and less dishonest arguments) to not get DV'd so much.

So... if the merit of their statements improve, they'll get your approval? In other words, we should base posts and philosophies based on their merit, as I've said? I'm pleased you agree with me.

7e62ce85 ago

Maybe don't upvote based on user, but based on merit of submission?

I think you missed his point: Aged posts a bunch of loli and pedo stuff. It would make sense for someone to downvote him a lot and similarly Empress posts a lot of good stuff which someone might be consistently upvoting.

Womb_Raider ago

I understood his point. Are you missing mine?

virge ago

Hammer meet nail.

sdfgsdf232 ago

womb, kevdude has access to putts account. this is all him. Think man.... the last time putt made 3 stickies at 8am CST, he is euro

-cheese IF

hope all is well with you, but voat is now dead

Womb_Raider ago

Voat died a long time ago. I don't know why I continue to stare at the corpse. Your time zone point is interesting, but it's around 2-5pm across Europe right now, so it's not necessarily a valid point. I applaud your thinking though.

And as far as you're concerned: you do the same things they do. you abuse VPN/sockpuppet accounts and spam your heart out. You devise personalities that are competent and utterly retarded a la beatlejuice. Don't think you have my respect. You ought to be better.

I am doing well, thank you. Spend less time on the internet and you will do well too.

sdfgsdf232 ago

its kevdude man, I know this in my heart. putt did not write those.

And as far as you're concerned: you do the same things they do. you abuse VPN/sockpuppet accounts and spam your heart out.

no womb, I only did it to offset downvoat brigades on myself and others. I may have boosted a song like three time in drunken fun. thats the extent. and may have boosted account to 100 cause after 4+ years here, the restrictions are pointless to me.

Did you know magically gained dial over a thousand ccp while banned.... i am

Also, I alway only resetted there brigades, its is easy for me to tell between organic and non, you are listening to lies

Womb_Raider ago

I don't feel that what you do is okay. Fighting fire with fire is not going to put out a flame. Only the administrator can truly do anything, and if they choose to do nothing, the site is of no value. At the end of the day that's how it is.


To be fair, some fires can be put out with fires and explosions.

jkasdfhk7732 ago

Only the administrator can truly do anything

they were not, and I reacted. Dial would not have existed.... And the amount of people I tried to and verses from downvoated brigades was justified.

If "organic" I left it alone.

Fighting fire with fire

know I only reset THAT is the difference... I just took off their downvoats

do you think I enjoyed doing it, no.

you could see the habits, -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 then they would run out of downvoats.... dial magically gains over a thousand ccp over the past few days... amazing. I think either putt bann retro votes, or they are removinging them in a hurry.

But they are retarded because I guarantee there is a log. I would tell putt continually .... help me out. He laughed and mocked me when he banned dial @puttitout

then goes on to say im a "asset"

im starting to rant

im not wrong womb, lets put our past aside. I'd still like to keep in touch with ya. you're a good guy.


(hit 10 comments) aint that funny who they restrict users that have been actively here for 4+ years

MrPim ago

Maybe I'll decide how I Voat and I'll likely do that on a case by case basis. Your idea sucks.

speedisavirus ago

Hello low IQ nigger that isn't active.

sdfgsdf232 ago

This @kevdude posing at puttitout, he has access to his account. Putt 100% did not write these three stickies

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

You people are such fucking spergs, make me want to go back to reddit

Womb_Raider ago

Voting based on merit rather than mindless bias and favoritism is a bad idea? Oh.

MrPim ago

If you go to a restaurant 3 times and twice the food made you sick would you continue returning? A track record is a thing for a reason. I also stipulated that I vote on case by case basis. But ignoring that is cool.

Womb_Raider ago

You specifically said you almost upvote every single thing they post. I would not be surprised if you, at a time, downvoted everything I had to say regardless of validity. Many people you associate with behave this way. If, say, you and your friends upvote 80% of a specific user's posts, would that not promote their content to a degree that normal voting habits by individuals could not counter it?

Could you not control discourse by pushing yours and your friends views to the limelight?

Do you not even see the threat that sort of activity could pose in the hands of the Obamas, the Clintons, or other politically-motivated people? If you want to have standards for anyone, you have to have standards for yourself.

I am not wholly convinced that you do.

BushChuck ago

Pim is guilty as charged. Every time I encounter him, my posts for that day get a -5, as he scrolls through them and gives his bots orders.

Maybe he thinks he's too slick to get caught or some shit. I hope next time the ban sticks.

Womb_Raider ago

31 day account acting like he has long-term knowledge of the userbase... nothing about you smells funny. Nothing at all.

Hand_of_Node ago

My first account is parked on preview, and will be 4 on June 12. It's probably common for new accounts to be first accounts, but that's not always the case.

Reddit-is-kill ago

Tl;Dr: it's ok to have preconceived opinions on certain goats

You're being too much of an idealist here, applying something specific in a vastly general way.

Don't get me wrong, I support your ideas here. I just don't think they're applicable in this setting.

Example: every time I see a great post about traditional lifestyle I upvote it. 90% of those posts are made by empress.

I wouldn't be surprised if she had 10% of all my upvotes, frankly.

Here's the problem: It has gotten to the point where I have so much respect for her that I would be more inclined to appreciate a post with her name on it. I trust her. She has been a part of the community forever.

So am I vote manipulating or has she earned each of those votes?

I think it's the latter.

You make sweeping statements about how this kind of power could be abused by the Obamas. We aren't operating in the same league here. My respect for many of my fellow goats is relatively personal and unique derived from an arguement that was well said like @mrpim, posts that made me chuckle like @syriansfuckcorpses, appreciation for the community like with @empress and @puttitout, or because they're raging faggot kike shitposters like @crensch (he's my favorite).

They are all people I've actually had conversations with. However insignificant and impersonal the relationships may be on a web forum, this is still more similar to friend groups than to politics.

It's not manipulation to know other goats and have pre-existing opinions about them.

MrPim ago

almost every single thing they post.


I do not have friends here. Not in the way you are implying. I don't discuss what I vote on w anyone. If I am coincidentally UVing TW content which also happens to be popular that isn't comparison to promote that sub. My DV 99% of Aged Gaming submissions bevause I hate pedos and others do the same I cannot be held liable for holding a similar opinion.

The discussion here really isn't the why of my voting habits, but if they break any of our rules. As far as I can see I did not. And yet I was nearly banned for not breaking our rules.

Womb_Raider ago

I think that if Putt is who he says he is, and you think of this from his perspective... if a group is obviously very chummy, and uses VPNs, and voting habits seem... awry, it must be immensely difficult for him not to presume that people are upvoting eachother systematically to have their way with his website. Imagine that perspective and imagine how demoralizing it must be.

Now imagine he does something about it, and those same people, using VPNs, attack him viciously for having done so. Imagine how demoralizing that must be.

I bet he feels that he has almost no options at all.

If it weren't for his commentary about srayzie and kevdude being builders, I would be proud of his recent actions... but now he's sounding like Maduro congratulating his generals on their psychological warfare.

Do I really sound so off-base to you?

Fateswebb ago

Putit said they don't look at IP ADDRESSES when they run bans for vote manipulation. So VPN isn't even a factor.

Womb_Raider ago

I think they should be reviewed also, but due to VPN, they're more or less useless so it's probably best that he does not. He needs to look at which accounts interact with each other, how they interact, what philosophy they promote... it's a very intensive job that no dull man could perform. My points remain.

Fateswebb ago

Well yeah, I mean if there are 5 accounts all at the same IP all vote brigading then that seems obvious.

MrPim ago

You do not sound of base. I am able to view things from Putts perspective(partially anyway). I understand that Putt would like Voat to grow and if he could monetize it. He's put in a lot of work and if I'm not mistaken his own money. It's completely natural for him to want to reap some rewards. I can understand that if he thought there were a group manipulating things he'd have concerns. There are a couple things though;

First. This is really the first of these threads I've taken part in. I haven't gone on and on complaining.

Second. If he thought there was a group doing this he'd need to look pretty carefully at records. And this sounds like he tried to use an automated approach which didn't work.

Lastly. Putts perspective and goals are different than mine. Putt wants Voat to grow. While I sympathize, my goal is to keep Voat as small and non shity for as long as possible. The growth Putt naturally desires will be the ruination of Voat. It is inevitable. Voat is what it is because of the slow controlled growth. So you see in even the most basic of things here, Putt and my goals are diametrically opposed. While I can see things from his side I often disagree.

Artofchoke ago

It's up to him to decide, for good or bad.

Womb_Raider ago

I used to be friends with freshmeat. Never did I upvote every post he made. I used to be friends with grifter. Never did I upvote every post he made. I used to even be sympathetic to sanegoat, despite my devil's advocate rhetoric towards him... and never did I reflexively upvote everything he had to say.

There is no excuse for doing so and, if these people are using VPN, it's hard to justify such activity... I don't know, it's probably a catch-22 but I can't see his perspective even if I try.

This place just feels like such an inorganic environment these days.

Artofchoke ago

It has changed so much. It's hard. :/

I miss when we all knew each other, and it was a tight knit community.

wokeasfook ago

The upside is our ideas are more mainstream now

Womb_Raider ago

I do too. Now we have the owner of the website essentially promoting the opposite... maybe he means well, but I don't know. He's calling the destroyers builders. Either he's comped, demoralized, or ... I'm not sure what else.

I weep for the internet at large. The time is coming when we will have to gather like minds and find a place IRL to convene and live, the north vs south dichotomy will come to the United States again and, probably, sooner than we expect.

I think that once Trump's second term ends, we will see egregious behavior from our government. You may be the only SDBH person who has my respect. I advise you to research 80% lower firearms and acquire some. Get more than you need so that you may arm those that did not foresee trouble.

Artofchoke ago

We need to pick a state, pick a town, and create an enclave. We're running low on time, but trying to organize goats is like trying to herd cats. :/

Womb_Raider ago

We ought to all move to Florida. We have good gun laws. Lots of military in the area, they're all patriots. Florida and Texas are two of the only states worth living in. Possibly Alabama.

That's why all this "Florida man" propaganda exists... that's why all the queers are trying to destroy Texas. Nothing is organic anymore. Nothing. I'm minding my own business and building up resources expecting the very worst.

waterniggas ago

florida is the jewish capital of the USA outside of new york

Womb_Raider ago

Lived here a long time. We have no Jewish community. Maybe in Broward, but I'm not in that cesspool.

Hand_of_Node ago

Aren't those the two states with the worst weather of any state, and extremely high minority populations? I lived in horrific weather states for my first two decades before moving to coastal California, so I might be a little biased. Texas at least had the "guns and patriots" thing going for it, until the liberals, homosexuals, and beaners took it over with no resistance.

Womb_Raider ago

Florida has the 'guns and patriots' thing going for it. For a Californian to complain about minorities and lack of patriotism is honestly hilarious. You're bending over to all sorts of draconian laws regarding firearm enthusiasm. Good luck getting a magazine worth a damn.

Older white folks retire in FL for a reason. It's not just because it's warm.

Hand_of_Node ago

I ended up in a pretty White and expensive part of California, although niggers are nearing 2% these days. Have been seeing at least one or more every time I'm downtown... Guns aren't a thing since that lack of a gardening license blew up into such a big deal back in the '90s... Had to throw everything down a hillside in the mountains, including a nice pre-1986 AR-15 with drop-in parts. Unlikely to ever have one again.

Patriotism was never expected here, unlike Texas. It's been fruits and nuts for decades. I would expect retirement in Florida to happen because of its proximity to the overcrowded east coast, and perhaps a general lack of standards? Maybe an enthusiasm for hurricanes too? OJ moved there because of the asset protection laws, which isn't actually a small thing.

I've heard it gets far beyond just "warm". HOT and HUMID 😥 is what I've heard. For Texas, it's described as more "oven-like". Yeah, no thanks to anything over 75. Average summer night here is 52.

GreenSlug ago

But Florida sucks... its my least favorite place ive ever been. So hot. So humid. So many bugs.

toobaditworks ago

And gators.

GreenSlug ago

I like the gators, good eats

toobaditworks ago

Haven't tried that yet.

GreenSlug ago

Maybe my second favorite food, behind squid. Or third if im counting squid and octopus separately

toobaditworks ago

Umm ... I won't be eating squid.

Here's Kentucky:

GreenSlug ago

Squid is damned delicious though

Womb_Raider ago

If mild inconveniences break a man, were they a man to begin with?

GreenSlug ago

How bout this, you and yours create enclaves in the hot humid hellholes of florida and texas, and me and mine will form an enclave somewhere thats at least sorta nicer sometimes, like Iowa, and we can build a direct highway between them and cooperate? This way those of us who would rather not swim through the mosquito infested water air, can live somewhere with better seasons. And you weirdos who like breathing peasoup air can live down there.

GreenSlug ago

Whos broken? Why choose to live in a shithole instead of somewhere nicer? Florida sucks.

toobaditworks ago

How about Virginia or Kentucky?

GreenSlug ago

Never been so I'm not sure

NPCGator ago


Just because the votes don't fall into whatever you coded as "normal" @PuttItOut doesn't mean they're being manipulated. It would be nice to know a little more about what kind of voting anomalies are getting people banned.

Gopherurself ago

Yeah he needs to write what are the main* anomolies that ban peopel

CantDentTheBrent ago

Holy shit,

the whiners.


MrPim ago

Fuck off Spez. We discuss things here.

sdfgsdf232 ago

he is a shit alt with a 1:2 downvoat ratio... he is goon squad

CantDentTheBrent ago

It's already been discussed.

He fucked up, admitted it, tried to fix it.

You didn't get SPEZd at all, faggot. You're bored and paranoid.

MrPim ago

That's why Putt himself made three sticky threads this morning. It's all been discussed. Move along guys, shows over.

Fuck off out here you cunt.

Dortex ago

If I have a hard on for a particular user and I DV the shit out of them that isn't vote manipulation. If I DV every single thing Aged posts that isn't manipulation

I'd definitely call that something bad. But "Manipulation" implies this is some effort to fix his internet points.

shawnfromnh69 ago

Internet points, someone that thinks that's an important thing and plans for getting more besides posting has not life in my eyes. They have to get up and go outside and see reality for a while. I like my points because I try to post original content instead of posting stuff that's been posted a dozen times already. That is the thing that's making voat suck, to many of the same posts, you can hit and entire page of stuff you've read on the prior pages and then I leave and go to Poal or Minds for a while to get some original content. Also the users where its always the kikes is getting old. Sure the kikes are doing stuff but not every fucking thing in the world. They have kike on the brain all the time. I'm Irish so I'm not a kike to make that clear.

Dortex ago

They have kike on the brain all the time. I'm Irish so I'm not a kike to make that clear

Don't worry. Someone will point out a jew was in Ireland at one point in time and lump you in with him.

Gorillion ago

Rampaging is fairly normal behavior. I was under the impression that pattern downvoting a user's submissions in one block had already been gimped a while back though. I think the two-week voting limit was part of that original re-code.

Sometimes ya just gotta rampage a pedo when he gets a bit too bold. No idea if it works. Sure feels good though.

Octocopter ago

Sometimes ya just gotta rampage a pedo when he gets a bit too bold

Funny you say that when Dortex runs defense and derailment for pedos on this site, he even thinks fetish rape content involving minors is ok. See here for a bit of context.

A bunch of users in my circle were banned for doing less than I did

That is a quote from one of his recent comments in this thread where he was bitching about his brigade buddies getting banned.

Dortex ago

I haven't run into any voting limits beyond the "downvote meanie". And no, rampaging just feels good. It doesn't stop anyone from begging for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then having a mental breakdown for over a day when they get called out for it.

MrPim ago

Why is it bad? I do not want his content here. I am powerless to remove it completely. So I push it incrementally down the page. Why is it ok for me to UV Empress but not ok to DV Aged? Does one give you a warm and fuzzy feeling of inclusion and diversity?

virge ago

Why is it bad? I do not want his content here. I am powerless to remove it completely. So I push it incrementally down the page. Why is it ok for me to UV Empress but not ok to DV Aged? Does one give you a warm and fuzzy feeling of inclusion and diversity?

The difference is nuanced, but it's an easy line to understand:

  • **You absolutely can look at each post you see by Aged and downvoat it, if you are so inclined.
  • **You cannot get bored once or twice a week (or, whatever, I'm illustrating for the sake of expedience) and click on Aged's user profile, systematically finding each of his recent posts at every place he posts them including the ones you would never have seen because you do not participate in the community, and then proceed to downvoat all of those in an intentional assault on his whole posting experience.

Seems pretty simple to me.

Apexbreed ago

My concern here, is that there is no system which can determine if one comes accross a user's posts organically (that I know of or have been told about) so whatever a brigading accusation is based off of is probably based on a count. Now why not institute a DV limit instead of a threshold that get one banned or warned?

MrPim ago

You cannot get bored once or twice a week (or, whatever, I'm illustrating for the sake of expedience) and click on Aged's user profile, systematically finding each of his recent posts at every place he posts them including the ones you would never have seen because you do not participate in the community, and then proceed to downvoat all of those in an intentional assault on his whole posting experience.

Which is something I do not do. So, again. I was given a warning w no details and almost banned for following the rules as they have been set for a very long time.

virge ago

Ok. I get it. But technology has to be fine-tuned, and Voat is a pretty Beta-ish thing where new features have to be tested in the wild sometimes.

I personally think the approach could have been reviewed better before being executed, but I also recognize that's an opportunity for improvement with involvement from the community feedback and see it as a learning experience - not some big malicious attempt by the admin to harshly cull the ranks for nefarious purposes. Do you still disagree?

shawnfromnh69 ago

It's not as simple as putting a check in a box. It's a programming nuance where the programmer is creating a new code and the code is likely gonna need to be changed and fine tuned a bit. Anyone that used windows back in the 90's knows how bad coding can be and even published. It's not just cut and dried or better cut and pasted it's created and massaged into something like art but just doing it is not a real thing. I cannot code and I realize I don't have that talent, it's tough and complicated and has to work with the other code and function as intended and all without making a hole in site security.

virge ago

It's not as simple as putting a check in a box.

Of course not, I was illustrating the end of the work is a mere execution.

MrPim ago

Do I disagree w what exactly?

I did not say nor think the bans were nefarious. I do think I see something taking shape which I won't call nefarious but a well intentioned mistake. A larger agenda that I am going to disagree w. I'm going to remain vague because I don't want to start rumors, but several threads and events here this week have a very specific alarm bell ringing. Maybe I'm wrong...

virge ago

Maybe you should just speak your mind and not spin theories. Otherwise, we were just wasting time talking in the first place if we hit some vague brick wall where you're uncertain or unwilling to continue to explain your reasons.

Dortex ago

Well, do you go to loli subs to vote him down, or is this one of those things where you're browsing v/gaming, see his post, and vote it down? People do the former. Voting down content you're going out of your way to see approaches vote manipulation, or at least something way more than voting up content from subs you're subscribed to.

MrPim ago

We discussed this before. No I don't go looking for him in Loli subs. I blocked those years ago and don't go looking for them. The Gaming submissions are what I usually see cross All.

And this is my point. My activities I would call completely normal and not manipulation. And I think a lot of warnings were sent out for this reason. And those warnings had zero information as to why it was sent. Just 'manipulation'. I might not care, but I feel there's a larger agenda here and one I probably don't care for.

I think I'm going to go back to lurking for a bit. I'll probably regret making these comments, sorta do already.

Octocopter ago

You are dealing with a dishonest account trying to push a pro-pedo narrative, see here.

In Dortex's own words

A bunch of users in my circle were banned for doing less than I did

Even a quick look at his comment history shows how much he has been spamming.

MrPim ago

Yeah, Im aware who he is. And look, I didn't DV him. I'm a builder now.

Octocopter ago

Thanks for your time. I do have to admit I kinda enjoy seeing his flailing around so much over his his brigade buddies getting banned.

Dortex ago

We discussed this before.

I discuss a lot of things with a lot of people.

The Gaming submissions are what I usually see cross All.

Then sure. Fair enough. I can't complain much.

VicariousJambi ago

I participate in assisting the immune system when needed.

Is that "something bad" too?

Dortex ago

Well do you go to subs you don't like, then complain that they're posting relevant content and vote it all down? Because that's basically like going to v/Niggers and bitching about all the racists there.

shawnfromnh69 ago

Hell the worst one I hate is the furry one called Mylittlepony. Like a twisted art fag sub altogether. Belongs more on Deviant Art than this place.

Hand_of_Node ago

I would certainly hope the entire voat population is "racist", not just those with an interest in niggers.

Dortex ago

I just need some kind of idea what the fuck's going on. Preferably without the smug "ha, I already fixed it. If ur still banned its ur fault". A bunch of users in my circle were banned for doing less than I did, far as I can tell. Having been involved in Voat Drama, I also wonder why the opposing group isn't gone given vote manipulation is their stated goal.

Sandmich ago

Ahh fake Internet points, you have to wonder what's wrong in people's heads that they feel they have to collect them, while at the same time it tarnishes the content of the site where they're doing it.

Womb_Raider ago

I don't think it's about the points, I think it's about power and control of discourse

AmaleksHairyAss ago

It's not just about internet points. Downvoted posts are hidden and upvoted accounts get to post more. With unmitigated vote manipulation our cabal of trolls could put a concern troll post as the top reply to every single post on Voat. They shouldn't, but people also tend to give more credence to well-upvoted opinions.

european ago

This shouldn't need explaining.

Shotinthedark ago

Can't you use the points to get a free slurpee at 711?

Thisismyvoatusername ago

They are good for slurpees and don't forget the complimentary back massages in the power users lounge.

Pronebone45 ago

Right? Over the last few days of reading all the goings on, my only thought was "who fkn cares about points?" I could see if we made a nickel per, but sheesh.

UKD ago

It's such a weird motivation. I don't get the incentive at all to do that.

kneo24 ago

Narrative pushing / ad campaigns. It's why companies pay other people to upvote stuff on Reddit.

UKD ago

Thanks for putting so much thought, time, and effort on making this place amazing dude. I appreciate you so much. :)

BraunF14 ago

Hell yeah your stickies are awesome. Good morning, by the way. Good to see you up bright n early to get things sorted out. Good luck with the code and new process. That kind of stuff is above me. I just come here for the fire ass memes ;)

fuckingmockies ago

Love checking the site and seeing tons of stickies lol

voatmoat ago

I know what we need!

gabara ago

@PuttItOut gets 3 stickies, @heygeorge gets 2 stickies.

Native ago

That’s because hey George doesn’t listen to Nickelback and putts does.

Putts> George