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jkshdjkf7234 ago

the last 3 global stickies were no made by putt. he neve posst that early... "build bullshit is kevdude ... he has control over puttitout account.... he would that drafted and made them. and as soon as putt came on to his normal time, shot the the fuck done.... you really think putt would of made these?

also notice the part 1 two trend... all pv Puttitout is a shared account now much like jucicetown was

-dial Indicator

PuttitoutIsGone ago

This makes the most sense. Funny, I was thinking about making a post about the "shared account" phenomenon here on Voat.

jkshdjkf7234 ago

I actually challenged to tell me a post where putt made a post at 8am CST EVER /u/madworld yuks.... (yeah there was just one) mind you /u/madrold stole a subverse from me.

this is why they they try to ban and delete me, they can not debate me.


jkshdjkf7234 ago

I read it and went "this isn't putt" and straight to either virge or kevdude"

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Everyone knows who you are.

When I first read those stickies I thought he was just trying to be more relatable. You know..."HELLO MY FELLOW GOATS!" bullshit . Now, I'm with you. That isn't him. What's the endgame here? Clean up Voat and whore it out like Reddit?