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Einsatzgruppen1939 ago

I like to post here, mostly because I can say nigger.

Churlish_Rogue ago

How is Voat ever going to make money?

Would you just start selling some fucking Voat merch already?

I want an embroidered Voat Goat hat. Maybe a "Never Reveal Your Power Level" sticker for my car.

jewsbadnews ago


Adminstrater ago

If you don't trust me you should leave Voat, it's what I did with Reddit. That's honestly my best advice.

Good advice. While using Voat does not mean we implicitly trust you, we are trusting your word as a man, and other than the FUD from random user accounts, you have shown that you, at the very least, deserve the minimum trust needed for running a site like Voat.

pickled ago

Things I got from this:

THIS IS NOT HUNYPOT HOOMAN, KEEP PAW IN JAAAaaar.... (fades into extremely disturbing, low pitched, gargling growl).

TrevorLyman ago

I don't know what's going on, but it's not good.

IsaacJan ago

I like voat. I don’t like how you dance around this shit. We are concerned, have every right to be. I’ve literally seen you go “it’s a secret ;)” when asked about it. You seem like a cool guy, but THIS is how you piss people off.

“IF YOU DONT LIKE ME LEAVE >:^l “ is fucking gay through. What are you, EA?

kkkrystal ago

is it true that youre refusing donations?

thebearfromstartrack ago

Is it James Woods? I swear I think I was chatting with him on Voat a while back based on his responses. Seemed VERY woodish turn of phrases.

clubberlang ago

Will Gavin Belson be attending the meeting?

mrPingPong ago

If you charged an admission fee how much would it have to be to cover the expenses? If you offered a free month how many people would remain after the freebie ended?

Niggardly_Jew ago

Theo is retarded, but that doesn't mean his concerns are invalid. You're claiming that your enemies are "destroyers", and so its not such a bad thing that they get a ban. Now we have a group of undesirables and we just have to trust Putt that its actually about bad behavior and not political when they're sent to the guillotine.

ExpertShitposter ago

Don't think he was klickbaiting, but the interesting part is that you said "fag". I've ever seen you say fag before. Haha, we are subconsciously influencing you! I predict 4 months till you publicly name the jooo.

But to help you laugh, here is something funny. It turns out the "builder" srazye is a flat earther:

AAAAAAAAAAhahaha fucking lol. Boomer brain is truly fascinating.

capnflummox ago

What I didn't do when I left Reddit was make a bunch of destructive posts about how much I didn't trust them.

That's your choice, faggot. And you should have. Don't tread on me with your bullshit whiny cumswallowing about 'builders' and 'destroyers'. As if the world is that black and white.

Conspirologist ago

Click bait, or click bate?

noxiousnick ago

Can voat just make money by allowing users to buy, and publicly brag about buying, the top comment spots and front page spots like $eddit does?

xenoPsychologist ago

he has a point that the whole builder/destroyer thing looks pretty... PC. but thats about the only point i kinda agree on.

all your positions, possibly excepting that its clickbait instead of something else, i can accept and agree with.

yeah, i find it pretty strange that (((people))) who dont trust the site dont leave, all they do all day is try to bring it all down.

captainstrange ago

downvoated those, too - with complete disregard to the concent. The user was then banned.

It seems to me the essential problem, in ALL these farms, shills, bans, 'drama' as they say, vote manipulation--all of this comes from the essential cancer that is the 'like/dislike' or 'upvote/downvote' system.

That was the cancer that started the initial destruction of reddit.

The destruction of sites before reddit.

And now voat.

Votes aren't important, and I'm going to prove it.

virge ago

Merely out of curiosity, what would your opinion be on these users having their up and down voting functions effectively disabled until they agreed to stop?

For the record, this was someone elses suggestion. I like your opinion and personally have a similar, alternative to the voting system used today. It's quite elegant.

captainstrange ago

No alternative.

Get rid of it.

Voting isn't an immune system, or even a quality filter. It's cancer.

GrandNagus ago

It's fucking notch isn't it?

HorseIsDead ago

It seems Amalek has hacked Putt's account.

Pooh_on_a_Jew ago

Who is The Angel?

I'm going to assume Q? Or an entity like it?

Seriously, you're making attacks on a guy for asking questions. Isn't that what Voat is all about?

And if you wanna talk clickbait, the numerous articles about irrelevant things like "Nigs are Nogging" would qualify. I won't lie, it's really all I ever post, as I'm AWARE that it's just clickbait. Any time I post something else outside Voat thinking, I'm considered a "sheeple bot Jew shill".

I've noticed more prominent Voaters are guilty of this, like Conspiralogist

GoyimNose ago

"Who is The Angel? I'm not saying, because it's unimportant. I have controlling interest in Voat"

This is super sketch. How can you think that doesint make an impact



not clickbait

I laughed heartily

lord_poseidon ago

Free Speech is important

Major restrictions on who can post


Zenhael ago

Theodore's post was hardly "concern fagging," considering what's been going on. Like I said on his post: one suspicious situation isn't enough to pull the trigger, but how many does it take? The ban log was a bit frightening, and your response to Theodore's post is, as well. He wasn't concern fagging about your 'mental state' or some shit, so don't play like a poor victim here, Putt. His post wasn't clickbait, because it was a reasonable concern.

However, saying, "If you don't trust me, leave," is also bullshit. I'm not going anywhere until you ban me - I've dedicated enough time to lurking here, as well as donated enough $ back when Voat needed it. I don't like what's going on right now, and I don't like Putt's responses, so I'm going to exercise free speech to contribute to dialogue about that, without simply packing up my toys and going home.

freshmeat ago

all of you are dancing the line of criticism and trying not to offend Putt.

Putt is acting like a jewish nigger jussie smollet and what he is doing to this site would have sank the ship 2 years. No one is fucking cool witht he way things are going.

Try poal theo, ignore SBBH. You will recognize some friendly faces there that gave up with this shithole website.

InSta ago

"Basically we can't advertise here because of the content. It's that bad."

I’m gonna call bullshit on this. Eventually the Political correctness bubble will break. Growing companies will see the untapped market of those who support free speech vehemently. Pro American companies. Companies that will boldly state they support the constitution and free speech.

Just an example; grunt style. Americans who produce a product that is pro american apparel.

As a voater myself, i would support a company that would stand for free speech regardless of its content. Simply say what (((hollywood)))) says. A disclaimer stating not all content shares the views of said company, but we support free speech.

To say you can’t is glass half empty mentality. So either you won’t advertise or you have no faith in business being uncucked.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

What is PIA?

Goys-R-Us ago

Private Internet Access, a company that provides a virtual private network technology for IMO a reasonable price. Now it could be CIA glow niggers behind the scenes but that's the risk you take.

not_saying_a_thing ago

It's a short hop from here to labeling people as "toxic" - and I think we all know what happens when we get there.

LlamaMan ago

I'd maybe get in touch with the guys at Brave, I'd consider voat a content creator that I could regularly contribute to. I'll view ads so you can have some of the money.

WrongThunk ago

Cry moar faggot.

Sburban_Shitposter ago

seriously, it sounds straight up orwellian. I wish putt was a little less involved than he is now, like he was before the “angel investor” came along.

Derpfroot ago

The Angel is a silent partner and does not get involved with the running of Voat.

Are you sure it's not literally Vlad wanting to find and impale us?

-whiners of VOAT

I, for one, appreciate everything you do. Thank you.

thelma ago

My definition of "clickbait" ... all has to do with title.

If the title could but the author (even cut/paste titles of a linked web page article - once you cut/paste, you own it) chooses not to include a sufficient description of what the reader will actually read in the linked web page.

Ex: clickbait: The world will end in 3 days.

Non-clickbait: Professor claims that volcanic activity will cause the world to end in 3 days.

You can usually write an adequate description in a title.

I give leeway into total shitposts .. about 3/4 of what is posted and makes voat fun IMO.

And I won't watch a 20 min. vid when either the title can detail what's in the vid or the OP can make a post immediately after posting the thread and provide an abstract via this method. And if a vid has something to show, its nice for the OP to point out a specific time in the vid that would peak our interest to watch more.

Most posters will respond if I ask them to provide more than the title..if its a long text web page or long vid linked and the title does not tell me what the OP's post is actually about, I'll give the OP an opportunity to correct.

weezkitty ago

It is fundamentally bad group dynamics, turning into a shitty Reddit-style echo chamber.

This is how websites die. Same pattern every time.

Waterburger ago

"Trust me goyim or I'll ban you." PuttItOut is a Jew.

baneofretail ago

Can I get one more sticky talking about the last time you actually went golfing. Post your score too so I can comiserate with you.

cursedcrusader ago

All these crazy conspiracies aside, I like you Putt. These QRV faggots can suck on a penis shaped egg.

PuttsMum ago

If you rename a sticky to a Micky I'll forgive you for posting 3 of them :p

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever comment by @TeranNotTerran.

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Thissandwich ago

Someone stole my buddy's little fishing nigger statue. It was you wasn't it? Man, those little niggers are worth more money than real ones.

Mumbleberry ago

screenshot and arch that.

7e62ce85 ago

We realized years ago that advertising was a dead end.

I disagree and I don't believe the facts support this conclusion.

  1. The youtuber Turd Flinging Monkey and many others make money from ads. They have been demonetized by youtube a long time ago, but get their own ads for things like vaping companies and sex dolls.
  2. I run the Emergency Nation movement and would gladly spend a few dollars to support the site and spam everyone with the glorious gospel of Pinochet. I'm cheap, but a few hundred dollars? Sure.
  3. Alt-tech, alt-media and VPNs etc. are all growing at the moment.

thantik ago

@Puttitout have you considered something like Flattr? It was created by the original creators of The Pirate Bay. I'd love to have you hop into that, and use that for my normal 'funding' of places that I like - it centralizes it a little bit so that I don't have to worry about multiple tiny transactions all over the place.

Majorfatboy ago

Bull. Fucking. Shit. Putt.

You see this shit Putt, this is what We're pissed at You about.

First, Literally nothing in Kent's thread is clickbait, and You fucking know it. "Clickbait" is when a user of any website makes an incredibly bold, enticing, larger-then-life statement in the title of a submission just to get clicks/views, but does not provide the content alluded to in said title. Example: You go to youtube and see a video titled "OMG MASSIVE SPOILERS LEAKED ABOUT THE NEXT STAR WARS MUST SEE". You click the video, and instead You get some greasy fag rambling on for fifteen minutes about Their patreon and what they had for breakfast, with the occasional quip about star wars. that's clickbait.

A post You don't like because it calls You out and hurts Your feelings? That's not clickbait, You power-tripping neckbeard. Are You chugging the soylent too?

If you don't trust me you should leave Voat, it's what I did with Reddit. That's honestly my best advice.

CALLED IT! I fucking called it! This is some textbook "yer either with us or against us" shit.

Native ago

You’re a bit paranoid.

bdmthrfkr ago

I guess that I should start reading Dilbert again.

tanukihat ago

Yep, Putt has lost his mind. Flooding the site with weird, rambling sticky posts. Once again, I'm right about him. Maybe yall will listen to me someday.

srayzie ago

If you made Premium features, I would pay! That’s what Gab does. Free speech is free. But extra features are worth it to me. Is that a possibility @Puttitout?

teamviewer ago

Theo lit a fire under putt's ass and putt /u/puttitout. Well done lads.

srayzie ago

Short of it is:

If you don't trust me you should leave Voat, it's what I did with Reddit. That's honestly my best advice.


@Sandhog said the following in a comment. I think it applies to this situation as well.

Some people seem to think that burning subs to the ground and driving users off of Voat under the banner of 'it's just jokes bro' and 'it's my free speech' is somehow justifiable. Attacking existing subs with the sole intent to destroy them is censorship and it can only beget more censorship in response to it. That is all it can ever accomplish. The motives don't even really matter because the end result will always be the same. It also opens the door wide open for future astroturfing campaigns once that behavior becomes acceptable. People should really think about what kind of precedent shit like this sets. It's one thing to do a bit of trolling but what has been happening here has gone well beyond that.

TwooPsy ago

Okay, so Voat can't accept ads. I don't really know why, but for sake of argument, I'll accept it(though I know I would purchase an ad if reasonably priced).

Why will Voat not update or accept crypto? I've posted tutorials for you before on how to accept, back up, and mix crypto for anonymity before, but never received a serious response to this.

NO ONE refuses large groups clamoring to just give you money. Especially if they have a good product and are a 'Builder' that would use that money in a responsible way. Are you a builder Putt?

Mittermeyer ago

We used to be able to purchase ads for a reasonable price, but Putt took out that feature. Now he says Voat can't get any ads when there are Goats asking to throw money at him for ads.

AChinkInTheArmour ago

builder/destroyer theme

When are the blue checkmarks being distributed, and what forms will we need to fill out to get them?

Native ago

Check out v/destroyers

18834102? ago

You have a flawless track record of doing right by Voat and I was always taught that past actions are the best predictor for future actions. Thanks for all the hard work you do. <3

ardvarcus ago

Basically we can't advertise here because of the content. It's that bad.

I don't know ... Hitler arm bands? T-shirts with Mussolini's face on them? Plastic models of aborted fetuses? Little Negro jockey statues for the lawn? The possibilities are endless.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Whether that was a low effort post or not, I wouldn't really call it clickbait. I think of clickbait as overly sensationalized articles or headlines intended to increase views for advertising revenue.

SeanBox ago

You archived the log in page

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

Thanks @puttitout for making this place more entertaining than ever!

Seriously: You are doing great things here. It is amazing how people complain, when the alternative is to have no platform whatsoever. is the last Canary of free speech.

Be well.

SeanBox ago

Daily reminder: @SeanBox is always right

kjlashas893890 ago

@kevdude has access to putts account, puttitout did not write this..

349023095sdfl ago

@kevdude has access to putts account, puttitout did not write this

Drunkenst ago

Thank you for your service Patriot. Have pleasant Memorial Day. Look after yourself.

SteffisCute ago

Is this something I can blame on the Jews?

Korinthian ago

From now on I'm just going to assume the Angel is Notch. Someone with a stupid amount of money, that's really bored, and is increasingly frustrated with the state of social media. Doesn't change much except that I am that much more confident in my theory that high funcitoning autists deserve to rule the world.

I look forward to whatever monetary venture is happening so I can shit all over it and/or suck your dick, as the case may be.

and I'm so fucking ready for the retarded boomers to fuck off finally. The entirety of the Q invasion has been voats unending hell. Day of the pillow cannot come soon enough.

Vindicator ago

Huh. Hadn't thought of Notch. Makes sense, though!

Octocopter ago

+1 for the idea of Notch , even if fake the fantasy leaves a warm fuzzy feeling.

not_saying_a_thing ago

This is a pretty fair bet.

Intrixina ago

I agree with this too. They would make the world a much better place!

european ago

It might be Donald trump or peter thiel

Korinthian ago

Those are political activists. Trump especially is a stupid boomer that doesn't even understand how twitter works, let alone reddit, let alone voat. Thiel seems some enterprising fuckwit, someone with better things to do that give a shit what rights are being restricted from the plebian masses.

Notch though is one of us at heart. Even more so now that his mountain of cash have put him on a pedestal, and left him in isolation far worse than what even an R9K faggot could complain over.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

If you have to ask about it, then you already know the answer. There are only two possibilities and neither of them are good.


this post was made by @kevdude, he has access to puttitout account

when was the last time putt made 3 GLOBAL stickies

@kevdude is a power mod who deletes comments & submissions, claims its something he has never done under the wrong.

@kevdude uses /v/protectvoat to downvoat users and brigade subverses. he continuously lies about me because he is paid to do it.

and fucking lies 95% of the time, you can see he as in almost bot like attack c&p the same message to me over and over

He even ask for quote in his words "my services" to brigade a verse. he works along side of @crensch who is also a paid shill.



and generally happens within seconds of my postings.... will PIA protect me from that puttitout, fucking sellout

kevdud bots

and he never has a real argument, I guarantee is a paid shill, much like crensch at this point

and dial was never a main... more lies you spineless cunt botter

[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 1.5 hours ago

If you get downvoted you get restricted.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/Voat comment by @PIA-OMG.

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JoeKerr ago are selling out...there is a word for that...shill

TheBuddha ago

This is enough stickies to keep goats antsy for days.

Native ago

I kinda want just one more. My perfect day on Voat is the entire 1st page Stickied (maybe next Aprilfools)

TheBuddha ago

I kinda want Putt to take Voat down for April Fools, and put up the 'Site has been seized by the FBI' graphic that they use.

It'd make me giggle like a little schoolgirl.

Native ago

That would be nuclear. People would hate puts forever if that happened. Though yes that would be hilarious after I recovered from my stroke

TheBuddha ago

The conspiracy 'theories' would be epic and last for months.

It'd be fucking hilarious.

bluedeath ago

Why not go the old school route with ads like sell a particular spot on a particular sub or even a site wide spot month by month to an individual advertiser. You place a banner with a direct link. Then its just vanilla everything. No cookies no games just an image or text with a link. Then popup blockers can't target because it will be vanilla content that happens to link to another site.

Zerowolf ago

Im with you 100%. It pisses me off that people shit on @PuttitOut and have nothing to add in return just a "Hey whaaaa where's my badgie". Nigger talk. This guy created a place that was politically scrutinized by many media Kykes and leftie cucks while withstanding invasions,migrations and blatant attacks. Either do the same then talk shit or GTFO. #

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Atko created voat. Putt inherited it.

Zerowolf ago

I didn't know that. I was only here when Putt was boss. Is there a place I can read about voat some more?

Mittermeyer ago

Atko > Putt

Womb_Raider ago

No unique opinion allowed, TK. Stop thinking. Just read. Consume. Ingest.

I feel like I'm on facebook

CantDentTheBrent ago

You have it wrong.

We just don't care.

Womb_Raider ago

Is there merit in that?

CantDentTheBrent ago

No, you have more free speech here than any site on Earth.

These people are paranoid, imo

RoBatten ago

we're pretty fucking far from facebook . . .

Astupidname69 ago

You either agree with us or you're thinking wrong citizen. - definitely not some reddit tier faggot.

Mittermeyer ago

You forgot to praise Ellen Pao Puttitout at the end of your post citizen

-Hail Puttitput

AmaleksHairyAss ago

st: clickbait

RM-Goetbbels ago

What I didn't do when I left Reddit was make a bunch of destructive posts about how much I didn't trust them. You know, to go along with that builder/destroyer theme we have going.

Yes Putt, it's everyone else that's the problem. You dindu nuffin'!

BigFatDaddy ago

Basically we can't advertise here because of the content. It's that bad.

I'd like to think I'm personally responsible for some of that. I'm pretty sure my comments run at about a 25 nigger per kike minimum.

Shizy ago

Well said! If people don't like it here and feel the need to complain at every turn, they should move on or build their own platform.

Unfortunately, there's too many people who would just prefer to sit on their ass and bitch.

EpiPendemic ago

this putt fucker is spamming the place with low quality posts bro (JK thanks for transparency you owe us nothing & thanks again for all you do.)

Womb_Raider ago

What I didn't do when I left Reddit was make a bunch of destructive posts about how much I didn't trust them. You know, to go along with that builder/destroyer theme we have going.

@TheodoreKent At risk of sounding like a 'destroyer'... doesn't this sound like "trust me or leave, you're not allowed to speculate about it"? It sort of sounds that way to me. I'm sure the guy gets weary of criticism but we have to hold this place accountable for its principles or nobody will.

TopTierCIAShill ago


just tell your mom's friends at QRV to smarten up and let them know just because they are retired and can do whatever they want all day doesn't mean you're in the same boat and that you have a job you have to attend to, taking away time from voat

Holonomic ago

@PuttItOut I really don't understand a lot of all these This one sounds familiar though, or at least the mentality does. I saw some things posted some days/week(s) ago that sounded a lot like the kind of noise you'd expect to hear coming from this thing. These are noisy, annoying creatures are born in reddit-country, and some have flicked their bean over to here, on Voat. Those types ride the internet 24/7. They have ridiculous code names for things and swing it around like a dead donkey dick like they're trying to impress someone.

It's hard to mistake the whining, accusations, drama and overall reddititis they're infected with. That's my take on it, which is why I didn't believe any of it, but like you, I evacuated reddit because the soup was getting way too toxic there, and I haven't been back. My last day there I told a mod they weren't doing what they were suppose to be doing, and then I told them to fuck off. I wasn't banned. I received no 'punishment', but I don't need that stuff, which is why I like it here. I'm not on here all that long at a time and I'm fine with that. Most users are sensible, funny, fun and smart, and that's what I like.

I couldn't agree more.....if those crybabies (I refer back to the picture) don't like it here, let them go back and suck reddit's sticky taint. I wouldn't miss them, just like I don't miss reddit. Keep up the good work please.

goatboy ago

Hey Amigo! Don’t let these newfags, get you down. Shit happens and no matter what happens, the shills can eat our shit.

You’re doing awesome and protecting freedom. Keep up the good work. Let us know how we can share the load, My Friend!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

but that's just how servers work, if it didn't register who the downvoats are from on putt's end it wouldn't even be able to keep users from submitting multiple voats on a single post among other things

DayOfThePillow ago

3 downvoats from people who clearly don't understand that for the arrow to turn blue or purple after a voat involves it being saved somewhere.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

even that it says who's posting what comments and sends you the replies to yours involves logging user data and naturally because he's running the site putt has access to those servers

ScreaminMime ago

Shit is getting too gossipy around here, can't you all just enjoy the place?

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago



xenoPsychologist ago


by getting everyone together to ejaculate into a bucket to sell as organic milkshakes!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you probably could've fit all three announcements into one sticky my dude

PuttIsAtranny ago

Masons like the power of threes my dude

WordCorrector ago

I personally think Theo raises valid concerns and speaks for a lot of people here with his post. He deserved a dignified response and to be validated.

CantDentTheBrent ago

That's all you have dude?

He was proving a point.

psymin ago

Keep up the good work putt. Voat is pretty great.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Who gives a fuck what you do.

These people are two sides of the same coin, you said it best:

If you don't trust me you should leave Voat

dudelol ago

Zuckerberg is silent partner. Well a clone of Zuckerberg that hates the one you guys know.

Broc_Lia ago

  • Clickbait

Clickbate sounds filthy.

Also assuming the payment processing isn't too expensive/troublesome, I think you should bring advertisement back. You're never going to get any fortune500s on here, but some smaller businesses might want to. 4chan has advertisers after all, pretty sure 8chan does too.

Plus, if even they're not interested internal advertisement is still a thing. I'd love to put up movie posters for movieswithgoats occasionally for example.

virge ago

User X either abused a new user or targetted someone because they said something you disagreed with one time and then immediately went to their profile page and went to every other topic unrelated to the conversation they disagreed with and downvoated those, too - with complete disregard to the concent. The user was then banned.

User X is not trying to be constructive and agree to the rules that make up your access to participate. Probably means you don't belong here if you're unwilling to follow very simple and basic no-nonsense rules for brigading that are destructive to the community.

P.S User X may have an diagnosed mental disorder if they believe this type of behavior is acceptible.

Hand_of_Node ago

Are you saying there's a rule against going from a user page to a comment, then voting on it?

Thereunto ago

they disagreed with one time and then immediately went to their profile page and went to every other topic unrelated to the conversation they disagreed with and downvoated those

I wonder if a simpler solution is just to remove the ability to vote from a user's comment history.

virge ago

I wonder if a simpler solution is just to remove the ability to vote from a user's comment history.

I don't think you can. You probably have to open each one up in a new tab. Even that isn't a lot of effort.

I think there is a better resolution to the voting issues. Still developing it.

Sburban_Shitposter ago

who cares about internet points. Go through my history, fuck up my karma, who cares. I don’t want anyone getting banned for anything other than illegal content.

virge ago

So there are people who abuse the voting system. Let me borrow from another thread:

You absolutely can look at each post you see naturally in your experience using Voat by Aged and downvoat it, if you are so inclined.

You cannot get bored once or twice a week (or, whatever, I'm illustrating for the sake of expedience) and click on Aged's user profile, systematically finding each of his recent posts at every place he posts them including the ones you would never have seen because you do not participate in the community, and then proceed to downvoat all of those in an intentional assault on his whole posting experience.

This is a thing. There are people that do this. The immediate response to your absolute line in the sand of "ban for illegal or no ban" is, so what would YOU do about these people - if they are shrinking the community by running off new users or making it so comments in areas where they normally wouldn't be downvoated into oblivion for any post just because they're being sniped by someone with a vendetta and free time on their hands? Lets find some common ground to this problem.

Sburban_Shitposter ago

if somebody is constantly clicking on the same profile and downvoting one person continuously, then just give the person a cooldown on voting for a while and then repeat it but longer if they keep abusing it. I don’t want anybody banned off of voat for just clicking arrows in an incorrect way.

virge ago

Ok. Great. I agree. I think there should be zero automated bans - I think a warning, then if no appeal to the warning for investigation the second time a list that is manually reviewed so anything that stands out as "beyond baud" can be investigated before pushing the button. For all I know, and if I were to guess, this or similar may already be in practice.

With that said, I strongly advocate for some changes. One of those changes would be that this ban has an appeal process - it could be something as simple as you being able to reply to the ban message to begin an appeal. This would further increase accuracy, but would need to be balanced with communication and transparency.

Transparency seems to be one of the operative issues here, from both sides. I have some ideas about that.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Regarding your post script, I don't think a mental disorder would necessarily need to be diagnosed for purposes of the if/then. Probably you just meant diagnosable (which could be as yet undiagnosed by a mental health professional)?

virge ago

Hilariously way to point out I typo'd "undiagnosed".

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I knew it, but then my own mind started to come up with goofy theories that a diagnosis may actually cause an illness. Sort of like the theories in physics that an observer may change an outcome merely be obssrving a phenomenon.

Thereunto ago

Sort of like the theories in physics that an observer may change an outcome merely be obssrving a phenomenon.

That's a philosophy thing.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

No. It is a quantum mechanics thing. Look up the double slit experiment.

Thereunto ago

Rereading what you wrote, I think I might have mistook what you meant by "observing." The effect of a system changing due to the act of taking a measurement is science, but a system change due to the presence of absence of consciousness required to make the observation is philosophy (e.g. "tree falls in the woods..." or What-the-bleep).

a diagnosis may actually cause an illness

Definitely - Resonance with an identity archetype (e.g. hypochondriac, placebo effect).

Gorillion ago

This could be it's own thread. Like, I don't believe that every "autist" is actually autistic (it's really just replacement slur for Nerd or Geek now that those labels have been appropriated by sniveling hipster try-hards who can't generate their own cultural material) but it acts as a kind of weirdly positive community-building kernel of identity.

Other times it just creates a Social Gravy Train. Same way normies, minorities and girls are trying to muscle in on the "Austism" thing now that it's become a point of cultural fascination (due to nerds and geeks adopting it as a source of pride and humorously threading it through nerd/geek controlled internet culture), with every second TV show now seemingly having a "magical autist" character in the mix who is either a quota hire or some compliant white nerd who's only there to support the quota hire hero. Or the PTSD thing where words are a level of psyche-cracking violence equal to WW1 shellshock. Where their actual hysterical personality disorder starts manifesting faux-PTSD symptoms anyway or their Borderline Personality Disorder goes into hysteria mode because nobody wants to play along with their newest poor-victim-me larp.

4saken ago

Whether we trust you or not, we must all remember it's a gamble when you go online. What it boils down to is if it is worth the risk to be able to enjoy a freedom that has been granted to us in the most important document written in the history of man.

I was here yesterday, I am here today, I will be here tomorrow, as long as the site is reachable. Thanks for all the hard work and selfless hours you have spent operating this last bastion of freedom on the open internet.

KVD ago

Shizy ago

Risky click, but it's just stickers

KVD ago

It could have been Facebook.

Shizy ago

That's worse than tranny porn!

Tallest_Skil ago

We realized years ago that advertising was a dead end. At best it would possibly cover hosting costs.

What the hell is wrong with that?

Basically we can't advertise here because of the content. It's that bad.

Good. Fuck jews. Fuck shabbos goyim. Fuck nonwhites. Fuck their propaganda. Anyone ELSE who wants to advertise here should be allowed to do so.

  1. We have a new feature set coming out soon that will allow Voat to generate revenue in fun and different ways.


we realized that we could use the software for a different purpose

Now that I like as an idea. Oh, have you thought about breaking from the Reddit format a tiny bit more and allowing BOTH links AND paragraphs in submissions? Because holy shit, for as long as these two sites have been around you’d think that would have been fixed by now. Unless… it’s on purpose. To drive a certain type of psychological manipulation.

argosciv ago

paragraphs in submissions


You're welcome.

Tallest_Skil ago

Oh, I mean when you submit something to Voat you’re given the choice between a link (and no text) or a block of text (and no link). I shouldn’t have said paragraphs. Sorry for the confusion.

heygeorge ago

Yes, a planned update will allow for descriptions along with link submissions.

Tallest_Skil ago

Wow, really? That’s awesome. You’ll get new users from that alone.

Shortest_Skill ago

Reported for libel.

celestial-skylord ago

Personally I would be open to Voat mining crypto behind the scenes to give support. Maybe an option in the profile settings to allow everyone to choose? Just a thought.

virge ago

The moment you add crypto, even at the request of another user, a dozen other literal retards who don't understand crypto come out of the woodwork and hate you because muh dopamine instant crypto hatred brainwashing is rampant in this society.

petevoat ago

Who is The Angel?

You can pretty much break it down to (1) Jews or (2) Muslim

Is there a third with deep pockets?

TwooPsy ago

Global Pedovore Elite

Timmy2 ago

Russians, the Pope, are two possibilities. Except for the Pope.

SparklingWiggle ago

You use the word "we" a lot. Who do you refer to? Is there work you could farm out to volunteers to lighten your load?

BraunF14 ago

"Basically we can't advertise here because of the content. It's that bad."

I love that you're realistic. We all pretty much are and should have already considered this before anyone else starts asking to purchase ad space. Thanks for the chuckle. But yeah, we are pretty out there and I love it.

fishmantis ago

Certain counterculture would likely pay for ads here, just like on 8ch. And not just pornography and similar garbage. Depending on pricing, I'd put some ads up here. It's nothing political, just content that I think a lot of people here would find interesting.

fuspezza ago

It wont be long till some hip up and coming brand will realize that Voat is just the market they want to target.

CowWithBeef ago

I'm surprised churches wouldn't want to reach us with the word of God. A church ad espousing its uncucked nature might be very effective.


What if I want to buy an ad as a way to donate to the site and use it for a paid shitpost like that one where a guy is pouring a beer on some sausages in a frying pan.

shawnfromnh69 ago

Yeah bad is right in todays world. We sound like a bunch of 70's men at a local bar discussing shit. The words are half swears and the topic are all over the place. I know this because I would sit in the bar with my dad back then and didn't understand a fucking thing they talked about but now I do.

aaronC ago

Even if voat was less edgy with content, if it's not sucking up to liberals the odds of losing advertising providers is extremely high. Far left has been going after advertisers on websites they don't like for quite some time. When a website creates their own monetization scheme, it takes away a tool liberals use to shut down websites by cutting off their funding.

A website can not be free (as in freedom) if it's being indirectly funded by liberals. And if you're using advertising services, you're being funded indirectly by receiving commission for displaying ads from the liberal company allowing you to display those ads.

It's more of a rule for general websites. Even if you sell your own ad space directly, without a service like adsense, those companies advertising may, and probably will, be attacked by liberals into either removing those ads or something worse.

Apexbreed ago

This gives me the idea to start threatening companies who advertise on any platform that allowed communist content (all of them). Might as well play their game back. We need media sources to back this play though.

RoBatten ago

It frustrates (((them))) that they don't have this avenue of attack on Voat. So we get hit hard with shills . . .

BigFatDaddy ago

Is it bad that this made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside?

Liber ago

Yes because why should the average Voat user not allowed to use this ad space? Who cares about third party, we had people buying ad space on Voat for a while, which helps, so why take that down?

TheKnightOfGod ago

Probably because it's more work for putt and the money isn't worth it?

Liber ago

No, the code and framework for it was there already.

TheKnightOfGod ago

I was thinking about communication between putt and guys who want to advertise + time to review the "ads" suggested to make sure they don't contain any illegal shit.

Liber ago

Really doesn’t take much time at all and the monetary value should be worth it considering it was fairly easy to do before.

TheKnightOfGod ago

Never underestimate the times it takes to talk (deal with) to some people (shills, kikes, niggers, degenerates, etc.) not all goats are smart, well-intentioned and polite.

BigFatDaddy ago

I would like to see the user ads come back. Some of those were pretty funny.

badruns ago

Is it cause I say nigger sometimes?

Damn niggers ruining Voat advertising too.

hafen ago

That's what's called scapegoating. You're responsible for how you then act.

Freedom can both be heavily capitalized on to accomplish great things, or wasted. We don't live for forever.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Niggers ruin everything.

BraunF14 ago

Lol I like your take on it. Well it's cuz we all say nigger sometimes. And I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that. We simply have to face the reality that the world we live in today on or offline won't really be so ready to advertise their products next to beautiful pictures of Hitler. And that's ok. We don't want their shit anyways.

matt ago

8ch somehow manages to find advertisers

TheKnightOfGod ago

can we find these companies and tell them about Voat?

facepaint ago

Thanks. I had heard rumblings about bans & people being upset, but I had not seen anything.

Do I trust you? Absolutely.

But to be honest, the conversations on voat have been stagnating significantly. I want a place where we can discuss normal interests & hobbies & not be obsessed about Da Jews 24x7.

Your efforts to bring in and accept new people, even if they are Q-tards has not gone unnoticed (a positive).

JustGrowIt, Guitar, Tradwives and a few other new active subs have been a huge breath of fresh air over here.

But still it is a tiny sliver of what voat could be.

white_male30 ago

But are you a mason? We can't be friends anymore if you are.

PuttIsAtranny ago

Of course putt is a mason... all this builder nonsense is mason talk

offender ago

Where's putt's mom when you need her

YugeDick ago

Good enough answers for me.

Stuck to your guns and we'll stick with you. Freedom isn't easy. Easy is for the slaves.

olinneserpona ago

'Concern trolling' is the new Nazi/Commie

snafu ago

In the meantime you should at least sign up to receive Brave's tokens — no use leaving money on the table. Keep up the good work man 👍

gabara ago

Can we get an office Gerbil? I'll feed him and clean his cage and take him for walks through the floor of the Upvoat Factory. Can we? Huh?

BigFatDaddy ago

You gotta promise not to shove this gerbil up your ass like you did the last 3.

TheBuddha ago

I can't help but notice that @gabara remains silent about this.

The silence is deafening!

BigFatDaddy ago

@gabara is Richard Gere, confirmed!

Thisismyvoatusername ago

As a child I was once bitten by a gerbil. As a result I have a dislike of them. How about a hamster or a chinchilla instead?

gabara ago

Lies. They only bite if you hurt them.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Actually it was in a cage in a pet store and I foolishly stuck my finger into its cage. I think it was just testing to see if I was offering it food.

gabara ago

Sounds more like a Hamster

Thisismyvoatusername ago

No it was definitely a gerbil. But I am joking about disliking them. I'm pretty sure it wasn't actually trying to hurt me and I was a dumbass for sticking my finger where I did (but I guess that's how one learns). I do like chinchillas better, though, but they are also more work to care for properly.

Shizy ago

I vote yes on the office gerbil. This is a democracy right?

gabara ago

Thank you for your Vote!

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Motion seconded

gabara ago

Gerbils make everything better. They're the Cannibis of pets.

StupidGirliSwear ago

I always wanted a Habitrail when I was little, but my hippie parents wouldn’t buy it for me. I want one now, since I’m in charge.

gabara ago

theyre great but a lot of work to clean

StupidGirliSwear ago

This guy has a giant Habitrail. It looks like The Matrix:

Vrblpollushin ago

Yes. And I nominate you as Chancellor of Gerbil affairs. Can I get a second?

notyouraveragellama ago


Vrblpollushin ago

HEAR HEAR!! We have a second for @Shizy becoming Supreme Chancellor of Gerbil Afffairs!! Speak now, or forever hold your peace!

Shizy ago

Dang it!

Well, I will uphold the office with great honor, and will serve the imaginary gerbil to the best of my abilities.

Shizy ago

If the Chancellor of Gerbil affairs is a fancy way of saying cage cleaner, that is to great an honor for me to accept.

GreyAlien ago

only if @needlestack makes lil yarn goat horns for the gerbil

NeedleStack ago

Pssh, I could crochet up some horns in 2 minutes! Consider it done.

StarAnon ago

Off-topic, but I love your boards! Thank you for the hard work! I'd give you a Builder Badge too, if I were Putt.

gabara ago

Yes, and we can call him Snuggles!

scandalous-goat ago

Is it a typo, or a pun with masturbate?

Zerowolf ago

Omega faggot badge

DarthShekel ago

"Clickbait" not "clickbate" ;-P

fuckingmockies ago

Clickbate is when you click it yourself.

DayOfThePillow ago

Repeatedly, with a closed fist.

fuckingmockies ago

I just want v/NoJewsAllowed back tbh