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MrPim ago

I can't allow manipulation, in any way. If the votes aren't true, I can't put my name on it.

And personally my problem is that I was accused of vote manipulation when in my opinion that just is not true. I do not use alts, I do not engage in organized brigades, I do not Voat from a users comment page. My voating is done as a single user in the forums and I don't use alt accts to increase my numbers. If I have a hard on for a particular user and I DV the shit out of them that isn't vote manipulation. If I DV every single thing Aged posts that isn't manipulation, I just hate pedos. I also UV almost everything from @Empress and a lot from TWs, am I manipulating that? If so, what are the thresholds for this activity?

The accusation of Voat manipulation is taken seriously here and people automatically jump to AltFarmer and I am not that. My activity logs are welcome to be published.

Dortex ago

If I have a hard on for a particular user and I DV the shit out of them that isn't vote manipulation. If I DV every single thing Aged posts that isn't manipulation

I'd definitely call that something bad. But "Manipulation" implies this is some effort to fix his internet points.

MrPim ago

Why is it bad? I do not want his content here. I am powerless to remove it completely. So I push it incrementally down the page. Why is it ok for me to UV Empress but not ok to DV Aged? Does one give you a warm and fuzzy feeling of inclusion and diversity?

virge ago

Why is it bad? I do not want his content here. I am powerless to remove it completely. So I push it incrementally down the page. Why is it ok for me to UV Empress but not ok to DV Aged? Does one give you a warm and fuzzy feeling of inclusion and diversity?

The difference is nuanced, but it's an easy line to understand:

  • **You absolutely can look at each post you see by Aged and downvoat it, if you are so inclined.
  • **You cannot get bored once or twice a week (or, whatever, I'm illustrating for the sake of expedience) and click on Aged's user profile, systematically finding each of his recent posts at every place he posts them including the ones you would never have seen because you do not participate in the community, and then proceed to downvoat all of those in an intentional assault on his whole posting experience.

Seems pretty simple to me.

Apexbreed ago

My concern here, is that there is no system which can determine if one comes accross a user's posts organically (that I know of or have been told about) so whatever a brigading accusation is based off of is probably based on a count. Now why not institute a DV limit instead of a threshold that get one banned or warned?

MrPim ago

You cannot get bored once or twice a week (or, whatever, I'm illustrating for the sake of expedience) and click on Aged's user profile, systematically finding each of his recent posts at every place he posts them including the ones you would never have seen because you do not participate in the community, and then proceed to downvoat all of those in an intentional assault on his whole posting experience.

Which is something I do not do. So, again. I was given a warning w no details and almost banned for following the rules as they have been set for a very long time.

virge ago

Ok. I get it. But technology has to be fine-tuned, and Voat is a pretty Beta-ish thing where new features have to be tested in the wild sometimes.

I personally think the approach could have been reviewed better before being executed, but I also recognize that's an opportunity for improvement with involvement from the community feedback and see it as a learning experience - not some big malicious attempt by the admin to harshly cull the ranks for nefarious purposes. Do you still disagree?

shawnfromnh69 ago

It's not as simple as putting a check in a box. It's a programming nuance where the programmer is creating a new code and the code is likely gonna need to be changed and fine tuned a bit. Anyone that used windows back in the 90's knows how bad coding can be and even published. It's not just cut and dried or better cut and pasted it's created and massaged into something like art but just doing it is not a real thing. I cannot code and I realize I don't have that talent, it's tough and complicated and has to work with the other code and function as intended and all without making a hole in site security.

virge ago

It's not as simple as putting a check in a box.

Of course not, I was illustrating the end of the work is a mere execution.

MrPim ago

Do I disagree w what exactly?

I did not say nor think the bans were nefarious. I do think I see something taking shape which I won't call nefarious but a well intentioned mistake. A larger agenda that I am going to disagree w. I'm going to remain vague because I don't want to start rumors, but several threads and events here this week have a very specific alarm bell ringing. Maybe I'm wrong...

virge ago

Maybe you should just speak your mind and not spin theories. Otherwise, we were just wasting time talking in the first place if we hit some vague brick wall where you're uncertain or unwilling to continue to explain your reasons.