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Rotteuxx ago

ExpertShitposter ago

or perhaps @Srayzie and @Shizy the crypto jew?


srayzie ago

Ohh another shill was showing me that on QRV the other day! I’m not a flat earther. Even if I were, you’ve just managed to show that you are trying way too hard to be a simple shit poster.

ExpertShitposter ago

typical boomer, denying truth even when its being dangles in front of its face.

"my mind is open the the possibility that the earth is flat"

"my brain has not burned out"

Pick one.

Shizy ago

Zyklon_b is a "total larp" puppet being controlled by one troll?

ExpertShitposter ago

So let me get this straight. you are showing that image as proof that triggs is a scheming liar......and at the same are showing that image as truth about zyklon.......

Typical boomer logic. You are gonna have to pick one granny.

Shizy ago

I don't have to pick shit! That shows that ZB is a piece of shit who runs other charcters (including his "girlfriends") and that triggly is a schemer.

I never said triggly lied.