Posted automatically (#46904) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Trigglypuff: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)
Posted automatically (#42775) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.
Where does it say we aren’t allowed to shit post? 🤔 A lot of people know about Clitorissa! Before I knew Zyklon was such a sick fuck, he told me that @Gothamgirl was stalking him and making fun of his girlfriend that killed herself. He asked for us to help make her leave him alone. That’s why we went after Gothamgirl.
This is AFTER she accused me of planting child porn on her phone and threatening to kidnap her kid. It’s no secret that we don’t like the cunt!
Posted automatically (#42774) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.
A lot of people know about Clitorissa! Before I knew Zyklon was such a sick fuck, he told me that @Gothamgirl was stalking him and making fun of his girlfriend that killed herself.
You were dumb enough to believe a troll, go on dear.
He asked for us to help make her leave him alone. That’s why we went after Gothamgirl.
You actually created alts to partake in one of @zyklon_b's plays ?
This is AFTER she accused me of planting child porn on her phone and threatening to kidnap her kid. It’s no secret that we don’t like the cunt!
Sorry, I should know better than to be mean to the mentally handicapped.
I'm getting a lot of replies from your tarded ass for someone who has me and ignore.
Same strategy as before. No evidence of any censorship of Free Speech, yet somehow arguing from that position is fact when it's not. I wonder if anyone actually falls for this.
Posted automatically (#46953) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Rotteuxx: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)
She accused me and 2 other researchers for being someone named Sarah after she emailed me her whole biography. Srayzie tried to say I was her.
One of the other researchers is now deceased. Srayzie writes hit pieces on her.
The other researcher she blamed:
She intentionally tried to set me up with him knowing he was a married man. Ironically after being cyberstalked, and mentally breaking down, he got a hefty sentence.
Them I date zyklon and she went after him intentionally and it was a combo of things and bad timing that mad it to appear she had control of my phone, but I could never prove my accusations, so I retracted them.
Posted automatically (#42750) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.
Well I guess it won't matter now that they have been ordained by the bearded one. Giving srayzie a builder badge just tells me that this whole thing is full of fuckery. It almost makes me want to cheer for the Deep State just to have everyone, including them, enslaved and/or wiped out. Never give a woman any power. It quickly goes to their head and they turn into tyrants. Satan himself is less a tyrant than this power crazed womanchild.
This whole new direction for Voat is just nagging at me. I'm finding myself agreeing with goats who I normally don't (you're not in that list). Normally I think they are full of shit, but the recent shift has made many of them come out as reasonable thinking goats who have very valid concerns. Sure they may shit up the place, but damn if they aren't showing more care for Voat now that shit is getting real than the so-called "builders". The GA Qtards always talk about alleged shills attempting to divide them, but here we see real division being created right before our eyes and they are cheering it on. I'm really getting the feeling like this is the real end of Voat, at least the free speech loving Voat. There is fuckery afoot. It's probably time to either find a new home or burn this one to the ground. We'll have to see where this goes I suppose. Damn I'm angry at this change. We didn't need this shit.
Holy shit dude! That's exactly what I was thinking! Oh fuck we even used some of the same language "Fuckery is afoot". That will surely have srayzie convinced you and I are alt accounts like she did some months back with me and a bunch of others. Wow, things are really looking grim here. Kevdude and Srayzie as builders is like a slap in the face to us old goats. To think I wasted some of my hard earned money on donations and T shirts to support Voat. I should have just given that money to some homeless guy so he could at least go buy some hooch to enjoy. That seems a more worthy cause and a better opportunity to be a builder than waving the banner of the king and queen of Alinksy tactics. Fuck!
Thank man for being on the right side of Voat history here. It's what Atko would have wanted, or at least what I like to think he would have wanted.
His shitposting has provided me with lots of good entertainment over the past 3-4 years, besides the occasional exchange here and there we haven't "hung out" as far as I can tell.
Ohh another shill was showing me that on QRV the other day! I’m not a flat earther. Even if I were, you’ve just managed to show that you are trying way too hard to be a simple shit poster.
So let me get this straight. you are showing that image as proof that triggs is a scheming liar......and at the same are showing that image as truth about zyklon.......
Typical boomer logic. You are gonna have to pick one granny.
Coming from someone stupid enough to have taken @Zyklon_b seriously when he said he was raising another woman's half nigger son, it's actually pretty funny.
Posted automatically (#42749) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.
They've always been obsessed with me, that's not news -- neither is their habit of ignoring context if they think they can build a smear campaign out of twisting what someone says. You know they're running out of shit to say when they get to this stage and start jumping around to different subjects.
It's no skin off my back. Just a fun reminder of how badly they failed at driving me out of here the first time.
Brought it on myself for daring to be honest in a place where dishonest cretins are looking for anything they can find and contort into ammunition they can use against someone who might dare to peek behind the curtain.
You need to get yourself a handler, seems like you don't have any self control @gyna is you. You should want to revisit my Traditional wives suggestion soon.
That's right, keep showing everyone how retarded you are by calling me a shill. It's a great strategy considering my history on Voat, hope it works out well for you.
Her lapdog @shizy had great timing in coming at me right after @srayzie said she put me on ignore, could it be another alt of hers ? She's got alts in sbbh btw.
Enjoying themselves showing everybody how fucking dumb they are.
They started this by feeding the trolls then repeatedly kicking the hornet's nest, I'm just giving away shovels so they keep on digging their hole by exposing their stupidity and calling everyone shills because they won't give them a pussy pass.
SearchVoatBot ago
This comment was linked from this v/SBBHTantrums submission by @Crensch.
Posted automatically (#46904) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Trigglypuff: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)
srayzie ago
I love emoji’s! 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻
Rotteuxx ago
Dude ! It's a movie about freakin' Moon Nazies :) of course there's a bleached nigger in there but it's still entertaining.
Shizy ago
Rotteuxx ago
Ikr ?!? I don't even know how to use them on my droid and that feels normal.
She's probably a Jobsist <--- seen IronSky 2 yet ? It sucks in a lot of ways but it's still pretty fucking hilarious :)
srayzie ago
👆🏻Excellent example of how hard shills try to make us GA mods look bad 👆🏻
Rotteuxx ago
You're doing that by yourself
Morbo ago
They play the perpetual (((victim))) who call anyone who is skeptical a shill. You're the latest target of their (((victimhood))).
Rotteuxx ago
They were both stupid enough to bring up their alts in this thread while saying they were other people's alts :
SearchVoatBot ago
This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @Patroller.
Posted automatically (#42775) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.
srayzie ago
Where does it say we aren’t allowed to shit post? 🤔 A lot of people know about Clitorissa! Before I knew Zyklon was such a sick fuck, he told me that @Gothamgirl was stalking him and making fun of his girlfriend that killed herself. He asked for us to help make her leave him alone. That’s why we went after Gothamgirl.
This is AFTER she accused me of planting child porn on her phone and threatening to kidnap her kid. It’s no secret that we don’t like the cunt!
SearchVoatBot ago
This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @Patroller.
Posted automatically (#42774) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.
Rotteuxx ago
Wtf does that have to do with anything ?
You were dumb enough to believe a troll, go on dear.
You actually created alts to partake in one of @zyklon_b's plays ?
Sorry, I should know better than to be mean to the mentally handicapped.
I'm getting a lot of replies from your tarded ass for someone who has me and ignore.
zyklon_b ago
hahah look at what @virge is posting. if they dont start censoring free speech the we will lose free speech. WTF
Rotteuxx ago
The guy is gay for peaceseeker.
zyklon_b ago
its @fuzzywords
virge ago
Same strategy as before. No evidence of any censorship of Free Speech, yet somehow arguing from that position is fact when it's not. I wonder if anyone actually falls for this.
zyklon_b ago
keep digging...
Gothamgirl ago
You got to understand a little bit why I blamed her, she has been playing these types of games since the first time we spoke years ago.
Rotteuxx ago
I don't doubt it, got examples coming to mind ?
SearchVoatBot ago
This comment was linked from this v/SBBHTantrums submission by @Crensch.
Posted automatically (#46953) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Rotteuxx: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)
Gothamgirl ago
She accused me and 2 other researchers for being someone named Sarah after she emailed me her whole biography. Srayzie tried to say I was her.
One of the other researchers is now deceased. Srayzie writes hit pieces on her.
The other researcher she blamed: She intentionally tried to set me up with him knowing he was a married man. Ironically after being cyberstalked, and mentally breaking down, he got a hefty sentence.
Them I date zyklon and she went after him intentionally and it was a combo of things and bad timing that mad it to appear she had control of my phone, but I could never prove my accusations, so I retracted them.
SearchVoatBot ago
This comment was linked from this v/BEATLESTROLLARMY submission by @Gothamgirl.
Posted automatically (#42750) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.
Gothamgirl ago
So you betrayed your marriage to help out another man? That's something I would never do.
srayzie ago
Of course not. You just pay them with weed and manipulate by sucking dick! 🤣
Gothamgirl ago
I don't need to pay anyone but apparently your husband doesn't give you enough, you are a thisty hoe.. @Clitorissa /skrayzie
Clitorissa ago
What a whore!
@Gyna @Shizy
Shizy ago
She's an imaginary whore!
srayzie ago
Betrayed my marriage shit posting? 😂 My husband does NOT care about that.
Gothamgirl ago
Shit posting in Pizzagate? 🤔 Thought you are a mod? Sad and gross.
Shizy ago
Do you still wear imaginary spandex when you work out imaginary GothamGirl?
Gothamgirl ago
srayzie ago
Morbo ago
Well I guess it won't matter now that they have been ordained by the bearded one. Giving srayzie a builder badge just tells me that this whole thing is full of fuckery. It almost makes me want to cheer for the Deep State just to have everyone, including them, enslaved and/or wiped out. Never give a woman any power. It quickly goes to their head and they turn into tyrants. Satan himself is less a tyrant than this power crazed womanchild.
Rotteuxx ago
You're not alone in thinking this, many old goats have shared similar sentiments with me.
Morbo ago
This whole new direction for Voat is just nagging at me. I'm finding myself agreeing with goats who I normally don't (you're not in that list). Normally I think they are full of shit, but the recent shift has made many of them come out as reasonable thinking goats who have very valid concerns. Sure they may shit up the place, but damn if they aren't showing more care for Voat now that shit is getting real than the so-called "builders". The GA Qtards always talk about alleged shills attempting to divide them, but here we see real division being created right before our eyes and they are cheering it on. I'm really getting the feeling like this is the real end of Voat, at least the free speech loving Voat. There is fuckery afoot. It's probably time to either find a new home or burn this one to the ground. We'll have to see where this goes I suppose. Damn I'm angry at this change. We didn't need this shit.
Rotteuxx ago
Fuck m8, it's sad that we're seeing eye to eye on this matter... sad because we shouldn't be able to look back and say " maybe they were right".
A comment of mine from this morning :
Morbo ago
Holy shit dude! That's exactly what I was thinking! Oh fuck we even used some of the same language "Fuckery is afoot". That will surely have srayzie convinced you and I are alt accounts like she did some months back with me and a bunch of others. Wow, things are really looking grim here. Kevdude and Srayzie as builders is like a slap in the face to us old goats. To think I wasted some of my hard earned money on donations and T shirts to support Voat. I should have just given that money to some homeless guy so he could at least go buy some hooch to enjoy. That seems a more worthy cause and a better opportunity to be a builder than waving the banner of the king and queen of Alinksy tactics. Fuck!
Thank man for being on the right side of Voat history here. It's what Atko would have wanted, or at least what I like to think he would have wanted.
srayzie ago
You guys are dumb. You’re acting like this was some big secret.
CerealBrain ago
But those two pretty much rock.
Rotteuxx ago
You enjoy camping this thread as much as @Srayzie don't you ?
CerealBrain ago
Well I'm busy baking right now but I'm also trying to see who is going to win here.
Also wondering why anyone would admit they hang with that Zyklon faggot.
Rotteuxx ago
His shitposting has provided me with lots of good entertainment over the past 3-4 years, besides the occasional exchange here and there we haven't "hung out" as far as I can tell.
CerealBrain ago
Okay cuz a mane is known bi the company he keep
ExpertShitposter ago
@srayzie the flat earther?
Rotteuxx ago
@Srayzie the wannabe shitposter
ExpertShitposter ago
or perhaps @Srayzie and @Shizy the crypto jew?
srayzie ago
Ohh another shill was showing me that on QRV the other day! I’m not a flat earther. Even if I were, you’ve just managed to show that you are trying way too hard to be a simple shit poster.
ExpertShitposter ago
typical boomer, denying truth even when its being dangles in front of its face.
"my mind is open the the possibility that the earth is flat"
"my brain has not burned out"
Pick one.
Shizy ago
Zyklon_b is a "total larp" puppet being controlled by one troll?
ExpertShitposter ago
So let me get this straight. you are showing that image as proof that triggs is a scheming liar......and at the same are showing that image as truth about zyklon.......
Typical boomer logic. You are gonna have to pick one granny.
Shizy ago
I don't have to pick shit! That shows that ZB is a piece of shit who runs other charcters (including his "girlfriends") and that triggly is a schemer.
I never said triggly lied.
Shizy ago
God you're stupid!
Rotteuxx ago
Stupid is as stupid does.
Coming from someone stupid enough to have taken @Zyklon_b seriously when he said he was raising another woman's half nigger son, it's actually pretty funny.
srayzie ago
Are you calling @Gothamgirl’s son half nigger? 😂
Gothamgirl ago
Funny you always seem to be caught up in naming the race of my kids. @Srayzie /Clitorissa
srayzie ago
You mean @Rotteuxx is @Clitorissa? 🤔😯😁
SearchVoatBot ago
This comment was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer comment by @Rotteuxx.
Posted automatically (#42749) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.
Rotteuxx ago
You just don't know when to shut up, don't you ?
Gothamgirl ago
Check this out @zyklon_b
Shizy ago
Check THIS out zyklon_b
Gothamgirl ago
We laughed at you again, nigger.
Shizy ago
Hard to laugh with your mouth full.
Gothamgirl ago
Don't play dumb you @srayzie are @Clitorissa and @Gyna. I saw the messages.
Shizy ago
So Rotteuxx is Gothamwhore AND clitorissa?
Gothamgirl ago
Zyklon has a message with @srayzie saying she is @Gyna and @clitorissa and now she is @shizzy too. Wow this get juicier by the minute.
Shizy ago
You sure do love things that get juicier by the minute don't you cock sucker?
Gothamgirl ago
Doesn't @argosciv suck blood?
Shizy ago
Why? You interested in him now too?
argosciv ago
They've always been obsessed with me, that's not news -- neither is their habit of ignoring context if they think they can build a smear campaign out of twisting what someone says. You know they're running out of shit to say when they get to this stage and start jumping around to different subjects.
It's no skin off my back. Just a fun reminder of how badly they failed at driving me out of here the first time.
Shizy ago
I see now how they operate, and I regret ever believing their lies about you.
argosciv ago
It's okay :)
Brought it on myself for daring to be honest in a place where dishonest cretins are looking for anything they can find and contort into ammunition they can use against someone who might dare to peek behind the curtain.
srayzie ago
Hahha nice 👍🏻 I’m probably @MolochHunter too. I never want a break from Voat!
Gothamgirl ago
You are a lying hypocrite.
Shizy ago
You're not mad at Rotteuxx for calling your kid half nigger?
You only seem to get mad at users who aren't "characters" controlled by your handler!
Gothamgirl ago
You need to get yourself a handler, seems like you don't have any self control @gyna is you. You should want to revisit my Traditional wives suggestion soon.
Shizy ago
I'm already a traditional wife.
You on the other hand are an unmarked cock sucking trollop
Gothamgirl ago
Not according to your @Gyna 🤭🤣
Shizy ago
As you edit yours 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Rotteuxx ago
You dumb twats have to learn when to shut the fuck up
Shizy ago
No. You....
Rotteuxx ago
English, please.
Are you officially claiming that you believe i'm one of those alts ?
Shizy ago
No. I'm showing you that trigglypuff claims zyklon_b and those alts are run by one person.
Rotteuxx ago
You, 4 comments up.
slow clap
Shizy ago
I thought you were a shitposter?
Rotteuxx ago
Guess you thought wrong dumb dumb
Shizy ago
So that explains why you don't understand jokes. Carry on boomer!
Rotteuxx ago
The fact that you're "joking" with me in this thread is a testament to your utter stupidity.
Shizy ago
It just means I really don't give a shit actually.
Rotteuxx ago
Keep telling yourself that
srayzie ago
@Cerealbrain these people are freaks!
srayzie ago
I guess so and @Expertshitposter is @Gyna 🤣
Shizy ago
They are ALL just puppet alts being controlled by one troll master. According to trigglypuff anyway...
PuttitoutIsGone ago
Wish I had puppet alts. Maybe then I'd have a buddy badge too.
Rotteuxx ago
Rotteuxx ago
I said you fell for that larp and it's a great example of your stupidity.
Elementary level reading comprehension clearly isn't part of your toolbox.
CerealBrain ago
Can you help me get Gothamgirl to unblock me?
zyklon_b ago
1 drop rule and yall know these things.
@kevdude is such a incel. bet he aint had sex in over 3 y3ars
Rotteuxx ago
Not an argument
srayzie ago
Of course not Share Blue.
Rotteuxx ago
That's right, keep showing everyone how retarded you are by calling me a shill. It's a great strategy considering my history on Voat, hope it works out well for you.
Rotteuxx ago
I don't see it in the first link...
Her lapdog @shizy had great timing in coming at me right after @srayzie said she put me on ignore, could it be another alt of hers ? She's got alts in sbbh btw.
ExpertShitposter ago
@Shizy is actually @srayzie 's split personality.
srayzie ago
So we hear. We’re twinsies!
ExpertShitposter ago
yep. you both took one half of the brain!
Shizy ago
You sound an awful lot like that dumb twat GothamGirl
srayzie ago
Rotteuxx ago
That's because she's my alt.
srayzie ago
Shill tactic 👆🏻
You’re trying sooooo hard. You’re blowing your “shit poster” persona.
Rotteuxx ago
What shitposter persona ?
PuttitoutIsGone ago
Seriously? Your defense is going to be that you referred to yourself in the third person? Has @PuttItOut seen this?
Rotteuxx ago
Wrong comment to reply to m8 !
PuttitoutIsGone ago
Just curious how this translates to being a "builder"
Rotteuxx ago
No clue, claiming bitches with destructive attitudes are "builders" requires a good deal of mental gymnastics.
PuttitoutIsGone ago
Agreed. Starting to think he just wants the world to burn.
zyklon_b ago
srayzie ago
Thank you. He’s grasping at straws.
srayzie ago
I’m in the entire thread. You sure work hard coming after me for a “shit poster”
Rotteuxx ago
What the fuck does that even mean ?
That everyone defending you in that thread is an alt ? That's a pretty fucking stupid reply.
srayzie ago
Wow 😂🖕🏻
Rotteuxx ago
Didn't you put me on ignore ?
srayzie ago
Yes, but I was told there was a cunt that made a post about me so o came to look
Rotteuxx ago
You didn't just come to look, you're making multiple 1st tier comments and are replying to me.
You're camping on this thread.
zyklon_b ago
@srayzie this will stop when all of us are unbanned
CerealBrain ago
You dumbfucks these chicks are enjoying themselves you ain't win with these babes!
Knock yer dumb selfs ot.
BTFO (and give me the Gotham chick I want her bad).
Rotteuxx ago
Enjoying themselves showing everybody how fucking dumb they are.
They started this by feeding the trolls then repeatedly kicking the hornet's nest, I'm just giving away shovels so they keep on digging their hole by exposing their stupidity and calling everyone shills because they won't give them a pussy pass.
Shizy ago
You mean the other larp puppets that your puppet master controls?
WickerMan ago
I saw this a few minutes ago and no one in the thread caught it.