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srayzie ago

👆🏻Excellent example of how hard shills try to make us GA mods look bad 👆🏻

Rotteuxx ago

You're doing that by yourself

Morbo ago

They play the perpetual (((victim))) who call anyone who is skeptical a shill. You're the latest target of their (((victimhood))).

Rotteuxx ago

They were both stupid enough to bring up their alts in this thread while saying they were other people's alts :

srayzie ago

Where does it say we aren’t allowed to shit post? 🤔 A lot of people know about Clitorissa! Before I knew Zyklon was such a sick fuck, he told me that @Gothamgirl was stalking him and making fun of his girlfriend that killed herself. He asked for us to help make her leave him alone. That’s why we went after Gothamgirl.

This is AFTER she accused me of planting child porn on her phone and threatening to kidnap her kid. It’s no secret that we don’t like the cunt!

Gothamgirl ago

So you betrayed your marriage to help out another man? That's something I would never do.

srayzie ago

Of course not. You just pay them with weed and manipulate by sucking dick! 🤣

Gothamgirl ago

I don't need to pay anyone but apparently your husband doesn't give you enough, you are a thisty hoe.. @Clitorissa /skrayzie

Clitorissa ago

What a whore!

@Gyna @Shizy

Shizy ago

She's an imaginary whore!