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Themooninthesky ago

Jump back in for a second. When did it go to invite? Didn’t this happen earlier this year?

sosat_menya_reddit ago

so I introduced my hungarian friend to voat last week. he and I are like minded when it comes to dark or kosher things. he tried to sign up last saturday and couldnt so it has been at least a week. He also sent a mail to the site and never got a reply or at least he hadnt gotten one by this past thursday.

RM-Goetbbels ago

I really don't want to get into it again but the Invite-Only was turned last week or so, just before The Purge. For reasons.

  • it should stay that way for the integrity of the site and the owner.

Putt said he was sorry, let's move on.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Purge? What was that?

RM-Goetbbels ago

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Come on, really?

I want to whine about something herd but clearly the cancer has metastasized. Watching this past few days unfold it is clear That VOAT has a cancer and that cancer revolves around a fucking comic character named Q

You concern trolled me. Not cool kike.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Yeah burn the fucking place down.

Why not?

I don’t have any concerns to troll about. I have an abundance of spare time and haven’t found any new books to read.

Burn it to the ground.