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Themooninthesky ago

Jump back in for a second. When did it go to invite? Didn’t this happen earlier this year?

sosat_menya_reddit ago

so I introduced my hungarian friend to voat last week. he and I are like minded when it comes to dark or kosher things. he tried to sign up last saturday and couldnt so it has been at least a week. He also sent a mail to the site and never got a reply or at least he hadnt gotten one by this past thursday.

Themooninthesky ago

Well then.

RM-Goetbbels ago

I really don't want to get into it again but the Invite-Only was turned last week or so, just before The Purge. For reasons.

  • it should stay that way for the integrity of the site and the owner.

Putt said he was sorry, let's move on.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Purge? What was that?

RM-Goetbbels ago

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Come on, really?

I want to whine about something herd but clearly the cancer has metastasized. Watching this past few days unfold it is clear That VOAT has a cancer and that cancer revolves around a fucking comic character named Q

You concern trolled me. Not cool kike.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Yeah burn the fucking place down.

Why not?

I don’t have any concerns to troll about. I have an abundance of spare time and haven’t found any new books to read.

Burn it to the ground.

OricaTonithos ago

The SJWs having another infiltration drive?

NoisySilence ago

Anyone know the reason why they decided to lock this place down like this?

sosat_menya_reddit ago

did reddit do another purge

NoisySilence ago

Good question, but i don't think that's a reason to lock this place down.

ConcreteGaloshes ago

Reddit becoming so nasty is what led me here, where I can breathe. I had someone poke at me and I quit lurking, and in one day hit top 50 commenters. Wait, what? I know something big is going on, and I don't have enough details, but I think I don't like it. It feels like a shadow has a stranglehold. On the other side of the coin, it also feels like someone closed the gate to the backyard to keep the stray dogs out and now the pool is ours to lounge in.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

The community dies without fresh air.

I personally don't get it, how do you grow a site if you stifle the growth? I introduced one of my Hungarian friends to voat at work about a week ago and he was excited to participate. He told me a few days ago that he couldn't subscribe because it was invite only. I checked it out and sure as shit he was right.

beece ago

Well, invite him in.

undertheshills ago

No one fuck off were full

ConcreteGaloshes ago

But it's itty bitty wafer thin!

Themooninthesky ago

I believe the correct term is fuck off space nigger we’re full

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Do you taste that? Yeah that, like it don’t you? I told you my taint tastes like fuckin tacos

BushChuck ago

See what you did? Now I'm agreeing with fucking Dial.

Fuck off back to reddit, faggot.

Fizzle-Stizzle ago

agreeing with fucking Dial.

Tha fuck you nigga? dont you know I run this place? I WILL FUCKING CRUSH YOU harder than @sosat_menya_reddit mommas asssssshole


sosat_menya_reddit ago

Sosat menya dial

Fizzle-Stizzle ago

Dial mah ASSS hole you faggot ass


sosat_menya_reddit ago


I have a a pretty big cock by non nigger standards but I couldn’t even achieve friction in your well bred sphincter

Fizzle-Stizzle ago

dude, only faggots say "dude" you is a faggot isnt you? fucking run a train in your ass you sissy faggot

we'll fucking turn you out you beta soy drinking fuck toy. butter dat ass up real good, make you want it more.


sosat_menya_reddit ago

only shekel suking jewz link to jewtube

sosat_menya_reddit ago

you realize I dont open your crap dont you?

Fizzle-Stizzle ago

yes, and it really hurts my feelings

sosat_menya_reddit ago

pretty sure all of your feelings are in your anorectal ring and the only thing that hurts that is when your nigger gets a little rough while you are passed out from too much Hennessy

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Change it to bush league cunt

Normie-Vision ago

Yo mommas ASSS hole, TELL me you suck a dick ?


sosat_menya_reddit ago

Dear sir:

By the time you read this I will be gone having clicked the submit button knowing that nobody sucks your dick for obvious reasons