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Caliope ago

I disagree with giving a "Builder Badge" or any other kind of distinctive marker given to a poster. If you look at my stats, you will find that I participate in discussions -- sometimes in a very wacked out, freaky, manner considering that I light an effigy to Chulthu every day at 6:66.666 AM. The idea of a badge even the "M" given to some sets that poster apart and vulnerable to targeting. More importantly, it gives the Badge Holder a sense of self-aggrandizement to which he/she/zer/zim/it may or may not be prepared to accept. Then, that self -- etc. will devlove into the person becoming an asshole, or perhaps more of an asshole as the person is inflated with assholery and puffed up senses of self worth. Nay, I say, No Badges.

EdSnowden ago

Kill yourself.

JackHoff ago

Seems to me that more and more people are waking up to the scam that is kevdude. Glorious!

EdSnowden ago

downvote me

claim I’m the one who’s mad

Go fuck yourself. I hope you get dick cancer.

EdSnowden ago

I just want to say fuck you you utter piece of shit.

mimes4peace ago

Clearly this did not age well.

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darkknight111 ago

An idea regarding the issue of threats especially in the context of the feds getting on your case.

Premise: Character evidence ALSO counts when assessing whether its a legit threat.

Basically, the following question gets asked: “Given the kind of person X person is, if they were given the physical opprotunity to carry out the threat, would X person actually go through with it?”

In short, having a reputation for being an asshole/psychopath counts against X in terms of action being defined as a credible threat.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Justsomebullshitname ago

Lol, the power players club. The pyramid of ego has been erected. What a namefag circle jerk... my sides hurt

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Waterburger ago

Filthy rat kike Putt is purging dissenters.

Waterburger ago

PuttItOut is a Jew. Mossad murdered Atko.

Waterburger ago

PuttItOut is a Jew.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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Jeww ago

You’re Putt’s butt boy.

Why don’t you build a ramp to your asshole so he can park his Jew wagon in there

Womb_Raider ago

God damn, dude. You're going to credit srayzie and kevdude as builders? Kevdude let totesmagotes destroy your chat feature and you didn't even give a damn. He knew what was going on, who was doing it, and he relished in it. That's a destroyer by association. This post makes me fucking sick honestly. And I was impressed by your ban wave. I need a drink.

This shit is weird, even for voat.

srayzie ago

Only when you’re out of town

srayzie ago

To dox them?

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srayzie ago

Oh, so our affair happened AFTER I became a mod? 🤔 I guess when we had our fight was my breaking up with you Kev 😂

I should have threw your shit out the door

bopper ago

Chick in that GIF is hot, just sayin.

See you guys tomorrow sometime.

srayzie ago

Yeah, that’s meee

zxcvzxcvzx ago

That's a lie.

I meant ones that havent been shit by you or goon squad. Sorry to let you down "builder"

And wouldn't you know, just received another PM showing support

@kevdude is a power mod who deletes comments & submissions, claims its something he has never done under the wrong.

@kevdude uses /v/protectvoat to downvoat users and brigade subverses. he continuously lies about me because he is paid to do it.

and fucking lies 95% of the time, you can see he as in almost bot like attack c&p the same message to me over and over

He even ask for quote in his words "my services" to brigade a verse. he works along side of @crensch who is also a paid shill.



and generally happens within seconds of my postings.... will PIA protect me from that puttitout, fucking sellout

kevdud bots

and he never has a real argument, I guarantee is a paid shill, much like crensch at this point

and dial was never a main... more lies you spineless cunt botter

[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 1.5 hours ago

If you get downvoted you get restricted.

349023095sdfl ago

v/TIL? That was glorious when you lost that sub.

the builder @puttitout

so mature

zyklon_b ago

Cannot make it on voat on his own merit so he involves adminz and brigades.

da trufe hertz whiteknight incel

halp halp halp he doin it again

Shizy ago

Cannot make it on voat on his own merit so he involves adminz and brigades.

Whereas you cannot make it in life on your own merit so you rely on women to take care of you. Reeeeeee

All is satire!

srayzie ago

All is satire! 🤣

zyklon_b ago

cry cry cry cry to @heygeorge maybe if u suck his dick he will.ben me again .....weak ass cuck bitch

Shizy ago

Halp, halp, my mommy be raising my kid, and my girlfriend paying my bills and supplying me with drug money cause I'm a worthless lazy fuck! Reee, but you the cuck!

zyklon_b ago

whiteknight that can not make it on voat without the help of @heygeorge and @puttitout

ExpertShitposter ago

srayzie is a humorless faggot redditor that reddited up the place. if you haven kept up with the drama, they are now banning for 2 month old posts, banning based on association, and tings said in other subs. pure reddit cancer.

i wish to kill all boomers with a gun

zyklon_b ago

ya sure i can cry baby crybaby tell @heygeorge and @puttitout that i will not participate in your circle jerk....boofuckinhoooo whiteknight. go mod that dudes wife to PV CUCK

freshmeat ago

pretended to fight in Voat chat

No i fucking hated beatle then. He was the reason we even had to lose voat chat. My sources say Beatle has been making good choices lately and im not one to hold a grudge on anyone who has turned for the better.

And then @freshmeat used that to try to pull users away from Voat and steer them towards Discord.

Are you still going to act like Discord doxxes you and is ran by jews? Fuckin boomer. Everyone has a discord server nowadays hell even my pastor does and he is a 70 year old black man.

Also i didnt want to be the one to take initiative and create a replacement but we had to because we are friends and enjoy chatting.

@zyklon_b keep doing you homey i like what im seeing.

zyklon_b ago

@kevdude got titty pics from @srayzie so he modded the whore to PV. lmao

watch him squirm and soon admins or mods be involved to bail him out as ALWAYS.

@kevdude cannot make it on Voat on his own merit or else he would quit involving higher ups and brigaderz.

prove me wrong

SearchVoatBot ago

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zyklon_b ago

show me where we have "got along" i am just saying the fact you ruined her marriage and are a cuck. pathetic when you think u been on Voat this long and still cry to @heygeorge and puttler for help .....WEAK ASS BITCH.

zyklon_b ago

wyte trash fuckn GA n da ass while u out siphonin sum gas foe muh noo mower to cut da grass

1990 cuck whiteknight

srayzie ago

This is killing me 🤣

@Shizy did you know @Kevdude made me a mod of PV so we could sneak into his virtual office on lunch breaks!

Shizy ago

Hey well don't forget what his pretend wife keeps pointing out... "all is satire"! Hahaha!

You're such a kidder @zyklon_b! Hahaha

Shizy ago

@zyklon_b is welfare white! 😂

zyklon_b ago

just same as you have not been cucked by @srayzie to mod her in PV or had an extra-marital affair with are. whiteknight brigade calling cuck. cannot do nothing on your own bitch.. cry to @heygeorge more

@trigglypuff @seanbox check out the adulterer

clueless_Normie ago

no, but he shared good content. I awaly admit when asked. I have zero accounts now. I really want nothing here to with voat anymore.

I was @mayn & @endworld.... notice how clean they never gotten downvoated "builder" @puttitout

EmperorOfMankind ago

Giving certain people 'builder' badges seems like the wrong way to go for me. I could easily see the badge becoming like the Verified User checkmark on Twitter and other places, where the checkmarks get delusions of grandeur, receive special privileges, and browbeat all of us filthy plebians that don't have the good goy badge. I'm sure most people who get the builder badge deserve it, and I'm sure you meant no ill intent by this, but you know what they say about the road to hell...

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Well said. But why did you wait 4 years to post?

EmperorOfMankind ago

I made it as a novelty (for the name), figured why not use it. I made a post in /v/introductions at the same time, seems it got wiped.

LilBrattyMkr ago

I looked up the downvotes on this submission out of curiosity. Most all are destroyers. Many of which will be banned shortly for previous vote manipulation.

You are specifically targeting people who don't agree with you. You could have banned them for vote manipulation when they did the deed, but you wait until now. Reddit 2.0 here?

argosciv ago

zyklon_b ago

@srayzie seems if i had made such a fool of muh self over a joke the proper action to take to save GA and the plan would be END IT. Suicide =peace is a good meme

Don-Keyhote ago

Yes I take it personally when Zio shills like Trump conduct psyops to get white support while actively hurting white survival.

clueless_Normie ago

HEY GUYS, lets compare @kevdude submissions to @edsnowden submissions!!!! YEAH

here is EdSnowden

here is FAGdude aka kevnigger, such a builder

EdSnowden ago

Hey man thanks for sticking up for me. Glad this bullshit is over.

clueless_Normie ago

Glad this bullshit is over

its from over

clueless_Normie ago

np man, i have always like your submissions


zyklon_b ago

i am only provokin GA cause of trump support for Israel. zero other motive. you should have stayed out cause was only gonna last a couple days...NOW it ends when the new @she suicides

zyklon_b ago

lmao. cry cry cry bitch.

@trigglypuff look how this cuck begs us to brigade rPV but then cried for halp halp halp halp

safe space

zyklon_b ago

u acting like srayzie and crying for help and begging heygeorge (he thinks ur a drama queen)

zyklon_b ago

i am gonna make ga and srayzie suffer more then

zyklon_b ago

@heygeorge halp halp @puttitout halp halp

freshmeat ago

So I looked up the downvotes on this submission out of curiosity. Most all are destroyers. Many of which will be banned shortly for previous vote manipulation. Interesting isn't it that those that abuse Voat also hate seeing this thread.

Fuzzy is that you?

zyklon_b ago


SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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auralsects ago

332 submissions to Motorhead

You boomer faggot, you're REAL proud of yourself for playing Internets with a gaggle of cunt housewives like @srayzie and believing absurd fantasies like Hillary in Guantanamo Bay

Being a Qtard consists exclusively of spamming twitter; Q hasn't asked yall to find someone, something, he says we won already

It's the exact opposite of a research forum, LOL

6cd6beb ago

So you made up the term "builder", generic enough to be a "Thought terminating cliche", are rewarding people for this vague honor, and then there's this:

I looked up the downvotes on this submission out of curiosity. Most all are destroyers. Many of which will be banned shortly

This is deeply troubling. It's like something out of "Animal Farm", but then again the stakes are pretty low here and the site is yours to ruin.

Mittermeyer ago

This is why I preferred Atko

Waterburger ago

Putt murdered Atko because he's a Mossad kike.

kkasdfa88934 ago

you see he drags my name in there, thinking I'm attacking something, when All I do write a comment

Last I heard this was a discussion form,,

YET the "builder"

kednog sure loves his stickies doesnt he, has this little gem


jkshdfka78938 ago

So I looked up the downvotes on this submission out of curiosity. Most all are destroyers. Many of which will be banned shortly for previous vote manipulation. Interesting isn't it that those that abuse Voat also hate seeing this thread.

everytime kevdude shows up I get downvoated, and you call him a builder???! lmafo

and you whine about -18 now you are going bann people that voat your post? Fucking hell dude

I have lost 1000's maybe more of ccp due to organized brigades, madworld stole a subverse from me. They not destroyers, they are builders. And far to many accounts to remember,.

I have to stay in secret, because if they find out its me, I get downvoted to shit, to which most recently @outrunnning was last one. Even @TheBuddha will agree with me on this. Your "builder" Will go make a sticky on his "protectvoat" organised brigade post as a open hit on any account I create. Exactly what he did with @outrunning

You notice when I stay secret, zero downvoat I was @myan & @endworld hmmmmmm all upvoats, because kevdud goon squad didnt know. To qoute the Jesse Lee Peterson, thats amazzzzzzing. Off of memore there was also @cheeselane, and really to many to remember.

Just check out this account alone, all from them.

yet you cry about -18, you are out of touch with whats going on here. And if I had the ability I would down voat the shit out of this too.

The only reason Im still here is I was asked to stay

And now for my signature,


@kevdude is a power mod who deletes comments & submissions, claims its something he has never done under the wrong.

@kevdude uses /v/protectvoat to downvoat users and brigade subverses. he continuously lies about me because he is paid to do it.

and fucking lies 95% of the time, you can see he as in almost bot attack c&p the same message to me over and over

He even ask for quote in his words "my services" to brigade a verse. he works along side of @crensch who is also a paid shill.



and generally happens within seconds of my postings.... will PIA protect me from that puttitout, fucking sellout

kevdud bots

and he never has a real argument, I guarantee is a paid shill, much like crensch at this point

and dial was never a main... more lies you spineless cunt botter

[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 1.5 hours ago

If you get downvoted you get restricted.

ksjdfkas878345 ago

we now know who is on the payroll

auto_turret ago

No. @srayzie is a ban happy whore who does not belong anywhere near this place:

@srayzie has banned you from v/GreatAwakening for the following reason: Rule Violation: Spam; Description: Challenged me and told me to ban him.

Dont argue with her, just nod your head and agree with her, or get banned.

I've never done this, I'm doing it now: @Puttitout I sincerely disagree with your assessment of that particular Voat member.

zyklon_b ago

@puttitout seems to be whiteknighting @srayzie

my my imagine if amalek had been female he own voat now.

Nosferatjew ago

Putt was whiteknighting for @Alphabeticalanon, I believe with @srayzie's "help", when my main, u/draaaak, got banned... and somehow, despite also being a "manipulator" HERself, Alphabet avoided a ban. So weird........

zyklon_b ago

i got your back

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Wow you're still as delusional and psychotic as usual. Neither @srayzie or my moderator had anything to do with YOUR constant targeting us! My moderator happened to be a longtime friend of mine from way back and you, manipulating cunt for Hillary Clinton just can't stand that! I was so happy to see that @puttitout finally banned your psychotic ass. You and your alts are still trying to censor the internet like the fucktards you are. And my moderator also tried to explain why he would upvote me to @MadWorld because I let several people know what your ass was doing. And now that I just left a few comments here and there, not even saying much, there's your stalker ass still stalking me. I expect you'll be switching into your kneo account soon enough to come in here and start doing your usual downvoting brigade.

And I still like James Wood despite the fact that you had such a walled-eyed triggered fit over one of his tweets, when I first joined and you went all fucked up and started your shit about me agreeing with your enemy on twitter. And now your buddies Krassensteins are suspended from twatter. Psychotic stalker piece of shit nigger faggot jew shill.

Nosferatjew ago

Proof that you and @Astonisher667 are the same user. Get more cats, loser.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

That's not proof but your too psycho in your liberal screaming to accept truth. But the PROOF of you owning many accounts and then attacking people and manipulating the system is right here: and and here and here and that's just a small handful you use to go around and harass people that you see and target. Mainly anyone new, you decided you would self-appoint yourself as the fat bully cop of the website and censor everyone who was new because you have no life and decided to become the prick asshole of the site and downvote people who dared to join voat without your permission, hildetard.

Then there's the fact you and your alts were finally banned from Hack Forums because you pulled the same shit there as described in this guy's blog: where you did the same thing there with creating multiple accounts to go around and down everything to censor members there. And then created numerous accounts to harass them with your hysterical accusations if they happened to have support. Of any kind. You think everyone is isolated and without help because you want them to be. Scream all you want, censor people here with your abuse of the voting system like all your libtard fuckwits but in the end, you're the one who's exposed and I have been talking with lots of people here without having to even post so your censorhip didn't really work on me.

Stalk away lowlife. You die. I live. That's what happens next.

Nosferatjew ago

Weird though how I still live to continue to "stalk" you.

And yeah, it's proof.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You don't live, you have no life. That's the fact. The proof I showed is proof of what you are. Your so-called proof is just someone who upvoted me a lot without knowing that was breaking any rules. I also upvoted him and many others and that's why you want me banned shitshill.

I like the comment on that blog that's third up from the bottom. It points out your abuse that's widespread here. And I will block all your accounts on here!

Your threats are empty and you got no life, little psycho miserable skrunt. My presence here makes you boil because I was the catalyst to the end of your massive abuse here. And Hack Forums kicked your ass to the curb as well.

albatrosv15 ago

What about the T-cells?

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

I kinda lost my motivation to build after I built a front end fix to all the spamming in voat chat and then you destroyed the chat.

Vindicator ago

He's a Karma Chameleon blending in.

They're not sending their best.

Majorfatboy ago

So I looked up the downvotes on this submission out of curiosity. Most all are destroyers. Many of which will be banned shortly for previous vote manipulation. Interesting isn't it that those that abuse Voat also hate seeing this thread.

Man oh man, can I call'em or what? Didn't I say that I smelled a roundup and purge? Didn't I say that Putt was about to go ban-hammer-happy? Didn't I say that His thinking was shit and that He was about to start labeling anyone/thing He doesn't like as a "destroyer" and censor their asses? Didn't I say He was going to coddle the yes men around here? Didn't I call all of this in My builder rebuttal?

Hot damn I hate it when I'm right.

Oh and look, the front page has a thread up about users losing rights, complete with Putt admitting He's fucking around. Time to start taking screen caps and copies of threads.

Well, I've "built" My argument and stance on the matter, now all that's left is to get banned after being branded a "destroyer". Enjoy Your censorship, goats. I'm pretty sure I downvoted that thread, and even though I don't even understand half of the shit on this website, I guess a dissenting opinion can make You guilty of manipulation.

Hey, I just figured it out, Putt's actually Hillery Clinton, it all makes sense.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever submission by @CitizenFour.

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CitizenFour ago

Goys-R-Us ago

@TheBuddha is an arrogant ass.

EmperorOfMankind ago

Seconded, he's got far more self-assuredness than he's entitled to.

TheBuddha ago

I'll even give you an upvote. You finally said something correct.

By the way; I'm not cocky, I'm certain. There's a difference.

zyklon_b ago

hi arraogamt ass.. reeee

what up?

TheBuddha ago

Going to eat lunch soon, then go out with the band for a while, then rehearse, and then eat, and then rehearse some more, and then head to the venue. I'm still hiding in my hotel room.


zyklon_b ago

ima dose 80 mg oxy in 3 minutes

TheBuddha ago


I'm gonna eat a bunch, myself. I'm already pretty well medicated. These performances are pretty uncomfortable,

Goys-R-Us ago

You're really detached from reality. I can't help you with that. Have a nice day.

Comedy gold right here. How many pills do you need to maintain your grip on reality?

TheBuddha ago

You're that retarded?

They're opiates for a smashed femur, not psych meds.

Care to make more assumptions and double down on being stupid?

Goys-R-Us ago

Given you were discussing drugs with Zyklon who is a known drug addict and you've admitted to doing heroin in the past, I don't think it was that much of a leap.

But touche, I admit I was wrong.

zyklon_b ago

my ma just brought me a 30 pack. she borrowed 2500 to go to texas but i bet she never pays back. is ok tho.

TheBuddha ago

25.00 or 2,500?

'cause that's a lot of money to just go to Texas.

zyklon_b ago

sorry $250.00 and its not that much to get her there and stay with neices for week

TheBuddha ago

Ah, that makes more sense.

zyklon_b ago

i feel obligated even after payin child support to her so i just break weak i reckon

TheBuddha ago

At least she's back to talking to you again.

zyklon_b ago

unfortunatly u mean

TheBuddha ago

I dunno? Is it unfortunate?

(I'm leaving shortly.)

zyklon_b ago

lol. naw bro i was just talkn shit cause dat 250 could been in muh lungs or up muh knows.......reeee

have a good nite friend. speak manana

TheBuddha ago

Buenos noches, hombre. ¡Mantenerse a salvo!

lord_nougat ago

Buenos nachos!

TheBuddha ago

They make nachos at the venue. I'm eating some nachos.

I'm gonna head over shortly. I feel like I should sit backstage and bored with the rest of 'em.

lord_nougat ago

Muchachos with the nachos at the venue with a menu!

zyklon_b ago

Vaya con dios ese

Goys-R-Us ago

I didn't say cocky, I said arrogant.

Since you mentioned you're certain, here's a quote from Bertrand Russel:

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."

TheBuddha ago

I'm not even remotely sure how you managed to so faultily interpret what I wrote.

I'm kinda impressed.

Goys-R-Us ago

This is the the game you play when you get bitch slapped.

TheBuddha ago

You're really detached from reality. I can't help you with that.

Have a nice day.

Jeww ago

You really are the most narcissistic twat on this entire forum.

Do you really think you’re just that clever, that someone can so throughly blow you out but all you have to do is talk like you’re better than everyone and no one will notice?

You’re such a trad boomer.

I’ve had multiple accounts for years. I’ve always hated you the most out of any goat specifically because you’re the spitting image of the quotation shared by @Goys-r-us.

Smarm onward, you egoist poof.

TheBuddha ago

You're gonna cry, aren't you?

That's awesome!

Goys-R-Us ago

Funny, I've always suspected you are, although I'm not certain.

Jeww ago

He’s a basic bitch boomer. This is their M.O. ...their world view is a form of Judaism:

Nothing is real unless they approve. Otherwise you’re a clown and they don’t need to explain why to you without deeply arrogant condescension.

Goys-R-Us ago

Agreed. He speaks obtusely and then accuses others of being too stupid to understand him.

Also he mentions he has a PhD in mathematics about every tenth post which in his mind makes him an expert on damn near everything.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

Now I'm not saying I'm a builder, I'm just asking... how will builders find out that they've been badged?

PuttItOut ago

We will have to figure this out.

Shizy ago

Sadly, I suspect @NotHereForPizza is even less attractive than that!

srayzie ago

Oops, @Sandhog

SandHog ago


heygeorge ago

it appears that the earth won't be scorched

Just some felled trees, I suppose. Now to make something out of the newfound wood. And hopefully not another fire.

zyklon_b ago

we dont need no water let the motherfuxker burn

PuttIsAtranny ago

Putt is a tranny

PuttItOut ago

I told you… that was private. And so were the pics. #JustTrannyThings

PuttIsAtranny ago

Dang putt, now youre just banning my accounts for "vote manipulation" because I post one thing to /v/transvestigation !

PuttItOut ago

This is the sanegoat I like.

PuttIsAtranny ago

Tranny. God bless you, dumb baphomet (baphoNET) invert

Duchozz ago


drstrangegov ago

Very wise words!

Jeww ago

The guy who used to post under your name sounded different through text.

I can tell that you’re not Putt and you’re intentionally introducing Masonic imagery, while avoiding to embrace even such harmless victories in common sense as the ‘it’s ok to be white campaign’.

Anyone of any account age would appreciate to hear you explicitly state that “white” tribalism is not something you are attempting to steer this site away from.

Is it ok to be white?

Is it ok to be white and feel hatred, @puttitout?

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

I am a builder as well - I stack shitposts 10 feet high.

middle_path ago

I built you a gardening sub that isn't complete shit. You're welcome.

ConfirmedSRSShill ago

Where is it? Because it certainly isn't on voat your worthless shit.

middle_path ago

Meh, it was better than nothing - which is what we had.

Vindicator ago

This is great. Congrats to @kevdude and @Srayzie!

"Magnanimity is the longing for great things, and the courage to become worthy of it."

srayzie ago

Thanks Vindicator! 🙌🏻

auralsects ago

Qtard ism is what would get the site banned, given that its being touted in media as Pizzagate on steroids Boomerwafen uprising

What a stupid faggot Putt is, and srayzie is one of the dumbest individuals I've ever met. She literally can't even follow a conversation.

PuttItOut ago

You're a destroyer. Become a builder.

darkknight111 ago

I agree. Just about EVERYONE at v/pizzagate hates that bastard and would agree he’s a destroyer.

auralsects is a text book psychopath. Incapable of ever being a builder, only a destroyer. Regularly sends violent threats to people (any time he mentions “day of the pillow”, its him threatening to kill someone by smothering them with a pillow). He’s threatened to stomp in the skull of @Blacksmith21 until his brains spill out. Threatened to slit the throat of @Vindicator from ear to ear. Here’s a comment with links to a small sample of times he’s advocated and defended raping people as morally good. Along with evidence auralsects may very well be a pedophile too. (Note: Lowering the age of consent is the HALLMARK of the pedophile agenda).

That time you were warning Voat about the feds on you over Voat and violent rhetoric/threats, auralsects was actively fanning the flames of violent rhetoric.

Blacksmith21 ago

I've thought about how to best say this for 24 hours without writing a book. It's not baked yet:

The shills (including asshat @auralsects) are using Voat's promise to stick to 1A, letter-to-the-word.

Anything not expressly prohibited in the sub rules is fair game. Which means that they can go anywhere else on Voat and spread their shit - lies, dox, flamethrower, etc.

Think of it as "yelling fire in a crowded theater".

The DS found the right people to insert themselves into a PSYOP campaign to wage war against us. We are not the only smart people on the block. Unfortunately, they exist on the dark side.

What I see happening is -alts were planned out a long time ago. The keep coming back like crabgrass. Old accounts with minimal history. Donkeyhole is active again:

I'm all for free speech, but The bullshit things @auralsects and others have pulled = fire. Any other online community would have banned someone that disruptive.

FWIW - I could probably break that little faggot's hand with a handshake. His little paw is probably nice and supple and feels like crushing a game hen in your hand.

Voat is likely supported by the White Hats. It is too robust.

auralsects ago

@shewhomustbeobeyed lol this fucking Tom Clancy boomerfag over here literally thinks I work for the "Deep State" and did a bunch of shit here.

Worse, he appears to question my bone density or something, please explain to him I have a 8x6 johnson

Blacksmith21 ago

You are a bitch.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You have yet to supply me with proof of your claim. I held up my end of the bargain, you reverted to ancestral practices and, dare I say it..... stiffed me.

And not in anyway that I am ever going to be able to describe as memorable.

Balls in your court, cock or GTFO.

4U -

auralsects ago

I held up my end of the bargain


tell me how to prove, srayzie was all like "that's not u lol"

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


Vindicator ago

Threatened to slit the throat of @Vindicator from ear to ear.

Haha. I forgot about that one! :-)

Here he is today working in cahoots with Voat's poison-mongering mutant jester to smear srayzie using Jenny Moore. They are trying very, very hard to drive her off of Voat.

auralsects ago

Qtardism is destroying everything I built on v/pizzagate, get over yourself

srayzie ago


Don-Keyhote ago


You set up a huge sub of SEMI-LITERATE BOOMERS who post about Black/Hispanic unemployelment rates as MAGA XDDD

You are sabotaging your own race for your own vanity -- I explained white genocide to you 2 years ago and you still give zero fucks.

You just meme and giggle about oh maybe there is something to this JQ after all, teehee. You take nothing seriously except the dumbest fucking Jew lies of an anonymous faggot Q who wants your son to die fighting in Iran.

I hope for his sake you fucking die first, bitch.

Shizy ago

You sound mad donkey. Did your little sister tell mommy that you've been trying to tough her again? Leave kids alone sicko!

Don-Keyhote ago

This is the level of trolling you've learned from SSBH? Wow they really are the bottom of the barrel on this site

Don-Keyhote ago

@bopper you too, your negligence will be judged on the Day of the Pillow. Of all people to hero-worship, Donald Trump, lmfao, leader of the most Jewish city on earth's Israel Day Parade 2004.

Kill yourself now boomer, spare us the trouble

bopper ago

Well I'm not going to upvote this comment I'll tell you that.

What's the day of the pillow?

@srayzie @Shizy he is calling me names and stuff again, also, I am learning about the Jews but it takes time and it seems donkey is impatient or I don't know maybe it's just me?

srayzie ago

At least he’s been consistent since the beginning. A complete FREAK. “That I can tell you”

@Bopper @Shizy

Shizy ago

Day of the pillow sounds like fetish talk.

I think that's donkeys way of hitting on you! 😳

Don-Keyhote ago


zyklon_b ago

attack em

Vindicator ago

LMAO. You've never built anything, Donkey, except piles of effluent you fling at people.

Still waiting for that logical explanation about why you're here.

auralsects ago

Pretty obvious you're there to push Q and cover for Jews, ever since you said "You showed no proof Haim Saban is Mossad, deleted"

That's why you browse my comment history. You think you've won v/pizzagate for your kike MAGA psyop lol but there are still REAL niggers like me ready to call you out

Vindicator ago

REAL niggers like me ready to call you out

Insightful and candid self-assessment, Donkey. Is it the lead in the municipal water supply there in Detroit that blinds you to the fact you've done me nothing but favors with your peevish lies and vitriol?

And FYI, I deleted that submission because you did not provide any linked support he's Mossad. It's my job. If you've got some evidence, please resubmit. And that happened a long, long time before QAnon ever dropped his first breadcrumb, too. You're getting sloppy with your pouty lies.

Rotteuxx ago

You're actually honoring a shit disturbing gaslighter ?

Wtf putt ?

sguevar ago

I personally was amazed of seeing that virge guy that deletes his posts and comment history just for the sake of not letting others see how much of a full of shit he is... @MadWorld... what are your thoughts on this?

MadWorld ago

We have seen his comments that were full of shit and the moments where he doubled down and deleted the threads. The earliest comment I could remember was the similar narrative, where he said Voat's canary was compromised and that he was leaving Voat. But he left a good number of comments intact. After returning to Voat, his strategy has been to delete his comments/submissions regularly and only leave the persona he wanted others to see. Based on his habit, he will likely delete those new comments/submissions again. If it is something notable, it is best to archive it.

Just noticed that he got a new badge. I supposed that his "What you missed on Voat today" was quite beneficial to Voat; it was a good concept. But I seriously doubt that he could sustain it, unless something was done to automate the process.

Think of it this way, even dishonest or bad people have some good ideas. When good culture is maintained, good ideas will climb to the top! That bad character will become irrelevant... Maybe someday we will become irrelevant too, but the good ideas we leave behind will live on...

Goys-R-Us ago

You should definitely get a builder badge. I've actually seen pictures of you building things which is more than I can say for most goats.

sguevar ago

Meh I honestly don't agree with what you said about @srayzie. But I guess we have to agree to disagree. I am however displeased with the way the ban took place because it seems that at least one user that I know got banned when he only has one account. So I can't see how vote manipulation takes place there... guess I need more data on this shit.

Rotteuxx ago

What exactly don't you agree with ?

She did ban users out of sheer vindictiveness

She is responsible for Crensch's gaslighting post (not saying ZB is innocent, but those 2 posts were logical fallacies on top of logical fallacies) because she's the one who's been playing victim after feeding the troll and ignoring warnings from many users.

srayzie ago

Which user? We unbanned some last night. I found that the users who our names replaced from the css changes didn’t mean that person was necessarily responsible. It was only one person responsible for that.

sguevar ago

3dk ago

Rome wasn't built in a day... we have a long road ahead if us. Free speech should always be kept along the way.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Interesting isn't it that those that abuse Voat also hate seeing this thread.

Yes indeedy!

I love pranks, gags, and pull-your-leg humor. I see lately that some people appeared to commingle with other happy humorists for hidden, wicked motives... I am glad you're taking measures to uncover destroyers, and check their behaviors. Thanks

Native ago

Nickelback is literally the greatest band in the world!

how can you possible say this is a bad song

And the entire album is that good

Cincosiber ago

Glad to have you around @puttitout

bizzywiz ago

good vs evil white vs black God vs Satan creation vs destruction


as I've said a few times in my life to others it's so hard to bring something good into this world and so easy to slowly tear it down (the history of Christianity is a very good example)

to me it's a no brainer...I'd much bather be a builder than a destroyer...maybe that's why I ended up as a carpenter?!

Diggernicks ago

Imaginary friends that don't exist cannot face off in battle.

bizzywiz ago

whatever your deeper meaning is goes right over my, I'm not insulting you, but considering I at the very least used creation vs. destruction (is that imaginary???) as a reference I again miss your point.

sure, one can argue God and Satan being imaginary, and good vs. evil (sure, just a frame of reference (e.g. what is good to one person is evil to another)), but making things is certainly not imagination

Goys-R-Us ago

Nah, there is genuine evil in the world. St Augustine (I think) defined evil as an absence of good. Maybe just semantic bs but it's as good a definition as any I think.

Imagine a heart that has grown completely cold to suffering. Evil.

SandHog ago

So I looked up the downvotes on this submission out of curiosity. Most all are destroyers. Many of which will be banned shortly for previous vote manipulation. Interesting isn't it that those that abuse Voat also hate seeing this thread.

That should be quite an interesting list!

PuttItOut ago

This batch will hurt me the most. You all will find it entertaining though.

SandHog ago

I'm sure there are bound to be some surprises on it. Appreciate you sticking to your principles even if it stings sometimes, Putt.

valleysunshine ago

I'm so glad we can now have a verified good boy badge for people you like, just like on twitter.

Phantom42 ago

A voat civil war?

Oh, you mean dealing with the fucking Q cult? It wouldve been easily won.

Mittermeyer ago

Put is siding with them because they are more marketable. Instead of a free speech version of Reddit the goal is to market a right wing version that doesn't go too far and name the JQ. Lots of those that are vocal about the JQ were in the purge while all the Qfags are being called builders.

Phantom42 ago

Exactly. Well, that's fine. That's perfectly fucking fine. Nobody's going to forget a liar.

jokersmild ago

I look forward to claiming one of those.

PuttItOut ago

Holy... A whoaverse badged user. Wow, not many of us around these days.

jokersmild ago

Lolz... I like being old.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

So I looked up the downvotes on this submission out of curiosity. Most all are destroyers. Many of which will be banned shortly for previous vote manipulation. Interesting isn't it that those that abuse Voat also hate seeing this thread.

That's really coming off like a power tripping mod.

PuttItOut ago

I'm humbled that you chose a wise path when you didn't have to. My respect for you has increased greatly.

PuttItOut ago

It takes us about a week to process manipulation bans, so with each batch, we become familiar with the culprits. This batch will ban some long time users. It's unfortunate.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

@PuttItOut I got flagged today for manipulation, the only thing I can think of was downvoting some shitposter that was threatening to beat up a crippled girl. Does this mean I can say goodbye to my account?

PuttItOut ago

If warning then you're fine. No worries.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

Right on. Thank you for this platform.

HateCumbuckets ago

Thankyou Putt. Hopefully your recognition will encourage more to build. Not destroy.

Cooking_with_Alf ago

Sounds like corporate news letters promoting people that just do what they are supposed to be doing.

NiggerVirus ago

Builder checking in. Putt, you forgot to sticky this.

PuttItOut ago

Someone recommended I play in the Voat field like a normal user, so I'm doing this. No sticky unless it's of a critical nature.

I did sticky it in v/voat though.

#MSGA (Make subs great again)

NiggerVirus ago

I hope my shit posting doesn't hurt voat in any way. If I thought it did I wouldn't do it. . . I consider myself a builder of sorts. Honestly if you were to tell me what I do is detrimental to voat I guess I would reluctantly stop. These people need to see pictures of my muscles though, it's the only thing that gets some of them through the day.

Shizy ago

I'd say you're a builder @niggervirus! I know you get a lot of crap (and downvoats) but you still stay funny and keep people entertained!

NiggerVirus ago

Thanks my friend! What I do is all in good spirits.

Diggernicks ago

Youre a huge faggot but you're OUR huge faggot

Never apologize for FUN POSTING.

NiggerVirus ago

I used to not like going to bed with a full stomach because the thought of food in there would bother me.

PuttItOut ago

I think shit posting is very much appreciated if it isn't abused.

NiggerVirus ago

Rodger that Next time please include me in the Builder list. I work hard for you.

Goys-R-Us ago

Stop begging you faggot.

NiggerVirus ago

I will never stop begging for attention, NEVER.

Goys-R-Us ago

You realize that's narcissistic. That will be the next infraction that buys you a site wide ban goy.

NiggerVirus ago

Can't be banned for being a narcissist you retard. Anyway it's not narcissism, my greatness is a universal truth and a fact acknowledged by all. You've seen my muscles now Move Along little girl.

Goys-R-Us ago

You have an unhealthy obsession with wanting to show off your muscles. Now that I think about it somebody doxxed you in another thread. I'm not impressed at all. Also you look like a nigger so your name is appropriate. GFY.

NiggerVirus ago

And my channels been demonetized anyway so I don't care

Goys-R-Us ago

You don't care that you look like a nigger? Good on you.

NiggerVirus ago

Considering I have white skin. . . . I guess I don't understand. And no I don't care anyway.

NiggerVirus ago

I do what I like to do, I'm a very happy person and live a blessed life so I think I'll keep on doing what I do. It's working out pretty well for me. Are you happy in life?

Goys-R-Us ago

Good for you. This is the second post you've made to my comment. Go do whatever makes you happy. My guess is getting your narcissistic supply.

NiggerVirus ago

I'm building a 2 stroke mountain bike. It's a nice full suspension mountain bike and I'm installing a little Chinese 66cc 2 stroke motor kit on it. I'm going to use it to tear around on my property.

Goys-R-Us ago

Normally I'd ignore you at this point but I feel compelled to point out that mountain biking is meant to be a form of exercise. As a mountain biker I find your creative endeavor to be the essence of stupidity and subversion.

Go buy a fucking motorcycle if that's what you want. That or ride a mountain bike under your own power for the benefits exercise provides and for mastery of an activity.

Anyway glad you're happy. I mean that sincerely. I wish for the happiness of all being, even retarded, should have been aborted beings like yourself.

NiggerVirus ago

I've been mountain biking my whole life. One of my favorite hobbies is buying old first generation full suspension mountain bikes and restoring them. Did this one recently 1997 Iron Horse ths-1 . Only one hundred of these frames were ever Handmade by foes racing in Pasadena California exclusive for the Riders of Team Iron Horse. The frame alone retail for over $4,000. I ride downhill and xc mostly and I'm really good. I already have a quad for my property but I want to build this little bike for the fun of it. I don't know why you're so angry.

Goys-R-Us ago

Goddamn, I'm starting to like you.

NiggerVirus ago

I'm looking for a Schwinn 4 banger. Do you remember those? Just about done with my build, I'm just working out some of the bugs

Goys-R-Us ago

Haha, my knowledge of Schwinn goes back to varsity, continental and some other name that I don't remember. This being voat I'm duty bound to mention the Schwinn is a jew company that I have zero respect for. Their bikes weighed as much as is physically possible without being made from gold or lead.

NiggerVirus ago

It was definitely a tank but I really liked that 4-bar lawhill suspension design. That bike floated over everything. I think it's mostly just Nostalgia for me though because that was the first legit full suspension mountain bike I ever owned. Schwinn used to be a decent company back then. Now they are Walmart level shit. Heavy bikes have never bothered me, the way I look at it riding a heavier bike just makes you stronger.

Goys-R-Us ago

the way I look at it riding a heavier bike just makes you stronger.

That's true to a certain extent. If you take that logic too far the bike could weigh the same as a car and you'll barely be able to move it. Still great exercise but not much fun. If you're challenging yourself by trying to clean obstacles, weight becomes a consideration, whether it's your body weight, the weight of the bike or both.

In my experience the bike itself (weight and geometry) plays a huge role in how well you can overcome obstacles on the trail. I ride technical trails with plenty of challenging sections that require a light bike and skill to overcome. Things I could never do on one of the first MB I had (Trek) I found easy on the next iteration (Santa Cruz). I felt the difference on the same trails when the SC was down and I rode the Trek.

NiggerVirus ago

Wherever I'm going riding definitely dictates what bike I bring with. If it's something really technical with a lot of climbing I bring a light bike. If it's a long ride up logging roads with a downhill bomb I tend to bring my heavy coil suspension bikes. Hell I use my DH bike for city riding just in case I see something cool I want to hit.

Goys-R-Us ago

If it's a long ride up logging roads with a downhill bomb I tend to bring my heavy coil suspension bikes.

What you got?

NiggerVirus ago

What about you?

Goys-R-Us ago

I have a Kona 29'er hardtail and a Giant full suspension XC. Looking to round out the stable with an all mountain like a Santa Cruz Hightower or Megatower.

NiggerVirus ago

2017 Cannondale scalpel Si

Goys-R-Us ago

That single shock...never could wrap my head around it. Not judging, just saying.

NiggerVirus ago

Yeah the lefties are kind of weird. They ride just like a normal fork though, you can't tell any difference at all.

Goys-R-Us ago

From a weight perspective it makes sense. Truth is I have no C dealers near me which is a big reason why I never considered buying one. I like to ride before I buy and I never had that opportunity with a scalpel.

NiggerVirus ago

I go through bikes pretty fast like I do everything in life. I like to try new stuff.

Goys-R-Us ago

Well NiggerVirus I have to say I've completely forgotten why we started out in a pissing contest. I'd ride with you in a heartbeat and probably we'd have more than mountain biking in common.

Text only communication lends itself to some weird interactions. As a typically hostile prick myself, I can easily pick a fight with anyone a the drop of a hat. Forgive me my trespasses and if you're ever in my part of the woods (haha, no I won't doxx myself) we'll go riding. And my part of the woods might soon be the entire US since I'm planning an travelling the country via RV. Peace out man. Your muscles still aren't that impressive. :-)

NiggerVirus ago

I'm just a shitposter and generally weird so I often rub people the wrong way. I consider everyone here my friend even those who hate me. I was a van dweller and traveled around for a year mostly Washington State Arizona and California. Spent a lot of time in Joshua Tree and stabbed a guy in Slab City.

My advice to someone looking to travel or Escape for a while is remember these words: no matter where you go there you are. My motivation for wanting to travel around for a while was the thought that I would Escape my problems and mundane life. But I soon realized all of your problems will follow you no matter where you go so it's just best to deal with them. I'm not saying you're in the same kind of situation but I thought I would mention it none the less.

I thought you might want to see this

Goys-R-Us ago

That's good advice. My problems will be with me until I'm dead so there's no sense in trying to run from them. I've thought a lot about whether hitting the road is the right move or not and I still don't know the answer. I like to think being in nature will be a healing experience but who knows?

That being said, you slipped in this interesting statement in your post which I hope you'll expand on:

and stabbed a guy in Slab City.

I know what slab city is (that is to say I know where it is and I suspect I know the general atmosphere) but damn man, that's a slight reference to what must be a good story. Inquiring minds want to know.

NiggerVirus ago

Had a Honda Ruckus moped that I brought with me which is somewhat of a Enduro type of moped. Was camping at Slab City and took a long ride to the desert on my moped. Had GPS so I wasn't worried about getting lost. Came across RV out in the middle of nowhere, thought it was abandoned so rode up on it and it got attacked by a pitbull and a tweaker. I think they were probably cooking drugs out there. I won they lost. That was actually the last day of my trip. Called my dad that day and told him I was coming back and needed to stay with him for a while. This is almost 10 years ago now. S*** man I think you're the only person I've told this story to outside of my dad

Goys-R-Us ago

Wow. That sounds like something I would do without even thinking about it. Do you think you kilt the tweaker in Minecraft? Lol, no answer necessary. You did what you had to do.

NiggerVirus ago

I know so. Cheers

Shizy ago

I noticed those "what you missed on voat today" threads. Very cool @virge!

And of course @kevdue and @srayzie aren't bad either 😁

srayzie ago

Hahaha 🤬

DintDoNothin ago

I don't understand what you mean by a voat civil war was in the making? What is/was happening?

PuttItOut ago

You'll see it if it happens. I think Voat's a bit wiser these days so I'm hopeful it won't happen.

DintDoNothin ago

Help protect voat that is.

DintDoNothin ago

I wish I knew what to look out for so I could try to help.

Native ago

Trust me if a Voat Civil war breaks out you’d know about it. The entire front page would be full.

DintDoNothin ago

Can someone just explain to me what exactly a vote Civil War is?

Native ago

To be fair I’m not sure either. The Crensch drama a few days ago would be a mild example of it with baseless accusations against another power user Zyklon. That pissed off a lot of people

Goys-R-Us ago

You know I noticed zyklon hasn't posted in this thread. I wonder why.

Native ago

He probably agrees. He isn't as unstable as his persona leads other users to believe.

Goys-R-Us ago

I get a laugh out of him occasionally and that's about it. Crensch's post about Z was interesting though following drama on voat doesn't really interest me.

I will say I think gabara and his gang brigade all the time and I don't see put banning him. This place is going downhill I think. I asked putt for clarification on this statement which I've not gotten:

Warnings are used when one or more metrics don't absolutely confirm manipulation, i.e. maybe there was a long convo people had and they hated each other for days of back and forth arguing.

How the hell is arguing with someone over a number of days manipulation? It appears the rules will be arbitrary and enforced by "builders" as decided by putt. All good things come to an end I guess. I hope I'm wrong.

Native ago

I will say I think gabara and his gang brigade all the time

It's a myth. SDBH and SBBH have this mythos status on Voat and i'm going to put you in on the secret. They are just power users. It only looks like they are briggading because they are so active and constantly on voat.

Goys-R-Us ago

No, it's not. I pissed off gabara close to when I created this account (been around since whoaverse) and immediately I got downvoted into oblivion on every single post I had made previous to making a snarky comment to him. He has a gang (that or he has a bunch of alts) that downvotes people he doesn't like. Personally I think he's close to retarded but that's just me. I fully expect another brigade if he comes across this post.

Native ago

Yeah i'm perma banned on SBBH and i haven't ever even posted there.

go to v/soapdoxbanhammer it's a much friendlier place (and we can post Nickelback!)

Shizy ago

baseless accusations

Baseless my ass.

DintDoNothin ago

Yeah that was kind of crazy

Subscribe2PewDiePie ago

I hate it when you kids fight.

Subscribe2PewDiePie ago

This thread

CantDentTheBrent ago

We will see.

MadWorld ago

@kevdude, @Crensch, and many others would turn on their close friends, when presented with reasonable evidence... This is one of those things that I love so much about Voat!!

XD I bet you saw the stickies in PV subverse.

349023095sdfl ago

remember when you stole a verse name from me, i do @puttitout

@kevdude, @Crensch, and many others would turn on their close friends

PuttItOut ago

I try to stay on top of things but I do miss a lot. Details are often the victim so I try to focus on patterns.

alalzia ago

In few days my account will be 4 years old , i am a linguistic and ideological minority and made several posts/comments in broken English about anarchism and in general leftist stuff . I never ever felt unwelcome , oppressed or silenced and this is the essence of a free speech medium.

The loli / grey areas question will never be fully answered without the whole community support , yes VOAT hates censorship and we can look pass some eyesore posts but the systematic violation of our aesthetics should not stand. Images / manga or whatever you call them are not opinions .

Salicaz ago

@InfiniteFaith should get a badge to in my opinion. I'm not religious in the slightest but every day he/she posts a motivational which seems to get nowhere near the likes it should.

Always impressed with the commitment.

Hopefully I've linked the name right, on mobile .

InfiniteFaith ago

Thanks for the comment, and may the Lord Bless you this day - Love, Pastor Joe.

Diggernicks ago

Internet points do not matter.

The popularity of a post has zero correlation with its quality.

Goys-R-Us ago

I agree Patriot.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

Spoken like a true troll with standards.

BigFatDaddy ago

Good going Putt. Glad to see you rewarding and encouraging people who try to be Constructive.

PuttItOut ago

Hey great to see you! I got a huge kick last night from your comments on an Amalek Leaves thread from years ago.

That was fun times!

BigFatDaddy ago

Shit man, that was ages ago. I don't even remember what I said. I'll have to try and find that.

Honey_Pot ago

Voat civil war was in the making.

Election year ramp-up. We all had high hopes for ZOG Trump, but alas, only words from an actor. (((They))) like to sow seeds of discontent and hopelessness; I am a builder and will continue as such.

Real question will be, who to back...

Waterburger ago

Patrick Little. He'll help to remove jews like Putt.

freshmeat ago

so 2 SRS users and a random alt are your builders. What happened to Fuzzy? So much fuckery going on lately and here you are once again trying to rush forward and ignore everything else.

I wonder how much actual talent you turned down just to satisfy the fuckin homos you hang with. I know one person in particular who makes Voat look like a joke. Your job aint that fuckin hard other than what you make it.

349023095sdfl ago

So I looked up the downvotes on this submission out of curiosity. Most all are destroyers. Many of which will be banned shortly for previous vote manipulation. Interesting isn't it that those that abuse Voat also hate seeing this thread.

@puttitout get -18 (are you going bann the people that has crippled the accounts of so many??? myg as well)and is going to ban them, meanwhile his builder (kevnog) keeps a open downvote hit piece on me. that last one @outrunng when he found it was me.

But he a builder!

NotHereForPizza ago

We still think you're a pedo (or probably just gabara). But it's nice to see you aren't just retarded.

Either way, you sure do piss a lot of people off. I suppose that's something we have in common.

See you around. although i hope i don't

freshmeat ago

Im not a pedo what the fuck, and @gabara is a beta male homosexual who wastes too much time online that will eventually end up going no where. Also he named himself after a jewish holy site in israel, google it.

And cheers buddy o7

NotHereForPizza ago

Checks out.

I'm quite curious, though: why do you still press the shills? Why have you not left and made that site, yet?

freshmeat ago

im on a few sites but if i can be honest this place still has funny headlines. I care not about the shills anymore, just come here to fill in the gaps. Doesnt have to be voat tho.

NotHereForPizza ago

Do you have any idea why you've been labeled a pedo, beyond their desperate obligation to socialize dissent?

freshmeat ago

No, they make up all kinds of bullshit all the time and dont even ping me for me to defend myself. I've been outspoken heavily about the owner's condoning of those pedo posters.

Its a stupid hill for them to die on and will result in voat being closed, which i think is what they intended earlier than 2019. Weird timeline tho

Vindicator ago

Do you have any idea why you've been labeled a pedo, beyond their desperate obligation to socialize dissent?

No one made up the fact that your username is pedo slang for someone who prays on the innocent. It's been on Urban Dictionary since 2003.

NotHereForPizza ago

they make up all kinds of bullshit all the time and dont even ping me for me to defend myself.

kek they framed me for "threatening srayzie's family". When I told Putt about it, he made that sticky about not threatening people in the next day or two. They're pretty clearly not fond of me.

but who cares? they're posers and faggots anyway.

srayzie ago

You were taking part in threatening me and @Shizy like 4 months ago. @Puttitout barely made the Post about threats a month ago. There you go lying again shill

You always talk shit to Putt. Remember when you tried acting like a bad ass to Putt when the GA Redditors were migrating? 🤣

NotHereForPizza ago


HateCumbuckets ago

So if it's not hard, why haven't you made your own? You keep whinging but do nothing.

Build your own and fuck off.

freshmeat ago

First of all i have zero technological skills and am not dealing with the current infrastructure of the internet which holds me liable because of shills.

You are bringing up more questions by even mentioning it. Why has Voat been given a free pass for "nazi racists"? There is way more going on than is public witht his site im im fucking done caring about their optics. The website owners have shows dozens of times they side with the very same faggots who ruin every other website. Talking to an owner of a site 20x the size of Voat really helped bring clarity to whats going on here. The owners are trying to hide behind clout/fake personas/ other faggotry to avoid answering real questions and making changes that dont exclusively benefit the shills.

349023095sdfl ago

I've give tons of of ideas to curb voat manipulation. one right off the bat is is simply make comment history shown as public or private. Akin to how subscribed verse work in your profile, as an option. That alone would curb 80% of brigades. Doesn't seem to be that difficult to do.

3.9 years, a builder 8 fucking submissions... AND his comment history goes back 2 pages....totally not an alt brah @puttitout

ffs he called kevdude mature, that for one tells me putt is serious out of his mind or is in cahoots.

srayzie, no fucking idea about, never been on my radar. But from what people are telling me is "she" is fucking evil.

IDK, I just shake my head at voat now.... Its kinda depressing really. I use to think putt had a heart, he doesnt. Called me an asset" I aint your fucking property.

You think dial_indicator had an army, lmao... the one before him was waaaaay stronger. If I was able to have a single account from the beginning (thanks to your builder) I'd be 100k in each direction.

I dont have any decent accounts left I wiped them, just these shit randoms. It doesnt make sense to try to build (no pun) anything anymore. IDK, I could on, its just worth the time anymore


HateCumbuckets ago

First of all i have zero technological skills

Yet you berate Putt because it's so "easy"

Voat been given a free pass for "nazi racists"

Free speech is what it is. Most here will have civil discourse on differing opinions. But it will attract trolls too.

Talking to an owner of a site 20x the size of Voat

If you are so close to the owners of a website of that size, why are you so worried about what voat does?

I see you make many accusations but never provide solid proof.

freshmeat ago

Yet you berate Putt because it's so "easy"

Its easy if you are honest. But putt thinks child molestors and shills deserve the be platformed at the cost of an organic userbase.

Free speech is what it is. Most here will have civil discourse on differing opinions. But it will attract trolls too.

This site has a backdoor deal. All the websites and demographics that people were banned from to end up here didnt forget about you. its a honeypot.

If you are so close to the owners of a website of that size, why are you so worried about what voat does?

Im not. Im just a casual commentor and poster, i dont give a fuck what happens with voat or facebook or reddit or twitter or any of the other fake ass sites.

HateCumbuckets ago

Again nothing but baseless accusations.

freshmeat ago

Basless my ass, fuck off nigger. Watch the silence of anyone who matters on their side. It's the truth.

Pizzagate, FPH, Qanon, MDE, etc etc are all audiences reddit specifically banned. They were all spammed this place after they got cucked by reddit. It doesn't take even moderate IQ to see why this site is still around.

HateCumbuckets ago

Well I came here after fph was banned. Not one mention of voat did I see until I found it myself. All the subs reddit ban are for the benefit of their advertising.

Yes we are probably being watched, but I think your tinfoil hat theories are a bit over the top.

I want solid proof. You provide your opinion as fact.

As for IQ, degenerating to insults while I'm actually trying to talk to you. Doesn't really help your case.

freshmeat ago

tinfoil lol. Alright

Diggernicks ago

Tinfoil condom ftw

digitalentity1497 ago

Well deserved. Good going!

DayOfThePillow ago

I'm a builder! Anyone need a set of gallows putting together?!?

Shizy ago

Gallows? I thought you just needed pillows?

Ina_Pickle ago

Maybe he just needs the pillow cases.

DayOfThePillow ago

If they survive the drop the pillow will finish them off!

SandHog ago

Shizy ago

@SandHog is just asking for a ban!

SandHog ago


DayOfThePillow ago

Accounts not even a month old and doxxed again, fucks sake! Lol

SandHog ago

Your love of pillows betrays you!

NotHereForPizza ago

If it wasn't obvious before, it is now.

Feeling a bit panicked, Putt?

srayzie ago

Oh here we go again. 🙄

@Shizy @Sandhog @Vindicator @Kevdude @Crensch

NotHereForPizza ago

Yes, yes, ping your other accounts so it doesn't look at all out of place when my CCP droops.

You guys are so impotent, your sock puppets have to vouch for you. How does that feel?

Anxious over the transfer? Is your grip loosening? I would freak out too... guess I can't blame you.

Shizy ago

She pings people because it's always funny to see what kind of ridiculous garbage you're vomiting out!

Mittermeyer ago

Pretty sure it is a call for a brigade and point manipulation to ask a bunch of people to come downvoat some e and have everyone you pinged upvoat each other. Oh what am I saying, Qfags doing it is going to be the norm while anyone who names the JQ will be told they are the real point manipulators.

Shizy ago

Pretty sure it is a call for a brigade and point manipulation to ask a bunch of people to come downvoat some e and have everyone you pinged upvoat each other.

Pretty sure you're talking out of your asshole!

Shizy ago

Oh no @NotJereForPizza I'm being downvoat brigaded!

srayzie ago

I pinged my friends because you’re crazy. 😂

NotHereForPizza ago


We've seen this so many times... Why don't you think we learn about these things before we jump in? You don't think we've watched you and all your friends for some time?

Vindicator ago

Glad to know we're costing Shareblue $$$ Captain LARPy Pants. Thanks for the encouragement!

DayOfThePillow ago

I don't get it?

NotHereForPizza ago

Srayzie freaked when she didn't pass the test. We moved operations from Reddit to Voat so the normies would have a place to play in the pen with retards like themselves.

Srayzie was quick to make a non-sanctioned subverse here to claim the fame, which she seems to be absolutely absorbed over. In the process, she (it) casted doubt on the community, which was purposefully made anonymous to avoid retards like srayzie and its friends from garnering their little fame points. Srayzie seethed with anger over it not being able to assume control, made TONS of posts out of desperation, claiming it was being robbed due to it not having a position of authority.

A bit of a ways in, we noticed scheduled disturbances: gabara and puppets flooding /all so that QRV content couldn't be seen on the front page (also farming points), the verse being flooded with all kinds of shit like basic Shitposts to cartoon porn featuring toddlers. After a while, we grew suspicious and I decided to test their little cult of faggotry. Surely enough, they took the bait and exposed themselves as being the ones who are flooding the board and QRV with spam and pubescent Shitposts.

Once exposed, things began heating up, resulting in Putt threatening to assume control of QRV because it was "not being modded". In reality, we are the true harbingers of free speech and as such ignored Putt's request. No, not because moderating a sub is unimportant, but because we value free speech, something that Putt very clearly doesn't. But, wait, there's a catch: one of the types of content that was hard to prune was the cartoon porn. No, not because QRV mods enjoy it (yeah... I guarantee they'll claim that), but because of the sheer volume. Yes, this is to say that it was happening so much that they just couldn't keep up. Apparently, to Putt, this means the sub is unmodded.

But wait, there's more! Remember how I noted up above that we caught the faggots in the act? Well, it just so happens that the ones that we discovered were flooding the board and the verse were Putt's friends here at Voat, SBBH and friends. Funnily, they even admit to it. Don't worry, I'm sure they'll mention it again. After all, they aren't very smart.

Now srayzie follows me around to every single post I make to make sure to downvote me. It even gets all of its "friends" (shared accounts or alts) to downvote everything I do. There are many like me. You can tell because it always accuses me of being other people or vice versa.

Now it's pissed that we're considering moving operations due to the entrenchment. Naturally, since Putt cucked, we won't be needing any more of his services soon (it seems).

Now watch. This is the good part. Srayzie is about to claim I'm from Reddit or that I'm not "a real Q follower". She will say I was on the mod team at Reddit or something and she'll show proof that I knew about the transfer from Reddit to Voat before it happened because I'm from some secret Reddit org that's overseeing everything. In reality, I'm simply an anon who took part in the discussion of where the alternate site would be after Reddit fell through. It's just upset that it had no say in the transfer and wasn't given any power after the newest iteration.

Naturally, Putt is complicit in this. They even went so far as to threaten me by proxy, framing me for "threatening srayzie and its supposed children", which I not only never did, but I actually brought this up with Putt, as I don't want anyone to be threatened, and it they thought it was a real threat it should be taken seriously. Of course, they ALL shut up really quickly when I tried to get Putt involved, the only person able to tell them all to shut up and stop framing me because he has proof that it came from a different IP.

Naturally, even after PMs with Putt himself, he not only won't acknowledge the situation, he instead PRAISES SRAYZIE FOR BEING A MODEL "GOAT".

They're farcicle. Putt is a joke. This website is nothing but a cardboard box with a neat design on the front. The same group controls all major subverse here, they act like they aren't friends, and Putt has never and will never do anything to stop them. Oh, and did I mention they don't just have access to the sites code, but also have permissions that afford them the ability to alter its code?

Yeah, they're all about to get reemed, whether it means losing all their traffic, or if it means the community here waking up and demanding Putt make alterations.

Either way, this place won't be around (at least in the capacity it's currently running) for much longer.

Don't complain it is long. You asked for it.

Mittermeyer ago

What is interesting is swing someone tag several people to come downvoat you and upvoat each other, and see them called builders when it is one of the more obvious calls for a brigade I have seen.

NotHereForPizza ago

No way, man. You're clearly in denial. Everyone here is totally normal, not FEDs or shills, and Putt is totally our best friend.

That's why everyone's leaving. Remember?

Mittermeyer ago

Personally I'm not leaving yet, and I do I will just stick with /cow/

Shizy ago

"Look at me Putt! LOOK AT ME!!! Please Putt pay attention to meeeee!"


srayzie ago

😂 Right? This whole scenario is ass backwards! Dude trips me out! He keeps saying “we” as if he had any part in the matter.

@NotHereForPizza we were already here faggot. I wasn’t quick to make a “non sanctioned subverse”. We were here all along. The 2 subs you defended ended up compromised. But hey, a little 🐦 told me that FastJack said he wanted you to move to Poal. Please go to Poal! 🙏🏻 You need a fresh start. The stress is getting to you. 😀

srayzie ago

Mittermeyer ago

@Puttitout literally a brigade where they all mass downvoat someone and mass upvoat each other's comments.

Vindicator ago

Srayzie freaked when she didn't pass the test.

You've established no authority whatsoever to "test" anyone...or put anyone "on trial." LARPity LARP LARP

NotHereForPizza ago

Power cannot accrue to those who squander their treasure of words.

Oh, but the test was for me.

You know, several groups across several different websites have all confirmed the same things for me, Vindic8tor. Why do you think that might be?

Vindicator ago

Because you all sit right next to each other in shitty guvmint cubicles. :-) I'll bet their LARPy personas are even more gay than yours.

SandHog ago

Probably because you spread the same bullshit lies, with no standard of proof, that you do here everywhere else and nobody knows any different because they've never spent any time here. Or even care to take the time to figure out the truth. In fact you just did it in this very thread.

Srayzie was quick to make a non-sanctioned subverse here to claim the fame, which she seems to be absolutely absorbed over. In the process, she (it) casted doubt on the community, which was purposefully made anonymous to avoid retards like srayzie and its friends from garnering their little fame points. Srayzie seethed with anger over it not being able to assume control, made TONS of posts out of desperation, claiming it was being robbed due to it not having a position of authority.

This is an easily disprovable. v/GreatAwakening has existed for a year and a half. Long before any of the reddit people ever came over here. Putt even mentions this fact in his OP.

@srayzie is a builder. She has shown assertiveness and stood a firm ground despite facing a potential countless enemy. She has also created and maintained a subverse that her users highly value for nearly 1.5 years. Builder!

You are a fucking snake and one day you will get exactly what is coming to you because eventually all of your lying and manipulation is going to blow up in your face. And it will be well-deserved.

Vindicator ago

I'm pretty sure v/GreatAwakening predated the forming of any Q subs on Reddit, not just before any of them came here. We were covering Q in v/pizzagate from Nov. 1, 2017, just a couple of days after Q's first crumb. Before he even called himself Q. Srayzie spun off her own sub due to the shilling just a couple months after that.

SandHog ago

There was CBTS over there real early on, too. I suspect that's where this turd came from and why he is so interested in all of this. I think he was trying to take advantage of the chaos when the reddit powermods were moving over and tried to interject himself into a position of authority by playing the reddit mods off against the existing GA mods here. That's my theory anyway.

Vindicator ago

Reddit CBTS didn't start up until months after Q least three or four, I thought. Could be wrong about that.

There was a CBTS on /pol/ before Q moved to 8chan, though.

SandHog ago

I got curious and looked it up. It was December 20th, 2017 at least according to this. Scroll down a bit and you'll see:

[–]MickGris {Joined reddit Dec. 20th the day the board was formed}

I'm not really sure when the posts started on 4chan. I followed it a little bit at first but then lost interest.

Vindicator ago

First post on 4chan was October 28, 2017.

SandHog ago

Again, lots of gum flapping and zero proof. I suspect that you won't be around much longer given Putt's edit. Have a nice trip, asshole.

NotHereForPizza ago

No one needs to prove what is true. It is plain to see.

PANIC mode: engaged.

SandHog ago

You are one of the most manipulative pieces of shit on here and a despicable human being. I really hope you get gassed.

NotHereForPizza ago

All you're doing is flaunting my effectiveness.

These spectators all need to ask them a question: do the ends justify the means? (another) Would you have me cuck, or seek to corrects problems I see surfacing? (another) Should a man not seek to manipulate or subvert that which harbors evil?

You know, George Washington was apart of many secret cabals. Look at all of those portraits of him and his associates with their hands hidden in the jackets. Does that not seem to stand out to you? If it wasn't for this man subverting those orgs, our country never would have been founded. The man was a masterful subversive, along with Franklin himself. Are these men not just and respected? But, they were deviant subversives, were they not?

But you men tow the line of good and evil, only to point fingers. Who are you to judge?

Here's the short story: we're all being watched now. Those eyes that watch us, they'll tell a story some day. How will history remember us? Have you even considered what might happen in the end, or are you just going to keep taking orders?

11/11 marks the date.

srayzie ago

These are some of the funniest ones I’ve ever seen you write. You are on disturbed creepy person. That was archive worthy. My cheeks hurt 😁

@Kevdude @Shizy

srayzie ago

All you're doing is flaunting my effectiveness.

😂 @Sandhog see how different he’s acting today? That’s how he acts when he comments in Putt’s threads. He trips me out. @Shizy

SandHog ago

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get it. You're a legend in your own mind who's larping some shit straight out of Fight Club.

I don't give a shit who's watching. I'm not taking orders from anyone. I think you are a delusional narcissist who doesn't do anything but stir up trouble and spread bullshit. You're like a retarded Dr. Evil with a victim complex. Fuck off back to reddit or your gay little discord server or whatever else it is you do. You're kinda fun to smack up aside the head now and again but aside from that you aren't all that interesting or important.

SandHog ago

He's a tard that goes around and stirs the pot in an effort to undermine communities on Voat. He'll make all kinds of claims but never provide proof of anything if asked. At least none that I've ever seen. He really likes to stir things up and then play the victim in an effort to harvest pity points like a jew. It's a recurring theme.

squataclops ago

Here here! always had respect for those that build rather than destroy. I know you dont want to add yourself Putt but you deserve a round on me!

black_trash ago

First off it's great to encourage people to contribute positively...this is how we build a community worth living in. Will you assign the badges manually or will there be a community method to vote (voat?) on who is a builder, or objective criteria like leading a subverse with xxx subscribers?

PuttItOut ago

The future is ours. The next software update will have functionality for many things, including badging users by vote.

Fun times ahead.

I will manually badge until then if their efforts are noteworthy.

uvulectomy ago

Hey @PuttItOut, what about @Empress and her stewardship of /v/TraditionalWives? Goes a long way to showing women just how fulfilling and rewarding those "outdated gender roles" can be.

NPCGator ago

I found Voat because of @Empress, she's good people.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

The true builders of almost all communities go unheralded. Somehow there's always a slimy Jew there to take the credit.

I agree with you 100%, @Empress is a true "builder".

PuttItOut ago

For sure, we have a lot of builders. We will not forget them. This is just the latest builders imo.

White_pride_cis ago

Is this in response to all the drama on SBBH? I went there for boobs, but left confused and uncomfortable.

AR47 ago

Boss of all the people within this site know who has t caused any drama?

Seriously when all the people attacked her and called her a tranny she NEVER allowed them to see her weak?

@empress and from my own experience it shows quite a lot of not only the community supports her, but the admin. She didn’t even get pissed when they copied her sub and made it a shit show. She laughed about it.

People don’t fuck with her because they know it won’t do anything. The ones you listed save the last person are riddled with drama and strife, and will continue to be an issue for you. That is what is referred to in the business world as a liability that would be wise to steer clear of with associated ties.

I want to see this place successfully make it and that means you as well, because you own it (I think).

Maybe you think longevity means the world, but it doesn’t. All it means is they found a place to make home.

Do or don’t listen to me. All I will ever care about is the site and it’s future.

PuttItOut ago

I try to listen to everyone but it helps if you just flat out say what you have to say. Leaving things open to interpretation takes too much time.

Just say it. Tell me I'm wrong, tell me what you hate, be forward about it. I'll listen and consider, and have often changed my mind if I find I wasn't thinking straight in the beginning.

AR47 ago

I get you try, but your best isn’t good enough anymore.

About time you choose others to help you now. These fucking trolls and attacks won’t stop anytime soon.

Your handling of sanegoatiswear back in the day was just the best. I clapped for your response.

However this praise for people that consistently make drama makes it look like a clicky thing to be within the circle.

Look I don’t know the solution for ya either. Seems to be that you have done good so far. No offense but atko was better and far more engaging with the user base, and I know you are busy.

Thing is that doesn’t matter. Your presence means quite a fucking lot when you comment on a thread. People here love you for this place. Don’t be a ghost.

I address you with respect because this is your house and while some things I don’t agree with I do respect you.

PuttItOut ago

That's fair and correct. @Atko was much better at community management than myself.

I purposefully have taken a hands off approach, and will continue to do so as much as possible. I'm writing software to this end as well.

We will do an old fashioned sane smack down if need be.

AR47 ago

Boss you can do better. I know you can because I have seen it from you.

I get why you stay at a distance. I remember when you did the discord for development and he kept spamming shit. Shit was repulsive and it isn’t often, but I still really hope karma fucks him with a rake and then drowns him in a syphlis tsunami.

Just a vile person is all they were.

I have no doubt you would put the smack down if you needed too.

PuttItOut ago

I can do better in almost every way. Truth.

But consider this... Voat would not be here if it wasn't for me. I say this not to boast, it's simply the absolute undeniable truth. I could have walked, and have felt like walking, many times.

Sometimes we have to appreciate the imperfect.

AR47 ago

PuttItOut ago

I think you should help me arm up, that's what I think.

AR47 ago

Assuming you don’t live within a fucked it state and are within the USA I would be happy to help you make a firearm.

You tell me a budget and your level of aptitude with a drill press and metal work and we can work from that.

I focus on AR builds and someday I will make an AR10, but currently I am kinda limited by funds to make the one I want, and I need my “carry pistol” AR15 for November 1st

We have constitutional carry going into effect here in Oklahoma.

I will make another 7.62x39 but a pistol this time and name it my AK-KK lol paint it all white and shit too.

AR47 ago

Skippy I have made 6AR lowers, and 4 glocks so far. Even got me a stamp ad made a suppressor.

It’s my squirrel gun.

Don’t even use the glocks really, but I got them before the lowers went through the roof in price. Pretty much all you want to make is AR platforms. Just cheaper if you know what I mean.

Also fuck ever putting in another channel liner in a Glock ever again.

AR47 ago

Oh I am very well aware of how many times you could have walked, and that is because you told us over and over again like it mattered.

Nigger you are stuck with us and we with you.

I can’t think of a better way myself. I won’t lie I would have left. I am not the type to try and bring more drama into my existence. Don’t get me wrong in that I have always been like that. Shit I used to fight back with words on here like it mattered all the fucking time.

I realized that they don’t care because they will come right into your house and wipe their ass with the curtains. They can’t help it anymore than these morons on Live PD can. (Great show by the way) I love watching impoverished minority’s getting the shit beat out of them for 2hrs a day.

Really just makes me bask in my privilege.

Well you do you boss. Wanna see what I will be doing for Memorial Day?

PuttItOut ago

Nigger you are stuck with us and we with you.

Lmao. Yeah, it's like a married couple that each find each other unattractive in ways. I can't stop laughing.

How many times have I said we are all in this together?

Yes, I do want to see. Hopefully it involves being a builder (sticking to the theme here).

zyklon_b ago

@ar47 has his own motivations so be careful ...

AR47 ago

This is what I build

That FDE is my “thumper” a 7.62x39 AR15 with a 16in barrel and boy is she a mean bitch

The black one is my sons. He is 10 and loves it

That blue one is my wife’s AR pistol.

A 5.56 with a 10.5in barrel.

I assembled all and made the lowers for the black one and the blue one. She painted them and my son helped me mill the lowers as well as assemble last 4th of July. We both talked about the 2nd amendment and it’s purpose

hwong ago

I took put post to hart and started building out my sub again after letting it languish. If you are into virtual reality, come join us on /v/virtualreality!

PuttItOut ago

You keep it up and maintained and we will feature it!

hwong ago

got it brother!

PuttItOut ago

Fix the style sheet though. It made my eyes bleed.

hwong ago

whats wrong with the style sheet? What browser and os are you on?

PuttItOut ago

Try dark theme and look.

hwong ago

oh wow. I see what you mean.... I had no idea. I was in white mode.... Looks like I have some work to do!

Cheers mate!

srayzie ago

Awwww thank you @Puttitout! 😭 See this @Kevdude??

Diggernicks ago

You just mentioned 3 of the most aids ridden people on voat.


PuttItOut ago

No, you are.

kneo24 ago

no u


Diggernicks ago

Aw stop, youre making me blush.

selpai ago

Where's the builder badge for calling out the most Jews? This is Voat, not some left wing Kike-Show.

DesertFox33 ago

I'm glad you're encouraging productive discourse. And using poetry, no less


What about @rout fuck I cant figure out the rest of that damn frenchies name on my phone right now. Lots of great content.

Nadeshda ago



Rotteuxx ago

Thx but seeing as how @puttitout is honoring @Srayzie even after she went against everything Voat stands for by banning goats from her sub because of things they said outside of her sub, this is fucking meaningless. Not to mention all the gaslighting she's done in the past few days through @Crensch by stirring shit up with lies and retardation.

Truly a meaningless badge.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/Voat comment by @srayzie.

Posted automatically (#42636) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

PuttItOut ago

Some may say this about you when you get one for your act of building.

Rotteuxx ago


I've always stood up for free speech no matter how I disapproved of what was being said. Outside of SBBH & ROTR I've never banned anyone, I have principles & I uphold them all the time.

Take me off your list if you insist on honoring people who only believe in freedom of expression when it's their turn.

zyklon_b ago

must be gettimg paid is reason for these behaviors

Rotteuxx ago

The admins obsession with the mods of a zionist psyop sub is quite worrisome.

zyklon_b ago

i have absolutley ZERO inclination to think that sum1 getting paid by amounts of traffic that visits the site....i am certain he fell for (((q))) cult and genuinely trusts the plan n genocide of us white folks....hmmm

Rotteuxx ago

I've been pondering if his preference for growth in any way possible has surpassed his principles of neutrality and freedom of expression.

zyklon_b ago

look we git speshil badges and privileges cause that nazi was did not respekt the pussy pass...

Rotteuxx ago

English motherfucker !

zyklon_b ago

no speaky francais ese' ;)

<3 <3 <

Rotteuxx ago

La pomme de terre au fromage rousille dans le poêlon !

zyklon_b ago

ummmmhmmm french fried taters.....mmmmhhhhhmmmm

Rotteuxx ago

Au fromage !

zyklon_b ago

u gots incoming mein komrade :) <3


Nadeshda ago

I agree with you! Indeed! Good quality content!

onikage ago

Makes me feel guilty for being a lurker.

PuttItOut ago

Build something then. Doesn't have to be online or at Voat.

Make life, improve your environment, create new bonds... Building can take many forms.

darkknight111 ago

A possible example of many forms of building under those terms? Combines work both here and outside of voat.

Been investigating a 30 year cold murder case for over a year, trying to be a one man army getting the truth out (digging, memes) about one of the most heinous yet underreported crimes Hollywood pedophile rings have ever done. Found proof that her death was NOT a murder suicide.

This story has started to spread and take root around Valentines Day when a youtube video covering some of the memes I created showed up. Got over 40000 views in a week (I suspect there’s suppression).


you're a good leader Putt.

Jeww ago

No he’s not. At all. He’s vague with a god complex. Saying he’s ready to ban people who even downvoted his new class system post. You’re also gay.

Vindicator ago


Did I just hear you say you're giving badges for those who MVGA?

onikage ago

Thanks Putt, I meant specifically regarding voat.

I'm doing well IRL, but that just means I don't have the time to contribute much here besides the odd comment. I upvote good content, and downvote the trash. So at least that is something, i suppose.

andrew_jackson ago

Yeah, don't worry about it. Voat is a sandbox anyway


Huh. Your comments don't seem to odd! No more than anyone else.

onikage ago

Odd, meaning irregular or at least infrequent.


Oh come on! It was a joke! I was just playing around with you.

I hope you have a great night and I hope you laugh a little!

onikage ago

I got you. Lol

Cynabuns ago

I think you just changed that :)

DietCokehead1 ago





















..................... niggerfaggot. niggerfaggot. niggerfaggot. niggerfaggot. niggerfaggot. niggerfaggot. niggerfaggot.

I Love <3

PolishKing ago

Save a whale, harpoon a fat chick.

CrudOMatic ago

That is a mighty building you have erected, but it isn't the only thing you erected. Smooches, nigger. Winkyface;)

ForTheUltimate ago

There are actually chemicals that turn the frogs gay and scientific papers in respected sources on it.

The joke's on the NPC's lack of curiosity to check it out. because it took me only 1 minute.

TheKnightOfGod ago

That was clownworld before the stupid morons started to copy paste "Honk honk"

PuttitoutIsGone ago


zyklon_b ago


putt got cucked

Diggernicks ago

The cia killed JFK now it's full of brainwashed catholic fucktards.

Irony thy name is the u.s. government.

TheKalergiFan ago

Uh no CIA is full of Mormons, nice try tho

Diggernicks ago

No need to TRY and shit on Catholics, their non stop fail speaks for itself.

Make the kkk great again, lynch niggers AND catholics.

WrongThunk ago

I had family in the klan, a long time ago. Heard it became nothing but a fed infested honeypot. Would like to know if it still is, would join if it's decent.

TheKalergiFan ago

Make the kkk great again

the democrat party can just fuck right off, faggot

SavageQueen ago

THIS IS TRUE! I grew up Mormon, and you wouldn't believe the amount of people in the CIA and other such alphabet organizations full of Mormons. Oh, they make up a large amount of officers in the miliary, too. Mormons tell themselves it's because they're clean cut, and hardworking. I think it's because they're obedient to authority, and will justify anything if they're given the appropriate lines. Who really knows though? I don't have an explanation for it.

Goys-R-Us ago

think it's because they're obedient to authority, and will justify anything if they're given the appropriate lines.



It probably has a lot to do with the good ole boy system. Once a few people in any group reach some position of authority they start filling the place with others just like themselves. That's how it works everywhere.

The only time I've seen this not happen is because a bunch of retards bought in to the "diversity is our strength" lie. Now everyone suffers because of it.

bopper ago

Yeah, Faul McCartney and company chose a Mormon to write the Billy Shears memoirs, seriously.

70times7 ago

Dont forget to follow the pope on twitter so your dead loved ones can get out of purgatory sooner! - actual catholic teaching

TeddyJackson ago


Wrong, Free Masons and Jews did 9/11. It is the day of their New Year.

PolishKing ago

The Freemasons had nothing to do with 9/11. They do however have everything to do with God's return.

Not everything is as it appears. The Freemasons are taking care of the rogue operators. They really want the Satanic Baby Eating Pedophiles wiped off the face of the Earth.

Freemasons are God's people. Ya, I know you won't believe that given all the negative shit people spew without the facts.

70times7 ago

Is God alone to be worshiped?

If so, why does one have to call the lodge master or whoever "worshipful master"?

PolishKing ago

They have mastered themselves. Meaning they understand their limitations, their gifts etc. The Secret they keep demands complete loyalty or instant death, there is no forgiveness.

70times7 ago

That does not explain why the rules of masonry dictate you refer to another human being as "worshipful".

Please explain why another human has to call a man "worshipful" and how that act is not a direct violation of Christs directions to worship God and only God.

PolishKing ago

To remind them of their purpose. In all things be worshipful to the Lord.

They are the good guys. Really good guys.

70times7 ago

To remind them of their purpose?

This is done by calling another human being "worshipful master"?

Calling another human this, is pleasing to God? And not a direct violation of scripture?

Come on. I hope you are joking.

PolishKing ago

Open your mind to the possibility that you have been deceived by the best of them. Who were the Knight's Templar? Trace their roots.

Find out why the Pope wanted them all dead. Do a little research.

Guys and gals, lead this patriot in the direction he needs to be lead.

70times7 ago

Yes, but what does that have to do with calling another human being "worshipful" master?

Jesus outright rebuked satan for that type of talk.

"And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve."

Calling another man "worshipful" master, as all masons are required to do, is sin.

PolishKing ago

That's what is wrong with today's thinking. You think just because you have information that strokes your ego, the entire group is tainted.

Let me ask you this, if they were pure agents of Satan, what would you personally do to stop their actions on this planet?

You aren't qualified to make that decision based on hearsay. Me, as the one they proctect, can say that they are God's trustees.

Just as you cannot get to the Father except through me, you cannot get to me as a human except through them. Until such a time as they see fit.

Instead of worrying about the Mason's, worry about yourself and those you truly love. The day is coming when they will need your guidance.

Let me take care of those that need to be taken care of. You take care of you.

70times7 ago

Will pray you come out of them.

PolishKing ago

Dad has his agenda, I've learned to just go with the flow when I can.

PolishKing ago

Listen. I am the Creators son. They kept me safe and looked after me my entire life without me knowing anything at all about it. It wasn't until recently, the last year, that I became aware of who I am and who my father really was.

Trust me when I say they are the good guys. At any time one of them could have sold me out for TRILLIONS of dollars. THEY don't want me alive.

Right now, they know they lost. They knew the day would come when I would realize my purpose in life. It's here. Soon they won't be.

Goys-R-Us ago

I agree but Freemasons are tools of the jews.

TeddyJackson ago

Do you really think the freemasons didn't notice the jews run hollywood and banks? The freemasons run the military and police. who do you think has the power there?

Goys-R-Us ago

IDK. I'm just trying to understand the power structure in the world. I thought the jews were on top with freemasons as their tools. What's you're take on it?

TeddyJackson ago

You seem like a shill.

Goys-R-Us ago

So no answer then? Go fuck yourself.

TeddyJackson ago

I told you already. I asked you a question and you didn't answer. Who has more power, the military/police or the movie studios? Do you think the free masons and jesuits didnt know the holocaust is a lie?

Goys-R-Us ago

To be fair asking me a question and saying you told me don't exactly jive with each other.

I'll bite : Military and police have more power. Yes I think the masons and jesuits knew it was a lie. So I guess it's Masons and Jesuits over the jews. But Jesuits are jews. See? Confusing.

TeddyJackson ago

Does it matter who is over who when they all worship trannys? Jesuits created jews to be scapegoats. Do some reading on phantom time.

Believing what you're told about history is more retarded. Believing the Holy Roman Empire lasted for centuries without changing its boarders or inventing anything is retarded. Phantom time is real, Newton and

Sir Isaac Newton was a major critic of the new History that was created by the Jesuits and Joseph Justus Scaliger because it messed up his mathematical equations predicting solar and lunar eclipses. The eclipses no longer occurred in the predictable pattern they should have using Scaliger's new dates. Astronomers at the time suggested the moon had to the power to speed up and slow down to match the recorded dates of historical eclipses. This theory of course outraged Newton who then went about creating the laws of motion as a way to debunk the changing speed of the moon. The moon cannot speed up and slow down, an object in motion remains in motion. One of the last papers Newton published was that stating the dates on Scaliger's history were completely wrong. This paper was ignored and buried after Newton's death. To the current day the speeding up and slowing down of the Moon is just an unexplained mystery. Nobody wants to acknowledge that the dates are wrong and are mathematically impossible.

Newton's Moon mystery remained buried until the 20th century when Russian physicist and astronomer Anatoly Fomenko revived the case. His thesis for the impossible ellipse dates is that centuries of phantom time were added to the calendar in the 1500s. If one restores the old Julian calendar while synchronizing the fall of Rome with the fall of Constantinople then all the historical eclipse dates work again. This can be proven with mathematical models using the movement of the moon and the sun as the real calendar. It is currently the late 1700s by Julian calendar reckoning. The Roman empire only fell 542 years ago. This was relatively recent event not long before Columbus sailed to America.

The Roman empire itself wasn't really an empire but the last fragment of what was once part of a singular world wide culture stretching from Egypt and Africa in the south all the way to Hyperborea in the North and across Siberia.

Goys-R-Us ago

I'm aware of Fomenko's theories although I've not read it in detail. Nothing would surprise me at this point.

TeddyJackson ago

Who reset the dates? Who ran the universities?

Goys-R-Us ago

That would be Jesuits.

Goys-R-Us ago

And why is that?

You appear to have some knowledge of who works for who, who controls what, etc. I've been thinking about this for a long time. It seems to me there are a lot of moving parts and I honestly don't know how things fit together so I asked. Fuck me for being curious. Normally I'd say GFY but I'm still hoping for your take on things.

TeddyJackson ago

They all work together. If they were against each other there wouldn't be multiple groups still.

The jews and free masons and jesuits are all transvestite worshipers of Baphomet.

Goys-R-Us ago

Haha, man I like conspiracies but this is fucking out there. Love watching vids like this even if I'm not quite buying it.

How does Lucifer figure in to this? That's what I keep hearing about. Lucifer is who they worship.

darkknight111 ago

The luciferians are at the very top. These assholes have been around fucking everyone over since at least the time of Babalyon. They infiltrate ALL religions and get into positions of power which they use to corrupt X group from within. Yes, there’s even corrupted buddhist sects (Dali Lhama is one of them and he has ties to NXIVM). Many inter faith wars are likely of their orchestration.

Jesuits are basically luciferians disguised as Christians.

The tough part regarding investigating masons is the issue of “Blue Degree, Black Degree”. Blue degrees are “useful idiots”. Mostly decent people who are clueless to the evil of those at the top but manipulated to protect and cover for them. The Black Degrees ARE evil to their core.

As for the jews, I’d be inclined to believe they are the most heavily infiltrated of religions for both intensity AND duration. IIRC, the origins of the Talmund go back to Babalyon. I don’t think that book is part of the Old Testament. Biologically, Askenazis aren’t even jews (those would be Hebrews and Seraphites). They’re more Indo Turk (east central european in an area located in modern Ukraine).

Goys-R-Us ago

I think I remember the Dali Lhama was invited to speak by NXIVM and they were going to contribute to one of his favorite charities. This was before all the sex stuff started coming out. As I recall he didn't accept the gift from NXIVM in the end. I could be wrong though.

The Dali Lhama is definitely a CIA asset though. The question is does he do more good than not? I don't know.

darkknight111 ago

He has connections to Abramovic.

v/pizzagate did some digging and found some ties to a really bad sect of buddhism.

Definitely a villain.

Goys-R-Us ago

Did not know that. Not a problem though because I don't really trust anyone anyway. You either continue sleeping, figure it out yourself or go insane trying.

I'm in between naps.

Goys-R-Us ago


I just don't get it.

darkknight111 ago

Its VERY complicated but I’ll try to make a tl:dr version.

In short Luciferians thrive and depend on “Divide and Conquer”.

That’s why they like to pit groups against each other (includes false flags to incite wars).

Wars they incite they dedicate as mass sacrifices to Lucifer (both in death and emotional torment caused). Then ravage the economies of both sides to consolidate power.

Luciferians actively encourage and incite scapegoating (with the group they infiltrated taking the hit while they “exit stage left” then sit back and laugh at the havoc).

These people are a cancer that needs to be culled down to the last cell.

Goys-R-Us ago

Do they really believe in Lucifer an afterlife, god and whole shebang, or are they just asshole psychopaths?

darkknight111 ago

I’m inclined to believe as Grandpa Simpson once said: “A little from collumn A a little from collumn B”.

ALL of them are asshole psychopaths.

SOME of them believe in that she bang (including the asshole psychopaths).

Many of them are obsessed with the occult.

Goys-R-Us ago

Well if you believe in Lucifer then you believe in God, cause they're kind of a bundle. Why would you go with the dick side? Rhetorical questions.

I was reading Eustace Mullins and he said they want to remove duality from the world by installing just one side of the equation: evil. Sounds fucked yo.

crazy_eyes ago

Are you offended yet?

cyclops1771 ago

TIL that flooding subs with "You're a fag" shitposts makes you a builder!

WrongThunk ago

Well then. You're a fag.

cyclops1771 ago

u/wrongthunk is a font of wisdom!!!

theoldones ago

that's how mafia works

andrew_jackson ago

"Hey, Tony!"

theoldones ago

howzita that the joos only had 6 huned thousand die, eh ton?

C_Corax ago

As a certified shitposter I find it glorious. Not so dignified though..

cyclops1771 ago

It WAS glorious. I even said so.

It's not wise and or very mature, though.

virge ago

Maybe someone knows Half of Robert?

fuckingmockies ago

Okay, but is it possible to both build and destroy? I don't see them as being mutually exclusive.

PuttItOut ago

Yes, very much so.

Artofchoke ago

I'm a "builder", sort of, damn you. Have you seen the size of the coon sub? It's a trove! A TROVE!

Alright so I don't give a shit about any of this can I just have the badge please? I LIEK BADGES

CobraStallone ago

Lol, you mean v/raccoons, but I though you were talking about v/niggers.

PuttItOut ago

I started listing past builders but the list was too long. I will badge past builders too (assuming they are still building).

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @kneo24.

Posted automatically (#42526) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

zyklon_b ago

look at upvotes i gibs to all and i have longest runnin memes on voat? wtf did @kevdude n @srayzie cry and ping u so much gotta save em?

TXRepublicMovement ago

Allow builders to ban destroyers

White_pride_cis ago

Does your father know that his son likes dick?

Diggernicks ago

Get back to reddit niglet.

TXRepublicMovement ago

Get back to Tel Aviv, matza boy

Diggernicks ago

ill fight you irl.

TXRepublicMovement ago

I'm not in Israel, pussy ass

Diggernicks ago

Post your address

TXRepublicMovement ago

Keep checking, lonely incel, and I will. You have to stay on here checking, or it means you aren't serious. Poor incel.

kneo24 ago

The only people I've seen use "incel" as a direct insult were leftists, so....

Kannibal ago

allow for builder points or something

or levels of building. something that only you or a trusted few can do

Artofchoke ago


Orphan season has been damn ugly. Look forward to getting back to posting.

Octocopter ago

Just so you are aware the illegal content posting pedo deleted his account. I will still ask that more be done to protect real living children on this site, you can't claim to support builders while failing to protect the future.

Dortex ago

I agree. People that beg for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then had a mental breakdown for over a day when they get called out for it should be banned, along with all their alts.

Octocopter ago

I don't care to hear from someone who openly supported the posting of a fetish rape video of a living child and has continued to defend pedophiles. No one with half a brain or an ounce of morals will fall for you trying to twist words around in a weak attack on someone that threatens you.

If the guys in my town ever found you there is a pig farm in my village that could clean up your sins well enough.

Dortex ago

Are you willing to condemn the violation of federal law by a user that begged for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then had a mental breakdown for over a day when he got called out for it?

Octocopter ago

Again trying to twist words won't convince anyone. The only future you deserve is as pig shit.

Dortex ago

Are you willing to condemn u/theoldones: a user that begged for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then had a mental breakdown for over a day when he got called out for it?

It's like trying to get a Moslem to condemn Hamas.

Octocopter ago

Is the theoldones an idiot who spams too much? Yes. Is what he did there wrong? No, it proved his first argument to the point where you could no longer challenge it and had to create a false narrative to re-frame your position.

You are pathetic just like your arguments in your defense of pedos. How many outside of the pedo posters and defenders here have you actually got on your side with that spam and false narrative?

Dortex ago

Is the theoldones an idiot who spams too much? Yes. Is what he did there wrong? No,

So you have a problem with the PV spam. The begging for child porn is perfect acceptable. Got it.

Octocopter ago

Still pushing weak attempts at framing the narrative to fit your goal because you lack the moral or logical position to defend your views directly.

You can't win like this and you are aware of that fact so you try to make anyone that is capable of destroying your defense of pedos be afraid of being engaged in a drawn out shit stain of a "fight". The longer you can keep the narrative off your weak arguments and evil moral standing the better you think you look.

This entire conversation and our last one prove this well enough. I bet if you reply you will continue to attack indirectly because you are incapable of defending your views knowing full well they are easily wrong logically and morally.

Dortex ago

Still pushing weak attempts at framing the narrative to fit your goal

I think the links to the entire conversations speak for themselves. Thanks for answering my question. You're the only one with the balls to so far.

Dailytacs ago

Cue Starships' "we built this city on rock and roll"

TheBuddha ago

Glad ya posted today. Today is Friday and @crazy_eyes will be dealing with the thread.

crazy_eyes ago

I kind of ruined his builder post with my chinese fable

TheBuddha ago


Also, I'm late. I'm not technically late, but I'm later than I intended.

crazy_eyes ago

are you at the venue

TheBuddha ago


We have a band going on before us, so I'll have to soundcheck anyhow. I don't really need to be there until 21:00. It's about a 2 hour trip, but I can shave 30 minutes off that.

crazy_eyes ago

you should be able to shave more than 30 minutes off !

TheBuddha ago

That's actually keeping my average speed at about 72 MPH. ;-)

crazy_eyes ago

I'm sure you could average more than that without any trouble

TheBuddha ago

Not without serious risk. The roads are twisty and tourists are coming. Tourist Season opens today, except we can't shoot them.

crazy_eyes ago

Oh, I guess I dont know the path you're taking

TheBuddha ago

It's fairly well maintained curvy mountain roads. My trip will be entirely through this end of the Appalachian mountain range.

It's okay. My HUD tells me if there are animals on the side of the road and my car has very bright headlights. $50 says I don't bump into anything!

crazy_eyes ago

Sounds like a fun ride

TheBuddha ago

More so as I don't need to worry about a passenger, nor will I have any distractions.

I'm out of here. I kinda want to be there before 21:00. This gives me plenty of time, but I'm still gonna drive like a madman. That's why I bought the car!

It'll also give me a giant adrenaline rush, if I go fast enough. That'll get me in the mood for tonight. I've got 2 hours of mostly GnR dialed in and ready to play at ear-splitting volumes, 'cause damn doesn't this car have a beautiful sound system!

I'll TRY to check in, but I may not do so tonight.

Take care of the guitar thread for me! She's getting to be an old girl and might be fragile!

crazy_eyes ago

I'm going to put the old girl through the wringer tonight!

kneo24 ago

I thought you made it better. I rate that post an 11/10. But what do I know?

crazy_eyes ago

Thank you!

Artofchoke ago

Wtf, I didn't see a chinese fable. Share!

crazy_eyes ago

you didnt see the last builder post that putt had stickied a week ago? it was the top comment

Artofchoke ago

Found, thank you. :)

crazy_eyes ago

You're welcome!

PuttItOut ago

We'll see.


crazy_eyes ago

I'll ping you later when the FNGT is up and running

PuttItOut ago

We'll see.

crazy_eyes ago

@puttitout Hey just reminding you it's Friday and I am going to be opening the FNGT tonight!

Cynabuns ago

Let's here it for the Builders!! Thank you <3

thantik ago

I'd like Empress to be mentioned directly in one of these. We highly appreciate her work, and these "builder" posts have only begun recently.

edgelord666 ago

Every single one of the people he mentioned is a total fucking faggot i could kick their asses irl and they don't contribute anything that isn't stupid and/or racist. @PuttItInMyAss is just a cock-slurping race baiter.

Goys-R-Us ago

Hahahaha, you're amusing. Keep em coming.

HoneyTrap1488 ago

Putt should ban the entire Israel IP range so JIDF cunts like you stay away.

Diggernicks ago

Tinfoil hat:engage

HoneyTrap1488 ago

Is it a tinfoil yarmulke?

Diggernicks ago

Real voaters wear a tinfoil hat AND a tinfoil condom.

IslamicStatePatriot ago

Name checks out.

Diggernicks ago

Nigger lover detected.

edgelord666 ago

If you can't handle me at my edgiest you don't deserve me at my dootiest

Diggernicks ago

That's not even a word.

edgelord666 ago

wow slick cumback bro really got me there

Diggernicks ago

Your reply is all the thanks I need.

edgelord666 ago

I like how you think you came out on top in this conversation even though everyone can see that I pwned u

kneo24 ago

When two trolls collide, Diggernicks comes out on top.

Delacourt ago


The Builder concept is awesome and I agree with it 100%. Thanks Putt.