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Octocopter ago

Just so you are aware the illegal content posting pedo deleted his account. I will still ask that more be done to protect real living children on this site, you can't claim to support builders while failing to protect the future.

Dortex ago

I agree. People that beg for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then had a mental breakdown for over a day when they get called out for it should be banned, along with all their alts.

Octocopter ago

I don't care to hear from someone who openly supported the posting of a fetish rape video of a living child and has continued to defend pedophiles. No one with half a brain or an ounce of morals will fall for you trying to twist words around in a weak attack on someone that threatens you.

If the guys in my town ever found you there is a pig farm in my village that could clean up your sins well enough.

Dortex ago

Are you willing to condemn the violation of federal law by a user that begged for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then had a mental breakdown for over a day when he got called out for it?

Octocopter ago

Again trying to twist words won't convince anyone. The only future you deserve is as pig shit.

Dortex ago

Are you willing to condemn u/theoldones: a user that begged for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then had a mental breakdown for over a day when he got called out for it?

It's like trying to get a Moslem to condemn Hamas.

Octocopter ago

Is the theoldones an idiot who spams too much? Yes. Is what he did there wrong? No, it proved his first argument to the point where you could no longer challenge it and had to create a false narrative to re-frame your position.

You are pathetic just like your arguments in your defense of pedos. How many outside of the pedo posters and defenders here have you actually got on your side with that spam and false narrative?

Dortex ago

Is the theoldones an idiot who spams too much? Yes. Is what he did there wrong? No,

So you have a problem with the PV spam. The begging for child porn is perfect acceptable. Got it.

Octocopter ago

Still pushing weak attempts at framing the narrative to fit your goal because you lack the moral or logical position to defend your views directly.

You can't win like this and you are aware of that fact so you try to make anyone that is capable of destroying your defense of pedos be afraid of being engaged in a drawn out shit stain of a "fight". The longer you can keep the narrative off your weak arguments and evil moral standing the better you think you look.

This entire conversation and our last one prove this well enough. I bet if you reply you will continue to attack indirectly because you are incapable of defending your views knowing full well they are easily wrong logically and morally.

Dortex ago

Still pushing weak attempts at framing the narrative to fit your goal

I think the links to the entire conversations speak for themselves. Thanks for answering my question. You're the only one with the balls to so far.