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Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

ITT, you post shit comments. Sorry.

ksjdfkas878345 ago

look at your self cunt

@kevdude is a power mod who deletes comments & submissions, claims its something he has never done under the wrong.

@kevdude uses /v/protectvoat to downvoat users and brigade subverses. he continuously lies about me because he is paid to do it.

and fucking lies 95% of the time, you can see he as in almost bot like attack c&p the same message to me over and over

He even ask for quote in his words "my services" to brigade a verse. he works along side of @crensch who is also a paid shill.



and generally happens within seconds of my postings.... will PIA protect me from that puttitout, fucking sellout

kevdud bots

and he never has a real argument, I guarantee is a paid shill, much like crensch at this point

and dial was never a main... more lies you spineless cunt botter

[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 1.5 hours ago

If you get downvoted you get restricted. 00

ksjdfkas878345 ago

@kevdude is a power mod who deletes comments & submissions, claims its something he has never done under the wrong.

@kevdude uses /v/protectvoat to downvoat users and brigade subverses. he continuously lies about me because he is paid to do it.

and fucking lies 95% of the time, you can see he as in almost bot like attack c&p the same message to me over and over

He even ask for quote in his words "my services" to brigade a verse. he works along side of @crensch who is also a paid shill.



and generally happens within seconds of my postings.... will PIA protect me from that puttitout, fucking sellout

kevdud bots

and he never has a real argument, I guarantee is a paid shill, much like crensch at this point

and dial was never a main... more lies you spineless cunt botter

[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 1.5 hours ago

If you get downvoted you get restricted.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

So I'm sure if I were to, say, make a new post about this little kerfluffle it would be upvoted despite involving one of PV's own mods, right? I mean you're not hypocrites are you?

AmaleksHairyAss ago

No, honestly before I say PV playing into the drama yesterday I thought it was a force for good. And I try to NOT know about the drama, so I don't even know what three groups you're talking about. FYI I'm not Amalek.

zyklon_b ago

hahha. trufe

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AmaleksHairyAss ago

ITT @zyklon_b (and associates), Dial, and @freshmeat ALL show up to attack PV and GA. The coordination couldn't be more obvious.

Seriously? Those are accounts focused on subreddit drama and you are posting subreddit drama right at the top of protectvoat. What did you think would happen? Drama attracts trolls like flies to shit. And you probably know that. Just the fact that this sticky exists makes me question /protectvoat/

freshmeat ago

PV has been used countless times with straight up made-up bullshit and manufactured drama to get the admins involved and give more power to SBBH.

MolochHunter ago


SandHog ago

Some people seem to think that burning subs to the ground and driving users off of Voat under the banner of 'it's just jokes bro' and 'it's my free speech' is somehow justifiable. Attacking existing subs with the sole intent to destroy them is censorship and it can only beget more censorship in response to it. That is all it can ever accomplish. The motives don't even really matter because the end result will always be the same. It also opens the door wide open for future astroturfing campaigns once that behavior becomes acceptable. People should really think about what kind of precedent shit like this sets. It's one thing to do a bit of trolling but what has been happening here has gone well beyond that.

srayzie ago

I couldn’t have worded that any better myself. Archiving!

zyklon_b ago

How so?

Vindicator ago

Seriously, Zb. Your activities remind me of Obama tearing down hardworking Americans with his despicable "You didn't build that" comment.

zyklon_b ago

all she has to do is comply with the unbannings and public apology and it stops.

Vindicator ago

Sure it would.

SandHog ago

Just like this. It's been happening for the last couple years now. It's also a favorite tactic of the radical left and it's the same thing you have been doing here. Look familiar? It should because it's the exact same thing you have been doing here for the last two weeks. In fact all of the tactics you have been employing are straight out of 'Rules for Radicals'. Which really begs the question: Are you a leftist?

You certainly act like one.

zyklon_b ago

newports and humus

zyklon_b ago

this will be our best artwork so far.on voat sister

zyklon_b ago

yeah it really prevented shit cuck ass.whiteknight.

u did @srayzie a big favor and know she getting it harder and longer and humimiating herself more so i am thankful as this as u what gets me off.

zyklon_b ago

@srayzie is really smart.

Shizy ago

Wow! You're starting to slip. Living in fantasy land, spending all your time as an internet troll is taking its toll.

Shizy ago

You really are pathetic! What a sad, waste of a life.

srayzie ago

I actually am. I’m fighting to expose government corruption. I want a better future for my children. But little cunts like you won’t stop trying to stop me. Interesting timing. Declas Ordered.

Shizy ago

You're such a joke!

srayzie ago

You routinely turn against anyone who questions you, alienating all but the most devoted followers.

I turn against SHILLS. I don’t like dividers or shit stirrers. That is exactly what you are. You go behind goats backs is what you do.

srayzie ago

No, just giving a free sample of your shill tactics. You’re so good at it

Shizy ago

It's because really smart! Like really super smart. Just ask her!

zyklon_b ago

@srayzie maybe listen to suicode solution over and over

Shizy ago

It was rhetorical dumbass!

srayzie ago

This is some more from the group messages where Triggly is manipulative and causing division behind the scenes. Sound familiar?

Excerpts from the @Trigglypuff Shill Book

If you’re a troll and you want to disrupt a forum, how do you do it?

Most average trolls simply make inflammatory comments or spam. Obvious trolls are obvious. But if you’re a better troll, and you’re invested, then you can do a lot more damage.

Firstly, you need to be in it for the long con. You need to be prepared to invest a lot of time and energy. So this type of troll is highly motivated, either through financial remuneration or idealogical fervor.

Secondly, you need to be disciplined and smart. This is how I would do it, and I’m fairly certain it’s what Zyklon is doing:

To truly disrupt a forum, you need to create multiple accounts. Most people are pretty easy to out when they create new accounts. Most people find it hard not to be themselves, or to stay disciplined. But mostly it’s because they fail to create characters.

Characterization works like this. You create three or four different characters, each with its own personality. Everything that character does, is done through that characters prism. It’s responses, it’s motivations are all done in accordance with how that character would view the world. It’s similar to what an author does. Then it’s like playing an RPG. You become the LARP. You become the character. @Zyklon_b is just one character that this troll uses. The character is slightly over the top, because it’s easier to avoid confusion and crossover between characters this way.

Once you have your list of characters, you plant those characters into different factions on the forum. Then you build your characters, similar to grinding in an RPG. You contribute to each faction, become popular or well known. Over time you start to wield influence on the forum. Perhaps you take control of the forum. Then, you create DRAMA.

You have your characters attack one another, dragging in your friends. Over time you have gathered information on all the users in different factions, so you know what buttons to press! The forum devolves into a shit show, and most quality users leave. The troll has successfully killed the forum. (Think AntiRacists attack on v/niggers, SGIS, MYG, dial_indicator)

It’s my belief that this is happening on Voat. Take @Lauraingalls for example. The character is a little over the top right? While Zyklon attacks from SBBH, Laura stirs trouble in GA. Classic divide and conquer.

I’ve watched the Zyklon account for about four years. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. About three years ago, I caught him out. I was friends with another of his/her characters. The account was @i-am-me. It’s not important if you remember the account, what’s important was that this account was very convincing. The character was a young woman who was intelligent and depressed. She garnered a lot of sympathy and popularity. But then the user slipped up, and I caught out the account. That account was then rolled up and put on ice for six months. An effective memory hole.

At this time I had suspicions about both accounts, but I could not confirm anything. I laid a trap for the Zyklon account, and begged him to bring back @i-am-me. I said that I really missed her. His reply was I’m gonna bring her back. Two minutes later the account was back after a six month hiatus. I confronted him, and a few weeks later both accounts were deleted.

The Zyklon character came back after a few months. The I-am-me character stayed dead, perhaps too close to the real user?? Except it didn’t, because I think @katharzo may have been another realization of that character.

This is all getting a bit long and I’m trying not to make it confusing. This is the important bit; Over a long period of time the same pattern emerges!

The same characters cause the same types of drama and play out the same scenarios. I’m convinced that one person stirs drama on the v/realProtectVoat side, and the SBBH side. This user drags in all the other users that it’s convinced of the other sides ill intent. And suddenly you have a flame war.

Is it a stretch to imagine that someone like SGIS would have a SBBH account?

Some of the patterns I’ve recognized:

Zyklon character falls out with another character similar to the Zyklon character. Pictures are always posted to make it convincing. [Zyklon and Montblanc/ Beatlejuice and OzzarkMountainMan/ Zyklon and @cheesebooger]

The @i-am-me female character becomes popular. Pretty and vulnerable she gets a lot male attention. There’s some sort of fabricated drama and she quits. Pictures are posted to help with the perception of realism. [@KatHarzo and dialindicator drama, happened before with I-am-me and SGIS]

The MYG persona. Highly antagonistic and usually devolves into directly attacking Putt and Voat. Pictures are also posted.

The Zyklon character gets a girlfriend. The relationship ends tragically. How plausible is it that one drug adict on Voat gets multiple woman to dox themselves? [Current girlfriend @GothamGirl, last one @analisa killed herself. There was another girlfriend, she was Asian. I can’t remember the name]

The Zyklon persona is currently causing division and sperging out. It will eventually delete the account, and start over. We all know that people use alts, but this user is highly effective and convincing. This user is far more malignant and has infiltrated numerous subs.

I don’t know if I’ve made this any clearer?? But, humans are essentially pattern recognition softwear. I keep seeing the same patterns and the same characters. I think most people miss it because of the time frame..

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zyklon_b ago

this is concerning and trufe

KatHarzso ago

LOL if you put this much investigative work in Trump and (((Q))) as you did with this then that explains everything... truly does...

These same patterns, is this what Q "shows" you, yes?

forget-me-not ago

Mrs. @srayzie, I just logged in after like 4 days to 10 messages trying to associate me with zyklon_b. I don't associate with him. You're mixing different people up in your post here. His girlfriend was @Im-Just-Me nee @analisa nee @ImJustMe nee @esoteric, etc, etc. She is not me. She had some severe personal and mental issues and reportedly committed suicide a year or two ago. She was also an alcoholic.

I previously had the account @i-am-me, but I deleted it due to privacy concerns. Since then, I use this account for the most part. My accounts are usually self-help/science/fitness related and a little dabbling in nonsense posting on SBBH/SDBH. It's pretty characteristic when I open an account. There is a huge gap in the way I talk and the zyklon_b alt accounts. It's almost funny you're mixing me up with him, but I'm kind of annoyed. You are really confused. Maybe you should review your old PMs -- you'll see that you weren't talking with me (@i-am-me) but probably @Im-Just-Me. People would get us mixed up all the time.

srayzie ago

Oh ok. Thank you for letting me know. I was just told that here...

Correction @Shizy @Crensch

forget-me-not ago

Huh, that is interesting. I don't recall @Trigglypuff asking me in a serious and direct manner whether I was zyklon_b, but she did poke fun in shitposts. She is not as friendly with me as she used to be, so I guess it must be because of those suspicions.

Triggly, I am not zyklon or any of his alts. I am not also his alcoholic depressed girlfriend who allegedly killed herself. I'm literally just some depressed college age girl who wants to get a stable career and marry her boyfriend. I don't do drugs or drink, and I try to stay away from people with substance dependencies (especially after watching all the drama and deterioration of zyklon and his girlfriend). I always liked you and am a bit saddened that you think I'm zyklon. If you care to discuss it in further, feel free to PM or message me here.

@srayzie, sorry to see your sub is under attack. Voat is kind of a mess these days. I hope things get ironed out for you soon. Good luck.

srayzie ago

Thank you. Sorry your name got pulled into this. Good luck on marrying your boyfriend.

zyklon_b ago

another week lmao

listen to. SUICIDE SOLUTION over and iver again

bopper ago

I feel bad about your spelling. Is there any way I can help you with that? I can help if you want.

zyklon_b ago

i feel bad that@srayzie is stressed out and needs a pussy pass to make it on voat. maybe you should HALP HALP her

bopper ago

I can dig it. I was talking about yer spelling.

It seems 'effected.'

You know what I mean by 'effected'?

bopper ago

Thanks for posting this, good stuff.

Shizy ago

Fuck all of them!

zyklon_b ago

srayzie ago

We’ve been watching you play Triggly. You’re being exposed.

zyklon_b ago

we are the best

srayzie ago

@Empress is smart to listen to you because it keeps her protected. @Kevdude is good to me too and helps keep me protected. But, when things go too far like they have this week, I have to do what I have it do to protect GA. I’m nobodies bitch.

Shizy ago

You know how to work both sides, so they prefer your style.

Rotteuxx ago

Oh !

You forgot to mention that escort slut larp that Zyklon-am-me created a sub for specifically and then disappeared after a few months of that sideshow attraction.

srayzie ago

I liked your Triggly Shillbook. I decoded it for the rest of the group. So many manipulative tactics. 👍🏻 It really helped me see what you were doing. Your warning about Zyklon being nefarious didn’t scare me. I saw thru all the manipulative bullshit you were pushing immediately.

Shizy ago

Like a well trained monkey

I'm sure the niggers like that approach to cock gobbling.

srayzie ago

Which is exactly while I’ll do what I need to do to protect GreatAwakening. There are shitty people like you here.

Shizy ago

Hey triggly. Eat nigger cock!

srayzie ago

Take this as a compliment, you do a pretty good job manipulating people. It’s understandable that you have Empress trained well.

srayzie ago

Awww 🥰

srayzie ago

Maybe it was another one of your alts since you said you have hundreds

zyklon_b ago

@srayzie dead lisa aint suffrring no moe. maybe SUICIDE was best option for her

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Shizy ago

dead lisa

You mean your "ex-girlfriend" character? As opposed to your current "girlfriend character"?

Shizy ago

srayzie ago

Your choice. I’m not bothered. I’m done helping you

Like you ever did

Shizy ago

Sure she did! She helped to keep the "larp" going and feed you information.

Look how zyklon shows up to white knight for her after she outed him in Pm to you. No, nothing to see here!

Shizy ago

  1. Myself and @Zyklon_b are connected and this a legendary troll.

So has she been in on this the whole time?

srayzie ago

You’re nothing but a shit poster so that doesn’t matter to you. Our reputations do. We haven’t been feeding the trolls. So what did you do, you went and fucked with the css with the heading that I am taking over QRV. How about YOU stop manufacturing the God damn drama?

I don’t even think you have a vagina. This is just one of your many alts. There is nothing feminine about you. All makes sense now. You and @Zyklon_b are the biggest dividers right now. I’m not the only one that thinks you and Zyklon are connected.

If you have Voat’s best interest in hand, then you would back off. People are sick of this shit.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Choose one:
@Trigglypuff is a troll
We haven’t been feeding the trolls.

zyklon_b ago

if u were a real patriot and warrior why mean words make u butthurt and do you beg for help from men?

why not ask other women for help? listen to this and think it can all end and the others will take GA to the top of voat. all i gotta dew is CHECK it OUT. DO shIT

srayzie ago

Stop with the pussy pass bullshit. You’re the cuck who’s alt girlfriend fights your battles and buys you a house.

zyklon_b ago

halp halp admins the mean man will not gibs me a pussy pass. notice that @empress and @trigglypuff and @nadeshda NEVER need to beh for help from me.

Shizy ago

NEVER need to beh for help from me.

Because you show up to white knight all on your own.

Rotteuxx ago

Bitches be crazy yo !

freshmeat ago

Do i really have to explain gay ops to you? Its working behind the public view to conspire and manipulate people on the internet.

My middle name is Keven. You can call me Jimmy if you really insist on first names. It just feels weird when you all call me that when you are trying to be "familiar". And its only you, womb, and 9-11 who do that. Odd, huh?

Hope @womb_raider is doing well and i havent seen @9-11 in awhile, i hope and pray he is having a good time. Ill call you whatever I want.

freshmeat ago

Kevin, ive never accused you of being a doppleganger like Putt. Should I consider it?

freshmeat ago

just check my fucking sub you smooth brain, you are why i made it. I dont have a summary link to every gay thing you have done on this website but if the day comes where you become relevant again I can.

I gotta stop chatting with you, every single time you pretend to be retarded and it gets old.

freshmeat ago

your homosexual operations

srayzie ago

How hard is it to leave us the fuck alone?

freshmeat ago

For headlines. It's one of many places I use to stay up to date despite its terrible quality.

freshmeat ago

now you're stealing my lines.

freshmeat ago

Your stances have shifted staunchly compared to a couple years ago in what i surmise is an attempt to seem like you were on the winning side all along. No point in discussing it directly with you since you are allergic to being honest.

But im not gonna forget your gay ops.

srayzie ago

You say the following...

Similar drama was playing out then. Same user. This user also loves to spread misinformation through anon subs. A massive effort is currently being made to drive a wedge between myself and PV I’m not buying it.

A massive effort is being made to drive a wedge between us GreatAwakening mods and other Goats too. But if @Trigglypuff says it, it isn’t drama!

zyklon_b ago

haha how u feeling? lmap

srayzie ago

How is LARP @Gothamgirl doing?

Gothamgirl ago

I am just fine 🤭

srayzie ago

@Vindicator she’s been a LARP all along.

Vindicator ago

@Gothamgirl has contributed nothing but toxic waste to Voat that I've ever seen, and only shows up to upvote shill accounts or claim others are evil. Not worth your time.

Gothamgirl ago

More lies prove this:

and only shows up to upvote shill accounts

I left Pizzagate because all the attacks aloud against myself and kid, after I dedicated myself for years, day and night on that sub. Actually the attacks and threats are still happening towards my children by the same group of Q people now, cause they don't like zyklons shit posts. They doxxed everything about us, and are calling CPS ask Shizzy, Srayzie and Crensch because they're the ones doing it under alts.

Since we are talking about Pizzagate why do you Vindicator seem to only write about the Catholic church?

I upvote almost everything on pizzagate.

Vindicator ago

I have actually taken my research to the real world, have you?

Of course. I have informed numerous friends, family and colleagues about sketchy charities, costing those charities tens of thousands of dollars in donations. No one who knows me enjoys movies anymore because I have shared everything we've uncovered about the pedos there. Many of my family members stopped voting party lines because of what I shared about various politicians and their connection to sketchy children's foundations.

I have redpilled many, many people about what is really going on in the Catholic Church, since the media will not cover it. I write about it because almost one quarter of the population of the United States identifies as Catholic -- 72 million people -- making Catholic pedo corruption the fastest, most personal pizzagate redpill.

Why do you not want me to write about the Catholic Church, GG?

You're a poser. Only on Voat to smear and tear down. Very sad.

Gothamgirl ago

No that is not the case at all in fact that's what certain mods have done to countless people. I am just one of them that speaks up.

You're a poser. Only on Voat to smear and tear down. Very sad.

Gothamgirl ago

She/He make up your mind, it's funny that people still listen to your false allegations and everyone can see you certainly cause most of the drama on this site. It's like a cycle for you.

srayzie ago

You’re the one who tried to say that I threatened to kidnap your kid and planted child porn on your phone when I’ve never even met you. Who makes false allegations? 😂

Gothamgirl ago

Yes and I retracted that statement when I realized I was incorrect, when will grow up and do the same for the lies you intentionally blamed others for?

Shizy ago

You don't work!

Funny thing @Srayzie, NONE of these people have a job, or anything else to fill their time. How convenient!

It would be hard to do much else when they're so busy on voat though.

Gothamgirl ago

Says who? I do when I get bored, are you mad because I retired at 32 and I am able to be a homemaker or whatever I want to be.

NONE of these people have a job, or anything else to fill their time.

How do you know about anyone's work status? Are you really that nosey? How do you know these people aren't on here at work?

zyklon_b ago

lmao you the one i had tricked for over a year and kept talkin to thin air

@katharzso ;)

srayzie ago

Are you talking to me or your alt? I don’t even know Kat.

Shizy ago

Thin air = gothamwhore

zyklon_b ago

everytime i pinged or replied to is another week of exposing

srayzie ago

Come on, you’re not as dumb as you act. Make a complete sentence. I don’t know Kat. What are you trying to say?

zyklon_b ago

i hope you not lose any sleep and you do nawt KILL YER SELPH

Shizy ago

Interesting timing for Kat's return @srayzie. It's almost like someone predicted it would happen.

srayzie ago

I was gonna keep quiet about the drama, but then this happened.

You could have. You’ve been causing division in different areas, like being responsible for making it appear that our names are the ones talking on SBBH knowing that we’ve been under attack all week. Or like, how you not only left most of the story out about my group message where I even included admin, but twisted my words and added lies in this little hot piece.

You have also been sending Private Group Messages this week trying to divide people. Since you’re clearly not a friend, and taking part in this smear campaign against us, I don’t feel bad sharing some parts of the messages where you’re causing division behind the scenes.

The @Zyklon_b account is a complete larp. Posts like this are inaccurate in my opinion, because everything that account says is a larp. The user behind the account however is far more nefarious.

The user is behind other prominent persona’s. Besides the Zyklon_b and Beatlejuice accounts, that user has had the @i-am-me persona. Probably @Katharzo too as it fits the MO [This same scenario has played out before]. That this user can be both a convincing drug addict and a young woman with depression speaks volumes of the trolls ability. The user is a master mimic and probably rather disturbed.

Do not judge the intelligence by the Zyklon persona. @i-am-me was highly intelligent and capable of high level wordplay. Her alts included @onomatopoeia among others. The same LARPS are played out over and over again.

The drug addict in a spiral then deletes.

The poor depressed girl who then deletes.

Similar drama was playing out then. Same user. This user also loves to spread misinformation through anon subs. A massive effort is currently being made to drive a wedge between myself and PV? I’m not buying it.

The user behind the drama is also capable of creating and manufacturing its own little plays.

Zyklon was Monteblanc. The entire scenario was made up. In the past the Zyklon account had a girlfriend on SBBH who was depressed and then killed herself. The accounts name was @Forget-me-not or something. [It was rather similar to the Montblanc drama. It is incredibly similar to the Dial/ Katharzo drama!]

It was the first inclination I had into this user, as I was convinced that the user was @i-am-me. I was right, because they’re all Zyklon.

Now Zyklon has a girlfriend in v/Pizzagate, @GothamGirl. Another caricature of the @i-am-me persona. How many people on Voat have IRL relationships with other users? How does a deranged drug addict have several? On a website where most people are highly suspicious?

This may seem like conjecture, but I know for a fact that Beatle was I-am-me. I caught him out and he deleted both accounts. However over a long period of time the same pattern emerges.

It is my opinion that @Dial_indicator and @lauraingalls are all the same person. A troll who makes new accounts every influx, then infiltrates subs. A tactic that you are all familiar with. All done by a master infiltrator.

You even went as far as pushing the idea that Zyklon was behind Pizzagate...

Was the entire rPG drama manufactured by this user? Was Zyklon playing both sides. I once caught @i-am-me making a sub for a SGIS alt after the drama. It was strange and when I questioned it, everything was deleted. I stopped trusting Zyklon after that.

You have told me yourself that you have hundreds of alts!

I was unbanned and then rebanned for a two month old post. @srayzie went through my history searching for a reason to ban me, found an old post and deleted it, then banned me again.

I did as @Kevdude asked. Now you have an “official” reason.

This just reeks of someone trying to circumnavigate PV's opposition to pre-emptively banning users.

You reek of a paid shill, meant to blend in with shit posters, who stirs up drama when it suits you. Q is a huge target and you’ve hated Q followers from the start.

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18798593? ago

v/TraditionalWives was seriously attacked for a year or so. It was stressful at time, I get it. That being said, @Trigglypuff led us and guided us on how to deal with the trolls and we listened....and it worked. I've found @Trigglypuff to be a good and faithful friend over the years. Does she shitpost, yes and she won't deny that but she also has integrity and a strong sense of right and wrong. Trigg also doesn't suffer fools well. If someone refuses to listen to logic & reason (or lacks the capability for whatever reason) she will let them learn the hard way. IMO, that's the mark of a true friend.

zyklon_b ago

Thanks amd <3

@srayzie is upset...

18800183? ago

I'm not particularly pleased with you.

Nadeshda ago

This indeed...

zyklon_b ago

i aint ever asked you to be pleased i am just stating the fact you made it on Voat just fine without all the constant drama and shit...

i am still pleased and proud of you .;)

18800539? ago

Thank you.

zyklon_b ago

Thank you friend.

srayzie ago

Or your handler. She’s got you doing exactly what she wants. You’re now “protected” because you have Triggly. You also don’t run a political forum where you are constantly trolled by paid leftist groups. We have an endless supply of infiltraters that would make your head spin.

You’re hearing bits and pieces of what Triggly has told you or said publicly so you don’t know the whole story. I don’t expect you to understand and know she’s your friend. But, you keep commenting on different threads. You’ve made your point several times. No need to keep repeating it.

18800164? ago

No need to be insulting- I've been nothing but fair and kind to you. The fact of the matter is that v/TraditionalWives would not exist today without @Trigglypuff. She is a minor contributor over there but we are indebted to her for her efforts at training us how to run a successful subverse.

As for having Trigglypuff's protection, I'm not sure you understand. What I have is her respect and I have earned that respect from her and others by being as measured as possible in my reasoning and actions.

I never do this but I'm pinging @puttitout so that he's aware of the guidance and help Trig has given us over the years and I feel she's being unfairly maligned. He probably pays attention to everything and already knows but just in case.

Shizy ago

Wow! Who's the real drama stirrer?!

srayzie ago

GothamWhore is here too

gabara ago

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srayzie ago

Happy Birthday Gabara 🎂

srayzie ago

More names you’re throwing under the bus....

@Katharzo @onomatopoeia @Monteblanc @Dial_indicator @lauraingalls

argosciv ago

Dial is bant. He'll show up on one of his hundreds of alts soon enough, though.

srayzie ago

Some of the names you’re throwing under the bus are...

@Zyklon_b @GothamGirl @Forget-me-not @Beatlejuice @i-am-me

Shizy ago

@analisa. The former fake girlfriend.

gabara ago

When did you and @crensch become clownworld?

zyklon_b ago

@kevdude wants to be whiteknight and he said @srayzie was sad n make shoot herselt with a tattoo GUN

Vindicator ago

That's the point of clownworld, isn't it? It invades and permeates and tries to pervert everyone based on perceived good, to turn friends against each other, fracture communities, and leave a wasteland of despair.

Fighting that is a process, fraught with missteps.

I am personally quite impressed with how this is going down. People are communicating largely without unleashing nuclear devastation. I'm sure that is really pissing off quite a few people who would like to see this place burnt to the ground.

DIY-Guy ago

Someone should just start /v/greatawakeningexposed if they ban users from /v/greatawakening in the end to counter it. Post what you disagree with in another place and/or to counter any arguments. Easy enough to expose a place like /v/greatawakening anyways with their delusional posts all the time. I figure either way you can always just block them as it's not worth the time to even argue . Let them just live in their subverse over there, but I'll just keep it blocked from my subverse lineup.

I really don't see the point to unban anyone personally as they can always set up their own subverse where they can post the truth instead to expose any subverses lies.

Shizy ago

Member for 22 days should tell us all how he knows so much about voat and v/GA.

Gothamgirl ago

Members in your sub that have accounts younger then that but doxxed everything about my property and my kids. I wonder how that happened?

zyklon_b ago

hahah they are so gullible

DIY-Guy ago

I did in introductions like two weeks ago or so. I come and go from voat from time to time or internet communities and such.

I've had a couple accounts before, but didn't really use them so I deleted them and such since I just read around mostly in the past. Never really introduced myself, but here I am now. Been here the last two to two and half years. I didn't come over here and they aren't banned.

Shizy ago

Alright then, thanks for clarifying.

C_Corax ago

I have a gut feeling @srayzie have been getting a lot of pings from anon subs tying here in with the "SRS leftist mafia financed by Mossad" or whatever the narrative is. Somewhere along the line I think she bought into it and wanted to distance herself from it and made a few unfortunate pings. I'd be one of those pinged.

On the other side SBBH have a habit of getting carried away when people start talking about us (I say us even though I'm grounded for the time being). It's probably not a good idea to ping someone and call them a piece of shit for instance. Not that I took it to heart. I could already see what was going on.

People are retarded.

freshmeat ago

You are trying way too hard buddy. Keep wasting time with this drama please. I'd say like 95% of the Q users on the site already know you, SBBH, and srayzie are shills and will move on quickly without looking back when they migrate again. Saw a post yesterday with 30+ upvotes on a comment completely dismantling srayzie and SBBH. It was anon but it read like Sar.

We have a great thing with limited moderation but, like welfare niggers, there always have to be some that shit it up for everyone.

The way you shit on irony and take the comedy out of it is comparable to a bull in a china shop.

ExpertShitposter ago

Agreed. I took the time to name and shame those SBBH fucks yesterday:

freshmeat ago

I know you wont appreciate at this analogy but watching you and kev and triggly and the rest of the tards still actively putting effort into shilling here reminds me of a pig rolling in its own shit while the other pigs move to a different pen.

ExpertShitposter ago

Of course you would have an analogy about farm animals rolling in shit. Wouldn't expect any less from you.

And of course you are wrong again, as i have all the insider info, and know you are striking ghosts that aren't even there.

Don't you have an important political stream with 6 000 000 viewers to attend to? The world won't fix it self you know, you have to be the political spearhead freshie.

freshmeat ago


And of course you are wrong again, as i have all the insider info, and know you are striking ghosts that aren't even there.

You dont know anything that I dont. If you think you can switch teams in the coming shit storm you are sadly mistaken.

ExpertShitposter ago

I have direct contact with all parties involved. So yeah, you are wrong and dumb in all your analysis as you have always been.

coming shit storm

Lmao nigger, go back to drinking. @heygeorge @Trigglypuff

freshmeat ago

I have direct contact with all parties involved. So yeah, you are wrong and dumb in all your analysis as you have always been.

There is no one in opsec who is taking you seriously and that didn't even take effort on people like myself to point it out. Even the window lickers can tell you are a shill.

Serious business TM Lmao nigger, drink moar, you are smarter when wasted.

Putt is under investigation by federal law enforcement, which is why Atko made a return (if that even is Atko, i suspect its Fuzzy logged into his account), and my state just passed a bill that made what you do illegal online. It's literally only a matter of time and when Voat is gone believe me there is already replacements you arent involved in. Trump is rolling out laws as well for abusive algorithms.

So yeah there is a shit storm coming your way, and the rest of the kike journos who's obama package dried up last year. Every single one of you SRS faggots are behaving in a way that shows submission and defeat. You are trying to switch sides because the heat turned up. Beatle, Kev, you, all of you niggers are trying so hard to disassociate yourself from past behavior.

ExpertShitposter ago

LMAO NIGGER?! Delaware lawyers to the max!

AHAHAHA, i'm capping this shit and posting for lafs. Id ask you where you get the pills you are on, but frankly, i'd be scared to even try them.

freshmeat ago

damn it didnt take much effort to get you to devolve back into a retard

ExpertShitposter ago

i thought i was retarded always and forever to begin with?

freshmeat ago

yeah but you have been putting on a nice act.

ExpertShitposter ago

not really, i just stooped caring about petty drama

freshmeat ago

Yeah sure. Dont let me get in the way of you not caring about petty drama.

ExpertShitposter ago

no i mean my lower profile in the last year

argosciv ago

Aaaand look at that, a "real"ProtectVoat turd comes crawling out of the woodworks, after kev and srayzie reach a resolution.

freshmeat ago

2 shills come to a conclusion they predetermined before they manufactured a crisis. Im blown away.

Doesn't matter, all the concern trolling nowadays on voat is fruitless because barely anyone of significance uses this site anymore, and those who do wont publicly admit it lest they look retarded.

argosciv ago

Fucking neck yourself, you scum sucking grub.

You cunts wanna make shit personal, well, I'm right fucking here.

freshmeat ago

Lmao get fucked nigger. Keep shilling.

argosciv ago

Keep projecting, cunt.

I know what you're doing and why.

You chose the wrong person to fuck with and it fucking failed, miserably.

Go ahead, start up the campaign again, see how fucking far it gets.

freshmeat ago

Bring it on kike. There is no point spending time educating people about retarded shills like Srayzie and PV on voat. I get more views in a single discord server than i could with a front page stickied post on global.

Even QRV knows this and they are boomers. This site is too easy to shill and curate, with the admins only making it easier for them.

argosciv ago

Thank you, for doing exactly what I wanted you to, you stupid motherfucker.

argosciv ago

I can't be certain of that, I'll change "obviously" to "likely".

If it is an alt, I'm not sure who owns it.

There's noticeably broken English in the comments though, which could make it an outsider or even an alt of someone who likes to come across as "retarded" or just someone trying to mask their identity -- truly unsure.

MolochHunter ago

@kevdude @CatsControlTheEU @Srayzie @Shizy

in the interests of transparency

The Tommy alt I banned private messaged me . My antenna was up on account of the user name being the same pattern as a bunch of Sarah123456 and Emma654321 named alts we've been banning for spamming. Apropo of nothing he bangs on about child porn and snuff films

here's an image

argosciv ago

Use this link instead for the image:

That said, this may be a genuine misunderstanding.

Pedagogy is not pedophile related.

Might still be a subversive user, I'm not sure, but "pedagogy" isn't as nefarious as it sounds up front. (If I'm missing something, do let me know)

@kevdude @CatsControlTheEU @Srayzie @Shizy

MolochHunter ago

couple more comments underneath that dude

argosciv ago

The small island one?

MolochHunter ago


argosciv ago

I uh... forgive me, but where is the threat to spread child porn?

Sorry, but I'm not seeing it.

I don't necessarily trust the user, but I'm also not seeing the threat. Help me out here.

MolochHunter ago

its not an explicit threat, no he's being a smarmy smart arse and he's part of that same crew, c'mon

ExpertShitposter ago

and you are being a fucking redditor, banning people over the same kind of excuses you got you kicked out of reddit.

do you feel like a faggot? can you see your faggotry?

MolochHunter ago

if you werent someone whose only use for freedom of speech was to destroy others and aggrandize your own ego, maybe id give half a shit about your opinion

ExpertShitposter ago

lol feggot, implying . i have like 3 posts to y ur fagggot sub in my life.

you are a zyklon = sbbh idiot.


zyklon_b ago

@kevdude aka white knight lmao

argosciv ago

Aight, I trust you.

Aside from the lack of threat, I do see the questionable nature of the comments messages.

MolochHunter ago

it doesnt contain my replies to him, but before the porn island comment he was messaging me saying 'we should talk', i said to him "looking at your comment history i dont see that we have any common interests. You have one chance to impress me. Go."

and thats when he replied with the snuff rubbish.

CatsControlTheEU ago

Oh yea, definitely fits the alleged reason for banning- just include that kind of evidence in your mod logs from now on. That way the majority of Voat will not doubt that your reasons for banning were pure and the accusations of those targeting you will fall on deaf ears.

Vindicator ago

Yep. This has worked very, very well in v/pizzagate.

argosciv ago

Use this link instead for the image:

argosciv ago

FWIW, I checked via SearchVoat and found nothing, but, given that it's obviously an alt (15 days), chances are they knew to delete from there too.

ExpertShitposter ago

Not really. God faith would be if i was guilty, but then asked for forgiveness and promised not to do it again. This is just them fixing a sentence, for a crime i did not commit to begin with.

In any case, i'm already re-banned now.

CatsControlTheEU ago

Thought so, point is it will be a lot easier to defend the sub's mod decisions if proof is readily available, just my 2 cents.

ExpertShitposter ago

Yes, i took a shit to retroactively earn the unfounded preemptive ban. She is free to re-ban if needed.

Btw, that ban was the most bullshit ban ever. Apparently she thought i made the shill css in SBBH so that's why i was banned. So not only did she make no attempt to find out how actually did it, but its the most bullshit reason i ever saw to begin with. That ban would be the equivalent of you banning someone from PV for posting crap against you in v/kevdude.

She's gone off the rails, modlog now shows she is removing 2 month old posts from triggs as some "vengance" for the CSS.

MolochHunter ago

allow me the honor

ExpertShitposter ago

fag :)

CatsControlTheEU ago

Besides the reversed bans there have been quite a few bans in the last day. I'm not here trying to judge whether or not it is right to ban those people or if they deserved it - but I'm having a hard time finding the offending material for which they were banned for.

The latest ban by @srayzie is how a modlog should be conducted. It has the direct link to the reason that user was banned. The ban reason for that Tommy guy right before however has the following inputted reason: "Rule Violation: Illegal; Description: threatening to produce/proliferate child pornography"

I looked through his comments, removed comments for the sub, removed submissions, and the banned user's profile and could not find the offending material. He may have deleted it himself or it might still be out there and I just missed it, but the point i'm trying to make is that the mod log could be better. Simply take a screencap of the offending material and include it with the ban reason.

That way, when some people who you say are trying to troll you end up accusing you of mass censorship anyone can take a look at the modlog and immediately see the reason the person was banned with proof.

C_Corax ago

Somewhere in a dark corner there's a hooknose cackling over all of this. I hope you all realize that.

ExpertShitposter ago

Like every other boomer in GA and QRV is a hooknose lover.

zyklon_b ago

@kevdude is a kike

ExpertShitposter ago

Yeh i figured, if i'm gonna be banned, i may as well do something to deserve the ban.