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AmaleksHairyAss ago

I want to protest the banning

of @fuark_auf by @argosciv, led by @theoldones. Banning for a perfectly legal and non-abusive post, no matter who made it or how much the poster or content is hated sets a horrible precedent. If we don't protect the most hated speech Voat will fall to trolls using divide and conquer tactics.

theoldones ago


AmaleksHairyAss ago

...and neither of those things are illegal or abusive.

theoldones ago

it gets illegal if interest is clearly expressed, and he was calling her "cute", on the same day he commented on another post with "i want to have babies with her".

if he's not a pedo, why was his account gone after only 32 minutes?

AmaleksHairyAss ago

You're stretching beyond reason and his account was deleted because that mod is a giant faggot who let his feelings override the need to be a decent mod.

theoldones ago

k, how about that time he tried posting CP depicting a child being raped to a porn sub?

AmaleksHairyAss ago

If that actually happened he should have banned for that. The fact that he wasn't banned at that time makes me suspect it didn't happen. But you can't make up for failing to ban someone in the past by banning them for something else in the present. It's like a judge deciding you committed a murder 10 years ago and therefore giving you 10 years in prison for a parking ticket.

theoldones ago

It is video clip from a full movie showing a fetish simulated rape of a little girl, he shared this to a porn sub and deleted it when it got pointed out he would be banned for that content.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

A clip from a movie showing simulated rape? What I hear you saying is it wasn't actually CP.

theoldones ago

a clip showing the rape of child, posted as pornography

open and shut case of CP. doesnt matter where the first file came from. context sets it so.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

open and shut case of CP. doesnt matter where the first file came from. context sets it so.

I disagree. If it's pornographic it's CP. A published movie is not going to have actual CP in it. Taking a short clip out of it is sketchy but IMO it doesn't quite cross the line.

theoldones ago

the scene was isolated and posted on its own as pornograhy

even under remix law, that sets it as porn

its CP

Rotteuxx ago

@puttitout has already made it clear he doesn't oppose selective censorship of users by honoring @srayzie as a builder when she's an emotionally driven cancer mod who attacks users and exposes PMs publicly in desperate ad hominem attacks.

Him honoring her was a clear condonation of that mentality and way of acting.

srayzie ago

You can’t even show respect to the owner of this website that allows you free speech. I don’t expect you to agree with a Q-Tard. People like you are TOXIC and all about division.

Rotteuxx ago

People like you are TOXIC and all about division.

Says the bitch responsible for the last few days of shit hitting the fan

You cognitive dissonance is impressive.

srayzie ago

Somebody is butt hurt. Grow some balls dude.