zyklon_b ago

hey alt whats up?

WickerMan ago

Hey ninja.

zyklon_b ago

i told em stop feeding me and pinging me or its a week more everytime and they decided not to take heed of my kindness and so you get what we got here now which is the way she wants..so she gets it. -cool hand luke-

BushChuck ago

Tits or GTFO.

WickerMan ago

Go muh dick somewhere else, nigger.

zyklon_b ago

@bushchuck is a cuck

WickerMan ago

You ever notice how their names go with a pattern, @freshmeat, @womb-raider, @theoldones, @Aged?

freshmeat ago

Dont ping me to retarded shit. And dont ever mention me in the same sentence as Aged you fuckin jew shill

WickerMan ago

Your name fits the pattern.

freshmeat ago

whats the pattern you galaxy brained mongoloid.

My original account is @MightyYetGentle and after cycling through a few accounts because of admin-condoned brigading, i made this account which was meant to be im ready for bloodsports. I didnt think this account would last but i ended up getting some friendly help from the community to note be downvoated into censorship where you cant post.

If you want a name to call me, it's T e x.

BushChuck ago

At least you aren't that valour-stealing piece of shit @TexasVet

zyklon_b ago

@kosherhivekicker @crensch @ar47 aka eugenenicks are all the same alts

AR47 ago

Shieeeeet you think I am that smart to handle multiple accounts?

Goddamn you must think of me all the time. Lol

Well I wish I could take credit for all that shit, but I honestly don’t have the time while I am working to get my journeyman for HVAC . So I just been sweating like an Alabama nigger all day.

AR47 ago

I get this is how you get your jolly’s, but honestly just stop before they report your ass to cybercrime division like I did.

Shit will get serious for you and it won’t be like when you fucked with reddit. These people on here won’t hesitate to fuck your life all the way up.

Just start over because if you don’t I might just help them. You made your point,and we all agree you are the biggest asshole on Voat.

zyklon_b ago

ok tell em to report me right NOW. if they aint able to realise ZERO laws have beem broken or maybe they just do not like my artwork but in the emd does not matter.

i will quit when my shit gets unbanned and ONLY then

WickerMan ago

kosher is a good goat with good info. Eugene is a wagon burning faggot.

zyklon_b ago