drstrangegov ago

sordid...….clutches pearls

NeonRevolt ago

LOL, you retards supported this psycho for MONTHS while trying to "GAS" me and now you're all finally seeing her for what she is: a manipulative psychopath who uses sockpuppets to create fake narratives, create fake threats, foster drama, and just project project project all these evil deeds on others.


I literally logged back in to Voat today for the first time in like six months just to say, Congrats, you idiots earned this dumpster fire. Now you can roast alive in it alongside the chief roastie herself.

I mean... REALLY Kevdude? Ugh, that's just so... gross...

I'm gonna enjoy thinking of you begging on your knees for one snap of a flabby 40-year-old tit. Especially because yours are probably bigger, so you should have just looked in the mirror.

Learn to discern, because ALL OF YOU just failed hard for an ENTIRE YEAR.

srayzie ago

I'm gonna enjoy thinking of you begging on your knees for one snap of a flabby 40-year-old tit. Especially because yours are probably bigger, so you should have just looked in the mirror.

Spoken like a true Paytriot Neon. 😂

Shizy ago

Hey neon, will you ping me when your book hits the $Dollar Tree?

srayzie ago

I can’t wait until it’s time to give his book reviews!

Shizy ago

I'm going to make a book out of the reviews and give it to you for your birthday! 🤣🤣🤣

srayzie ago

That would be hilarious to show my future grandchildren!

“See this sweetheart? These are reviews from the failed book that Paytriot Nigger Revolt wrote. Remember? The one that attempted to divide the Q community that grandma helped expose?”

Shizy ago

a flabby 40-year-old tit.

yours are probably bigger.

So are they flabby or small? Once again Neon, talking out both sides of your asshole!

srayzie ago

@Kevdude guess @NeonRevolt forgot to ping you. 😂

NeonRevoltIsAKike ago

@Gabara @thebuddha Did you forget to shut the fuckin oven door again?!

White_pride_cis ago

@neonrevolt you are still a faggot. I thought you would’ve suck started a shotgun, while fondling the trigger with your toes. However, I heard that you’re a female, so that means that your go to would be pills. Don’t go OTC, because they lie about the dosages. Do it right and get them prescribed.

auralsects ago

She DMed me after I gave her a tongue-lashing saying she couldn't stop thinking of how I treated her. The sexual tension between us is palpable, especially when she palpates my prostate.

Intrixina ago

I don't know either of you guys from a bar of soap, I'm just reading it based off the words there.

Wait, so she was skulking around behind her husband's back? Fucking degenerate. Personally, everything that I say and do online, or otherwise, I am happy to show my SO (at any time as well without warning) so that everything is above board, and that he doesn't have to worry that I'm flirting with randoms online. I wish that others would do the very same in the interests of transparency for their SO's.

The fact that she spoke to you after being asked such a question is also very telling. If you were a friend of mine and you asked for a tit pic, I'd be snarky in response to you, and then end the friendship. By virtue of not being able to keep your dick in your pants, that is someone I'd not want to be friends with any longer. Though, the fact it was you who ended said "relationship" (for lack of a better word) is also very telling. Sounds like it's attention whore territory.

I would ask the same question - does her husband know? If she is keeping secrets from her husband, then it is a relationship based on deception. Secrecy is what kills marriages these days.

I don't normally involve myself in others' drama, though this sort of behaviour needs to be called out.

Dismember ago

That's a really good attitude you have there and good to see.

Intrixina ago

Thank you.

In this day and age, being transparent is the best possible way that I can show my loved ones that I have no reason to, or that I am not engaging in, deception in any form. Men have it hard enough in the world given the absolute shitstorm that is modern day society with the amount of trash which is rampant - I don't need to make my SO's life even harder by him constantly worrying that his other half is engaging in the same. It's why we have a policy of "No secrets and no lies" - the fact of the matter is, if you have secrets or you lie about something, eventually it's going to come out, and it will be 100x worse when it does. I'd rather own up to something and face the consequences, rather than trying to avoid said consequences or deciding what's best for my SO via deception. Such behaviour is disgusting.

I live by my morals as best as I can, knowing that I do still have flaws (that do not involve lying and stealing from others) - but at the end of the day, I know that what I have done is free of degeneracy, and that I can, in good conscience, say that I have given my best efforts on anything that I try to do.

My only hope is that others do the same thing, though that is often a fools' errand.

Dismember ago

You're welcome and I hope the rest of your day or night is a good one.

Intrixina ago

Cheers. You too.

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

New requirement for owning a Voat account. I agree.

White_pride_cis ago

I came for tits, and here sit, still waiting.

Sburban_Shitposter ago

wtf is going on here

Le_Squish ago

Why, thank you. Let's start a crusade or two sometimes.

kneo24 ago

Because you willed it. Wait, are you a god?

theoldones ago


KatHarzso ago

I fling it over my shoulder sometimes...

KatHarzso ago


kneo24 ago

Why am I here?

KatHarzso ago

Damned right... I know I am. Wanna see my cock???

srayzie ago

Thank you Kevdude!

Le_Squish ago

Old drama that is just now bubbling to the surface.

Itsdone63 ago

Any summaries?

Le_Squish ago

Bad choices were made. Dirty laundry was widely aired in secret unbeknownst to maker of bad choices. More bad choices were made and also aired in secret. Info is sat on because thirsty maker of bad choices doesn't deserve to have life ruined IRL. Many months later, maker of bad choices decides everyone that disagrees with me is enemy. Gets swollen head about boomer garden. Can't comprehend that goats would side with unstable troll druggie over her. Doesn't know goats know about her "thirst". Decided to act more retarded. Goats say fuck it and start charging orbital lasers.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I wanna know more about this cheating thing. and "Boomer Garden" is funny as fuck man

Le_Squish ago

I dunno if maker of bad choices ever found any one desperate enough to accept her offers.

YugeDick ago

I love that you pay more attention than I do. I know I can always check your comment history for voat nuggets I missed.

Le_Squish ago

I have no idea why I always know what's going on.

madazzahattereboot ago

I have no idea why I always know what's going on.

Must be because your coconut wireless is on fi-ya!

Le_Squish ago

Everyone gets all horny and weird in the summer.

Artofchoke ago

...I will accept your submissions, provided you include a timestamp and username.

You will be rated from 0 to 10.

Derpfroot ago

To be submitted in v/LITERALdicksofVOAT

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Why would anyone think I am @Zyklon_B ??? Holy the fuck the (((Q))) stupid is ass deep to a ten foot nigger. Lets ask Ben Shapiro what he thinks!!!

srayzie ago

I never said you were Zyklon. Triggly did! I just don’t like you because you keep calling me a Jew!

CheeseboogerHimself ago

well look at your behavior!! All of this started because one of your radical friends(ohwellian), which I warned you about, attacked me in your sub and I defended myself. You came in with some big feminist chip on your shoulder and said "I dont need your fucking help". It wasn't about you. You then banned me like a reddit power mod all while the higher ups groveled at your feet. You unbanned me because they deemed it unwise, and Voats immune response was about to do its job. Then miraculously, Kevdude and Crensch is right there by your side every time, just like now, except Ben Shapiro--- I MEAN Crensch is strangely MIA. Either way, I could care less about this ziotard bullshit. Like I said, I have many knives sticking in my back. That's normal when you are a MASTER JEW HUNTER like me. I refuse to align with Zionism or Zionist regimes, which Trump is everything I predicted and then some. Have a nice day, nice life.

srayzie ago

Well I figured Ian out. Just because people don’t see things in your timing doesn’t make them a Jew. Crensch hasn’t been missing in action. He destroyed the little cunt Zyklon the other day. Ok master Jew hunter, don’t make me want to puke again. Have a nice life.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

"See things in my timing"? Do you really want to claim that? You brought him back after your little spat, and after many things were brought to your attention by several others. You are being dishonest here. I have it all screen-capped, baby. Loads of it. https://files.catbox.moe/dsig42.JPG You even changed your sub rules!! But yeah, Seems like you have a couple of little incel doggies that bark on your command. What power you have. You are a Zionist. Good luck with that.

Nadeshda ago

Naw they mean cheeselane aka dial_indicator... etc..

Shizy ago

That was trigglypuff naming you.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I have many knives in my back only because I am anti-Zionist. The blood still runs

Nadeshda ago

I think these people are on medication now, for real. You know I do not drink the water, I hear it’s pretty bad, we may have a few water drinkers onboard this ship... I love how you called out this lunacy a loooong time ago though...

I thought you were refering to a different convo there for a minute, whoops my bad.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

It's okay. This shit can be confusing. I've patiently been watching for a long time. I lost friends who I cared about here when I first went after GA, srayzie and shizy. I have screen caps of all of it. SBBH pretty much disowned me. The resident Zionist tried to crucify me. I will not align with Zionism in any form. I refuse.

TheTrigger ago

Jesus Christ. This is why I keep to myself most of the time and don't fully engage you people. Sometimes it feels like I'm the only one who outgrew high school. I thought you were all supposed to be boomers; where's this playground shit even come from.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I'm not a boomer. You are correct that it is high school drama. Its true. I hate drama but feel like I was defending myself.

TheTrigger ago

Yeah, fair enough. I just mean the shitshow as a whole.

auralsects ago

Qtards are not only all boomers, they are WOMEN, fucking JEW-LOVING HOUSEWIVES like srayzie and shizy.

It is absolutely shameful they even have Internet access, let alone a sub

Nadeshda ago

This shit can be confusing

Too right, but if I remember correctly you were alwsys consistent in calling out the Jew, giving us killer rock riffs and calling out degeneracy while producing OC.

Oh, man this drama dude, it’s way too emotionally driven though...

CheeseboogerHimself ago

aww thank you. I always knew you were rock solid and I wasn't wrong, but please be careful aligning with me or they will shit on you too. You will have enemies that you didn't know possible. That's why I haven't uploaded any music ---because they would love to doxx me or possibly even cause me harm.

Nadeshda ago

This makes me sad... :( i have no ill feelings here towards anyone really. I genuinely want what is best for Voat. I am terrible at holding grudges, way too blooming patient and have oodles of FAITH... I pray freedom of speech doesn’t become a historic headline here from long ago... super mods never went down before, I pray this doesn’t change an also for our protection along the way...

KatHarzso ago

You first.

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

@TheBuddha has already done this!

KatHarzso ago

I know. I liked it. I should write him a poem...

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

Yup. You must share.

CerealBrain ago

Nice pussy dude.

srayzie ago

trevmon ago


White_pride_cis ago

Tits or gtfo

Gothamgirl ago

She went after Zyklon when we split up publicly here, she also admitted everything she said about me is a lie, and when confronted she apologized. She knew she was busted. She and Shizzy uses @clitoressa and @gyna as alts. Look into comment histories.

CerealBrain ago

PM me please.

Gothamgirl ago

Still no, I love zyklon and you are now blocked.

srayzie ago

Zyklon wishes! I am not into druggies. 🙄

Gothamgirl ago

Why? I am much more beautiful then you 🤭😆😂🤣

I feel really bad for your husband skank

White_pride_cis ago

You can’t make that statement without photo evidence to back it up. Let the crowd decide who is more beautiful.

Gothamgirl ago

She knows my FB account go grab a pic. Both her crew and I have pretty muched doxxed me, so go look it up..

White_pride_cis ago

Eh. Getting back on KikeBook isn’t worth it. I’ll have to take you at your words

Shizy ago

Your pretend "fiancé" was the one who doxxed you hoe!

Yesterday you said you see his wife. You pay will be docked for screwing up the script!

Gothamgirl ago

you said you see his wife

What are you even talking about?

I don't get pay, keep trying.

srayzie ago

Well I could always share his private messages of what he REALLY thought of you. What do you think @Shizy? 😂😂😂😂😂

Gothamgirl ago

Or maybe you were being set up and fell for it 🤣😂🤣 it's not like I didn't tell you exactly what was going to happen to you. Why don't you talk about your alts that I have named? You afraid your husband may read this?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I'm sorry to ask you this and, Lemme get this straight: A guy you used to date here at Voat was banging srayzie on the side?

Gothamgirl ago

No. I am engaged to him but we had a break up, and this is her @clitoressa @gyna.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Clitorissa is degenerate for a woman, is it not? Could srayzie be a male?

Gothamgirl ago

Who knows..

srayzie ago

Of course my husband knows I talk to A LOT of people. I didn’t flirt with your LARP drug addict boyfriend you jealous freak. He’s not a catch. Most people get that.

Gothamgirl ago

Somewhere on soapboxbanhammer Voat your were definitely sending him kiss emojis in the past. Why no mentions of your alts @Gyna @Clitorissa yet ?

Shizy ago

Do it!

srayzie ago

I have them in Dropbox and will have to go thru a lot of folders. Maybe later. I don’t know if she’s worth all the effort. 🙄

srayzie ago

I don’t even know what that is. Is that supposed to be me? 🤔

Le_Squish ago

The real question is: how many goats already knew this and more and have just been sitting on the info?

srayzie ago

Knew about Triggly talking shit about others privately? Saying which “goats” are the shills?

AR47 ago

You care waaaaaay to goddamn much about this shit.

Honestly just take a break from it and go do anything else. You seem like it’s getting to you which is all these fucks want.

It’s Memorial Day weekend. I am going out to the range and if you can I suggest you do as well. Ain’t nothing more relaxing then the smell of spent rounds.

Le_Squish ago

You're making assumptions you shouldn't. If you don't smarten up you are going to destroy everything you created and sadly, everyone will have seen it coming.

Artofchoke ago

Any proof?

This could be me just wanting that tit pic, granted.

Don-Keyhote ago

She was a notorious flirt in v/pizzagate, I felt sorry for her tbh

srayzie ago

Get over yourself Donkey. 🖕🏻

CheeseboogerHimself ago

What is this I'm hearing about you cheating on hubby? Does he have Facebook? Oh yes he does

srayzie ago

No. She made that because I made this post. Then another ones says I was flirting with her man. Who you might ask? Toothless meth head Zyklon, who is supposedly your alt.

Zyklon and Montblanc/ Beatlejuice and OzzarkMountainMan/ Zyklon and cheesebooger

I’m guarded here because I’ve been having Zyklon and company shilling me and I am distancing myself from SBBH.

Stop sending me messages faggot

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I have one more question, liar: Have you ever met any male member of Voat outside of Voat?

srayzie ago

Fuck you.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Fuck you.

Me too? You are kind of hawt so who knows? Where & when? I dont wear rubbers, btw

Don-Keyhote ago

You tell him or I will honeybunch

srayzie ago

You wish cunt

Don-Keyhote ago

Get under myself crayzie

Keep the finger up tho