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srayzie ago

This is some more from the group messages where Triggly is manipulative and causing division behind the scenes. Sound familiar?

Excerpts from the @Trigglypuff Shill Book

If you’re a troll and you want to disrupt a forum, how do you do it?

Most average trolls simply make inflammatory comments or spam. Obvious trolls are obvious. But if you’re a better troll, and you’re invested, then you can do a lot more damage.

Firstly, you need to be in it for the long con. You need to be prepared to invest a lot of time and energy. So this type of troll is highly motivated, either through financial remuneration or idealogical fervor.

Secondly, you need to be disciplined and smart. This is how I would do it, and I’m fairly certain it’s what Zyklon is doing:

To truly disrupt a forum, you need to create multiple accounts. Most people are pretty easy to out when they create new accounts. Most people find it hard not to be themselves, or to stay disciplined. But mostly it’s because they fail to create characters.

Characterization works like this. You create three or four different characters, each with its own personality. Everything that character does, is done through that characters prism. It’s responses, it’s motivations are all done in accordance with how that character would view the world. It’s similar to what an author does. Then it’s like playing an RPG. You become the LARP. You become the character. @Zyklon_b is just one character that this troll uses. The character is slightly over the top, because it’s easier to avoid confusion and crossover between characters this way.

Once you have your list of characters, you plant those characters into different factions on the forum. Then you build your characters, similar to grinding in an RPG. You contribute to each faction, become popular or well known. Over time you start to wield influence on the forum. Perhaps you take control of the forum. Then, you create DRAMA.

You have your characters attack one another, dragging in your friends. Over time you have gathered information on all the users in different factions, so you know what buttons to press! The forum devolves into a shit show, and most quality users leave. The troll has successfully killed the forum. (Think AntiRacists attack on v/niggers, SGIS, MYG, dial_indicator)

It’s my belief that this is happening on Voat. Take @Lauraingalls for example. The character is a little over the top right? While Zyklon attacks from SBBH, Laura stirs trouble in GA. Classic divide and conquer.

I’ve watched the Zyklon account for about four years. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. About three years ago, I caught him out. I was friends with another of his/her characters. The account was @i-am-me. It’s not important if you remember the account, what’s important was that this account was very convincing. The character was a young woman who was intelligent and depressed. She garnered a lot of sympathy and popularity. But then the user slipped up, and I caught out the account. That account was then rolled up and put on ice for six months. An effective memory hole.

At this time I had suspicions about both accounts, but I could not confirm anything. I laid a trap for the Zyklon account, and begged him to bring back @i-am-me. I said that I really missed her. His reply was I’m gonna bring her back. Two minutes later the account was back after a six month hiatus. I confronted him, and a few weeks later both accounts were deleted.

The Zyklon character came back after a few months. The I-am-me character stayed dead, perhaps too close to the real user?? Except it didn’t, because I think @katharzo may have been another realization of that character.

This is all getting a bit long and I’m trying not to make it confusing. This is the important bit; Over a long period of time the same pattern emerges!

The same characters cause the same types of drama and play out the same scenarios. I’m convinced that one person stirs drama on the v/realProtectVoat side, and the SBBH side. This user drags in all the other users that it’s convinced of the other sides ill intent. And suddenly you have a flame war.

Is it a stretch to imagine that someone like SGIS would have a SBBH account?

Some of the patterns I’ve recognized:

Zyklon character falls out with another character similar to the Zyklon character. Pictures are always posted to make it convincing. [Zyklon and Montblanc/ Beatlejuice and OzzarkMountainMan/ Zyklon and @cheesebooger]

The @i-am-me female character becomes popular. Pretty and vulnerable she gets a lot male attention. There’s some sort of fabricated drama and she quits. Pictures are posted to help with the perception of realism. [@KatHarzo and dialindicator drama, happened before with I-am-me and SGIS]

The MYG persona. Highly antagonistic and usually devolves into directly attacking Putt and Voat. Pictures are also posted.

The Zyklon character gets a girlfriend. The relationship ends tragically. How plausible is it that one drug adict on Voat gets multiple woman to dox themselves? [Current girlfriend @GothamGirl, last one @analisa killed herself. There was another girlfriend, she was Asian. I can’t remember the name]

The Zyklon persona is currently causing division and sperging out. It will eventually delete the account, and start over. We all know that people use alts, but this user is highly effective and convincing. This user is far more malignant and has infiltrated numerous subs.

I don’t know if I’ve made this any clearer?? But, humans are essentially pattern recognition softwear. I keep seeing the same patterns and the same characters. I think most people miss it because of the time frame..

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zyklon_b ago

this is concerning and trufe

KatHarzso ago

LOL if you put this much investigative work in Trump and (((Q))) as you did with this then that explains everything... truly does...

These same patterns, is this what Q "shows" you, yes?

forget-me-not ago

Mrs. @srayzie, I just logged in after like 4 days to 10 messages trying to associate me with zyklon_b. I don't associate with him. You're mixing different people up in your post here. His girlfriend was @Im-Just-Me nee @analisa nee @ImJustMe nee @esoteric, etc, etc. She is not me. She had some severe personal and mental issues and reportedly committed suicide a year or two ago. She was also an alcoholic.

I previously had the account @i-am-me, but I deleted it due to privacy concerns. Since then, I use this account for the most part. My accounts are usually self-help/science/fitness related and a little dabbling in nonsense posting on SBBH/SDBH. It's pretty characteristic when I open an account. There is a huge gap in the way I talk and the zyklon_b alt accounts. It's almost funny you're mixing me up with him, but I'm kind of annoyed. You are really confused. Maybe you should review your old PMs -- you'll see that you weren't talking with me (@i-am-me) but probably @Im-Just-Me. People would get us mixed up all the time.

srayzie ago

Oh ok. Thank you for letting me know. I was just told that here...

Correction @Shizy @Crensch

forget-me-not ago

Huh, that is interesting. I don't recall @Trigglypuff asking me in a serious and direct manner whether I was zyklon_b, but she did poke fun in shitposts. She is not as friendly with me as she used to be, so I guess it must be because of those suspicions.

Triggly, I am not zyklon or any of his alts. I am not also his alcoholic depressed girlfriend who allegedly killed herself. I'm literally just some depressed college age girl who wants to get a stable career and marry her boyfriend. I don't do drugs or drink, and I try to stay away from people with substance dependencies (especially after watching all the drama and deterioration of zyklon and his girlfriend). I always liked you and am a bit saddened that you think I'm zyklon. If you care to discuss it in further, feel free to PM or message me here.

@srayzie, sorry to see your sub is under attack. Voat is kind of a mess these days. I hope things get ironed out for you soon. Good luck.

srayzie ago

Thank you. Sorry your name got pulled into this. Good luck on marrying your boyfriend.

zyklon_b ago

another week lmao

listen to. SUICIDE SOLUTION over and iver again

bopper ago

I feel bad about your spelling. Is there any way I can help you with that? I can help if you want.

zyklon_b ago

i feel bad that@srayzie is stressed out and needs a pussy pass to make it on voat. maybe you should HALP HALP her

bopper ago

I can dig it. I was talking about yer spelling.

It seems 'effected.'

You know what I mean by 'effected'?

bopper ago

Thanks for posting this, good stuff.

Shizy ago

Fuck all of them!

zyklon_b ago