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SandHog ago

It was more than women crying. In fact this faggot started the whole thing by crying crocodile tears here.

It continued here

Here is where shit really seemed to go off the rails.

Either people are ignoring/are unaware of the full picture or they have used this drama to further personal grudges or they simply just don't care. The reasons really don't matter when it comes to the big picture. As I said in my comment on that last link: this kind of shit kills free speech. That's all it can do.

Either it's 'Have your say' on Voat or it's 'Have your say so long as we agree with you or we will burn down your sub and run you off'. So which is it?

heygeorge ago

I don’t know if you meant to pig me here, but you did. You seem to be ignoring this PV post by kevdude:

What v/greatawakening rules did @trigglypuff break? @katharzo? @expertshitposter? This is bullshit. You don't get to set precedent that other subs will use to reddit this fucking place up. They hurt your feelings. Big fucking deal. You know what you just did? You proved all of your detractors right and made a lot of us look stupid for defending you. Your feelings are not a good enough reason to break Voat's culture of limited moderation.

Turn back now.

Edit: BTW the css trick they pulled? It was used 3 years ago against me and mods of this sub. You know how effective it was against us? Not at all. You know why? Because people who supported this sub and its mission weren't retarded enough to believe anything on a troll sub. I know you think your users are dumb and that they need you to protect them.

Either people are ignoring/are unaware of the full picture or they have used this drama to further personal grudges or they simply just don't care.

It’s all of these things and more. Some users do have a very wide view of what happened.

You’re not the first to fallowly predict that ‘xyz’ is killing free speech on Voat. I am sure you won’t be the last.

What will kill free speech on Voat is if the user base falls in line with cancermods, lousy global bans, astroturfing, and emotional decision-making.

@kevdude since I’m verbosely quoting him.

SandHog ago

You’re not the first to fallowly predict that ‘xyz’ is killing free speech on Voat. I am sure you won’t be the last.

I'm sure you are right about that.

What will kill free speech on Voat is if the user base falls in line with cancermods, lousy global bans, astroturfing, and emotional decision-making.

I agree with that. There is another aspect you left off though although it does relate to astroturfing in a way. People who spend every waking moment fucking with and trying to manipulate mods will inevitably, if they are persistent enough at it, turn someone into a 'cancer mod' or it will just ruin the sub and a large portion of the userbase will just say 'fuck voat, I'm done.' That's why I say these sustained gay ops are bad for Voat and should be discouraged by the community. I've noticed you were going around and telling people that 'it wasn't Reeealy doxing'. So what if it wasn't? It was still 100% faggotry straight off of reddit and it is designed to isolate someone and drive them away which effectively silences them. That is reddit cancer too. Perhaps I am incorrect but it appears to me that you are completely brushing off that side of the problem as a total non-concern.

How many times does this shit have to happen? Stonetoss came to his senses about not being a faggot mod but it was too late even though he changed his mind and came around after an hour or so but even then it was too late and he was run off. WatchPeopleDie were run off, not that I really care for that content at all. How is this in any way good for Voat? Don't you think the community should step in and discourage that kind of behavior from the main perpetrators? Seems like it would be easy enough to stop if anyone wanted to. That's not what happens though.

Is that what you want for Voat? A small pack of people running around and deciding who and what should or should not be allowed to exist on Voat? I don't want that. That's fucked up. People who do that are fucked up. The people doing it seem perfectly fine with it. Other people seem to tacitly approve of it even if they don't actively participate.

It's also disingenuous to call srayzie a 'cancer mod'. She absolutely made mistakes. Everybody in this whole shit show has made mistakes. She also tried rectify them when they happened. This stuff has been going on for a long time. Even before the Q people showed up she was dealing with dickheads and death threats from pizzagate. It was probably the exact same dickheads that ultimately made her snap 9 months later.

VoatsNewfag ago

So what if it wasn't?

Call it severe targeted harassment and demand rules against that.

But not doxing.

She used her face as her profile picture on multiple websites with her voat username.

Why do so very few people use their face as a profile picture on youtube, bitchute and twitter?

What is the purpose of a profile picture?

SandHog ago

This isn't about that at all. It's about people actively subverting Voat right now. If srayzie and shizy are the same person I'll eat my hat.

heygeorge ago

It's also disingenuous to call srayzie a 'cancer mod'.

I was not talking about srayz.

Stonetoss reversed course, but then turned tail and left. I’m not even sure where he went off to. I hardly recall watchpeopledie being run off. Maybe they never really settled in?

I can’t (and you can’t, and putts can’t, and crensch can’t) make the Voat community do much of anything.

I've noticed you were going around and telling people that 'it wasn't Reeealy doxing'. So what if it wasn't?

I think it’s important to not let a falsehood like that weave its way into the narrative of What Really Happened. Srayz wasn’t found. She doesn’t have to move. No one’s calling her on the phone. There are probably only a handful of people on here who know her real name. And no one shared that. There was no dox. The narrative should not read that Voat sanctioned something like this.

Plenty of people are concerned and talking about lots of other points you bring up. But that part was (and probably still is) being left to slide by.

I did what I could to advise srayz when she asked. I did the same when she feared dox attempts in the past, and so have others like expie.

People who spend every waking moment fucking with and trying to manipulate mods will inevitably, if they are persistent enough at it, turn someone into a 'cancer mod'

Not every time. Kev gets slammed constantly but just that sort of bogeyman, and that asshole keeps his shit together. The system subverses live on as well. Why do you think that is?

I don’t even remember the number of times users have systematically tried to drive me off Voat. It hasn’t worked. Some of my friends and some of Voat’s finest content contributors were driven off. And you’re right, it does suck. It’s terrible.

The problem with fighting this is multi-faceted. Very simply, you don’t put out a fire with more fire. This is precisely the metaphor Crensch has been using. It will not work.

SandHog ago

Stonetoss reversed course, but then turned tail and left. I’m not even sure where he went off to. I hardly recall watchpeopledie being run off. Maybe they never really settled in?

I never did learn where Stonetoss went. I tried putting out that fire but it was too late. I'm not really sure what happened with the watchpeopledie. There was some fight over one of the existing mods here was also a mod at reddit. I think they ended up over at or somewhere. Part of the problem seems to be that new people just simply aren't given enough time to figure out what the hell is going on and how serious a mistake they are making is. About the time they do figure it out it's already too late.

I think it’s important to not let a falsehood like that weave its way into the narrative of What Really Happened. Srayz wasn’t found. She doesn’t have to move. No one’s calling her on the phone. There are probably only a handful of people on here who know her real name. And no one shared that. There was no dox. The narrative should not read that Voat sanctioned something like this.

Agreed. It should also be noted that, in fairness sake, it was taken too far and I suspect @Trigglypuff agrees otherwise I don't think she would have said she was sorry in Putt's 'wild west' thread. I think people should try to keep in keep in mind that just because you can go too far you probably shouldn't. Otherwise we just end up with everyone pissed off at each other and even worse, Putt might feel he has to get involved and I don't think anyone wants that to happen. He'd probably just fuck it up more if he did, anyway. All that is easier said than done when you're pissed off though.

I did what I could to advise srayz when she asked. I did the same when she feared dox attempts in the past, and so have others like expie.

I did the same. I think she just got wore down over time and was at the end of her rope. That said she has as much guilt in all of this as anyone.

Not every time. Kev gets slammed constantly but just that sort of bogeyman, and that asshole keeps his shit together. The system subverses live on as well. Why do you think that is?

Resiliency and a commitment to what Voat stands for, I expect. As for the system subverses I'm not sure exactly what you mean. Because they are essentially unmoderated and everyone respects them? That seems like a pretty good example of how things should work given that they are basically policed by the community. Maybe if Voat wasn't so small shitpost onslaughts would be spread out more and not cause nearly the fallout since the same subs wouldn't constantly be targeted. I dunno.

I don’t even remember the number of times users have systematically tried to drive me off Voat. It hasn’t worked. Some of my friends and some of Voat’s finest content contributors were driven off. And you’re right, it does suck. It’s terrible.

I'm sure I have participated in one or two undeserved ones myself simply because I was working off of incomplete or bad information or the person just pissed me off. Once those things get rolling they tend to get out of control rather quickly as more people get involved and old grudges spring up.

The problem with fighting this is multi-faceted. Very simply, you don’t put out a fire with more fire. This is precisely the metaphor Crensch has been using. It will not work.

Yeah, I think you are probably right.

heygeorge ago

new people just simply aren't given enough time to figure out what the hell is going on

I believe the internet rule is ‘lurk moar fagget’. For good or ill, Voaters are very protective of the atmosphere around here.

it was taken too far and I suspect @Trigglypuff agrees otherwise I don't think she would have said she was sorry in Putt's 'wild west' thread.

I don’t think she wanted to cause Putts the headaches and drama. Most of us don’t. Some users do want to harass and malign putts at any pass they can.

she just got wore down over time and was at the end of her rope

I imagine she’ll make peace with it. Or maybe she really is shizy (I don’t think so, but I’ve been wrong before!)

system subverses I'm not sure exactly what you mean. Because they are essentially unmoderated and everyone respects them?

Yes, for the most part. I believe this is due in many ways to the fact there is not a head moderator creating a cult of personality around themselves.

I'm sure I have participated in one or two undeserved ones myself

The friends/posters I’m thinking of were driven off or wandered away long before you got here.

Voat is the Wild West!

SandHog ago

I don’t think she wanted to cause Putts the headaches and drama. Most of us don’t. Some users do want to harass and malign putts at any pass they can.

I don't think so either. I never understood why some of them seem to want to shit on him all the time.

I imagine she’ll make peace with it. Or maybe she really is shizy (I don’t think so, but I’ve been wrong before!)

Haha, I'm pretty sure she isn't. That would be kind of a mind-bender though.

Yes, for the most part. I believe this is due in many ways to the fact there is not a head moderator creating a cult of personality around themselves.

That's an interesting point.

Voat is the Wild West!

Yippee ki yi yay