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SandHog ago

Some people seem to think that burning subs to the ground and driving users off of Voat under the banner of 'it's just jokes bro' and 'it's my free speech' is somehow justifiable. Attacking existing subs with the sole intent to destroy them is censorship and it can only beget more censorship in response to it. That is all it can ever accomplish. The motives don't even really matter because the end result will always be the same. It also opens the door wide open for future astroturfing campaigns once that behavior becomes acceptable. People should really think about what kind of precedent shit like this sets. It's one thing to do a bit of trolling but what has been happening here has gone well beyond that.

srayzie ago

I couldn’t have worded that any better myself. Archiving!

zyklon_b ago

How so?

Vindicator ago

Seriously, Zb. Your activities remind me of Obama tearing down hardworking Americans with his despicable "You didn't build that" comment.

zyklon_b ago

all she has to do is comply with the unbannings and public apology and it stops.

Vindicator ago

Sure it would.

SandHog ago

Just like this. It's been happening for the last couple years now. It's also a favorite tactic of the radical left and it's the same thing you have been doing here. Look familiar? It should because it's the exact same thing you have been doing here for the last two weeks. In fact all of the tactics you have been employing are straight out of 'Rules for Radicals'. Which really begs the question: Are you a leftist?

You certainly act like one.