24792182? ago

Time to publish the list.

I don't care if it's anonymously or not. Just post it in full.

It would certainly narrow the target rich environment a bit.

24785738? ago

"Gen. Flynn has a list of high level pedophiles the release of which will devastate the Deep State dons."

~ Tweet

Map Netherlands https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=7/50.906/7.196

24780340? ago

Lets get on with it here in the US.

The longer they wait, the more children that will be abused and murdered.

24779378? ago

How is releasing them going to devastate their buddies? You see the crime skyrocketed in NYC after they released a bunch of criminals. Don't release them!

24778570? ago

How’d he get that list?

24779470? ago

And why would we tell people we have it if we are saving it for some kind of surprise? Oh, I’m sure I’ll be the same old “we want them to panic” excuse. For the lists, materials, indictments, arrests, all the stuff that never actually happens. People have bothered to put together lists, of hundreds of things that were promised, that never happened. No one has ever been able to rebut these lists. They just move the goalpost, or don’t answer at all, or tell us to be patient. You know, exactly the fucking thing a liar would say.

24783886? ago

I think Q is the other side of the coin. That’s why the goalposts move and why ‘it’s allowed to happen’ so people can ‘see it for themselves’. This is good cop bad cop mode. The elements being taken out now are part of the ‘show’. It’s all a show to get the sheep into Gadreel’s new world order.

24778749? ago

Just speculating, but he was Director of Defence Intelligence Agency, which means he led intel for the US military. If we can agree that the US military is concerned about all enemies, foreign and domestic AND that pedophelia is how local leaders were being controlled by foreign governments or entities, then I imagine they'd have spent some time spying on such activities. Add to that what Q has implied, that the military is the last uncorrupted (the odd general exempted) organ of state with teeth, and you get an informed Gen Flynn. My guess is that he was supposed to submit to the DS but didn't - hence he was sacked by Obama.

Just speculation on my part.

24778264? ago

Why wait? Release the list.

24778023? ago

What a day to be alive when he releases that list!

24777641? ago

Those arrests don't mean shit if the elites walk. That means they were just pawns taking the fall for their bosses and loose ends got tied up. Still good odds that Trump and Barr had Epstein killed so he wouldn't incriminate them.

24777447? ago

Fuck that, it is only "rumors" & "wishful hoping" until somebody actually exposes this shit and brings everyone down. It is time for these people to shit or get off the pot. They need to stop with all of thee threats and JUST DO IT.

24777278? ago


24776905? ago

What's he waiting for?

24776814? ago

Other than Q and Roger Stone saying it, I see no evidence of it nor do I see a reason why Flynn would have such a list.

I could totally see Flynn having evidence of Obama / Brennan arming ISIS and AQ with their only defense being it was plausibly deniable as they were also Syrian Rebels.

I really think Flynn is much more important in this fight than the pedo fight, but what the fuck would I know.

24776750? ago

This has drug on far too long.

24777035? ago

Yeah.. probably because it doesn't really exist- it's a larp and you guys have been puffing the Hopeium too long.

24777256? ago

I have to consider that possibility. So, being convinced of this possibility, what do you propose we do about the communist invasion? Half of the idiots among us think they're the good guys.

24779527? ago

I don’t think gullible Q faggots are the bad guys. They are good guys, they are good people. They are misguided.

I’m not even sure that electing Trump is the best thing for us. We might need a wake up call that only a goddamn Democrat communist bullshit can provide. But here’s the thing: it’s not because it will “wake up” any of the people who are on the fence that doesn’t really even exist anymore. The lines have already been drawn and then they are not going to change very much. I am a very peaceful, non-violent person and would never advocate violence or war. Ever. But I don’t think this can be handled at the ballot box, unless we are able to hold the house, the Senate, and the White House all at once, and actually get results. Round up the fucking traitors. No more promises, real action. Unless Trump is really going to do something about all of these problems? Unless he’s really going to drain the swamp, electing him is a complete waste of time. One of the biggest problems is the media. Roughly half the country believes whatever the television tells them. We need to somehow change that. I would fix that before I do anything else. Honestly, they are even worse than the Democrats, higher on my list of our nations greatest enemies. No one is higher than the media-intelligence community industrial complex. No one is worse than them, no one is more destructive. I don’t want them to become right wing, I want them to become fair. Because believe me - Republicans lie, too. Our nation has been robbed of its ability to get unbiased information, if they ever even had it in the first place. Fix that and watch what happens to the electorate.

24786392? ago

They will never be fair. Not until they either win or die. This is war, and they are committed. People need to understand this. They hate us in the way that enemies do. And communists aren't known for their mercy. I don't believe there will be a peaceful resolution to this.

24779457? ago

Shit man, I don't know. That's a fair critique.

Here is what I do know. Have kids and home-school them. Also, don't put your faith in Jesus figures.

24786412? ago

I don't put my faith in Jesus figures. I put my faith in God.

24789897? ago

You may not, but just in the small time I've been here (since front page went down and we have to browse from v/all ) I've seen people here treat trump as a savior. There's a reason why people made fun of calling him the god-emperor.

24791801? ago

There is no God but God.

24777770? ago

Be ready for the worse in either scenario, we will either hit a point where Q is proved legit, and there will be mass outrage before things are settled. Or there will be mass outrage and persecution of anyone committing the unthinkable thought crimes.

24778469? ago

I'm afraid it will be the latter. There has been a lot of deception over the last 100 years . Who knows what the truth is after all of these lies.

24776452? ago

We've been promised shit like this since day one.

Not impressed.

I'm 100% onboard with Trump and Q. There is no alternative that can work, I think. Civil war would accomplish nothing. The same people would infiltrate us and millions of people who had nothing to do with it would die.

No, Q and the NSA are the only way to really way to get to the bottom of how the enemy is organized, who is guilty and who isn't. I believe in the Plan, but I'm not getting excited about it being soon or any fun when it happens.

24781007? ago

I'm 100% onboard with Trump and Q.

It's an obvious psyop, so keep that in mind when you're tempted to enter a state of excited delirium. But really, they keep using the "new guy better than the old guy" pitch because it works.

24779313? ago

I don’t want Civil War because I don’t wanna leave my children without a father, but what in the world makes you think that winning a Civil War against fucking liberals wouldn’t solve everything? I am as non-violent as they get, mostly because I needed to see real violence several times in my life, beyond my control, and I don’t like watching people die. I don’t like war, I don’t like combat, I don’t like violence, even if I’m fucking good at it. What in the world makes you think that the country, our nation, our republic, wouldn’t become instantly better if we rounded up the communists and traitors and eliminated or jailed them? If the FBI was dissolved, the CIA dissolved, the two party system dissolved or altered forever, if patriots were, truly, in charge? What makes you think that would make everything better instantly? I could snap my fingers like that super villain faggot from those faggot movies and make liberals all across the country disappear: how is our country not instantly better? Just curious

24787516? ago

You have accepted a premise - that our civil war would be conservatives verse liberals. The enemy is not Liberals. Insane Liberalism is simply a tool that the globalist elites use to attain their goals. Does Hillary Clinton believe that white people are defective? No. Would she support BLM and Antifa burning down cities and pulling down statues? Yes, if it helps make the Deplorables lose elections in 2020. The GOP is filled with the enemy, posing as patriotic conservatives for my entire lifetime. The GW Bush, HW Bush, Paul Ryan, John McCain etc. And you have the fake conservative pundits like Bill Kristol. None of these people would be considered Liberals, yet they are the enemy of the people.

If you have a war with the idea that you will put all leftists in jail, we are no better off. The country is full of Freemasons who pretend to be mainstream non-political people. You don't know who is a mason and who isn't. IMHO it is the masons that infiltrate our law enforcement/justice system, making sure certain crime goes unpunished.

A civil war will not fix anything. Because our problem is not a Left vs. Right one. It is the patriotic populists against the globalist elites who want to destroy the country so they have have their world government. This is why they are destroying our country - we stand in their way. A civil war weakens us dramatically, which is their goal.

24777140? ago

real change takes work

24776295? ago


24775993? ago

muh arrests or gtfo.....I hope people can see this thing is being dismantled from the bottom up, saving those "name's we know" for last. We've seen the news, pedo networks across the globe shut down and thousands of arrests, MS-13 under roundup by our Federal agencies, and now we have Ghislaine Maxwell as well. For those people like Brennan, Obama, Comey, & the Clintons, this is like herding hogs in a swamp, no pun intended. When the time is right, DJT will have them all in a cage and the "processing" will begin.

24780834? ago

That is a wildly optimistic perspective that cherry picks irrelevant "wins" to support a narrative that just isn't happening. At most, the elites are shuffling and jockeying for power among themselves. They installed Trump for the exact role he's playing right now. Trillions are going into private pockets. He has crashed our, well, our country and our way of life.

The Shock Doctrine would give you some insights into what's been happening in America for awhile now.

24783149? ago

We'll just have to see how this turns out now won't we? If they were in control, Hillary would be POTUS and she isn't, so there's that. If you right, then we're right back where we started and we've had 3 more years to live, if you're wrong, please do us a favor and go climb in the tub with a toaster, you're wasting precious oxygen.

24793234? ago

If they were in control, Hillary would be POTUS

Ah, that old narrative. Another demonstration of how "they thought she couldn't lose" has been so effective. Sorry, but they selected and installed Trump for exactly what's happening now. Do you still believe in the dem vs rep story?

24799625? ago

That makes absolutely no sense at all, and even if it were true, what difference does it make? Do you have an alternative plan? We're all ears.

24809593? ago

That makes absolute sense, although there are truncated world views out there that would fail to account for the basis and logic of such a phenomenon. In the world view that acknowledges the existence of the media-shy trillionaires, the evidence of their control of world affairs and operations explains many mysteries.

To be a person who can credibly run for president of the US, you have a sense of 'how things really work', and which way the wind is blowing. Basically, you some level of understanding of who holds power and what their agenda might be. I'm sure those people do let a number of 'schlubs' toss their hat into the ring, but they hold close to the power of a person playing Sim City over the hapless Sims, and no one is going to become president of the US without their direct approval.

We've seen Trump fulfilling their agenda many times, even if he has his own style and opinions. Experiencing his results after close to 4 years has a lot of conservatives and people on the right wanting an end to all the "winning".

To be clear, I believe the elite/cabal/jews own both sides of US presidential elections, and it was no different in 2016.

Do you have an alternative plan?

Do I have a plan to take control of the world away from the jews and their associates? No, I actually do not. I also don't see a lack of a viable alternative as a valid reason to embrace our slavery. I've seen many followers of Q and Trump essentially make two arguments for their support. The first being that him being attacked by 'the left' is reason enough to support him. So now the left is dictating the positions and values of the right?

The left: "We've been told to call that jewish operative a Nazi, and a white supremacist."

The right: "That gets our cuck dander up, so we're forced to support him and his agenda to show our disapproval." [Goys, don't make eye contact with his finances, or any of that incest stuff with Ivanka. And remember, Israel is our greatest beneficiary.]

And while most of those "proofs" were ridiculous, they did as they were intended to do - Convincingly tie Q to Trump.

The second being, as you seem to allude to, that there's no alternative, so supporting him is forced. "Would you like [bad option] or [worse option]?" Uh, what about neither? Sure, I can see the desire to accept the guy your enemy attacks as 'your guy', but that's an old trick.

Okay, worked outside with the plants for awhile and no longer remember what point I was making. I guess what I'm seeing is people looking for comfortable world views, and being willing to ignore almost anything that prevents them from finding one. If one mentions that they've discovered "It's all a show" and our elections are as controlled as the rest of it, it's like touching the third rail of politics.

Ecclesiastes 1:18 For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.


Insightful, and relevant to this topic.

24812463? ago

So you have no plan, so you are as powerless as the rest of us. lol

As matter of fact you've put forth absolutely nothing but a circular argument. An unsustainable argument at that.

Nobody said there is no alternative, only there are no alternative plans, at least that I am aware of, that is why I ask, do you have one. There are always alternative actions we can all take, but I will speak for myself, I see winning everywhere, I am awake, and as so many others out there, I observe the world events and at any time I can decide to change course, I am in control every day, and every day is a new day.

24815080? ago

You see 'winning' everywhere because you blind yourself to reality.

24816448? ago

I see winning everywhere because it is literally everywhere. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3933288

24834411? ago

That is some serious desperation.

24838422? ago

rofl, a person like yourself, in a forum such as this, thinking you are making a difference, now THAT id desperation. lol

24861808? ago

What makes you believe I think I'm making a difference? One of my hobbies is talking to the mentally challenged.

24816211? ago

No, its because we are on different sides, I am on the side of light, you are on the side of darkness, the sun is rising and illuminating the world.

24834487? ago

You're clearly on the side of low IQ.

24838402? ago

Could be, maybe Mensa International fucked up their scoring, who knows? Could be you're a troll?

24861821? ago

Is it trolling to point out deluded views of the world? If so, I may be guilty.

24862035? ago

No, you keep on keeping on.

24781769? ago

He crashed our Country?


Stop watching msm.

24793261? ago

You haven't watched or read any news, have you.

24779254? ago

What do we gain by sitting on this list? Do you mean that it will be released right before the election for maximum impact? That it will be acted upon, rest will be made, or just public humiliation, whatever “doing it” means to you, do you mean that it will be done right before the election?

No, after you answer that, answer this:

What if this list doesn’t materialize after the election? Then what? Do you, for once, admit that you were wrong and that you fell for more Q propaganda but never materializes? Or will you push the date out again? Like you guys always do? “Oh, well it’s coming, but not yet.” None of you ever answer this question for me, the rare times you do, y’all forget about it the next time I bring up the previous failure, the previous goal post that you moved, the previous “this is coming” that never comes, you just move it, forget about it, and it never comes back up again.

24783457? ago

I'll give you the most specific answer I have, its not our plan. I admit, I have no control, and neither does anyone else. The only thing we can do is discuss the world situation, be awake, be aware, and be ready for what the next day brings.

Secondly, we're dealing with people that have controlled the world since the beginning of recorded history, obviously they must be smart and everything tried before has not worked. So, using any form of conventional logic would obviously be useless. Now, thirdly, somebody has obviously used supercomputers and game theory to game this whole thing out. Now, if you're smarter than them, and can outsmart the most powerful of computers, then maybe you should have put together your own plan.

I can speak for myself only, I don't have any markers in the ground. I play everyday by ear. We'll know it when the time comes to take action. You speak of "failures", please list them for us. The list of wins is a mile long. Do you follow the "wins of the day" posts? If not, maybe you should. The one factor that I watch, my own barometer, is that DJT is my POTUS. As long as DJT is POTUS, I'm good, I like what I'm seeing. I'm in no hurry.

Now, lastly, if we're wrong, so what? We've had at least four more years of living before some cabal wipes out the worlds' population, which I repeat, we have no control over. If you don't believe in Q fine, go watch the NFL, the NBA, or protest BLM or whatever makes you happy, I don't fucking care. You can lead you're life however you see fit, but we'll lead ours believing in something, even if its false, rather than sitting around and whining like a little bitch like some people.

24775882? ago

3.5 Years in with no appreciable action and you guys are still going strong. If I had faith like yours, I'd be like that guy who killed himself to prove that he could communicate from the dead.

Something you q people need to ask yourself is, what's your deadline? If you don't put a hard line in the sand you'll just keep moving the goal post. When will you say "ok, if X happens, I'll know that I've been fooled this entire time".

24776667? ago

I see what you're saying. I think this isn't working at all like many of us anticipated. But, we've never seen this done before so perhaps whst many of us anticipated was wrong. We know so little.

I hope Trump takes them out before they release a bio weapon that kills hundreds of millions.

24777028? ago

Thank you, that was a reasonible response, even you didn't answer my question. So what circumstance would cause you to reconsider? If the answer is "none" or "I don't know" I suggest you think about it harder.

Look, bro, if you're right, it will be easy for me to say "gosh, I thought they were doped up on hopeium, but the swamp is all gone! Hurray! Should have listened to them!"

Too often people get their identity wrapped up in their ideas. You are not your ideas. So if you end up being wrong (probably, but I hope not) it doesn't mean you're a bad person, just that the idea was incorrect. If I end up being wrong... great, fantastic.

24777560? ago

Here's the thing - you'd better hope you are wrong. Because if you are right, this country and modern civilization are going to be ripped into a million pieces.

If anyone thinks 400 million private firearms are just going to disappear they are wrong. Right now, this entire group of people are allowing ourselves to be silenced. We are the middle class and business class. We are enjoying a standard of living never seen in human history. We have nice homes and money and family to take care of.

But - if our enemies plans are allowed to play out, we will no longer be safe. We will lose our way of life. Safety for our family will vanish. And then the killing will begin. We have these guns for a reason. The sleeping giant is getting uncomfortable.

We know what happens when one side is fighting for political ideology and the other is fighting to preserve their way of life. It has played out in wars and insurgencies around the world. It is ugly. It is brutal beyond belief. A bunch of us already fought in those kinds of wars.

So - you should be taking the hopium too. You should be praying that we are correct and this will play out in our favor.

Because if this is a hoax. If we are being fooled. If the enemy does accomplish their goals - there will be an orgy of violence unlike the world has ever seen. The most powerful military in history will split in two, and the first civil war will seem like a boxing match.

The only reason the past insurgencies were controlled is because the US military is all-powerful. When this military splits and gun-owning civilians jump in, it will be all out warfare.

So - that is why we hope. That is what we want to avoid.

24779603? ago

Here's the thing - you'd better hope you are wrong.

Bro, I certainly do hope I'm wrong. I also see the excuses made for the inaction continue irrespective of evidence. If you're so worried about it, stop "trusting the plan" and do something. Do what? I don't know, that's for you to decide, but sitting idle hoping doesn't change anything.

24782752? ago

There is nothing to do at this point. Re read my post above if you don't understand why.

Most on this side are living great lives still.

At this point we donate, we lead, and we vote.

24782843? ago

I really wish voting worked, but it hasn't seemed to. I've been thinking a lot about suffrage and I'm not at all sure it should be universal. The problem is, I don't know what test, or qualification would be better than the current state. Maybe White and Asian people over 25 only? Or maybe only people with a 100 IQ or higher? I do know that allowing Tyrone and Shaniqua the same vote as a real person isn't working.

24783949? ago

We should just go back to how it used to be - property or business owners can vote.

If you don't contribute to society, you don't get a say in how it runs.

24784222? ago

Yeah, people on welfare certainly shouldn't have a vote.

24777009? ago

They have that weapon planned to release in October.

24776086? ago

K rabbi, I'll just ignore the reality of the last 3.5 years to protect your fragile ideology

24776107? ago

Not an argument; didn't answer my question. I'd say 1 visitor home 0.

24778343? ago

The argument is universally recognized here, you're just ignoring the obvious. I dont waste time providing evidence to those too lazy to even try.

24779655? ago

Not an argument (again); still didn't answer the question. Visitor 2 Home 0.

24778278? ago

Don't waste your breath. They are incapable of that kind of rational thought. Its like arguing with a drunk person. Biden is up by as much as 15 points, and all they can shout is "nah ah! polls are faaaaake"

Remember the confusion here and finger pointing after the midterms? This is going to be so much sweeter.

24779632? ago

Remember the confusion here and finger pointing after the midterms?

Nope. I've never seen these subs before. Only started noticing really stupid things being posted to v/all and many of them were here. As soon as the front page is fixed, I don't expect to be here again. BUT, considering the way they're acting now, I bet it was pretty fun.

24781083? ago

Feel free to stay, its so damn entertaining. Its like an ant farm of the dumbest 1% of the internet. Its priceless.

24781469? ago

lol. I might take your advice.

24776012? ago

3.5 years in, and you shills are still here. You do realize that you only re-affirm our knowledge that your bosses are going down, right? I mean, if I had faith like you shills I might even believe that Soros is a good guy, kek.

24776073? ago

Anybody who isn't in my cult is a shill.

24777058? ago

Yes, anyone who isn't retarded is a shill. What do you MEAN you want evidence?!? HERESY!

24776059? ago

Nope, I only started seeing your stuff b/c the front page isn't refreshing, so I have to browse by v/all. But you didn't answer the question (probably on account of cognitive dissonance) At what time, if it comes, and none of this "trust the plan" bullshit comes to pass, will you say "gosh, I've been duped"? Will you wait until he's out of office in (probably) 5.5 years? When, if you don't see the action that you want, will you admit you've been wrong?

24775832? ago

This submission was linked from this v/aww comment by @MisterMistyEyed.

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24775801? ago

The msm keeps pushing corona hoax and riots. Why would they keep doing if they didn’t think they could win this election? Don’t be so confident. China is creating hundred of thousand fake ballots as we speak.

24779339? ago

Remember when Hillary couldn’t lose? I understand Q queers are fucking stupid as shit, but this is stupid even for them.

24775724? ago

SO WHAT?????

If we are all forced to wear masks, be injected with vaccines, once to have swabs pushed through our nose, too when and where we can be, forced to stay off beaches and out of the sun, kept out of our churches, forced to pay full salaries and even bonuses to government and public school employees, can not enter hospitals, can not bury our dead????

And you think going after pedophiles right will save Trump????

24776586? ago

You make good points. But, if the top players are pedophiles. And it does indeed appear the world is run by pedophiles, then yes, going after pedophiles will save us. For one thing, even my idiot Obama, Hillary and Bidrn supporting siblings will stumble over pedophiles in.their ranks. Though they'll fight very hard to not believe it and say it's a conservative trick.

24779401? ago

There’s a fairly large percentage of our population that already believes that these goddamn Democrats are fucking pedophiles. Do you know what’s going to happen when we release the list? First of all, it won’t be released because it doesn’t exist, but even if it does? The same people that already think these motherfuckers are pedophiles will still think it. The same motherfuckers that don’t think Democrats are pedophiles? They will think the list is fake.

How about, oh I don’t know, we end goddamn lockdowns, we expose the fucking coronavirus hoax lies, we imprison the fucking Bolsheviks that are burning down our cities, how about we do actual practical real things in the real world, how about Trump wins back his own base, which even conservative polls show he is losing, that Republican fundraisers are admitting is happening, how about he does something for his own fucking base instead of constantly reaching out to niggers and spics, how about we actually do something? How about that?

How about Lon order, how about we stop spending like a goddamn coon on the first Tuesday of the month, how about we arrest traitors and spies, how about voter ID. Or, how about we put failsafes in place to prevent our election from being stolen? There are news reports almost daily about ballots being taken, or altered, or found, or disappeared, they are already stealing the fucking election and Trump is just watching it happen. How about we actually do something that’s real?

24775702? ago

is this why they are still trying to keep him in courts? still fucking with him or is he done and completely free already?

24775658? ago

He could have done it already. I hate to say it but Q is an elaborate psyop used after they were able to compromise Trump. Trump will be able to pardon himself after the election. We have all been duped.

24775490? ago

Then come out with it already!

24779597? ago

Silly, you can’t come out with something that doesn’t exist. And even if it does exist, the people who don’t want to believe it just won’t believe it. The people we “need to convince“ won’t be convinced. We caught these motherfuckers red-handed spying on American citizens and half the country still doesn’t believe it. That’s what happens when you don’t prosecute, you don’t seem serious. That’s what happens when you let them get away with it, it’s easy to shrug off. That’s what happens when you don’t force the media to cover it by actually pursuing justice. Even those motherfucking liars would have to admit that the arrests are being made, testimonies being given, etc. They will still lie about why it’s being done, but at least they won’t be able to stop truly curious but misguided people from looking into it. This is what happens when you let them get away with everything. Yes, what’s happening now, this is what happens. I put that squarely on the White House. Or, none of this stuff is even real.

Ahhh... but that can’t possibly be true, can it?

24775417? ago

Why #Netherlands?

24778001? ago

their royals are freaks

24775409? ago

Never be released.

24775333? ago

Pizzakraine is coming

24775164? ago

When is Trump really going to let the average non-q following people know he is doing all this? It would be nice to get everyone psyched before November 3rd. Imagine if his involvement in taking down the pedos was kept quiet, he loses in November and then in December he takes them all out only to leave in January to allow the socialists to come in? What kind of victory would that be? Pedos would come right back. We need some big major news before November on Trump taking down the pedophiles with some arrests of government figures involved. This trickle trickle of news, hints, and some movement maybe involving Trump doing something is very frustrating.

24778841? ago

No way Trumps lowing. His numbers are amazing. People as far as the eye can see in one of his vids.

24779216? ago

What part of massive voter fraud are you people missing? Holy fucking shit. You’re starting to sound like Hillary in 2016 with your fucking smug certainty. I can’t believe you people! What the fuck is wrong with you!

24782817? ago

Indeed. Hillary will cheat like crazy. I don't know how she'll be stopped.

24780526? ago

It could be the usual retardation, or perhaps just some sort of a "make them complacent" campaign by anti-Trump forces.

24778633? ago

Never. Just as in freemasonry there is the exoteric and esoteric....guess which one all of us are with?

It’s no different than the Cabal he’s destroying. And he is destroying it that I have no doubt. You’re about to enter the age of Aquarius, LED by the light bearer...Lucifer. You thought you knew horror under the darkness....just wait until you are in Lucifers Light of Death. Hold onto your souls and know Jesus Christ. There is a reason Jesus and the Bible is shunned while literally all other religions and ways/walks of life are welcomed.

24780584? ago

And he is destroying it, that I have no doubt.

You serious?

24783929? ago

Because he knows it...do you not understand it’s all a show? It’s only been mentioned dozens of times.

24789783? ago

Do you understand what "all a show" means? It means you're watching some fake bullshit put on by paid actors.

24778847? ago

There was light and dark before the bible, long before. I do not get hung up on it.

24777576? ago

The reasons you outlined are the very reasons that I have come to the conclusion that Q is an elaborate psyop. What WWG1WGA really has more of a Socialist meaning. I suggest prayer and reflection on where we go after death is more important.

24784028? ago

That’s my assertion as well. I believe NESARA/GESARA is the one world currency and that we will not buy or sell without the mark that comes when we accept the funds. Right now cryptocurrency looks to be the most mature means of executing this mark system.

People are beginning to think that THEY, humankind, can save themselves. The clean up on the surface of the deep state is giving people that false premise that we can believe in one another and save ourselves absent the Living God.

This, combined with the final enactment of NESARA, will lead so many astray. Q/Cabal are truly two sides of the same coin.

I don’t doubt Q team produces short term good, but as with all man made good, there is polarity. Dark and Light. Q claims the light, but never the light of the Savior Jesus Christ. Just think about that and pray on it. If Q posts about Christ as the Savior, I will happily recant. I want to believe we are saved, but without Christ that just is not possible.

24788625? ago

I agree with you but I don't think that's going to happen in our lifetime. God is very patient, also there's a lot of different eschatological timelines according to different theologies. Off the top of my head I know the mark of the beast comes from the antichrist who will make bold claims to be the Messiah. That hasn't happened, at all, unless JFK jr comes back and we've all been had but, it seems unlikely lol. I think it will take a long time before Christians start getting murdered, like at least another 50 years if not hundreds more years

24786172? ago

Q posted hundreds of times about Jesus Christ and the Scriptures.

24798570? ago

List, one? I searched qmap, nothing. Vigano is the only one to mention Jesus. Lucifer tells you humanity can save itself. You don’t know the truth when it’s staring you right in the face. All I can do is tell you. Good luck with your free will.

24786725? ago

He did not.

24792607? ago

Are you kidding me? First of all, Q is not a single person. Secondly, Q posted about the need to put on the Armor of God at least ten times.

24793788? ago

None directly say Jesus.

24780689? ago

It's been one of the more publicly successful psyops, but you should be concerned that it wasn't obvious shortly after "Q" became a thing.

24777944? ago

Well go be a monk then.

24776755? ago

It will be up to you to know.

No major announcement from POTUS about Q is coming.

No overt validation.

The idea is for The People to run things and not again blindly follow their "leaders".....

24779207? ago

Ha ha, how convenient.

24791248? ago

From the sheep that needs to be told how and what to think. ☝️

It's okay, we understand.....

24775317? ago

Your premise is false. You believe he may lose. You believe polls. I believe what I see. Biden rally's gather dozens. Trump rallies gather thousands. I see trump flags everywhere. I haven't seen a single Biden sign or flag. NOT ONE.

Calm yourself patriot. It will be OK. We will win. We will.

24783868? ago

I worry the dems will cheat like hell.

24780320? ago

I don't like to call anyone a liar ... but ...

Biden's rallies do not attract dozens. Plural. If he reaches one dozen it's because of reporters.

24780123? ago

WE are the Silent Majority! POTUS doesn't need the polls, He knows how many of us are out here. As long as we keep passing on important information and our wonderful Anons that find good information in the corners of the internet keep it going ..We will prevail!!

24779498? ago

I haven't seen a single Trump flag or public indication of Trump support in 4 years. And since he turned on us with that hillary bullshit, I may just go back to ignoring politics like I have since Reagan fucked us over. Politics is a scam. Only cabal-approved candidates are invited to participate.

24779124? ago

I like your optimism, but...

You do know they are already cheating, right? Look carefully at the news reports that most people around here have been dismissing. Ballots are already being fucked with. Do you think the same people who tried to overthrow Trump the first time, who still have their exact same jobs, are going to let him get elected a second time without a fight, without tons and tons of fucking cheating? I mean, we did literally nothing to remove these people from the positions that they used to try to overturn the result of an election. They are still there. And here we have generals supposedly sitting on lists that will devastate the bad guys, we’ve got trust the plan going on with absolutely nothing is happening to the people who try to destroy our nation, and we have people completely missing the reason why they are pumping up Biden’s numbers so high, up to 15 points over Trump, so that when he only wins by a few percentage points it doesn’t look unusual and they can immediately turn around and blame Trump for the cheating that they themselves did. Which is what they always do, the project.

This couldn’t be more obvious or transparent. Look, maybe we’ve got the machine working behind the scenes to stop this, and that’s great. But let’s not get too overconfident, let’s make sure we all go and vote.

24779846? ago

I mean, we did literally nothing to remove these people from the positions that they used to try to overturn the result of an election. They are still there. And here we have generals supposedly sitting on lists that will devastate the bad guys, we’ve got trust the plan going on with absolutely nothing is happening to the people who try to destroy our nation,

Gee, what could be the explanation for this? (The whole game of politics is a show, folks.)

24778899? ago

And mid-terms were safe. GTFO, Trump hasn't won yet. He needs to release as much as possible now, otherwise it was all a larp.

24780482? ago

Not a larp. Just the same as it ever was. Technically, I suppose you could call the whole democrat vs republican framework of politics a sort of psyop, but presenting the people with a choice of actors who will follow the scripts they're given goes far beyond a mere 'operation'.

24778308? ago

Our President is a 74 year old man. That means he has a 3% to 5% chance of dying this year BEFORE considering he has the most stressful job in the world AND has the entire corrupt deep state eager to assassinate him. There are no guarantees, regardless of how much we love him.

24778216? ago

Come to Western PA, we've got a good number of morons here!

24777660? ago

Hillary couldn't fill a high school gym, but she got 3 million more votes than POTUS. If it wasn't for the electoral college, we wouldn't have him. Dems will cheat their hearts out in November.

24776973? ago

POTUS's own team sats the polls indicate real trends. He just fired Pascale. You're delusional if you think he's got it in the bag.

24776932? ago

What if the dems steal the election for Biden? They are already screaming that Trump won't leave if he loses, as if that were a real possibility.

24776834? ago

We saw a Biden sticker on a snowflakes vehicle at work...and we all looked at it like it was road kill...lol

24776523? ago

I see millions of communists committing vote fraud while cuckservatives are getting their asses kicked in the streets. Have fun trying to vote.

24776102? ago

If you DONT believe he MAY lose you are severely lost. The complacency I’ve seen is baffling. We still need to physically vote him back into office, nothing is in the bag until we all cast our votes and the Dems use up all their cheating resources.

24779132? ago

This is 100% correct. They are already altering ballots and cheating. It’s already happening, not later, not in November, it’s happening now. The blindness people have is astonishing. I still think Trump wins, but it’s going to take a monumental effort.

24779692? ago

There's a simple explanation for all your concerns. Trump was installed for everything we're seeing right now. Remember how they installed Ellen Pao at reddit in order to take all the heat for the ban waves and other crap? Some random guy on the internet summed it up pretty accurately.

"It's all a show - You're watching a movie."

Each and everyone of them is a paid actor. Trump, Pelosi, Governor X, and Senator Y. They're all approved or controlled by the cabal. This is why things are the way they are.

24776530? ago

Good luck, you won't even be allowed in the polling stations.

24777216? ago

Nice try shill.

24779523? ago

Nice, try shill.

Is this how that should be punctuated?

24781548? ago

Nice try, shill!

This is the proper way, shill.

24776851? ago

This. They are likely going to claim a second wave with the Corona stuff and offer mail in voting instead. Makes it a lot easier to steal the election

24776942? ago

They won't have to claim a second wave of corona. They already have plans to release a real lethal virus in October.

24778934? ago

Haven't heard of that one yet, do you have any sources or is this a personal theory? Also I think they have multiple backup plans to stop or influence the vote. One would be BLM protests outside of the places to vote for instance.

24780800? ago

For what it's worth: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3927939

24775748? ago

I did see a meme with a sunk boat covered in Biden flags. Not sure if it was shopped or not.

24775718? ago

from: doglegwarrior

this guy has one very good point. i at least saw a lot of hillary shit on cars. ive not seen one biden sticker and he still doesnt even have a running mate?

24779186? ago

The fact he doesn’t have a running mate yet should tell you everything you need to know. The running mate will be the savior that they’ve been waiting for, or none of this matters because they are just going to rig the election. We caught them red-handed cheating in 2016, did nothing about it, left those people in their same positions, put down a coup attempt but left those people in those positions, and now the Democrats are already stealing and altering ballots and we’ve caught them doing it, and still nothing has been done about it. And still truck people are insisting that he can’t lose. Open your eyes, people. They are already stealing the election, altering ballots NOW.

24776489? ago

Hillary will become the candidate during their convention. It will become a rematch and the Devil's children will vote early and often as they always do. They still love her. Her new look is a huge hint to what's coming. She's running.

I've seen one Biden sign in front of a million dollar home. That's it. Because they cheat you can't trust apparent support of poles.

24779732? ago

you can't trust apparent support of poles.

Have seen some of those heifers discovering that you can't just brace it against the ceiling and expect that to be enough support.

24776954? ago

Her "new look" is a body double.

24775854? ago

This is not another 4 year election

24775682? ago

If there is fraud Trump will lose. Then we fight.

24779816? ago

I doubt Trump is going to lose. They installed him for a reason, and the country isn't quite fully wrecked yet. This is why they chose Biden as "his opponent". No, Trump hasn't fulfilled his entire purpose yet. Remember, "I want the largest number of immigrants to come in like this country has never seen before." "We don't want good people like the Clintons to be in jail."

People ignore the reality of Trump because "he HAS to be our guy or we're fucked!" Well, guess what. There is a price to be paid for believing in the Dem vs Rep scam.

24776357? ago

how? if he loses then I will lose hope :(

24776046? ago

"If my candidate loses, it was because of fraud"

24775504? ago

I did see one Biden sign the other day.

It was like seeing a unicorn 😂

24779170? ago

I didn’t see one sign indicating their intention to cheat, either. But we know that’s exactly their plan. They know Biden can’t win, do you think they don’t? You really think they don’t? They know. So what do you think they’re going to do about it? They’re either going to replace him with a “great savior” or they’re going to cheat their balls and tits off

24777114? ago

except unicorns are real ad Biden support signs are not.

24775394? ago

Ok. I guess you have to excuse my worrying. I was a life long Democrat until Trump so this is all new to me.

24776173? ago

life long Democrat

In a deep blue state and friends with a few. Until about 3-4 months ago, near constant heckling about Trump. Dead quiet since then. Doubt they will vote for him, doubt they will vote at all. 2 have businesses that have been slammed by the lockdown and that has left a mark.

24775575? ago

Glad to see your political deliverance. Isn't it freeing to be awakened by truth?

24775915? ago

I am against the Deep State. Started with Bush Jr and the whole 911/Iraq thing. Next when I noticed the same old shenanigans with Obama, I knew something was up. I am for Trump because I think he is against the Deep State and NWO. Also I watched some good videos from Jordon Peterson on the nature of Cultural Marxism. I now believe my party left me behind and now think anyone who is a level headed practical American should take the side of the Republicans at this time because the alternative is just being a puppet of the globalists. There was a time when both parties were mostly patriots and just disagreed on how to solve our problems. Now one party makes it seem you cannot be a traditional American anymore. They want to guilt trip everyone, bring needless bickering and disruption and make that the most important thing. I got sick of it.

24776509? ago

“There was a time when both parties were mostly patriots and just disagreed on how to solve our problems.”

^this is how we reunite with “progressives” - like the Jimmy Dores, who are totally against DS corruption but still not awake. Doubt the Democratic Party will survive in any form.

24776876? ago

I have said before: Back in the 80s the dems bragged that they were the big tent party with not only different races but different points of view. I think the Republicans are now the big tent party because the dems have become more narrow minded, intolerant, and self righteous than any Christian fundamentalist republican. They make Falwell's old "moral majority" activist group look like boyscouts. Liberals spoke out against the book and record burners of the 1960s. Now those that call themselves liberals are the digital book burners.

24776229? ago

I've been on to the Bush's since they attempted to assassinate Reagan. When Obama closed the book on 9/11 and doubled down troops in Afghanistan, I knew we had been had.

What I did not anticipate was the thread that tied them all together:

Ritual Child Sacrifice


24775983? ago

We are waking up to the now unrefutable fact that the Democrat Party is the PARTY OF DESTRUCTION.

24776244? ago

Inaction and being the lapdogs of the FORTUNE 500 has implicated Republicans.


24775163? ago


Flynn body buried SQUAWK

Time to tweak the 'plan'
A round of crackers for the weak
A little Spur for Q and Q+ Stop the mask nonsense; disgusting part of the plan

24775236? ago

I say again for the shills in the back https://voat.co/v/QRV/3929072







Former Jeffrey Epstein companion Ghislaine Maxwell arrested


One-third of Toledo's City Council arrested on bribery, extortion charges








A former Judge of Elections in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, has been charged and pleaded guilty to illegally adding votes for Democrat candidates in judicial races in 2014, 2015, and 2016.




Failed Gubernatorial Candidate Andrew Gillum Arrested During Meth Orgy in Hotel Room


Clinton's Evil Princess Pal SENTENCED TO 13 YEARS IN PRISON


Saudi Arabia “detains” 298 Government Employee’s on Corruption Charges


US arrests 600 Mexican cartel members in one of the largest ever raids




Obama’s Homeland Security IG Indicted






Harvey Weinstein guilty




DNC Vice Chair Who Called Obama His Big Brother is CAUGHT STEALING FROM TAXPAYERS








Top Aide SENTENCED TO PRISON in BRIBERY PROBE of Ex-Hillary Clinton VP Finalist Picked by Podesta


Democrat Politician ARRESTED for STEALING from Charity for Disabled and Elderly


PANICKING Democrat Politician SENTENCED to PRISON, BEGS Trump for Pardon


Democrat State Senator RESIGNS After FBI RAIDS of Democrats in Chicago


Democrat Mayor BEHIND BARS in Dallas Testifying Against Donor to Gillibrand, Beto, Castro




Mississippi Mayor ARRESTED, Faces 100 YEARS BEHIND BARS


Democrats PANIC as FBI CHARGES Lawmaker & Daughter, Something Strange Happening in Maryland?


FBI CHARGES Democrat Mayor After 'FIRST WAVE OF ARRESTS' for Corruption Investigation in Ohio


Top State Democrat ARRESTED as Trump Attorney ROUNDS UP Corrupt Politicians in Chicago


Brooklyn Supreme Court Judge ARRESTED, Faces 45 YEARS BEHIND BARS


Anti-Trump Intelligence Agent ARRESTED for TOP SECRET Leaks




Democrat Mayor PLEADS GUILTY and RESIGNS for Defrauding Children's Charity


GRAND JURY INDICTS Democrat Council President, FBI Confirms Probe of Democrat Councilman


Cleaning court

The Trump's administration successfully replaced 193 Federal judges. Allegedly in preparation for the Storm. There are over 169,000+ sealed indictments ready to go. Compare to 1,000 a year before the Trump's administration.

https://archive.md/xTrnT#selection-1457.0-1471.0* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_federal_judges_appointed_by_Donald_Trump

Trump's Administration Successful Accomplishments 2017-2020 at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3538236/

Nothing Can Stop Justice

According to ZQ WARRIOR, the Trump's executive orders seals the DeepState fate. Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing.



24775519? ago

Ahaah you're that guy with the weak ass list

24775614? ago

What a shill. Well, at least your good at exposing your own stupidity.

24775572? ago

24775248? ago

Yeah thats all good to hear

24775148? ago

great post and thanks for the encouraging numbers;

1 million is a lot of people to 'block'😆

24775684? ago

The smell of desperation is permeating the inter webs. She would have had the help of big tech to accomplish all the blocking and deleting in such a short period of time, no?

24776097? ago

I was thinking the same thing, no way someone could block THAT MANY in a couple days

24780910? ago

Can you block by list? There must be software for that. "Block all subscribers to X"

24779648? ago

one per second would take 11.5 days!

24779802? ago

Thanks for putting it into perspective.

24775134? ago

I was thinking about that, blocked 1mm people... deleted 60k tweets. We were only picking on about 20 tweets of hers mac, so why delete 60,000? When Q posted their picture a couple of years ago, there was a thread about her being a him and John legend being a woman and they had a satanic moon baby... just stuff to consider. My mind is always going.

24775059? ago

Thanks for that morning dose of hopium

24777040? ago

Much better than actually DOING anything when I can just trust the God-Emperor's plan.

24775010? ago

Got the shills foaming, upvote for you fren.

24780877? ago

I like how this shill is spreading the "ideological enemies are swarming among you, so purity spiral as if your life depends on it" meme.

24774835? ago

It will never be released. No arrests are coming. The pedos win again because you faggots elected another kike.

24775590? ago


24775205? ago

^^^ Disinfo. No jews have been elected as president yet. The only things outside the norm were one Catholic, whom they shot, and one Muslim, whom stained the office.

24775131? ago

You people just make us actual Anons laugh, you do know that right? Your shill comments are just a joke to those of us who know the truth is coming. Hope you can have some moments of self-reflection when it does come.

24774903? ago

Agree. Any faggot who believes in (((Q))) is a truly deluded retard.

24775114? ago

and yet here you are, hangin with the retards

24775199? ago

What are you doing?

24775153? ago

The right cant meme.

24774869? ago

I see Schlomo has joined us. You guys are just boring now.

24775093? ago

I'm not here to entertain you, faggot. I'm just here to trigger you with the truth.

24777076? ago

They do seem to be easily triggered. The q people are so polite on the other subs, I didn't understand why everyone has such animosity for them... Then I started seeing their posts because of needing to browse v/all and whooooo-boy.... yeah. This is a Hopeium den.

24775301? ago

meh, no you're not. You will fail, and best of all you know it. You might want to re-consider who you work for too - there'll be no free passes later.

24776574? ago

nah, I work for a very nice golf course with great pay. You probably need to start figuring out what your excuse is going to be when the dems steal this election just like they did with the mid terms.

24776651? ago

nah, your BS is not fooing anyone Schlomo. Really

24776181? ago

I know right? Fuck all these niggerfaggot shills up in this bitch.

In typical shill fashion, even though the internet is such a huge place, they have to come in here and try to fuck with us.

But I give zero fucks. So many shills for a LARP? Just proves it's not a LARP.

Go ahead shills, spout your shit, I don't give a fuck. You will not silence me.

24777089? ago

Then message @Puttitout and tell him to fix the front page so I don't have to see you 'tards.

24777272? ago

Why don't you just ignore it? Fucking communists, it's not enough for you to ignore someone you don't agree with, you have to actively silence them.

24779561? ago

I'm not trying to silence you, bro, I'm making fun of you.

24780398? ago

How pathetic a person you must be, to feel the need to come and make fun of myself and others.

You should KYS.

24785002? ago

Hey I'm sorry if I've offended you. That was rude of me. Have a good night, bro.

24780444? ago

Nu-uhh.... You.

24776584? ago

Bitch, you've been kicked off the internet and forced to wear a muzzle. You were silenced long ago.

24777259? ago

Well seeing as how I'm on the internet right now, and I'm not wearing any kind of muzzle literally or figuratively, I'd say you're wrong.

Are you fucking retarded or something? And by the way, fuck you bitch.