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24775882? ago

3.5 Years in with no appreciable action and you guys are still going strong. If I had faith like yours, I'd be like that guy who killed himself to prove that he could communicate from the dead.

Something you q people need to ask yourself is, what's your deadline? If you don't put a hard line in the sand you'll just keep moving the goal post. When will you say "ok, if X happens, I'll know that I've been fooled this entire time".

24776667? ago

I see what you're saying. I think this isn't working at all like many of us anticipated. But, we've never seen this done before so perhaps whst many of us anticipated was wrong. We know so little.

I hope Trump takes them out before they release a bio weapon that kills hundreds of millions.

24777009? ago

They have that weapon planned to release in October.