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24775882? ago

3.5 Years in with no appreciable action and you guys are still going strong. If I had faith like yours, I'd be like that guy who killed himself to prove that he could communicate from the dead.

Something you q people need to ask yourself is, what's your deadline? If you don't put a hard line in the sand you'll just keep moving the goal post. When will you say "ok, if X happens, I'll know that I've been fooled this entire time".

24776086? ago

K rabbi, I'll just ignore the reality of the last 3.5 years to protect your fragile ideology

24776107? ago

Not an argument; didn't answer my question. I'd say 1 visitor home 0.

24778278? ago

Don't waste your breath. They are incapable of that kind of rational thought. Its like arguing with a drunk person. Biden is up by as much as 15 points, and all they can shout is "nah ah! polls are faaaaake"

Remember the confusion here and finger pointing after the midterms? This is going to be so much sweeter.

24779632? ago

Remember the confusion here and finger pointing after the midterms?

Nope. I've never seen these subs before. Only started noticing really stupid things being posted to v/all and many of them were here. As soon as the front page is fixed, I don't expect to be here again. BUT, considering the way they're acting now, I bet it was pretty fun.

24781083? ago

Feel free to stay, its so damn entertaining. Its like an ant farm of the dumbest 1% of the internet. Its priceless.

24781469? ago

lol. I might take your advice.