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24775164? ago

When is Trump really going to let the average non-q following people know he is doing all this? It would be nice to get everyone psyched before November 3rd. Imagine if his involvement in taking down the pedos was kept quiet, he loses in November and then in December he takes them all out only to leave in January to allow the socialists to come in? What kind of victory would that be? Pedos would come right back. We need some big major news before November on Trump taking down the pedophiles with some arrests of government figures involved. This trickle trickle of news, hints, and some movement maybe involving Trump doing something is very frustrating.

24775317? ago

Your premise is false. You believe he may lose. You believe polls. I believe what I see. Biden rally's gather dozens. Trump rallies gather thousands. I see trump flags everywhere. I haven't seen a single Biden sign or flag. NOT ONE.

Calm yourself patriot. It will be OK. We will win. We will.

24780123? ago

WE are the Silent Majority! POTUS doesn't need the polls, He knows how many of us are out here. As long as we keep passing on important information and our wonderful Anons that find good information in the corners of the internet keep it going ..We will prevail!!