"Gen. Flynn has a list of high level pedophiles the release of which will devastate the Deep State dons."
~ Tweet by Roger Stone, 5 Aug. 2017
~ Who knows where the bodies are buried? Q
The fear and panic is now palpable. These sick f$cks are now being taken out. Globally.
You cannot possibly imagine the size of this.
Trust the plan.
Trust there are more good than bad.
The WORLD is helping.
We are not alone.
We are all connected in this fight.
We are winning BIG.
Watch the speech.
God bless.
Most-wanted paedophile mastermind behind darknet sites that served thousands across the globe is arrested
Maxwell's arrest has them all scurrying from their dark hiding places. They know all their comms are compromised. They "know FISA goes both ways". They know that the sheep/cattle are waking up. They know their money will not buy them shelter anywhere on Earth when the early morning tap on their doors come. 2020 has long ago slipped from their boney grasp. Every escape, hope, hiding place, and legal shelter is being removed from them, one after another. Every distraction and false flag they have thrown at Pres Trump has been thwarted and is one less bullet in their clip. The health is literally draining from their bodies before our eyes. They age a year each week that passes - look at their faces. This is the time, when all hope is gone for them, that the birds start to sing.
Chrissy Teigen Blocked Over A Million Twitter Users Who’d Linked Her To Jeffrey Epstein Via A Conspiracy Theory
Over 1 million users blocked huh. You know, her handlers won't have been happy she told us that. Think about it for a moment - there have been ONE MILLION people on Twitter that took the time to tell her she (he/it, whatever) is a pedo and is soon going down. Just on Twitter. Let that sink in. The WORLD is waking up patriots. And all of you played an important part in that.
oh, and before the "arrests or GTFO" shills and concern-fags arrive - https://voat.co/v/QRV/3929072
Keep fighting Patriots.
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24775164? ago
When is Trump really going to let the average non-q following people know he is doing all this? It would be nice to get everyone psyched before November 3rd. Imagine if his involvement in taking down the pedos was kept quiet, he loses in November and then in December he takes them all out only to leave in January to allow the socialists to come in? What kind of victory would that be? Pedos would come right back. We need some big major news before November on Trump taking down the pedophiles with some arrests of government figures involved. This trickle trickle of news, hints, and some movement maybe involving Trump doing something is very frustrating.
24775317? ago
Your premise is false. You believe he may lose. You believe polls. I believe what I see. Biden rally's gather dozens. Trump rallies gather thousands. I see trump flags everywhere. I haven't seen a single Biden sign or flag. NOT ONE.
Calm yourself patriot. It will be OK. We will win. We will.
24783868? ago
I worry the dems will cheat like hell.
24780320? ago
I don't like to call anyone a liar ... but ...
Biden's rallies do not attract dozens. Plural. If he reaches one dozen it's because of reporters.
24780123? ago
WE are the Silent Majority! POTUS doesn't need the polls, He knows how many of us are out here. As long as we keep passing on important information and our wonderful Anons that find good information in the corners of the internet keep it going ..We will prevail!!
24779498? ago
I haven't seen a single Trump flag or public indication of Trump support in 4 years. And since he turned on us with that hillary bullshit, I may just go back to ignoring politics like I have since Reagan fucked us over. Politics is a scam. Only cabal-approved candidates are invited to participate.
24779124? ago
I like your optimism, but...
You do know they are already cheating, right? Look carefully at the news reports that most people around here have been dismissing. Ballots are already being fucked with. Do you think the same people who tried to overthrow Trump the first time, who still have their exact same jobs, are going to let him get elected a second time without a fight, without tons and tons of fucking cheating? I mean, we did literally nothing to remove these people from the positions that they used to try to overturn the result of an election. They are still there. And here we have generals supposedly sitting on lists that will devastate the bad guys, we’ve got trust the plan going on with absolutely nothing is happening to the people who try to destroy our nation, and we have people completely missing the reason why they are pumping up Biden’s numbers so high, up to 15 points over Trump, so that when he only wins by a few percentage points it doesn’t look unusual and they can immediately turn around and blame Trump for the cheating that they themselves did. Which is what they always do, the project.
This couldn’t be more obvious or transparent. Look, maybe we’ve got the machine working behind the scenes to stop this, and that’s great. But let’s not get too overconfident, let’s make sure we all go and vote.
24779846? ago
Gee, what could be the explanation for this? (The whole game of politics is a show, folks.)
24778899? ago
And mid-terms were safe. GTFO, Trump hasn't won yet. He needs to release as much as possible now, otherwise it was all a larp.
24780482? ago
Not a larp. Just the same as it ever was. Technically, I suppose you could call the whole democrat vs republican framework of politics a sort of psyop, but presenting the people with a choice of actors who will follow the scripts they're given goes far beyond a mere 'operation'.
24778308? ago
Our President is a 74 year old man. That means he has a 3% to 5% chance of dying this year BEFORE considering he has the most stressful job in the world AND has the entire corrupt deep state eager to assassinate him. There are no guarantees, regardless of how much we love him.
24778216? ago
Come to Western PA, we've got a good number of morons here!
24777660? ago
Hillary couldn't fill a high school gym, but she got 3 million more votes than POTUS. If it wasn't for the electoral college, we wouldn't have him. Dems will cheat their hearts out in November.
24776973? ago
POTUS's own team sats the polls indicate real trends. He just fired Pascale. You're delusional if you think he's got it in the bag.
24776932? ago
What if the dems steal the election for Biden? They are already screaming that Trump won't leave if he loses, as if that were a real possibility.
24776834? ago
We saw a Biden sticker on a snowflakes vehicle at work...and we all looked at it like it was road kill...lol
24776523? ago
I see millions of communists committing vote fraud while cuckservatives are getting their asses kicked in the streets. Have fun trying to vote.
24776102? ago
If you DONT believe he MAY lose you are severely lost. The complacency I’ve seen is baffling. We still need to physically vote him back into office, nothing is in the bag until we all cast our votes and the Dems use up all their cheating resources.
24779132? ago
This is 100% correct. They are already altering ballots and cheating. It’s already happening, not later, not in November, it’s happening now. The blindness people have is astonishing. I still think Trump wins, but it’s going to take a monumental effort.
24779692? ago
There's a simple explanation for all your concerns. Trump was installed for everything we're seeing right now. Remember how they installed Ellen Pao at reddit in order to take all the heat for the ban waves and other crap? Some random guy on the internet summed it up pretty accurately.
Each and everyone of them is a paid actor. Trump, Pelosi, Governor X, and Senator Y. They're all approved or controlled by the cabal. This is why things are the way they are.
24776530? ago
Good luck, you won't even be allowed in the polling stations.
24777216? ago
Nice try shill.
24779523? ago
Is this how that should be punctuated?
24781548? ago
This is the proper way, shill.
24776851? ago
This. They are likely going to claim a second wave with the Corona stuff and offer mail in voting instead. Makes it a lot easier to steal the election
24776942? ago
They won't have to claim a second wave of corona. They already have plans to release a real lethal virus in October.
24778934? ago
Haven't heard of that one yet, do you have any sources or is this a personal theory? Also I think they have multiple backup plans to stop or influence the vote. One would be BLM protests outside of the places to vote for instance.
24780800? ago
For what it's worth: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3927939
24775748? ago
I did see a meme with a sunk boat covered in Biden flags. Not sure if it was shopped or not.
24775718? ago
from: doglegwarrior
this guy has one very good point. i at least saw a lot of hillary shit on cars. ive not seen one biden sticker and he still doesnt even have a running mate?
24779186? ago
The fact he doesn’t have a running mate yet should tell you everything you need to know. The running mate will be the savior that they’ve been waiting for, or none of this matters because they are just going to rig the election. We caught them red-handed cheating in 2016, did nothing about it, left those people in their same positions, put down a coup attempt but left those people in those positions, and now the Democrats are already stealing and altering ballots and we’ve caught them doing it, and still nothing has been done about it. And still truck people are insisting that he can’t lose. Open your eyes, people. They are already stealing the election, altering ballots NOW.
24776489? ago
Hillary will become the candidate during their convention. It will become a rematch and the Devil's children will vote early and often as they always do. They still love her. Her new look is a huge hint to what's coming. She's running.
I've seen one Biden sign in front of a million dollar home. That's it. Because they cheat you can't trust apparent support of poles.
24779732? ago
Have seen some of those heifers discovering that you can't just brace it against the ceiling and expect that to be enough support.
24776954? ago
Her "new look" is a body double.
24775854? ago
This is not another 4 year election
24775682? ago
If there is fraud Trump will lose. Then we fight.
24779816? ago
I doubt Trump is going to lose. They installed him for a reason, and the country isn't quite fully wrecked yet. This is why they chose Biden as "his opponent". No, Trump hasn't fulfilled his entire purpose yet. Remember, "I want the largest number of immigrants to come in like this country has never seen before." "We don't want good people like the Clintons to be in jail."
People ignore the reality of Trump because "he HAS to be our guy or we're fucked!" Well, guess what. There is a price to be paid for believing in the Dem vs Rep scam.
24776357? ago
how? if he loses then I will lose hope :(
24776046? ago
"If my candidate loses, it was because of fraud"
24775504? ago
I did see one Biden sign the other day.
It was like seeing a unicorn 😂
24779170? ago
I didn’t see one sign indicating their intention to cheat, either. But we know that’s exactly their plan. They know Biden can’t win, do you think they don’t? You really think they don’t? They know. So what do you think they’re going to do about it? They’re either going to replace him with a “great savior” or they’re going to cheat their balls and tits off
24777114? ago
except unicorns are real ad Biden support signs are not.
24775394? ago
Ok. I guess you have to excuse my worrying. I was a life long Democrat until Trump so this is all new to me.
24776173? ago
life long Democrat
In a deep blue state and friends with a few. Until about 3-4 months ago, near constant heckling about Trump. Dead quiet since then. Doubt they will vote for him, doubt they will vote at all. 2 have businesses that have been slammed by the lockdown and that has left a mark.
24775575? ago
Glad to see your political deliverance. Isn't it freeing to be awakened by truth?
24775915? ago
I am against the Deep State. Started with Bush Jr and the whole 911/Iraq thing. Next when I noticed the same old shenanigans with Obama, I knew something was up. I am for Trump because I think he is against the Deep State and NWO. Also I watched some good videos from Jordon Peterson on the nature of Cultural Marxism. I now believe my party left me behind and now think anyone who is a level headed practical American should take the side of the Republicans at this time because the alternative is just being a puppet of the globalists. There was a time when both parties were mostly patriots and just disagreed on how to solve our problems. Now one party makes it seem you cannot be a traditional American anymore. They want to guilt trip everyone, bring needless bickering and disruption and make that the most important thing. I got sick of it.
24776509? ago
“There was a time when both parties were mostly patriots and just disagreed on how to solve our problems.”
^this is how we reunite with “progressives” - like the Jimmy Dores, who are totally against DS corruption but still not awake. Doubt the Democratic Party will survive in any form.
24776876? ago
I have said before: Back in the 80s the dems bragged that they were the big tent party with not only different races but different points of view. I think the Republicans are now the big tent party because the dems have become more narrow minded, intolerant, and self righteous than any Christian fundamentalist republican. They make Falwell's old "moral majority" activist group look like boyscouts. Liberals spoke out against the book and record burners of the 1960s. Now those that call themselves liberals are the digital book burners.
24776229? ago
I've been on to the Bush's since they attempted to assassinate Reagan. When Obama closed the book on 9/11 and doubled down troops in Afghanistan, I knew we had been had.
What I did not anticipate was the thread that tied them all together:
Ritual Child Sacrifice
24775983? ago
We are waking up to the now unrefutable fact that the Democrat Party is the PARTY OF DESTRUCTION.
24776244? ago
Inaction and being the lapdogs of the FORTUNE 500 has implicated Republicans.