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24775164? ago

When is Trump really going to let the average non-q following people know he is doing all this? It would be nice to get everyone psyched before November 3rd. Imagine if his involvement in taking down the pedos was kept quiet, he loses in November and then in December he takes them all out only to leave in January to allow the socialists to come in? What kind of victory would that be? Pedos would come right back. We need some big major news before November on Trump taking down the pedophiles with some arrests of government figures involved. This trickle trickle of news, hints, and some movement maybe involving Trump doing something is very frustrating.

24775317? ago

Your premise is false. You believe he may lose. You believe polls. I believe what I see. Biden rally's gather dozens. Trump rallies gather thousands. I see trump flags everywhere. I haven't seen a single Biden sign or flag. NOT ONE.

Calm yourself patriot. It will be OK. We will win. We will.

24775394? ago

Ok. I guess you have to excuse my worrying. I was a life long Democrat until Trump so this is all new to me.

24775575? ago

Glad to see your political deliverance. Isn't it freeing to be awakened by truth?

24775915? ago

I am against the Deep State. Started with Bush Jr and the whole 911/Iraq thing. Next when I noticed the same old shenanigans with Obama, I knew something was up. I am for Trump because I think he is against the Deep State and NWO. Also I watched some good videos from Jordon Peterson on the nature of Cultural Marxism. I now believe my party left me behind and now think anyone who is a level headed practical American should take the side of the Republicans at this time because the alternative is just being a puppet of the globalists. There was a time when both parties were mostly patriots and just disagreed on how to solve our problems. Now one party makes it seem you cannot be a traditional American anymore. They want to guilt trip everyone, bring needless bickering and disruption and make that the most important thing. I got sick of it.

24776509? ago

“There was a time when both parties were mostly patriots and just disagreed on how to solve our problems.”

^this is how we reunite with “progressives” - like the Jimmy Dores, who are totally against DS corruption but still not awake. Doubt the Democratic Party will survive in any form.

24776876? ago

I have said before: Back in the 80s the dems bragged that they were the big tent party with not only different races but different points of view. I think the Republicans are now the big tent party because the dems have become more narrow minded, intolerant, and self righteous than any Christian fundamentalist republican. They make Falwell's old "moral majority" activist group look like boyscouts. Liberals spoke out against the book and record burners of the 1960s. Now those that call themselves liberals are the digital book burners.

24776229? ago

I've been on to the Bush's since they attempted to assassinate Reagan. When Obama closed the book on 9/11 and doubled down troops in Afghanistan, I knew we had been had.

What I did not anticipate was the thread that tied them all together:

Ritual Child Sacrifice


24775983? ago

We are waking up to the now unrefutable fact that the Democrat Party is the PARTY OF DESTRUCTION.

24776244? ago

Inaction and being the lapdogs of the FORTUNE 500 has implicated Republicans.