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24778570? ago

How’d he get that list?

24779470? ago

And why would we tell people we have it if we are saving it for some kind of surprise? Oh, I’m sure I’ll be the same old “we want them to panic” excuse. For the lists, materials, indictments, arrests, all the stuff that never actually happens. People have bothered to put together lists, of hundreds of things that were promised, that never happened. No one has ever been able to rebut these lists. They just move the goalpost, or don’t answer at all, or tell us to be patient. You know, exactly the fucking thing a liar would say.

24783886? ago

I think Q is the other side of the coin. That’s why the goalposts move and why ‘it’s allowed to happen’ so people can ‘see it for themselves’. This is good cop bad cop mode. The elements being taken out now are part of the ‘show’. It’s all a show to get the sheep into Gadreel’s new world order.

24778749? ago

Just speculating, but he was Director of Defence Intelligence Agency, which means he led intel for the US military. If we can agree that the US military is concerned about all enemies, foreign and domestic AND that pedophelia is how local leaders were being controlled by foreign governments or entities, then I imagine they'd have spent some time spying on such activities. Add to that what Q has implied, that the military is the last uncorrupted (the odd general exempted) organ of state with teeth, and you get an informed Gen Flynn. My guess is that he was supposed to submit to the DS but didn't - hence he was sacked by Obama.

Just speculation on my part.