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24775724? ago

SO WHAT?????

If we are all forced to wear masks, be injected with vaccines, once to have swabs pushed through our nose, too when and where we can be, forced to stay off beaches and out of the sun, kept out of our churches, forced to pay full salaries and even bonuses to government and public school employees, can not enter hospitals, can not bury our dead????

And you think going after pedophiles right will save Trump????

24776586? ago

You make good points. But, if the top players are pedophiles. And it does indeed appear the world is run by pedophiles, then yes, going after pedophiles will save us. For one thing, even my idiot Obama, Hillary and Bidrn supporting siblings will stumble over pedophiles in.their ranks. Though they'll fight very hard to not believe it and say it's a conservative trick.

24779401? ago

There’s a fairly large percentage of our population that already believes that these goddamn Democrats are fucking pedophiles. Do you know what’s going to happen when we release the list? First of all, it won’t be released because it doesn’t exist, but even if it does? The same people that already think these motherfuckers are pedophiles will still think it. The same motherfuckers that don’t think Democrats are pedophiles? They will think the list is fake.

How about, oh I don’t know, we end goddamn lockdowns, we expose the fucking coronavirus hoax lies, we imprison the fucking Bolsheviks that are burning down our cities, how about we do actual practical real things in the real world, how about Trump wins back his own base, which even conservative polls show he is losing, that Republican fundraisers are admitting is happening, how about he does something for his own fucking base instead of constantly reaching out to niggers and spics, how about we actually do something? How about that?

How about Lon order, how about we stop spending like a goddamn coon on the first Tuesday of the month, how about we arrest traitors and spies, how about voter ID. Or, how about we put failsafes in place to prevent our election from being stolen? There are news reports almost daily about ballots being taken, or altered, or found, or disappeared, they are already stealing the fucking election and Trump is just watching it happen. How about we actually do something that’s real?